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Moderators: T.Carr
Worst Forum Ever
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Not this one, another one! I was just invited to a forum called Downsouth hunting. I went there, registered, and looked around. Trying to be helpful, I posted an idea to the moderator(I wont go into details because I'll let you decide for yourself). In any event, I thought I'd let ya'll know about it and, if I'm wrong, I'll retract it. The link is:

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
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Picture of Mark
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Well you have to log in to read them, and my hunch is that it's not going to be worth the energy.

So I guess you're just stuck here Smiler

for every hour in front of the computer you should have 3 hours outside
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you are correct and i like your signiture quote by the way.
The jest of my statement was that I told the moderator that, for some people, in some instances, a confederate flag is a point of contention and he might consider taking it off of his sight if he wanted to be taken seriously. I was then called "queer" and had severa F-bombs dropped on me. I work in law enforcement so this isnt the first time that has happened, haha. It was the firs time for a site moderator to do it though.

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
Posts: 729 | Location: Central TX | Registered: 22 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of TJ
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You join a new site and immediately tell the site owner that a flag offends you? It should be removed? That takes a lot of guts. Not much smarts, but lots of guts.
Thank God, there are still a few people in the USA who ignore the Politically Correct crap which is so popular. You need to do some research on the flag in question before you start asking a site owner to remove it.
Posts: 948 | Location: Kenai, Ak. USA | Registered: 05 November 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of OldFart
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I lived for two years in North Carolina, and the pride for the Confederate flag runs deep. This was before the Liberals turned it into a sign of racism.
I'm not surprised at all that they took it so personal.
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TJ, I didnt ask them to remove it.
I suggested, from a business point of view only, not based on my politics or beliefs, that they take it down. It doesnt offend me. It offends some people who dont know history. I'm a conservative republican TX, and the antithesis of political correctness. But business is business and most big outdoor companies and organizations wont step on that particular land mine.

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
Posts: 729 | Location: Central TX | Registered: 22 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Well, since we're speaking of business, several of us responded to your ad for a deer lease in W Texas and, as far as I can tell, none of us got a response from you. Maybe you should pay more attention to your own business before your mind others.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
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Best responce I have ever seen on the Web, Except for niked women of course
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Actually, I received several private responses and have leased that ranch. Thank you gato.
I dropped this issue long ago since very few actually understood what I was saying in the first place.

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
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Gatogordo clap

There is nothing as permanent as a good temporary repair.
Posts: 265 | Location: south texas | Registered: 30 November 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm not even going to go into this one..

"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
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Originally posted by Ryan Campbell:
It doesnt offend me. It offends some people who dont know history. I'm a conservative republican TX, and the antithesis of political correctness.

"Yes, yes, yes, the confederate flag is just a symbol of state's rights...and a swastika is just a Tibetan good-luck charm" - Robin Williams

What some people believe "thier" symbol to represent is irrelevant, the general concensus is that a confederate flag is a symbol of outdated and distasteful world views that still persist in the South. Look, if I see a grateful dead sticker on a Saab, I can, with maybe an 80% degree of certainty, tell you that the driver smokes pot. I see a confederate flag on the back of a lifted pickup, I can pretty much tell you with the same degree of certainty that, after a few drinks, the idiot behind the wheel will be bitching about "niggers and kikes" ruining HIS country. This is why I really enjoy putting Grateful Dead AND "Charlton Heston is my President" stickers on my hunting trucks! roflmao


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80%? Being a tad conservative, aren't we?


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
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we in this Country are very lucky. BUT sometimes there are too many bleeding harts.
You know there is no such thing as REVERSE DESCRIMINAYION.??????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA
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I didn't notice the flag.
The bulbs just didn't seem to be burning as bright as they do on other forums.

"Policies making areas "gun free" provide a sense of safety to those who engage in magical thinking..." Glenn Harlan Reynolds
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Originally posted by Kamo Gari:
80%? Being a tad conservative, aren't we?

