I have a rifle barrel with a .20 bore. It was exposed to the elements due to an accident and the bore is very dark. It does not appear to be pitted, just very dark. Who would y'all recommend to have it rebored and rifled so I could rechamber it to shoot standard .223 Rem? Assuming there is not deep pitting.
Mike Ryan - Gunsmith
Posts: 352 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 31 July 2008
Going from .200 to .224 might not work. If it is a factory made action, a new barrel might be less expensive. Don't for get bolt face, magazine and feed ing modifications.
High Plains reboring does excellent work. They are in ND.
It's a .20 Tactical. I want a common caliber. I'm a gunsmith and can rechamber and set back the barrel. Looks like a new barrel in in my future. Or....I have access to a new take-off barrel from a Rem 700 that might be the way to go. The original barrel is a heavy contour. The Rem is a sporter contour. Just what I need, another personal project gun.
Mike Ryan - Gunsmith
Posts: 352 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 31 July 2008
IIRC, Cliff LaBounty has retired. He did good work though, I had him re-bore a 30/06 for me to 35 Whelan over 20 years ago. Jim Dubell of Delta G.S. was trained by Cliff and took over his business.
velocity is like a new car, always losing value. BC is like diamonds, holding value forever.
I have used Danny Peterson in Arizona to rebore a shot out .270 barrel to .30-06 and he did a beautiful job. The is a pencil thin barrel with all integral furniture (rib, barrel band, front sight) and is also engraved. When I got it back, the exterior was in as good a shape as when I sent it to him, and it shoots right around one-inch groups with the only load I have tried which uses 180-grain Barnes-X bullets. Danny can be reached at www.cutrifle.com.
One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know. - Groucho Marx
Posts: 3887 | Location: Eastern Slope, Colorado, USA | Registered: 01 March 2001
Originally posted by artshaw: Mike what rifle has a .20 bore ?
Going from .200 to .224 might not work. If it is a factory made action, a new barrel might be less expensive. Don't for get bolt face, magazine and feed ing modifications.
High Plains reboring does excellent work. They are in ND.
High Plains did a barrel for me. good work but took over a year to get it back
Posts: 130 | Location: mo | Registered: 18 January 2007
After reading an article on the old-time practice of sleeving the barrel, I an going to use a brand-new take-off Rem700 barrel in .223. Fabricate and install an external, epoxy-filled sleeve to get the heavy profile barrel I want. Full report on completion.
Mike Ryan - Gunsmith
Posts: 352 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 31 July 2008
Call JES reboring in Oregon, did a rebore/rechamber for me and I am very pleased with the price and timeline.
Im not sure if he does anything this small though...
If it cant be Grown it has to be Mined! Devoted member of Newmont mining company Underground Mine rescue team. Carlin East,Deep Star ,Leeville,Deep Post ,Chukar and now Exodus Where next? Pete Bajo to train newbies on long hole stoping and proper blasting techniques. Back to Exodus mine again learning teaching and operating autonomous loaders in the underground. Bringing everyday life to most individuals 8' at a time!
I've had excellent result's and most importantly ACCURACY! I was surprised that somebody in my backyard had that kind of gunsmithing experience and knowledge. I think he bought P.O. Ackley machinery. Give him him a call.
Cut rifle is what he does, so reboring a .20 Tac to .223 Remington, I wonder if he can, I know you can if it was buttoned rifled. Technology is changing fast. If you have any 20 Tac brass leftover, I would like to buy them.
I have had 3 barrels rebored recently by High Plains Reboring and all three shot and inch or better at 100 yards, thats darn good IMO..I will have more done in the future.
High Plains Reboring Norman Johnson 243 14th Ave. NW Turtle Creek, ND 58575 701-448-9112 nrjonsn@westriv.com