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Moderators: Canuck
Re: Indian blockades
one of us
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I am sure that you have been in Vancouver, many times; to see laziness, alcoholism and waste of tax dollars in the hundreds of millions, the "Downtown East Side" is probably the best case against "freebies" that exists in North America. I believe strongly in assistance to those in genuine need, but, the Ministry of Human Resources actually has to hire Security Guards to protect the financial aid workers from the drunks, dopers, illegal terrorist "refugees" and other vermin at the handout offfices every "Welfare Wednesday". Kinda makes me want to see a return to the ....workin' on the chain gang....

Oh yeah, the aid workers MUST give these louts their handouts, it's the law!
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
one of us
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I couldn't of said it any better, My tribe owns a big Casino outside of Tuscon and there is 13 districts well the Disrtict that has the casino wants to keep majority of the money since it is in there district well in Sells were the tribal council is located they say most of the money needs to go to the main district which is in Sells. San Lucy Districts say's whoa wait a minute the only reason you could intially afford this is because all of the money we got from the Government, The U.S gave the San Lucy district 30 million becasue the Dam they built kept flooding tribal land. They told the tribe that by building the dam it would stop the flooding. Now they find out most of the money has been spent on what I do not know things really haven't changed on the reservation when I left there in the early 80's and moved to Oregon. They built a store they put a tribal member in charge to manage it well they find out he has embezzled over 30,000 dollars to support his gambling habit at the Casino in Maricopa. Crime rate on the reservation here is still high, drug abuse is out the roof. It is a horrible life and they won't do anything about in my opinion the reservation is nothing but a big wellfare baby. The tribe creates jobs hires tribal members they become content with there job and have no desire to leave and most of the time the jobs don't pay good but they don't care to an average Native American 10 dollars an hour is good wages hell to the average American thinks that is good wages. The reservation I grew up on in Oregon when they caught wind that there might be some Bighorn sheep on the northern part of the reservation, shit they took off up there looking to kill themselves a Bighorn sheep when they knew it was against the law. Same thing with the Antelope starting to get a nice herd they take off up there and shoot the living shit out of them and yes it is against the law. At one time the state had a doe hunting the grizzly unit they issued roughly 900 tags the Indians get 10% of the tags for ceremony deer hunting as they call it. Well the tribe they designate who will hunt on these hunts. The indians all head to Prineville some are so drunk they are pissing in public cussing everyone and they shot the living shit out of everything. The state ended doe hunting as we know it in the grizzly unit. So the Indians couldn't get anymore tags.
Posts: 2501 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 31 May 2004Reply With Quote
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