You're right...probably 90%+ on the drivers being potheads and racist pricks respectively. Wink


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I hate to run counter to that great inellectual, Robin Williams, but a swastika really is an ancient Buddhist symbol. (Actually much more universal. It was also used by Northern Europeans and Native Americans. It is to my understanding a representation of the sun.) It's been in use for centuries. Even now if you travel to the far east, the presence of a temple is indicated on a map by a swastika. It carries none of the baggage some westerners may wish to assign to it. Just because the swastika was highjacked by a socialist movement in Germany for a decade and a half is no reason for the rest of the world to abandon it.

To paraphrase Sigmund Freud, a gun really is just a gun and an umbrella really is just an umbrella. The fact that some people don't see it that way is why therapists are so busy.
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I realize my spelling errors may detract somewhat from my post.
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You're right...probably 90%+ on the drivers being potheads and racist pricks respectively. Wink

There, now you're *much* warmer! Wink


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
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Reminds me of when I was a company commander in the Army. Did a room inspection, which I almost never did, not wanting to screw with guys in the only place they can get away and not be hassled.

But in one room there is a white guy rooming with a black guy. And he has a huge confederate flag on the wall. I told my 1SG to tell the PSG to get it off the wall.

It pains me say this, but I agree to a small extent with JTG. Confederate flags are offensive to a lot of people, just as seeing African Americans calling themselves "niggers." You want to display it? Go ahead. Just don't wonder why the rest of the world wonders where your mullet is.

I wish hunting and shooting were a bit more inclusive. It would be in our best interests. Guns and hunting first, all else second. Look at the NRA - they support the Pink Pistols. And no, I am not gay. Just Lifetime NRA.

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

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The south lost , they need to get over it.
Posts: 116 | Location: NEW JERSEY | Registered: 12 January 2005Reply With Quote
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We are over it, Joey. We're just pissed we have to be in the same country with New Jersey. And so is the rest of the North.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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I just swallowed my cigar, I believe.

I'm Yankee through and through, but *that* kind of wit knows no bounds. Git some, Reb! clap
Joey, when I'm done choking back more tears, I'll bring my first aid kit down from here in Boston to help. On second thought, screw that; Jersey's wack! JK Joey. Wink

Now where's that damned cheroot?


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
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In a couple of weeks I will have the good fortune to spend a few days in SW Va black powder hunting for deer. It will be a great time with some good ole boys. Yea you see Confederate flags on the pickups and guns hanging in the rear window. I feel a lot more confortable there than I do when I drive thru New England, Jersey and the left coast. Oh yea the alma mater of the Univ. Of Pittsburgh and a hymn in the Lutheran hymnial are to the same tune as the national athemn of the third reich- should we remove the hymn and change the alma mater? I also have a jacket that has a conf flag on it - hang me or ban me from the board!
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TigerTate, as a diehard, redneck, rebel prick I applaud you sir!

That was and is priceless.
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Back when this guy trolled his little mealy-mouthed whine thru every hunting/shooting room in cyberspace, he pretty much got told that if he didn't like the room, don't go there. I'm glad to see he finally dredged up a couple of sympathetic souls.

AZ writer, in your little "see how liberal I am" story, what would you have done if there was a blood red flag on the wall with a black clenched fist on it?? What about if the rebel flag had of belonged to the black kid?? What would you have done if the southern kids roomie was a white guy??

Remember its all about freedom. Not just your distorted views. I have noticed that, like "Uncle Tom's Cabin" the less a person really knows about the south, the more emphatic his views.
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To call someone on their taste on their own site is a bit out-of-bounds. Doesn't mean you have to like it, just bite your tongue. Kinda like having a neighbor who has a velour Elvis painting in his living room: I would certainly not want to look at it but I wouldn't have the cheek to criticize it in front of him.
Posts: 733 | Location: N. Illinois | Registered: 21 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by iwzbeeman:

AZ writer, in your little "see how liberal I am" story, what would you have done if there was a blood red flag on the wall with a black clenched fist on it?? What about if the rebel flag had of belonged to the black kid?? What would you have done if the southern kids roomie was a white guy??


