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Did any of you catch this? I just read that tomorrow Martin is going to downtown Toronto and will anounce that he will ban handguns. I hope this news report is not true. This is bad, very bad. | ||
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I am not surprised by this, Paul Martin is a whore who will try ANY means to hold on to power, regardless of the consequences for ordinary Canadians. I believe that there is and has been a long term plan to ban ALL private gun ownership for Canadians, except for the wealthy and powerful who choose to own guns. The facts are that the huge increase in non-traditional immigration to major Canadian cities, especially from Jamaica, India,Vietnam,China-Hong Kong and eastern Europe including Russia are what is causing the increase in crimes with guns. The Liberals are advocating a HUGE increase in immigration and this will cause MORE crimes, both with and without guns. The corporate elite of Canada are behind this boost in immigration as they want a larger domestic market, a large and relatively docile labour force and the destruction of trade unions...and this has been happening. To keep Canada free, we need an amendment to the Canadian Constitution that absolutely protects our birthright of gun ownership in law. We also need to permanently ban ALL immigration from non-Nordic countries, except refugees of Nordic stock from Africa, etc. and systematically repatriate all the East Indians, Vietnamese, Jamaicans, etc. to their homelands, regardless of birthplace. In short, the evil scourge of liberalism must be wiped from the land of Canada, the sooner the better. | |||
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WARNING TO ALL GUN OWNERS On December 8, 2005 Paul Martin announced that the Liberal Party of Canada intended to ball all handguns in Canada. This is a serious threat to all individuals in Canada who enjoy recreational shooting, including hunters. The Liberal government has been steadily eroding gun owner’s rights over the last 16 years, but this action finally unmasks the hidden agenda of the Liberal party, namely the confiscation of all privately owned firearms in Canada. The former Liberal Justice Minister Allan Rock alluded to this when he was quoted as saying “…the only people in Canada who should be allowed to have guns are soldiers and policemenâ€. The average gun owner might well ask themselves why a ban on handguns affects them when they do not own these weapons presently. Well unfortunately we do not have to look far to see where the Liberal strategy is heading. Britain and Australia have enacted similar legislation to the point where private ownership of any firearm is largely prohibited. The prohibition and confiscation of handguns is just another plateau in the Liberal’s strategy. The next move will be the prohibition and confiscation of any restricted weapons. Still not concerned? Liberal policy makers are on record as promoting the ban of any semiautomatic firearm! That means eventually your semiautomatic hunting rifle is going to be in the same category as a handgun! The Liberal’s intend to keep removing legally possessed firearms from law abiding firearms owners as their policy to fight spiralling crime rates. While any sensible person can see that licensed firearms owners are not the source of urban gun crime, the Liberals are using this issue as a smoke screen to pursue their anti-gun agenda. Their ultimate goal is to relate any gun crime to private gun ownership, thus legitimizing legislation to seize any and all firearms that ordinary Canadians possess. Any individual who uses firearms for recreational enjoyment must become politically active. Your support is urgently required by organizations and political parties that oppose the draconian measures the Liberal’s are intent on imposing on law abiding gun owners. This is a battle that we can not lose. If we do nothing to resist this erosion of our rights, we will be the last generation of Canadians to enjoy the recreational use of firearms. Become active, support the organizations that are fighting for your rights, either financially or volunteer your time Copied from Huntingbc.ca derf Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati | |||
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Ya, the newspaper today sez: of the handguns used in shootings 84% were unregistered. I also wish these assholes would break down the numbers between homicides, murders, and suicide. Homicide refers to man killing- and suicide is killing yourself, murder is killing someone else .....so when they include suicides in the number it shoots it way up. Suicides would kill themselves with anything so they would be dead anyway. the chef | |||
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Guys This is terrible news - I do hope that either it dies quietly - or you somehow manage to change the mind of your elected masters. The UK followed the same course - distorted media reports, politicians being seen to do 'something' and finally removal of legally owned and used firearms. Thousands lost their sport - £££ in compensation and still the guncrime figure soar. What a farce. ![]() Rgds Ian Just taking my rifle for a walk!........ | |||
