So this post made me do some looking. What I found makes this sound very interesting.
Reading that these actions will be fully machined, not cast like the originals. Also read that the stocks will be made by McMillan. If those two things are true, that makes this a very interesting factory rifle.
And yes, as someone points out, the bottom pic has Talleys
"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid" -- Ronald Reagan
"Ignorance of The People gives strength to totalitarians."
Want to make just about anything work better? Keep the government as far away from it as possible, then step back and behold the wonderment and goodness.
Interesting, not the rifles, but the town they are located in. Memphis Michigan is a small farming community where my Mom was born and raised, still have lots of family up there, though the farm is long gone. That area got hit hard when a flame retardant got mixed in with dairy feed, had 2 uncles have their heards killed over this. They say that most people living in Southern Michigan at the time this happened still have the chemicals in their bodies. They made a movie with Ron Howard about the incident.
Had two full customs built off an MRC action. Both had feeding issues and continued to get stuck on a daily basis. My ‘smith tells me we are done using those. Seeing this solidifies any doubts I may have had…
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