Black clenched fist flag: it goes.

Two white guys? Probably would have told them to take it down as well. Look, that flag is offensive to a lot of African Americans, some of whom were squad leaders and PSGs in my unit.

If you want to hang one in your house, go for it.

And how is my story "liberal?" Do you think Republicans are pro-Confederate flag? That is a laugh.

That flag may represent the "southern way of life," but that way of life included slavery and that was dead wrong.

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

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Geez, I clicked on this thinking it was about Carmello's Wink
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Tiggertate, Texas is NOT over it. Otherwise they wouldn't still want to be "North Mexico".
Posts: 135 | Location: New Jersey, USA | Registered: 02 November 2005Reply With Quote
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That flag may represent the "southern way of life," but that way of life included slavery and that was dead wrong.

None of the Alabama part of the family that went up little round top July 2, 1863 owned slaves they just hated have simply fallen for Jessy Jackson Bull...but then he has made a fortune off that kind of tomfoolery..
Posts: 1125 | Location: near atlanta,ga,usa | Registered: 26 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Do you think Republicans are pro-Confederate flag?

Your question AAW and you seem a little more confused than normal; No, not at all. They (Repubs) were the party of Lincoln. The "Union" and all of that, still are.

Now, maybe the Democrats are Pro-Confederate Flag, e.g., ex-Klansman, Rob't "Sheets" Byrd.

Hope this helps. A little, anyhow. What you know about "The Southern Way of Life" would fill a thimble. Wink

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To quote a lyric from the band Molly Hatchet

I've been to Alabama people, ain't a whole lot to see.
Skynyrd says it's a real sweet home, but it ain't nothin to me.
Charlie Daniels will tell you the good Lord lives in Tennesse...HA
But I'm going back to the Gator Country where the wine and the women are free...

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!
Posts: 35 | Registered: 26 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Well, my opinion is slightly different from Molly et al. I lived in Alabama 10 years, then was forced to Florida by job transfer. Alabama offered me unlimited woods with ready access and total quiet, beautiful wooded hills and rivers, NO congestion, great fresh-water fishing, an awesome whitetail population with enormous bucks, and a decent climate. Florida offers me really poor access to huntable land, intense hunting pressure, much higher land taxes, unimaginative overdevelopment, dense population, steam-bath summers and pimpled topography at best. Ok, the folks here in N. Florida are genuinely fine, but I really miss the wooded Alabama hills. I grew up in Canada, and I guess was spoiled by the endlessly available outdoors and hunting/fishing there. Still, that was a long time ago, and life in Canada isn't what it used to be.
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edited to say that, I find it somewhat informative, but I am not a fan of the mass mailings the send out at least once a week, at least it seems that way to me, the damn blackberry goes off enough as it is!
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DSH ''''yes a excellent forum, they had every right booting your ass.
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Which is why I still receive e mail from them and keep being asked to join their give a way contests....yes yes, an excellent forum.

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
Posts: 729 | Location: Central TX | Registered: 22 April 2005Reply With Quote
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I spent a couple of hours reading the posts on "Down South Hunting" It seems to be a collection of rednecks who know very little about anything, much less hunting. I cna get more info in 5 minutes on AR than youll ever find on DSH. But if they enjoy it more power to them.

One shot , one kill
Posts: 197 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 13 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Snyper:
I spent a couple of hours reading the posts on "Down South Hunting" It seems to be a collection of rednecks who know very little about anything, much less hunting. I cna get more info in 5 minutes on AR than youll ever find on DSH. But if they enjoy it more power to them.
you can't even spell [can]

And Ryan is some texas nut,,what a fake.
Posts: 10 | Registered: 14 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Luke Blathewick:

Tiggertate, Texas is NOT over it. Otherwise they wouldn't still want to be "North Mexico".

I thought that Texas is properly known as "Baja Oklahoma."

"How's that whole 'hopey-changey' thing working out for ya?"
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