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Martin also made this announcement in neighbourhood in Toronto where there have been a few killings in the past few weeks. Vote buying if you ask me!!! I guess us westerners from Manitoba thru to BC with NWT & Yukon should just separate and leave the east to themselves. Our vote in the west doesn't really matter as the election results show who will win from just the east. We have what we need in the west - agricultural, oil/gas, mining, forestry, west coast fishery. So we dont have alot of the manufacturuing plants, but we can get buy with trading with other countries. Next will be losing our hunting rifles, since this is what the criminals will go to next. | |||
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Yes it is vote buying-at the expense of the west AGAIN where the population traditionally owns more guns. It's easy to alienate us we don't vote for the bastard. Why oh why do they keep voting liberal????? It just doesn't make sense. I was listening to cbc radio yesterday and they were interviewing liberal supporters and their reasons absolutly shocked me. I had no idea the east were so dramatically different in their philosophies. We're sunk unless we can change the voting system (not going to happen) or seperate. the chef | |||
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WTFn rascist comments !!! Like told you before you fcked up before more then those who you blame now, lettin' JPT to do what had been done. WT lack of respect, you 'standart' old man with rights to die where you are! ![]() You wanna win, try to come with different line then the one aboved, so maybe you gonna get those non-standards on your site. ![]() Just to remind, those standarts who came to kill indians were the worse savages killing and raping.However, in some of the cases they were God loving people, who respect and love others. I guess it is easier to hate then love. What you do, is total disrespect to human kind, people like you are dengerous. And before you post something, read it twice! | |||
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Peterpan. Unfortunatly Kut is a lot closer to the facts than you left wing liberals. A little rough but pretty much on the mark. Too bad for you that you haven't figured it out.The crimes committed in TO are ethnic(racist) gang related.Kut offered his solution. Where's yours???? Ban handguns?? Semi auto rifles?? All centerfires?? Guns?? Knives?? Rocks?? Europeans are dealing with this same problem as we speak.(Paris burning) Same cause. Unfortunatly we choose to follow the same mistake ridden path.Pull your head out of Paul's ass and smell the shitty air around him. I read this twice, as I'm sure Kut read his.Mark A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which he proposes to pay off with your money. Gordon Liddy | |||
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Mark, Don’t be full, what do you mean ..."you left wing liberals"...? You have not bloody idea how many man like me can’t stand this government and will never vote to re-elect it. Whole my house, and most of my friends has got not even room for likes of Paul Martin, Alan Rock, Sheila Copps, Anne McLennan or famous JPT. We, I speak for most of European guys coming from Eastern Block, don't want anything else but prosper Canada without socialist brain wash propaganda and hate crime maybe more then you, because we experienced that on our own skin. I don't know if you ever marched against state police in communist country having only in your hand stones and running against armed government workers, chassed you with guns. I don't know if you know what is like to be detained and bitten up for only reason of having this dream to be free. I went through lots of injustice in my life and I thought Canada is free country where I will have right to work, live and have freedom of life. And, I know, what liberals do. They are the best in bshittting people in this country and spreading propaganda. If we wanna win, we have to stay together, unless you see better way, and I will never allowed to be painted as something worse then you or anyone else. BTW, if you just know who does crime in this country, you too will get upset reading this bullshit. I was born in Poland, and want to be Canadian, not by birth, because that is not given to me, but by choice, which is harder, like you can see yourself and I am very sensitive to false accusations regarding all those like me, who work, pay taxes and want to have good life including owning firearms. Now, please try to find in any Police stats one man born in Poland, Czech Rep, Slovakia who committed crime with firearm killing or injuring anyone. However there is plenty criminals from Latin American, South-EastAsia or Canadian-White. I am still with you and all those who want nothing more but normal country without crime and government control! Peter | |||
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[QUOTE] Peter Pan WTFn rascist comments !!! QUOTE] Peter Pan. Maybe they should just ban everyone coming to this country. If they had done this 25 years ago we wouldn't have this immigrant murder problem because these people are causing 80% of it. Our murder rate would be much more acceptable today and this wouldn't be an issue and our society would be much safer. In other words if these people weren't here this wouldn't be happening. On the other hand they are mostly shooting each other so who cares. The problem that has arisen is that they have decided to hang the blame on us legal law abiding harmless legitimate gun owners and ignore the real problem. aka. bushrat | |||
