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My Texas Trip with Mr. Boddington
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Hello Everyone.
THis past weekend I was invited to go on a hunt that was hosted by Craig Boddington, who I consider one of the greatest hunters of modern times. The hunt was sponsered by my taxidermest, The Wildlife Gallery.
The hunt was on a 22,000 acre ranch about an hour and a half from San Antonio. This is a 34 square mile High Fence ranch.
I had my concerns at first about hunting a high fence ranch, but when the manager Eric told me that if I didn't think it was a real hunt, he would refund ALL my money.
We would first pursue Water Buffalo. We searched all afternoon, skipped dinner, and found this Herd Bull. Mr Boddington, a 25 year retired colonel in the Marine corp, a modern day legend who i watch on tv daily, would join me on my hunt. It was my guide, me, and Craig. We put on a stalk about 350 yards, with a swirling wind and several stops, craig put up the sticks, and after a couple of mean looks from the bull buffalo as he got our wind, he started to leave, at 80 yards, I put one in his shoulder, and one right behind it with my 375 H and H. After each shot craig would say, good hit. These are all Craig's photos.

The bull ran about 150 yards, and made it into the brush thicket. We followed up, guns up, as these buffalo, just like their african cousins, charge easily when wounded. We saw him on the ground, and proceeded to check him to see if he was down, with a tree between us, and the rifles ready on our shoulders. It was probably the first or second most dangerous situation I've been in yet. He was down for good though. Craig said this hunt for this buffalo, which weigh in at 2000 pounds, was just as real and dangerous as the Cape buffalo hunts in africa. This water buffalo weighs about 400 pounds more than a cape buff.

Next on my mini safari was a Javalina. These are just cool mini beasts. We found this boar in with two sows. These were the only javalina that us or anybody saw on the whole weekend.

I also was lucky enough to shoot a rutting Blackbuck, with a 150 yards shot of the sticks, while he was fighting another buck.

We had a full day of hunting left, and good thing we did, cause it took us that long to find a shooter fallow,after continously being busted on stalks. we shot this buck at 145 yards.

All animals were shot spot and stalk off the shooting sticks.
I was very lucky to say the least. 2-3 people went home with out firing a shot.
At first I had my concerns about hunting a high fence, and I am sure my concerns would be valid on many of the smaller ranches in texas. (and south africa) But on this trip, I PERSONALLY, felt that this was an enjoyable hunting trip. I had a smile on my face the entire time. I said many times a guy with three children under the age of 5 shou'ldnt have this much fun.
Craig was a great host. He would talk about the marines, his hunts all over the world, and just a great fells.
Thanks for letting me share my experience.
Posts: 782 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 03 April 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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Excellent report. HF experiences vary, you had an excellent one. I wished all HF places werec managed properly and some of the negative aspects would fade away.

I also wish that people would wait on passing judgement on something, until after they have experienced it.

Congratulations on your trip tu2 tu2

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Really nice, congratulations on amazing hunt. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for posting.

That is one big Bull.

What is the difference between those Water Buffalo and the Australian Water Buffalo ?
Anyone know ?

I can see the horns don't grow nearly as long and we only get a few that big in size.

Agree re they can be dangerous !!!

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Outstanding animals woodsie.

I sure hope you enjoyed all the apects of your visit to our state.

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Picture of Brian Clark
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Fantastic report, Just love that Fallow deer. What a great way to spend a hunt than with Craig, you are a very lucky guy.


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Picture of matt u
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Nice trophies.
Congratulations on your hunt.
Posts: 1662 | Location: Winston,Georgia | Registered: 07 July 2007Reply With Quote
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CB greatest hunter of modern times? Tell me your kidding. Lots of hunters that took the same type and # of game animals...with a handgun or bow/arrow. THEY are the greatest hunters. CB just talked more about it. I think CB is an OK guy and a good all around hunter good for the sport...but the greatest, give me a break. I can think of a better one right off the top of my head w/o even thinking about it...Chuck Adams ( bow hunter ). There are many you probably never even heard of too....just gloss thru the SCI / B&C record books once.
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I don't know about him being the greatest hunter but I admire him for being modest and a good person. Many hunters who have killed the quality of animals he has would be upity but he isn't. I would love to do a hunt with him. He has answered my PM's and answered questions several times.

