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505, Nothing personal-I just get tired of people assuming that because there is a fence around a property that it is a pen. I have hunted and operated ranches that had 10,000 acres in a pasture and in 500 acre pastures that were so thick in brush that you couldnt stick a knife in it. Both are true free range hunts. Hell- Africa is surrounded by water so they cant get away- no offence to those that put store by such but "Free Range" is a matter of degree. As long as it isnt a small enclousure then I reckon it is hunting. regards SSR | |||
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I am not here to argue the positives or negatives of high fence hunts, to each there own. I was actually entertaining myself by poking Idaho Shit Shooter in the ribs, It's always worth a laugh to jerk someones chain who has such a high opinion of themselves. ![]() | |||
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505 Gibbs, I envy you. Life must be much easier to wander thru if you do not have a high opinion of yourself. However your demonstrated ignorance is showing (again). Here is another chance to educate you by sharing knowledge. Try not to take it personally, ignorance is just a situation where you do not know about something. Stupid, on the other hand, is where you expose that lack of knowledge by opening your mouth anyway. It happens I guess. Take me for instance, I am totally ignorant as to how a centrifuge operates. By legal definition a fence is any enclosing structure of rails, pickets, wires, or the like. Fenced areas can range as high as several thousands of acres or many square miles, allowing animals to escape detection. A pen, on the other hand is a small enclosure, constructed primarily with the purpose of holding animals closely. We run cattle on a grazing allotment all summer. In the fall, we bring them down and enclose them in a fenced area a couple miles wide by about a mile long. When we run a few in to go to the market, we move them into a pen about 200' square. Then, it only takes five minutes for a rider to move them into the chute and onto a bull hauler to go to the auction. Rich by the way, that thing you offered me with your wife in Reno; I am not sure that would work out. | |||
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Before this post I thought you were just pathetic, now I know you are a piece of shit. For you to state that I offered you an opportunity with my wife while implying something lewd is low. Since you have brought our PM's onto the public forum, allow me to inform everyone else what you are talking about. Rich suggested in a PM that I should ask my wife how he performs in the bedroom, I replied that if we (my wife and I) ran into him in Reno, he should ask her that question himself because I would enjoy watching her break his hip. For the few that know my wife on this forum, know that is not a joke. Rich, you make yourself out to be a gentleman on this forum, but now you have shown your true colors, white trash. | |||
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you aren't even very good at lying kid. Why not show me up by posting the entire PM here for folks to see. You brought family into that conversation. I guess you don't think it's that funny to get it thrown back in your face. It is hard to run with the big dogs when you pee like a puppy. I SAID, POST THE ENTIRE PM FOR THE READERSHIP TO DRAW THEIR OWN CONCLUSIONS!!!!! regards, Rich one other thing, from looking in the mirror all these years; I would have thought you knew what poor white trash looked like. Apparently not... | |||
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Can some computer whiz here tell me how to post a PM? thanks, Rich | |||
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are you denying this? | |||
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hell, Brad, at least he is not threatening to kill you like he did me and a few others on here- then denied he did that too. of course he is a trained killer and i haven't had a good night sleep since he threatened to squash me like a bug. Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend… To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP | |||
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Hmmm... "Bearwy Interwestink!" ![]() | |||
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Post the entire PM you lying little sack of shit. You skipped the part that got you bitch slapped there and here. You did threaten to have your wife "break my hip" at Reno. Of course I'd pass on that opportunity. You, on the other hand, I'd be interested in seeing that. What you are, in fact, is a whiner who would need his wife to keep him from getting slapped around. Dollar, silly girl. If I had you wouldn't be talking. Could you please find that post and show the link here? Two or three people have said that, and keep throwing it up. But nobody ever wants to show the entire thread, or even post it's whereabouts here. An actual threat never existed on here or anywhere else. If it had you would have tried to do something about it. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE GIRLS CLUB: find the actual post and show a link. It's a lie, and you are all liars. Can I challenge you any plainer? Cowards to boot, or you would post here that you are all coming to see me in Reno. Show me up, or stop whining... regards, Rich | |||
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Tisk tisk, Another fantastic thread topic about the joy of shooting farm-raised animals in confined areas gone to hell in a hand-basket ![]()
