Foster, by inletting the rear base in to the rib my hope was to make them as subtle as possible. H&H usually just screwed the rear base to the top of the rib or the action itself which I feel makes them even more obtrusive. I was also able to set the scope lower this way, an added bonus. This one will be built up like a pre-WWI Holland through and though. I even scored an original stock to use as a pattern which was pretty lucky, as was finding the H&H scope with mounts. This has been a fun one so far. On to the front sight and sling swivels eyes now.
Steve, I think those mounts would make the folks at Holland happy. They fit the period look of the gun, and the lever release looks just right. Nice quarter rib too.
Posts: 244 | Location: Southeast USA | Registered: 01 August 2014
State of the art for 1912.....375 H&H flanged. It may end up with a .30 super barrel as well but I have a Black Bear hunt coming up so finishing the first barrel and getting it stocked will be my priority.