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6.5 carcano and kennedy stigmata
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Originally posted by tankhunter:
There was evidently a Mauser 7.65 rifle with scope found in the same room Oswald was in, but you never hear what happened to it[or even hear about it] ,who owned it etc .There is alot of interesting Original material on you tube about the whole thing ,for those with an open mind. The Zapruder film was tampered with and modified before it was released to the public ,only now, years later with improved technology ,things show that they no longer ''ADD UP '' .The Security for Kennedy was not according protocol, the guards riding on the rear of the car were told to ''Get off '' ,you can see this in an original film footage and the guards put their arms out in incredulity and amazement ! you Cant tell me Oswald orchestrated that !the route used, the turns, Kennedys car further out front[than it should have been], the motorcycle escorts were held back was all against the accepted security procedures .All smacks of a set up .Nobody in this world wants to believe in conspiracies because it makes their brain hurt ,and puts then in an un nerving position , and if they do believe its true ??? well what can we do about it ?the whole system and media is geared against us ,we are called nuts and ostracized and its easier to choose popularity over intellectual honesty and go along with populist bullshit .so we just all go along with it ....and they keep getting away with it

Keep looking for loony explanations and you will find them.
What is common about the Carcano and a M91 Mauser? both have the same general profile with the extended magazine hanging down in front of the trigger. The first reports that I heard when JFK was shot was it was a 7.65 Mauser. Simply a case of mistaken identify by a non-expert guesser.

The Zapruder film was analyzed by the FBI and in doing so they modified it. This was testified to by j Eager Beaver.
The first time I saw the original film unmodified was in 1976 at SWTSU. That was the first time I saw Kennedy's head blown open.
The earlier published TV versions had the grisly frames cut out.

While you are reading the nutty versions try reading the sane versions too. Then make your decision. No one wants to believe JFK was the ignominious victim of a loser that didn't own a car.
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Originally posted by Eterry:
SR, I currently live about 90 miles from Dallas, which direction were you? Also LHO's brother still lives here and is occasionally interviewed by the media. I went to lodge with some of his neighbors and by all accounts he is an honorable, decent and upright man. Just goes to show you the apple CAN fall far from the tree.

I grew up in Palo Pinto County due west of Dallas. I live much further south now but I have a brother in Bowie, TX.
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Oswald never fired a shot.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by N E 450 No2:
Oswald never fired a shot.

Based on what proof?
There were witnesses that saw him shoot JD Tippet.
When he was captured he still had the revolver he killed Tippet with. His prints were on the rifle that killed Kennedy. The bullet recovered from Connolly's gurney matched to Oswald's gun.
Based on the wounds in Kennedy were do you think the shots came from?

BTW have you ever been to the site at Dallas?
Ever shot a Carcano?
Ever shot from a benchrest?
Ever shot a cantaloupe with a centerfire at 50 yards?
Ever shot a one inch group with iron sights at 100 yards?
Ever shot at and hit moving targets?

Why do you think that a loser like Oswald could not hit someone at 80 yards 2 out of 3 times?
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Looks like I'll have to dig into the back of the safe. I still have data from several years ago, shot with this rifle and a 24x Tasco scope, some of it was moa. I gave the side mount away to a friend, but I can shoot it with open sights and will post a few pictures when I get time. These rifles are not as inaccurate as people seem to think, but you have to have one with a decent bore and you have to shoot bullets that are close to groove diameter. Hell shoot some .304 ' bullets through your favorite 30-06, it won't shoot for shit either. Also the 91/41, made from 1941-1945IIRC, has conventional rifling at 1 in 8 twist, not the gain twist, and when the gain twist are shortened you can't stabilize a bullet of any weight.
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I went through the same exact experience as
you. Used to buy off on the conspiracy point
of view, but always with doubts about how ALL
those people that were supposedly involved
NEVER produced any proof, etc.

Now I am totally, 100 % convinced that Oswald
as you said, "had a lucky day".

It was basically a "chip shot" and most of the
shooters here on AR that have decent experience
could have pulled it off. Even with the Carcano. And Oswald DID practice with that rifle.

The lucky part was the HEAD shot. That made
it look like a "pro" had done it.



Originally posted by Eterry:
I was a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy theorist, had several books telling how JFK was shot several times by 45's, high-powered rifles from manhole covers, overpasses, fences, grassy knowles, etc.