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Opps, double post aka. bushrat | |||
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My Wife is from Vietnam. You are an ass hole | |||
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Peter Pan, you recently told me to "get lost" in the country that I was born in and my family has been in since 1627...you have been here for a whole 15 years. I consider this an assault by threatening on me and my family and, if you knew me in person, you might realize exactly how foolish you are. As to the Indians being killed, maybe you could give some verifiable, historical examples, given your vast knowledge of Canadian history? While we are at it, there have been several eastern European "refugees" convicted of drug dealing here in Vancouver; one of them a well-known hockey player from Chechoslovakia, so, your comments about ...white Canadians...causing crime are as stupid as everything else you say here. As it happens, I have nothing against Polish, Chech, Ukrainian or Russian people and have friends of all of these nationalities; I just dislike stupid, pushy, ignorant, loudmouths....like you. BTW, your comments are "racist" and you need to go back to Poland, you don't belong in my country....young punk. | |||
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Kutenay - your comments are what the liberals are looking for to use as a rationale to ban handguns. Lets not blame immigrants or anyone else except the liberals for the state we are in. Saying we should ban immigrants is just as stupid as saying we should ban handguns. Get with the program and attack the liberals based on their lack of effectiveness controlling the illegal handgun trade - not the legal one. I'm embarrassed having such a racist putz on this board, especially one from BC, where I lived in the kootenays for some years. Lets work together to defeat these liberals and their stupid policies on firearms. | |||
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Republic of Alberta, hmm, a "western separatist" are we? So, we should break up Canada in order for you to have what you want and ignore the centuries of work, sacrifice, struggle and our war sacrifices so you and a few others can have your "republic"....? My comments were made because of who is doing the gun crimes here and it is primarily the groups I mentioned. I LIVE beside what the Vancouver Police cops refer to as "Ho chi Minh Alley", it used to be called Kingsway. I SEE the crimes going down almost every day and it IS the Vietnamese, East Indians and so forth that are doing them, so, what do you expect me to think? BTW, calling me names just makes me more determined to be even more active in cleaning up Canada and I am one of many who want to see the groups causing these gun crimes repatriated. Canada used to be known as "The Peaceable Kingdom" and that began to change when Diefenbaker, then Pearson and then Trudeau changed our immigration policies. I used to vote N.D.P. and actually helped "refugees", including Vietnamese here with work; now, I would send them back due to how they have behaved in my country. | |||
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So Kutenay, would you "send back" Republic of Alberta's wife if she did not commit a handgun related crime? Would you export ALL the criminals, regardless of race, based on their criminal activity, or just keep the "nordic ones"? Just because you have ethnic crime near you, do you come up with asinine theories? Move on, Kunty, and focus on this stupid liberal move. | |||
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Come on guys, this is what the Piece of S--T liberals want. We must not fight among ourselves, but stand together and Fight the liberal adgenda. And in regards to banning handguns, they will have to pry them out of my cold dead fingers!!! | |||
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CBC tonoght actually did a factual story on it showing the drop in murders by handguns since 1998. The story said that Target shooters would not be affected by ban, so those who were collectors would just have to change reason for owning to Target shooting from collecting. Also Provinces could opt out of it since it was up to them to decide to ban handgun ownership by collectors. If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness." - Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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Unfortunatly for Canadians, immigrants vote for the people who 'gave them the chance' You would be hard pressed to find a new imm. who does not vote Liberal.The present gov't has also a policy to promote imm. to sponsor their friends to come here. It's the bite the hand that feeds you syndrome. There are always exceptions. People will get caught in the crossfire on this one.There are obviously great people who have come to Canada in the past few years, however there are also some not so good ones. The ratio seems to be for the bad right now.Immigrants tend to want to live in the cities near other people from their native country, then form associations(pressure groups) to influence gov't policy. In the case of TO and other S.Ont. cities this has resulted in gangs. 'Gangs' is the new catch word for polititions. They are a good target, hence the handgun ban talk. Peterpan and ABcanuck, you as well as gun owners seem to be in the crossfire. It is a sad day when the people in Ont. think these scum sucking polititions can save them from themselves. I'm tired and my finger is sore.Goodnite, Mark A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which he proposes to pay off with your money. Gordon Liddy | |||
