help finding CZ receiver please
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I have a problem I am hoping someone out there can help with.
I need a new short action receiver for a Zavodi Crena Zatava (CZ) rifle. My gun store says he has no idea where it can be found. I have the barrel, and want to keep it as is, but need a new receiver. The barrel simply screws in and I would buy a whole gun with barrel if necessary. Here are photos of the receiver.

Any idea where I can purchase the receiver or a complete gun?
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by camshaft:
...The barrel simply screws in

Sorry Camshaft, I can't help with your request. But I can't help pointing out, that the statement above may well be somewhat optimistic. Yes, the existing barrel likely will screw into a new receiver, but it is anybody's guess what the headspace will look like on the new combination.

Is the rust the reason you would like to get a new receiver?? If yes, have you considered having your current receiver surface ground and re-blued?? The entire setup is somewhat "utilitarian", with the Weaver mount etc. Naturally, I don't know if you are looking to turn your current CZ barrel into the basis of a full fledged custom job? But if you intend to keep your scope and mounts, then a surface ground receiver might not look too much out of place. At least going in this direction, you won't have problems with headspace when you re-install your barrel.

Anyway, just a thought. It is not that easy to legally buy a rifle (or a receiver) in the US, say, and have it exported. To do this legally, there are several loops to jump through, and costs are not negligible.

Good luck

- mike

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I'd have to agree with MHO.

If it were mine I would either have it surface ground or bead blasted then reblued.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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This is purely a "utilitarian" rifle. Any direction you can point me would be appreciated. Will look into the headspace issue on acquiring the ner receiver. Appreciate the concerns, but the unit is in Africa and not available for any kind of work more than a good cleaning.
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Hate to tell you this but ZCZ does not equal CZ. CZ is/was Czech while ZCZ or Zastava was Yugoslavian, now Serbian.

What you have is commonly known as a Mini-Mauser. Interarms sold them, then Charles Daly, then Remington as thier 799, and I believe USSG is now selling them. And throughout that Zastava sold them.

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My ignorance is showing, but that is why I posted here....Any idea where to get a hold of one?
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Here they are pretty common. In your neck of the woods, I don't know.

A quick look on Gun Broker will turn up several.

What cartridge is yours chambered for? They came with four different boltfaces: .223, .22 Hornet, 7.62x39, and .22-250.

What is wrong with the current receiver?

Aut vincere aut mori
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Nothing wrong with the current receiver (except cosmetics) I just need a second receiver.
It is in 7.62X39.
I have a son in Colorado State, can you recommend a place "in your nexck of the woods?"
I will also try gun broker, thanks.
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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There's gotta be a gunsmith somewhere in south africa that can that kind of work no?

My bet is you're best off finding a used one that fits the bill and stripping it, I checked brownells who has receivers, looks like only the 06, 375 and 416 sizes right now.


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I just tried Gun Broker with all the permutations of Zastava and 7.62X39 but no joy so far. Any other ideas?
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by camshaft:

I just tried Gun Broker with all the permutations of Zastava and 7.62X39 but no joy so far. Any other ideas?

Remember, Zastava made them but Remington, Charles Daly, and Interarms, sold them.

Search under "Mini Mauser" and you are likely to find more.

Good luck.

Aut vincere aut mori
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This one is even less:

Aut vincere aut mori
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Originally posted by camshaft:
Will look into the headspace issue on acquiring the ner receiver. Appreciate the concerns, but the unit is in Africa and not available for any kind of work more than a good cleaning.

Because of the headspace issues, installing the existing barrel on a new receiver is likely going to require a lathe and/or a reamer matching the existing chamber (tricky). If you don't have access to a smith to clean up the rust on your existing receiver, do you have access to the gunsmithing infrastructure above?

- mike

The rifle is a noble weapon... It entices its bearer into primeval forests, into mountains and deserts untenanted by man. - Horace Kephart
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its a mini mauser in 7.62x39. not as common as some, but not rare in the least. lookup mini mauser on gunbroker and the cdnn catalog.

your trigger group concerns me.. it needs to be dunked in brake fluid and then blown out...

you might consider a good cleaning AND a coat of engine paint

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I too don't see that much of a problem if it is intended as a strictly utilitarian gun. I would get a tub of solvent, a tub of degreaser, a couple of fine brass and stainless scrub brushes and go to work. I have seen worse looking rifles setting on gun shop shelves.