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Pathetic, sniveling little loser... Can't find the post can you? Could that be because it does not, in fact, exist? Never did, doesn't now. So, that does make you a liar, and not a very good one at that. Hiding behind your wife's skirts instead of promising me an ass-whuppin' if you ever meet me face to face makes you a sissy AND a coward. We need another semantics class here, and soon. There is a major difference between, could and would, and promising versus threatening. There is a nifty little saying, that dates back over two thousand years. I will paraphrase it for you. We are the sum total of our experiences and education. For you that works out to: 1. you have a meager education and limited learning skills. You show it when you try and use words with more than two syllables and cannot, in fact, spell past a sixth grade level. 2. it appears, that you have little or no personal experience in shooting, or hunting, or traveling outside your own zip code. It would also appear that you have no military background, or other maturation processes to fall back on. Walk away little man, your dignity is in tatters, and your credibility is non-existent. NEVER TALK THE TALK IF YOU CAN'T WALK THE WALK... regards, Rich ![]() ![]() | |||
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![]() X2. TRULY A LEGEND IN HIS OWN MIND( AND A LYING ONE TO BOOT). Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend… To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP | |||
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still can't find the post can you? How's about you jdollar. You can't find it either. Two morons... | |||
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and this response coming from Mr. Credibility- "I killed 35 out of 37 350 class bull elk on public land in Idaho while meat hunting" ![]() ![]() Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend… To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP | |||
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![]() but true. | |||
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That was a "quote" from a PM. Have you ever seen it? | |||
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No, but I have seen your post which suggests if not confirms that it did happen, see below...
Which was followed shortly by a sounding of the forums BS meter. ![]() | |||
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no it wasn't a quote from a PM. it was a post you made then stood behind that generated about 3 pages of "discussion" on here. pegged about a dozen people's bullshit meter. IIRC, the original post concerned Mark Sullivan before it drifted far afield. Aaron Nelson even posted a number of photos of some great elk he had shot but freely admitted he had never seen that many 350 class elk in his life. numerous other guides/hunters said the same thing. so you are now saying you never even made such a ridiculous statement? it was just my imagination? please Rich, get back on your meds. Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend… To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP | |||
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As a disinterested bystander of this (meaning, I don't know any of you) and it is in a public forum I would like to make a comment on it. By way of background, I am a retired US Navy special warfare intel guy and have been teaching critical thinking and analysis to US, NATO, and partner nations for at least 15 years. The one major critical error in this entire debate was when Rich made the throwaway comment from a PM about the wife. PM's, on any forum, are just that, private. I belong to several other forums on different subjects and commenting or publishing from a PM would (and should here as well) get you banned for a period. To continue to ask for a PM to be published is to compound the misjudgement. Poor form, old boy. You have not insulted 505, you have insulted his wife. He should, by all accounts, just let his wife read this thread. If she met you at Reno and kicked you right square in the crotch, you would certainly deserve it, regardless of what you think 505, et. al., have said or done to annoy you. If you had said the same to me and my wife read it, oh boy. My six foot Maine lumberjack girl would have your guts for garters if she ever ran into you. She is now a Dr. but they would look lovely decorating her office. Further, just on a matter of debate, 505 and jdollar have shown a firm grasp on the art of debate without resorting to general name calling and profanity. I'm not saying that they are necessarily correct, only that they say it better. I think Rich needs to come to some of my classes to learn the art of critical thinking and debate. At this point the score would be: Forty/love - 505/jdollar. H. Cole Stage III, FRGS ISC(PJ), USN (Ret) "You do not have a right to an opinion. An opinion should be the result of careful thought, not an excuse for it." Harlan Ellison " War is God's way to teach Americans geography." Ambrose Bierce | |||
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You give classes on debating? You would make a fortune on this site! (Okay, only joking but to think that I opened this thread because I thought it would be all about an oryx hunt.) | |||
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Well, it was a thread about oryx (fenced, penned, fair game or otherwise) until it went a bit, well, astray. ![]() H. Cole Stage III, FRGS ISC(PJ), USN (Ret) "You do not have a right to an opinion. An opinion should be the result of careful thought, not an excuse for it." Harlan Ellison " War is God's way to teach Americans geography." Ambrose Bierce | |||