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It has become more and more evident that the only reason that Ontario and Quebec want Alberta to even be a part of Canada is to get their grimy hands on the oil revenue that Alberta generates.Face it,they set up the system many years ago, to insure that Ontario and Quebec will always have control of Canada reguardless of what the rest of the country wants.This isn't going to change so the only way that the west can ever have any say is to separate. As for the Canada that our ancestors fought for in two world wars,the liberals have done one hell of a job destroying it,and it will never be the same.Those people that fought and died for Canada must be rolling over in their graves. | |||
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I would deport EVERY criminal from ANY ethnic group who was not born in Canada and I have said this many times and will continue to say it as long as I want to. I first began to slowly change from my formerly very pro-immigration and refugee stance when I was a young man working at home in the Kootenays. This was due to the influx of American draftdodgers who brought in drugs, ripped off U.I. and various government programmes and mocked Canadian traditions as many here may remember. Now, they and some of their offspring grow Marijuana and sell it into the U.S. which then brings Cocaine into Canada. This also happens in various other parts of B.C. and it has been largely immigrants from the U.S.A. who started it. Maybe some here remember that whackjob who used to spike trees and endanger loggers and mill workers while on welfare and dealing in large amounts of drugs, his name was Carl ???? and he was as "white" as I am. I would not have deported him as I would have hanged him for drug dealing and attempted murder. "Kunty"??? Wow, how original! You even lived in the Kootenays, but, now you don't post your location? Try to clean up your spelling and learn a bit about Canadian politics...like which party brought in the first handgun controls and what Kim Campbell did. You are evidently either a "troll" or just not very bright. This is really about much more than handguns and I think that the origins of this are deep inside the United Nations, which is a front for far more sinister forces. I cannot help but think that Stubbie is right, in part, the Tar Sands are part of it, but, WATER is what is really the issue. I think that breaking Canada into several smaller, weaker jurisdictions would be absolutely the WORST method of trying to obtain local control over resources; the U.S.A. would gobble up what parts of Canada they want and the rest would become a backwater like Appalachia has been, or worse. But, at my age, I could just say to hell with it as I will have all the guns and hunting I want for as much longer as I can use them. I have no kids and could just enjoy myself, but, I started in pro-gun political activities in '68, just as Trudeau was elected and I feel this obligation to Canada.....ah, probably just being an old racist as we all know that we "white" people have never done anything good here............... | |||
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Just an Outsider's observation but this quote from peterpan yet Kutenay and others are prejudiced and racist? No Polish, Ck or Slovak criminals, eh? DB | |||
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Yes, Alf. I agree totally with you ! ![]() ![]() | |||
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Alf. As I recall this gov't hasn't been near so kind to you as it has been to some others. Professionals and other thinking folks are not on the 'most desired' list. The imm. that are most sought by big city, big business are those who are so glad to escape where they were born that they will do almost anything.Mostly work for cheap. These are the problem. Unfortunatly cheap labor is a necessary part of a economic boom,but these folks gravitate together and the trouble starts.'Gangs' and labor unions(which have now become a legal gang) have a good place to start. Kuts plan won't work because you can't turn back time. Alf,you too may be a crossfire victim of sorts, but for me you would be welcome in my home. Our family Dr. is from SA, the guy who operated on my back twice and gave me 2 cortisone shots in the spine yesterday is from India,and the principal of our school came from China. Immigration is a great thing,necessary for Canada's economic growth. Some controls must be used,and laws enacted to allow deportation upon conviction of a criminal offence. No appeals, just a ride to the airport. Some 'innocent' people will be hurt but not as many as now. As for Republic of Ab. There is a serious shortage of workers in Ab. This was filled in the past by Ont. and Newfoundland workers. The Ont. ones went home. Where will the 30-40 thousand new workers come from? Sask and Mb. are just about out of young people, Every business in Calgary, Leth. and Med. Hat is looking for people. There are rigs in the Hat area shut down because of labor shortages. The Achilles heal of economic boom is labor.We need some leadership at the federal level and are getting smoke and mirrors, doublespeak and bullshit.I guess this has little to do with handguns so better shut up.Mark A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which he proposes to pay off with your money. Gordon Liddy | |||