Then several years back I actually WENT to Dealey Plaza and walked the ground, stood in the window next to the one Oswald used (they wont let you stand in the "Snipers Perch"), gazed down on the big orange X painted on the street where the car was when the last shot was fired. The first thing that ran through my head was "Anyone down there where the X is was a sitting duck from here!!" The long shot would have been a slam dunk for anyone with minimum experience using a rest and a slow moving target. The 2nd shot that struck Connelly and JFK looked like I could make it with my duty sidearm!!! I was shocked to see just how close the shots were. I went back there last February and am still amazed at the close range of the ordeal!

I too have seen the Discovery show where the 6.5 was used, the thing I took from it was if a rifle was used from the Picket Fence then Jackie would have been struck by the round after it hit JFK if FMJ was used, or a devastating wound would have happened if hunting ammo was used.

Was Oswald using the best rifle? Hell no!
Was he better than average shot? Yes!
Is the shots repeatable in the time allowed? YES!

As my old LT said, "I would rather be lucky than good!!" Oswald got lucky that day in Dallas.
My .02

Happiness is a tight group
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The trouble with this world is people CANNOT ,CANNOT, CANNOT think for themselves ,they have been so DUMBED down they cannot assert ANYTHING ,ANYTHING AT ALL !!!!!!!!! for themselves and are so IDIOTIC, harsh but true !!!!!!! they need the Government, the Media, Religion, to decide every single THING !!!!!! for themselves, it is so incomprehensible !!!!!!! that people CANNOT make a informed decision of their own !!!!!!! the average sheep has more brains than the average human ,or better still even a pig has more reasoning ability as they are alot harder to move than a sheep ,if humans are so STUPID ? do we deserve what we get ?, ! doesnt the Bible say ''thou not not kill ''? but thousands of innocent soldiers march off to kill thousands of innocent soldiers, because some God damn politician says so ????? ,for some Propaganda based ideoligical BULLSHIT , WAKE UP and THINK !!!!!!!!!!!! even one of the Rockefellers said ,''who cares about the people , you look after youself and your family, who cares about the people '' 'soldiers have mothers ,fathers ,sisters ,brothers ,and they all suffer regrettably because people cannot THINK FOR THEMSELVES !!!!!!!!! its about time we all stood up for ourselves and SCREW these God Damned Corrupted Politicians and look after you family, and friends,and countrymen FIRST !!!!!!!!!!!!
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the many fools of this world prefer the soft option of having someone else to look to, to tell them what to believe & what to do...........needless to say, they set themselves up to be played by politicians around the world, I really dont blame the politicians for the vast amount of stupid people....we all have personal choice, but many often prefer not to decifer things for themselves, because they feel better when they can blame others. People dont like or want responsibility- as result fools gets what they mostly deserve.
The western world despite all its education,technology & internet information highway, is still sadly lacking in real awareness.
Many have come to prefer convenience over truth/reality.
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Well thanks for the education TH and Trax. I will forego the media and get all my information from Blogs from now on.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
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i did see the tv reenactment, and since oswald was close and the time i think was easily enough for a few shots, a few guys on this forum have accurate carcanos, and oswald like english bob, was probably probably thinking "why not shoot the president" i think oswald probly did blow off a few rounds, and jfk just wasnt lucky.
BUTone of the shots got both jfk and connely
one clipped jfk's noggin. SOOO is there any explanation how a bullet somehow unacounted for as described above showed up on a hospital gurney
i dont recall jfk an connely sharing the same gurney
an i doubt the one that clipped the gourd creating all the spray as depicted on tv bounced off the dashboard an back into his shirt pocket
ive never really sat down an tried to put all this together
any comments

If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tuff.
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Originally posted by anukpuk:
i did see the tv reenactment, and since oswald was close and the time i think was easily enough for a few shots, a few guys on this forum have accurate carcanos, and oswald like english bob, was probably probably thinking "why not shoot the president" i think oswald probly did blow off a few rounds, and jfk just wasnt lucky.
BUTone of the shots got both jfk and connely
one clipped jfk's noggin. SOOO is there any explanation how a bullet somehow unacounted for as described above showed up on a hospital gurney
i dont recall jfk an connely sharing the same gurney
an i doubt the one that clipped the gourd creating all the spray as depicted on tv bounced off the dashboard an back into his shirt pocket
ive never really sat down an tried to put all this together
any comments

The answer to your question exists if you really want to know. Go dig it up, if you don't want to know that bad nothing I say makes any difference.
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Trax and TH
You guys should take some physics classes and get all of that smoke, mirrors and magic out of your systems.
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