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Glad you left the "hunt" out of it. ![]() ![]() | |||
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Seventeen dollars a pound this year's bull. Shot him from the barn loft while he was trying to steal hay from the stack. My PM was remodeled to suit an agenda, but that was approved of by my fan club here. We'll try it again. That offer you made to have your wife break my hip at Reno is hereby declined. I instead, request that you have her hold the camera while you attempt that feat yourself. No use dragging your wife into the discussion. like you did mine in the first line of your PM. That is why I want to post the rest of the PM. Apparently his comments were all in the spirit of good clean fun. Rich I love this thread... | |||
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I doubt that, considering that we are all experts. | |||
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what fan club? Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend… To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP | |||
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jdollar, you for a start. I think you are emotionally unable to resist responding to anything I say here for more than two minutes from the time you read it. I say this with all sincerity, go back and look at your last twenty posts on the entire Forum. I would suggest that the majority involve me. At times, I wonder if you have some sort of notification software that will alert you every time I post here. I will confess, I cannot understand some days, how you get enough sleep to go to work the next day. Or, do you perhaps, not have a job to take up your time? I hear the economy is tough these days. This is not meant as any sort of insult, you may be unaware of it. I post something, and POOF! I can often sit for just a minute or two and see your response. Everyone here knows I took early retirement a couple years ago. The house and everything else I own is paid for, except the new HD my wife bought me in April when I got back from Africa. You might categorize me as someone with with time to kill. regards, Rich ![]() | |||
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Like I said, there are three of you, perhaps four, that cannot make it 24 hours without having to reply to something I posted. You have no purpose in life without me. It may be troubling to you, my loyal fans (so loyal that you hang on my every post, in fact), that there aren't a dozen members here who care if any of us live or die, let alone care what we post. If you could resist following me around here to counterpoint everything I say, you would have less than three posts the last quarter of this year. Get over yourselves... Rich | |||
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I hope you included me. I'm your newest fan since learning so much about you! I will now hang on your every word! ![]() | |||
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I would still like to know why you have a PINK gun case. Is that a ladies gun? ![]() ____________________________________ There are those who would misteach us that to stick in a rut is consistency - and a virtue, and that to climb out of the rut is inconsistency - and a vice. - Mark Twain | Chinese Proverb: When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others. ___________________________________ | |||
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Hey woods! I tried to get a better look at your new avatar by running the curser over it. I hope you don't get notified that I'm now stalking you! ![]() | |||
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Woods, faded... Rich DRSS | |||
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Rick, It appears I now have another person here who now cannot go 24 hours with out responding to me. I believe you get membership card #5. Post your address and I will get one sent out to you promptly. Annual dues are only $52 annually, a buck a week for this amount of entertainment... Cheap at twice the price. regards, Rich | |||
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You're right! You're one of the best sources of entertainment and the price is right! Keep it up Rich! | |||
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hell, the laughs i get out of this fool would be a bargain at twice the price. and when do i get my ISS fan club card, oh great elk slayer( and it better come with all your great tips for killing monster elk on public land while meat hunting). i apologize that is has been more than 24 hours since you last post O GREAT WHITE HUNTER but i have a life elsewhere and it has interferred with my homage to you. i will strive to improve my response time. Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend… To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP | |||
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forty-eight hours! That must be a new record for you. I did not think you could last half that long. So now, you are saying this is the most important part of your life after all? I am really looking forward to discussing our issues at Reno. Rich DRSS | |||
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Hey jd! I'm thinking our response time can really be improved by activating the "inform me when Idaho Sharpshooter posts" option here! I always have my phone to be "Johnny on the spot" | |||
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