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Kutenay - Bless you. My spelling is just fine. Now curl up in that armchair and go to sleep. Wake up in a few hours and kick the cat, curse the government, the ethnic minorities, and anyone else around you can alienate. Now take your meds....yes that's a good boy....and go to sleep again. Good Night. | |||
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I did not refer to you, Alf, but you seem to think that you have the right to insult me and my forebearers because you are an immigrant. My ancestors did not do anything at Springfontein or Chrissiesmeer, you Boer halfwit, what about the slaughter of the Bushmen by YOUR Boer ancestors???? You would not even be here if it had not been for families like mine and I have had enough of your arrogant attitude. We WILL meet, asswipe, count on it and then we will see what you have to say to my face just before I deal with you in the traditional Canadian way.BTW, if you actually READ what I posted, you might have noticed that I specifically exempted people like you. I guess the big salary you get in MY country makes you think that you are pretty special, eh? The immigration situation since Trudeau has been largely a disaster for this country and ANYONE not born here who presumes to complain about Canada should be deported forthwith. MattB, you are SO kind and I thank you for the blessing and send you one of the same kind. But, I am curious, why don't you post your location, are you even a Canadian or are you one of the damyankee draftdodgers who came to the Kootenays and lived on LIP, OFY and LEAP grants, welfare and profits from growing and dealing drugs....you seem so concerned with ...meds..., again, not a very original insult, was it, too bad you lack the intellect to do better. | |||
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Unfortunately most people around the world judge all Canadians by the actions of our government,which constitutes a lot of talk but no action.As such,the traditional Canadian way has evolved into complaining a lot then doing nothing to change things.That is the reason that the Liberals keep getting re-elected. | |||
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That is the most perceptive and realistic remark made on this thread yet, mine included. I very deliberately post comments that can arouse controversy, NOT because I am a ...racist putz..., but, because I hope to goad more people into looking at the problems we face without the "rose-coloured glasses" approach that we have had in Canada since about 1945. Damned good post, Stubbie. | |||
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Gee, Kutenay, making a lot of friends on this board, I see? Clever boy. Oh, and I'm western Canadian, born and raised. Nice threats to Alf. Aren't you a little old for that? Not enough Metamucil, perhaps. Good boy. We'll fix you up nice. Now curl up into your comforter....don't forget your teddy bear and Paxil. Get your 'depends' on and let the nurse know if you have those 'bad dreams' again. Your right wrist giving you those shooting arthritic pains again? Didn't Mommmy tell you about getting hairy palms and blindness? Awww....... | |||
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Better, sonny, but your discriminatory attitude toward your elders still shows through. But, since you have yet to make a comment other than stupid remarks about me, I don't expect much from you. I did not threaten anyone, I never threaten, I simply defend my family in any way I consider appropriate. ...Paxil... are you a M.D. too or is this personal experience talking? | |||
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To this point I have avoided the race and nationality topic in this thread.However since others have brought it up, it should be noted that Martins actions with banning handguns are most similar to those of the British many years ago.Where guns are concerned,Canadas British heritage and the British way of thinking, is causing many of the problems for responsible gun owners.If our politicians keep using Britain as a model,the situation will only get worse. | |||
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Kutenay - thanks Dad. Now what are you going to do about this proposed legislation the liberals have come up with? I've called and written our local liberal riding to voice my displeasure, as well as the federal liberal party office. I am getting anyone from our gun club to do the same, and urge those firearms owners in Ontario to get busy writing letters and getting the 'neutrals' to swing the Ontario vote our way. Most of the west will go Conservative regardless, but the vote in the east will be the telltale heart. | |||
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What does Martin mean by banning handguns? They're effectively banned already. The laws are on the books, have been for some years now, but they have to be enforced to be effective. Martin is nothing more than the consumate politician who will do absolutely anything and everything to get re-elected. If we want to do something worthwhile then get rid of the politicians who are already in power while these crime rates are increasing. Sorry, but this is really a downer. Best wishes. Cal - Montreal Cal Sibley | |||
