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FN Comercial Mauser 458 Lott
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What modification would have to be done to a FN Comerial Mauser to chamber to the Lott
Dr B
Posts: 947 | Registered: 24 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Well, sitting here looking at my FN commercial regular action and comparing it to my Mark X magnum action, it would appear that you would have to do at least the following.

1. Open up the bolt face to magnum dimension.

2. Open up the extractor to magnum dimension.

3. lengthen the magazine box for the longer round, and perhaps you might even have to change the magazine box to a wider one, which would mean you would also have to change the follower as well.

4. You would probably have to do a little filing of the rails to open them up just a hair for the fatter cartridge to feed properly. You have to be careful that you don't go to far or the cartridges will pop up when you don't want them to.

That would be about the minimum.
Posts: 7090 | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of ramrod340
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I have an FN that feeds the 358Norma just fine. You get three down. Along with what 22WRF said the normal is to thin the rear of the bax and extend the front. Then you will need to remove a lot of metal on the feed ramp. The OAL of the Lott is 3.6 like the H&H. The M98 FN the Mark X, Daly etc have been altered this way for years.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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Originally posted by ramrod340:
I have an FN that feeds the 358Norma just fine. You get three down. Along with what 22WRF said the normal is to thin the rear of the bax and extend the front. Then you will need to remove a lot of metal on the feed ramp. The OAL of the Lott is 3.6 like the H&H. The M98 FN the Mark X, Daly etc have been altered this way for years.

Her we go again.
A std length mauser action is hazardus to rebuild to 375hh length cartridges, unless you cut it and put in a part in the middle of the magazine.
The idea of extending the magazine forward, and remove material from the feedingramp, takes away alot of support for the lower lug.
Weakening the feedramp combined with opening the boltface to magnum diameter and using magnumpresure, reduces the safetymargin on this action to less than 1/3 of the normal.
It is possible that many other people with not enough knowledge of firearms strength has don this before, an luckily gotten away with it. But it doesnt make it safe.

Why not just go for an action born with enough length. Or if you wants to use this briliant FN Mauser, just make it in 458win mag, It delivers more than enough energy in both directions to put an elefant down, and support your ego, if it is not for big game hunting
Posts: 571 | Registered: 16 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of ramrod340
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A std length mauser action is hazardus to rebuild to 375hh length cartridges, unless you cut it and put in a part in the middle of the magazine.
The idea of extending the magazine forward, and remove material from the feedingramp, takes away alot of support for the lower lug.
Weakening the feedramp combined with opening the boltface to magnum diameter and using magnumpresure, reduces the safetymargin on this action to less than 1/3 of the normal

Hey it isn't my idea. Wink Everyone of the MKXs, Whitworths & Daly 375H&H are opened in the front. Many of the Older FNs are opened in the front as well. Done at the factory or by the manufacturer. Does it remove a lot of metal behind the lower lug. You bet. Does it remove a lot of the safety margin. You bet. However I have never heard of a problem doing it that way. If you have I would love to see or hear about it.
I have a Whitworth 375 never had an issue and I'm not worried but I also load it to around 57,000 or lower. Would I load a full pressure load in a Lott done this way probably not. But then again I wear belt and suspenders.

If I really wanted a Lott I would just grab a M70, 700 or CZ. A nice light 458Lott would be a 458W ruger with the long Mag box, ejector and boltstop installed.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
Posts: 12881 | Location: Mexico, MO | Registered: 02 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ramrod340:
A std length mauser action is hazardus to rebuild to 375hh length cartridges, unless you cut it and put in a part in the middle of the magazine.
The idea of extending the magazine forward, and remove material from the feedingramp, takes away alot of support for the lower lug.
Weakening the feedramp combined with opening the boltface to magnum diameter and using magnumpresure, reduces the safetymargin on this action to less than 1/3 of the normal

Hey it isn't my idea. Wink Everyone of the MKXs, Whitworths & Daly 375H&H are opened in the front. Many of the Older FNs are opened in the front as well. Done at the factory or by the manufacturer. Does it remove a lot of metal behind the lower lug. You bet. Does it remove a lot of the safety margin. You bet. However I have never heard of a problem doing it that way. If you have I would love to see or hear about it.
I have a Whitworth 375 never had an issue and I'm not worried but I also load it to around 57,000 or lower. Would I load a full pressure load in a Lott done this way probably not. But then again I wear belt and suspenders.