As an aside, IT&D custom ( still has some Charles Daly actions listed on their website. They list the price with a new Douglas barrel installed.
Posts: 1238 | Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA | Registered: 04 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I appreciate all the help and will set to finding a receiver and cleaning the old one.
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Ok, here is the next question. Since I have the barrel do I have to buy a gun in the same caliber? The less expensive .223 and the 7.62x39 rifles both show up on Gun Broker. My assumption is teh short action is the same for both of those rifles, or is that not right?
If I am stripping the barrel off the new purchase anyway and the barrel I own will screw onto the receiver will the less expensive .223 work or am I better off just getting the same caliber as it will more likely fit the head spacing better.
Yes, I know I am out of my depth here, but that's how a guy learns. thanks all.
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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I believe the boltface is different between the 223 and 7.62X39.
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Thanks, I will stay with the 7.62X39. That does make sense.
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Try Roger Vardy in Australias. He is in the wood stockblank business. Just google his name. He had some and Australia may be easier to ship from.
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Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Camshaft, it sounds like you are willing to buy a replacement rifle to be able to use the receiver. Yes? Why not simply buy the rifle you would like (e.g. a Mini Mauser in 7.62x39, if you like that gun and caliber), and forget about your old parts?? No problems with mounting the old barrel on the new receiver, stock will fit, you'll have your old parts (e.g. trigger) as spares, etc. etc.

Or is the issue one of moving an assembled rifle into whatever country you happen to need it in?

- mike

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try IT&D Custom Gun in Ohio.
Minis listed on this page

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He is wanting a 7.62X39 receiver. Didn't see those listed.
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You can use 223 in a pinch by opening up the bolt face. I was told by the Charles Daly service people in this country (when they were selling them) that they generally only carried the 223 bolt face and smiths simply opened them up to whatever they needed.

Camshaft, you have still not answered the question which has been asked several times as to why you are intent on using the old barrel? The barrel will likely need to be headspaced and indexed. If so the cost will certainly be as much to buy an action and do this as it is to simply buy a used gun you want. I also don't understand how the action could be in such shape as to be supposedly unservicable, yet the barrel is useable. Surface rust on the inside of the barrel would seem to be a bigger problem than on the action.
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I am repairing a rifle in where I am not allowed to bring in a new rifle. Repairs are OK, new guns are not.
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Hey guys, it appears that camshaft is here in the States and cant take a complete rifle back yet he can take a receiver.

Is this correct camshaft?

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Originally posted by Art S.:
Camshaft, you have still not answered the question which has been asked several times as to why you are intent on using the old barrel?

I spoke to Cam today after reading this thread. I think I understand the questions that are being asked by the other members.

To make a long story short, Cam has ended up with two very specialized identical barrels in a wildcat chambering(along with ammo for them), but only one receiver. The other receiver is "lost".

He needs a second receiver so that he will have a complete pair, instead of one rifle with two barrels.

I know most of us believe he might run into headspace problems, but he has been able to use the spare barrel on his receiver with no problems. The cartridge is very low pressure.

Basically his best bet would be to find a mini mauser of the same vintage. Maybe a later receiver would work, but I would guess a receiver of the same vintage would be most likely to headspace correctly.


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Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
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Originally posted by ikesdad:
Hey guys, it appears that camshaft is here in the States and cant take a complete rifle back yet he can take a receiver.

At least from the point of view of US export rules, the above is not the case. Receivers, barrels, assembled rifles (etc etc) all are subject to US export restrictions. Mind you, in the context of personal travel, these rules are rarely enforced.

What the issues are regarding import into country of destination, I have no idea.

Good luck to Camshaft completing his project.

- mike

The rifle is a noble weapon... It entices its bearer into primeval forests, into mountains and deserts untenanted by man. - Horace Kephart
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It is not an export issue. All you have to do for that is have them registered with customs (highly recommended but actually not required as far as I know) and declared on flying (absolutely required). America is still pretty unique in its laws allowing citizens to move pretty freely with guns. Not so overseas.
Posts: 345 | Location: Cameroun, South Africa | Registered: 19 December 2007Reply With Quote
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