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South Texas Exotic Hunt
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Picture of fla3006
Four "bubbas" who met through A.R. got together for an informal exotic hunt on the Glick Ranch near Encino, TX in Brooks County last weekend (Tiggertate, ForrestB, fla3006 & Gringo Cazador). The ranch offers comfortable accommodations, reasonable prices and good-excellent quality exotic & whitetail trophies. We saw lots of axis, eland, waterbuck, blackbuck, sika, gemsbok, fallow, wildebeast, scimitar oryx, aoudad, corsican, Iranian rams, zebra, whitetail bucks and hogs (I forgot some, maybe Tiggertate can add).

We had a super time, ate & drank extremely well, and are indebted to Bob & Gary Glick for their hospitality and to Tiggertate for setting this up.

ForrestB and a fine aoudad, taken with one of his Duane Wiebe masterpieces, a 300WM I believe:

My blackbuck, not the biggest we saw but one with a fair amount of "character" in the horns, taken with my G33/40 6mmRem:

A couple hogs we shot at dark:

Scimitar oryx:


If anyone has an interest in the Glick Ranch, please get in touch with Tiggertate.

NRA Life Member, Band of Bubbas Charter Member, PGCA, DRSS.
Shoot & hunt with vintage classics.
Posts: 9487 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 11 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Thanks for the report and pictures. It looks like you had a great time. It's good to see high-quality rifles getting some time in the field.
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Hog Killer
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Forrest A & B, looks like y'all had a great hunt, and with nice trophies. Hope to make it down there next time.

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Picture of fla3006
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Keith, I thought of you when I saw this outside the trailer:

NRA Life Member, Band of Bubbas Charter Member, PGCA, DRSS.
Shoot & hunt with vintage classics.
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Picture of jeffeosso
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Wish I could have made it!! Looks like I missed a ball

might not have caught a tough of food poisoning if i had


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Picture of Wendell Reich
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Forrest, That is one fine Aoudad. That is my favorite of all of the "common" exotics, if you dare call an Aoudad "Common"

Beautiful Blackbuck as well.
Posts: 6295 | Location: Dallas, TX | Registered: 13 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of invader66
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Looks like I missed a good one, NICE critters.

Semper Fi
STC Hunting Club
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Picture of Bob in TX
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Congrats, y'all! It sounds like it was a fun hunt!!


There is room for all of God's creatures....right next to the mashed potatoes.
Posts: 3065 | Location: Hondo, Texas USA | Registered: 28 August 2001Reply With Quote
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Congrats on the hunt.. that is a great aoudad you got there. They are a riot to hunt..
Posts: 2164 | Registered: 13 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Beautiful animals....except the hogs, they're just, well....hogs.

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
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Picture of browningguy
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Sorry I missed this one guys, but I got brownie points for actually remmebering our 30th Ann. and taking the significant other to Rainbow Lodge. And man I love the sauces they put on the Sika steaks.

Looks like you put a good shot on the Aoudad Forrest.

Houston, TX
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Picture of Mike_Dettorre
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Fine...Just cause I ain't a real Bubba and don't live in Texas...I don't get invited....

Harry tate...i thought as Consultants we needed to stick together


Legistine actu quod scripsi?

Never under estimate the internet community's ability to reply to your post with their personal rant about their tangentially related, single occurrence issue.