If I really wanted a Lott I would just grab a M70, 700 or CZ. A nice light 458Lott would be a 458W ruger with the long Mag box, ejector and boltstop installed.

It is a known detail that som Holland & Holland rifles in caliber 375, has lost one of the upper lugs, and has ben usles after.
I think the reasons that you never hear about problems, is that the m98 is a forgiving action when destroyed. Next the overall numbers rebuild like that is werry limmited, and most of them is only fiered a few times.
So as long as you dont use them or dont load to max or use to hot ammo, it would likely not fail
Posts: 571 | Registered: 16 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of fla3006
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jørgen: It is a known detail that som Holland & Holland rifles in caliber 375, has lost one of the upper lugs, and has ben usles after.

Perhaps H&H used milsurp Mausers of questionable metallurgy? Pre-war DWMs? I've never heard of a Mark X 375 giving way, and there are alot of them around that get alot of use.

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Originally posted by fla3006:
jørgen: It is a known detail that som Holland & Holland rifles in caliber 375, has lost one of the upper lugs, and has ben usles after.

Perhaps H&H used milsurp Mausers of questionable metallurgy? Pre-war DWMs? I've never heard of a Mark X 375 giving way, and there are alot of them around that get alot of use.

Nope, it was FN mausers civil versions.
I have tested both Zastavas(markV) and Santa Barbara actions, and none of them impressed as mutch as the FN mausers.

I can guaranty you that i can blow the shit out of all 3 versions, with an heavy loaded 6,5x55, witch hardly vould damage an Remmington. This in an unweakened action in a standard caliber.

With that knowledge i just do not se the sence in recomandating the use of an unnececary weakened action, even if it is capable to withstand normal thrust. Because we all knows that sometime shits happens,
Posts: 571 | Registered: 16 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dr B:
What modification would have to be done to a FN Comerial Mauser to chamber to the Lott
Dr B

No modifications to convert a Mauser to the Lott should be undertaken unless undertaken by a big bore Mauser expert, otherwise you are likely to end up with an expensive piece of junk that will not feed. Frowner
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Picture of ElCaballero
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How do you stand to ride in a car? I hear about fatal and near fatal car crashes everyday. I have yet to hear of a Mauser modified in this way by a qualified person to give away.

I would love to hear about it though. Do you have some stories?

As a general rule, people are nuts!
Posts: 2094 | Location: Missouri, USA | Registered: 02 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ElCaballero:
How do you stand to ride in a car? I hear about fatal and near fatal car crashes everyday. I have yet to hear of a Mauser modified in this way by a qualified person to give away.

I would love to hear about it though. Do you have some stories?

As i wrote earlier the m98 is a wery forgiving action to blow up, so it dont make any headlines, and the most who has blown up m98, ar awar that they made a mistake, and therfor dont bragg about it.
Reducing safety margins to 1/3 of original design, is in my opinion both rather stupid, and also not nececary.

I drive cars alot, but i dont wand to driwe 100mph in an defect car, with mailfunctoining brakes, and no seatbelt or airbag. Maybe i do it one day when i am in a suicidal mood, or after drinking my brain out(of what is left of it) Wink
Posts: 571 | Registered: 16 June 2005Reply With Quote
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The parker hale, zavasta, mark X, interarms, whitworth, charles daly, and now the remington all cut the front of the action. I personaly don't think it's a grand idea, to take it ALL from the front, but it's been done several thousand times, from companies



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