Posts: 890 | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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great review, and I am jealous of you having the chance to hunt with the Colonel.

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Picture of Todd Williams
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What a great experience!
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You had a great opportunity and hunt turned out to be just about perfect.

Only two questions I have: "what's so great about 'shooting sticks" when there's some many trees and natural shooting rests?

Then to have your fine animal pictures distorted by everyone sitting flat on their butts and hunkering down low behind them to make the animals look much larger than they are really turns me off no matter who shot it.

Hope I didn't deflate your balloon any but, giving you some things to consider for next time.

Glad you had a great time.

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George L. Dwight
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Originally posted by georgeld:

You had a great opportunity and hunt turned out to be just about perfect.

Only two questions I have: "what's so great about 'shooting sticks" when there's some many trees and natural shooting rests?

Then to have your fine animal pictures distorted by everyone sitting flat on their butts and hunkering down low behind them to make the animals look much larger than they are really turns me off no matter who shot it.

Hope I didn't deflate your balloon any but, giving you some things to consider for next time.

Glad you had a great time.

Please note we were on our knees, and nobody was hunkered down. This beast was just huge.
Shooting sticks were perfect for this situations.

An to Woodrow, I believe my words were "who I consider"

Thank you everyone else for your kind comments.
Posts: 782 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 03 April 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by woodsie:

Please note we were on our knees, and nobody was hunkered down. This beast was just huge.
Shooting sticks were perfect for this situations.

An to Woodrow, I believe my words were "who I consider"

Thank you everyone else for your kind comments.

I call it squatting or sitting on your bum crossed legs. It's not a bad way if dry.

The Fallow is a ripper regardless of how you sit, the Buffalo even more so - you only have to compare the size of it's nose and head and that's before you get to it's body.

Well done, I'm impressed.

Re CB, you will always get arguments, at least he bought Africa and other hunting + rifles to the masses again by some very easy to read books - the sales of which are tantamount to his standing IMHO.

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Oh my lord. A new internet argument first. Were you sitting on ur bum vs were you on ur knees.
I am on team knees.
Posts: 782 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 03 April 2008Reply With Quote
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My post wasn't a criticism.

Previously 500N with many thousands of posts !
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This is why many people stop posting reports. I think ill join them.
Posts: 782 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 03 April 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by woodsie:
This is why many people stop posting reports. I think ill join them.

Just ignore them.

I'm glad you posted the report, not just for the animals but also as an example of HF hunting that shows it isn't all bad.

Just my HO.

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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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This is why many people stop posting reports. I think ill join them.

Why? Does letting a few frustated self righteous individuals win, accomplish anything? One question, would you do the hunt again if Boddington was not along????

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by 505G:


What is the difference between those Water Buffalo and the Australian Water Buffalo ?
Anyone know ?

Two different types of buffalo,river (long curved horns) and swamp (short curled horns).The buffalo in Australia are river buffalo
Posts: 51 | Registered: 05 December 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Crazyhorseconsulting:
This is why many people stop posting reports. I think ill join them.

Why? Does letting a few frustated self righteous individuals win, accomplish anything? One question, would you do the hunt again if Boddingto was not along????

Well said Crazyhorse!!
I would absoulutly do the hunt again even if craig wasnt there!
Thanks again
Posts: 782 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 03 April 2008Reply With Quote
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Indian variety. Just had an education in this myself! The other water buffs are Asian variety.
Looks like everyone had a good time and this is as fair chase as you can get with a fence. Congratulations to everyone. Very well managed ranch. I always find it amusing when people find out what a normal guy Craig is. Just because the guy writes books and is on TV doesn't make him some kind of prima donna, especially after a full career in the corp.
That fallow is definitely a monster and the body on that buff is huge. I think you are indeed lucky. To be the only one to see the javalina is particularly telling. I wonder if pigs are making an impact and pushing them out. Any thoughts?
To those who do not like the way they took the pictures. what difference does it make? As long as he is happy that is all that matters. So it is not your way. I have yet to find a manual in a DNR handbook defining it. Big Grin Same thing for the shooting sticks. A lot of people like using them. Others prefer not to. It is personal preference that is all. Again there is no right or wrong way just each persons.