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Gentlemen, Don't go for each others throats here, rather, band together and wake up the constituants in your area. If you give up to martin you are done as a free nation. I have no dog in this fight but let FREEDOM RING, And I hope you win. I'm a U.S. citizen but i'm very concerned about what happens as eventually the same thing will happen here, LET YOUR NUTS DROP!!! Stepchild NRA Life Member | |||
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I would have to say it is not the minority groups in Canada that is causing the problems. If I was to blame anyone I would place the blame on our legal system. Until the Judges and polititians get the balls to punish the criminals harshly we will always have this problem. It amazes me how liberal our media is in Canada and how they only tell half truths only to benifit the liberal party and the libral east. If I can be charged for unsafe storage, why can't the govt be charged for allowing an unregesterd and restricted firearm being used in a crime? After all registration was supposed to reduce crime wasn't it? | |||
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hello; This just goes to show how far from Reality the Liberals chose to exist and to what lengths they are willing to go to avoid that dreaded "Personal resposibility" for your deeds. The good news for us Albertans is that Ralph has allready said that he will override it and he doesn't give a damn what Ontarions think. And who really believes now that registration is not the final step before confiscation? Grizz Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln Only one war at a time. Abe Again. | |||
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My first action against gun control was in the spring of 1968, when I personally contacted the Honourable "Bert" Herridge, M.P. for Kootenay-West with respect to an tightening of handgun regulations that the then Pearson government was proposing as a result, largely, of the Kennedy shootings. Mr. Herridge, a very fine man and a wounded WWI Canadian veteran kindly mentioned how pleased he was to see a person of 21 bother with national issues and then stated that he could not really do anything due to being a N.D.P. M.P. The N.D.P. has changed somewhat since those days when it was largely made up of working men of British extraction and ancestry who had fought for fair treatment for workers for decades. Britain has also changed for the worse as one of the earlier posters pointed out due to the activities of certain groups involved in crime, rioting and so forth. At this time, I am nearing 60, and my guns are relatively secure for as long as I will realisticly want them, so, after nearly four decades of letter writing, lobbying, teaching people about Canadian history, traditions and why we have a birthright to guns, I could say, "fuck it" and just go enjoy life as I am not really threatened by this. But, I am writing more letters,intend to personally speak with a number of politicians involved and will go to the local CPC candidate's office on Tuesday next to volunteer my services as a worker in the campaign, the candidate in question is, BTW, from Hong Kong...man, ain't I just one sonofabitch of a racist! Now, in today's papers, the "Vancouver Sun" and the "National Post" there are some VERY interesting comments from public figures whom you might expect to be in favour of this proposal; it seems that more and more people are seeing the "skull beneath the skin" as it were and this might work to our advantage. I honestly believe that Canadians in general NEED to question an immigration policy that allows entry to known criminals, terrorists and has skewed the overall numbers in favour of non-traditional groups, which themselves produce most of the shooters in both the G.T.A. and the Lower Mainland. We did not have this problem with handgun violence in April, 1968, when I bought my first handgun and the vast majority of the killers and their families did not live here then. The attitude about racism is bullshit, the reality is that certain immigrant groups ARE responsible for this and, handgun bans aside, it will get worse if we don't do something to restrict entry to those who do not act this way. Anti-British attitudes simply ignore historical reality and tend to make me wonder if those promoting this do not have personal agendas. Love 'em or hate 'em, the British are the major founding group of Canada and denial of this fact is simply ignorance. Alf, You accused my DIRECT ancestors of genocide and that is not going to happen without my dealing with it. You carefully ignore the history of the Boers in respect of exactly that, what about Apartheid, Soweto, Steven Biko and "Kaffirs", eh? Frankly, I think that you feel that because you are a doctor and pay substantial taxes, you are superior to we ordinary Canadians and we should touch our forelocks in obeisance to you. Well, Alf, you need to learn that you are just another immigrant here and are godam lucky we allowed you into this country, which, in view of many of your statements concerning Canadians, I think was probably an error. But, I will let this go for now in respect of the larger issue here. I WILL give you the chance to tell me in person about my family being involved in genocide as I have had enough of your crap. | |||
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