What I have learned on AR, since 2001:
1. The proper answer to: Where is the best place in town to get a steak dinner? is…You should go to Mel's Diner and get the fried chicken.
2. Big game animals can tell the difference between .015 of an inch in diameter, 15 grains of bullet weight, and 150 fps.
3. There is a difference in the performance of two identical projectiles launched at the same velocity if they came from different cartridges.
4. While a double rifle is the perfect DGR, every 375HH bolt gun needs to be modified to carry at least 5 down.
5. While a floor plate and detachable box magazine both use a mechanical latch, only the floor plate latch is reliable. Disregard the fact that every modern military rifle uses a detachable box magazine.
6. The Remington 700 is unreliable regardless of the fact it is the basis of the USMC M40 sniper rifle for 40+ years with no changes to the receiver or extractor and is the choice of more military and law enforcement sniper units than any other rifle.
7. PF actions are not suitable for a DGR and it is irrelevant that the M1, M14, M16, & AK47 which were designed for hunting men that can shoot back are all PF actions.
8. 95 deg F in Africa is different than 95 deg F in TX or CA and that is why you must worry about ammunition temperature in Africa (even though most safaris take place in winter) but not in TX or in CA.
9. The size of a ding in a gun's finish doesn't matter, what matters is whether it’s a safe ding or not.
10. 1 in a row is a trend, 2 in a row is statistically significant, and 3 in a row is an irrefutable fact.
11. Never buy a WSM or RCM cartridge for a safari rifle or your go to rifle in the USA because if they lose your ammo you can't find replacement ammo but don't worry 280 Rem, 338-06, 35 Whelen, and all Weatherby cartridges abound in Africa and back country stores.
12. A well hit animal can run 75 yds. in the open and suddenly drop with no initial blood trail, but the one I shot from 200 yds. away that ran 10 yds. and disappeared into a thicket and was not found was lost because the bullet penciled thru. I am 100% certain of this even though I have no physical evidence.
13. A 300 Win Mag is a 500 yard elk cartridge but a 308 Win is not a 300 yard elk cartridge even though the same bullet is travelling at the same velocity at those respective distances.
Posts: 10196 | Location: Loving retirement in Boise, ID | Registered: 16 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of ForrestB
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I had a lot of fun, but wished we had an extra day. It would also been nice if Billy (Gringo) would have stayed longer than 45 minutes. Tiggertate and his friends were terrific hosts.

I don't recall ever seeing more (wild) turkeys in one place. There were several flocks of 40 - 100 birds. It got my blood pumping for spring turkey season.

It would be fun to go back and have the ranch owners arrange a pigeon shoot for us, in conjunction with whatever exotic hunting people want to do.

Thanks Harry and ForrestA!

"Truth is the daughter of time."
Francis Bacon
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Picture of Teat Hound
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Good pictures, thanks for sharing!


" . . . a gun is better worn and with bloom off---So is a saddle---People too by God." -EH
Posts: 952 | Location: Bakersfield, California | Registered: 03 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of acsteele
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How much would it cost to hunt a "cull" type animal, meaning not a huge trophy type?

Lt. Robert J. Dole, 10th Mountain, Italy.
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Picture of tiggertate
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'Scuse my absense guys. Thanks for the compliments from me and especially from the ranch. I am glad that a good time was had by all. We should probably mention Braulio's excellent skinning and caping, too.

Mike, this was a test run to make sure the hunt would meet your exacting standards before we risked all, LOL.

To all who have PM'd me, I have been able to receive but not send the last week and I'll catch up tonight.

As to prices, a price list isn't totally usefull because some of the species may be out of rotation to build up quality animals or culls may be taken by the time the sheet reaches you.

This is a small operation designed to serve repeat business from the Rio Grande Valley but they are happy to have other hunters. Bob runs a large sporting goods store in addition to performing almost all the guiding so you get cared for by the one man who knows the animals better than any. The only ither guides are his brothers when needed. I tag along for comic relief but pale next to the great Gringo Cazador.

As far as culls, right now Bob is mad at female Aoudad, female Wildebeast and female Scimitar Horned Oryx. Some of the Oryx are well over 40". I think the Wildebeast and Oryx are $1500 ea. PM me and I'll give you some more information.

Doe hunts come up later in the year. Fallow in particular but there maybe others. Problem with culling does right now is you will probably experience a fawn getting up and stumbling away in the middle of field dressing a doe. Not good.

Spring turkey season comes up soon and completely consumes the all ranch's time so I think bargain cull hunting (other than the three I mentioned) would only start up in May after the end of spring turkey season.

Last but not least, there's a good ole fashiond TexMex restaurant 30 seconds from the front gate for those evenings when cooking is too much a pain in the butt.

Hope this helps the curious.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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Forrest, the P shoot could be arranged. We might have to book some rooms in the local hotel to accomodate the number of shooters we would have but that can be done.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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thanks for setting this up, I had a blast, great guys to be around. Great place and only 1 1/2 from my house.

Forrest B's rifle was to die for, I brought a couple of rifles I built to show off..........I threw them in the trash on the way out after looking at his.

Forrest B/Forest A., did you guys get the check for 2500 I left with the cowboy that works on the ranch for your torphy fees. Smiler


High in the shoulder

(we band of bubbas)
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