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Some pretty harsh words there...did you have a personal experience with CB?? Sounds like it.

I don't know how a person defines what makes a person "The greatest modern hunter" but Woodsie certainly has a right to his own opinion, especially in a post that HE started...not a classy reply by you and I would apologise to Woodsie if it were me.

Say whatever you want about CB but with over 100 trips to Africa I think that it is safe to say that he has more overall experience in hunting in different countries with different game animals than most PH's do and I bet that he has killed more African game than many PH's have as well....besides maybe Mark Sullivan hasSmiler

I think that allot of people (not insinuating you here Woodrow) are jelous of CB and enjoy taking shots at him whenever they get the opportunity.

My 2 cents anyway...I have never met the man and have no loyalty to him other than enjoying his writings

Originally posted by Woodrow S:
CB greatest hunter of modern times? Tell me your kidding. Lots of hunters that took the same type and # of game animals...with a handgun or bow/arrow. THEY are the greatest hunters. CB just talked more about it. I think CB is an OK guy and a good all around hunter good for the sport...but the greatest, give me a break. I can think of a better one right off the top of my head w/o even thinking about it...Chuck Adams ( bow hunter ). There are many you probably never even heard of too....just gloss thru the SCI / B&C record books once.
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Picture of Nicholosi
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Cool hunt. Thanks for posting.


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Picture of Bwana1
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Great report...Thanks
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Picture of Eland Slayer
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Great report Woodsie, thanks for sharing. I've heard a lot of good things about hunting on the Recordbuck Ranch.


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Picture of LittleJoe
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Woodsie don't quit posting because Georgeld is ignorant. The pics are great. The story is great. The Fallow deer is amazing. Good for you. I think Craig B. is a great advocate for the sport and he does not know me at all but yet he took 15 minutes and we spoke at SCI. Great guy.

I can guarantee if you were standing behind any of those animals the pictures would not be good. Kneeling, sitting, whatever you call, 100 times better. Congrats and good job.
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Effective immediately, if you are not doing either a cartwheel or a handstand behind your animal trophy, you are not a true hunter.
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Picture of tiggertate
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Thanks for a great report. Its always refreshing to read something positive about Texas high fence hunting. Usually it's complaining from someone who never tried it. That javelina boar is a monster, too!

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Looks like a great hunt, appreciate the pictures. Don't stop posting.
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Very nice. It must have been HOT!!!
Posts: 12258 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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that is simply outstanding.
I've never hunted high fence, but I admire CB enough that I'd shoot fish in a barrel if that's what it took to have time to share a campfire, a glass of wine and some stories with him.
I'm envious. I bet you'll treasure those memories made for quite a spell.


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Great pics. Some day maybe lord willing. The colonel is one of the few I actually like. Much better then the tools on most whitetail shows were they jeer and carry on. At least he lends a little class to the heritage( notice I didn't say sport)I find killing game and calling it sport about as disrespectful as it gets. Lets strip someone down and let them run around and shoot at them and call it sport. Anyway off my soapbox great post and thank you for your contributions.
Posts: 195 | Location: Raleigh,NC | Registered: 26 September 2010Reply With Quote
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Looks like you had a great hunt. As far as it being high fenced, I think 30+ square miles is plenty of ground for any animal to lose any hunter in. For many of us, a high fence hunt in Texas is the only chance we'll ever have to hunt an animal like a water buffalo. I'd love to try it some day.
Posts: 641 | Location: SW Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 10 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Congratulations on some beautiful trophies and a great hunt. Good report also, thanks for sharing it with us. PS. I've only met Craig once but thought he was a stand-up fella, doubt if I could say the same about some of the guys who criticize him but have probably never met him and have only 10% of his experience.

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