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Moderators: Canuck
Martin to ban handguns
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Picture of PeterPan
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you are old and arrogant man!

Like I said before, we loosing this (YES we all, because you are the bread they looking for), because we don't stay together and you are what liberals want, racist prick who hates everyone.

Best way to judge others is to first judge yourself.

And don't start me on Indians, because in most cases I do not agree with what this or previous governments are doing, but we can't hide the truth of years of discrimination, alienating and mistreating First Nation People, not mention all other done to them.

And stop being jealous that someone who is here few years has a better life and more clear view for this great nation than racist like you!
Posts: 202 | Location: Bolton | Registered: 21 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Why don't you take your ignorance back where you came from, you have made racist remarks and now accuse me, what a farce. Also, you seem to have a problem with people who are older than you are and that is not discriminatory? You are exactly the sort of person who makes thinking Canadians oppose immigration; fortunately, the vast majority of Poles I have met here are nothing like you.

Why don't you tell us again how Scots, Welsh and other people are not as "Canadian' as you are, you pathetic DP prick. Go home!
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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How about we stay focused on the firearms issue here? Kutenay, hold on to your catheter, Amigo, because Pauly and his crew are fixin' to grab your flintlock pistols, or whatever you used when you were young and lucid. I'm gald you are writing letters and contacting politicians. You go, girl!
Posts: 46 | Registered: 11 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Yeah, you're right and I admit that I do tend to let my intensely passionate feelings about Canada sometimes carry me further from the topic than is truely beneficial. So, although your last comment makes me wonder if you might be a "West Ender" in Vancity......I promise to be good. I actually am tied up with business of an important, personal nature from now to early January and will be offline; BUT, I will be active, I promise.

Thanks for keeping an old phart like me "on the straight and narrow" as the years have essentially worn my mind to a nubbin....or is it living under the kinds of governments we seem to elect in Canada. Anyway, "things are darkest just before the dawn", so, we may yet overcome.

My very best non-racist Christmas and New Years wishes for everyone here, you, Alf and even my self-appointed instructor in all things Canadian, Peter, included.
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Posts: 7857 | Registered: 16 August 2000Reply With Quote
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Good on ya, Koots. Atta boy! Merry Christmas to you too. My wife and kids wish you happy holidays as well. Now go grab some Geritol and chase those nasty liberals into a corner.
Posts: 46 | Registered: 11 June 2005Reply With Quote
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I think we as a nation are becoming a bastard nation . We have become so politicaly correct that we are afraid to call a spade a spade. We don't want to hurt anyones feeling, no one is willing to take any responsability. This is a politians dream place for a living. Since the liberals won't take any blame and neither will society.Exspecially "it wasn't my fault " syndrome that has run amuck. Lets blame handguns, then semi auto firearms, then lever actions and lets not forget the bolt action sniper rifles that we all use for hunting. I think we all under estimate what the public believes about firearms. We could be in alot of shit if this ban goes through. As far as immigration goes once you have become a Canadian citizen you are a Canadian. If you are not and commit a crime bye bye back home you go.We do need to toughen up our immigration standards for everyone. If you come here you shoud be bringing something here. Not just refugee statis nor shoud the first thing you sign be a welfare application.
Posts: 82 | Location: Millarville, Alberta | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Sounds like the UN is trying to tell Canada what to do.
Posts: 2209 | Location: Delaware | Registered: 20 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of PeterPan
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Originally posted by kutenay:
Yeah, you're right and I admit that I do tend to let my intensely passionate feelings about Canada sometimes carry me further from the topic than is truely beneficial. So, although your last comment makes me wonder if you might be a "West Ender" in Vancity......I promise to be good. I actually am tied up with business of an important, personal nature from now to early January and will be offline; BUT, I will be active, I promise.

Thanks for keeping an old phart like me "on the straight and narrow" as the years have essentially worn my mind to a nubbin....or is it living under the kinds of governments we seem to elect in Canada. Anyway, "things are darkest just before the dawn", so, we may yet overcome.

My very best non-racist Christmas and New Years wishes for everyone here, you, Alf and even my self-appointed instructor in all things Canadian, Peter, included.

Going jealous again. Someone enjoy his life and you can't get it. Like I said you make more mess with your rascist comments then good. And now when we gotta stay united on issues of our interest we are split like always. Or maybe you are paid by Liberals to stir all this, who knows.

And have a good Christmas, remember is about Christ who came so we can have everlasting life through grace. I hope you will dwell on this and wake up as change person who can love even those who are not as perfect as himself.
Other option, go back to where your family came in XVI century to realize that Canada is not as bad even with Polacks, Ukes, Waps and whoever is not standart.

I truely hope you change this Christmas.
Posts: 202 | Location: Bolton | Registered: 21 February 2004Reply With Quote
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It seems that we have been guilty of railing against "gun control" by merely quoting the facts that they are already controlled, that registered weapons are not the problem,etc.

Last night in casual conversation with my wife's Aunt and uncle (from Manitoba) i made reference to the handgun issue. Now these folks are, to my knowledge, liberal voters who neither shoot nor hunt and they seemed rather neutral on the issue.....until i mentioned that one requires a time sensitive permit just to take a handgun to the range, at which time "auntie" said ....WHAT? as i explained she, (remember now this is a non shooting/hunting family) became quite upset and as i elaborated further she flat said....."this is bullshit!" meaning the handgun ban, and went on to say that, had she known this, she would not have voted liberal and will not in the future! point is that we should educate the masses in a different fashion.

Oh and Kutenay, i also maintain that any person convicted of violating the law should be dealt with severely. If an "immigrant", deported immediately! No recourse! Nor should we tolerate those who would seek to insinuate their culture into ours when it is a clearly unsuccessful culture, that being the reason the assholes are here!!!

Dogs have masters.....cats have "staff"..... but i aint no servant!
Posts: 203 | Location: Vancouver Island BC | Registered: 23 July 2004Reply With Quote
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When Kutenay goes around threatening and insulting folks ... thumbdown the Liberals get a few more votes .. I reckon he'll never change .. although you threaten or insult the wrong guy .. hammering Lots of folks out there will pound out a rude 58 year old guy ...Just, because ... Eeker
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I totally understand where Kutenay is coming from. The incredible frustration at seeing a precious country and its once free and productive society turned into a bastard mix of onerous and unnecessary taxes to so the social engineers can hold power. The key being liberal voting ethnic groups that the long term lying bastard lib gov't uses regardless, or in fact of their "on the tit" mentality!

This problem is not going to go away by us being politically correct and playing their game! We absolutely need people who object strongly enough to gain attention, although, as much as i hate to say it, we need to put our objections into somewhat more carefully crafted and logical language so that we will not be written off as "fringe radicals".

The fact remains that our "trudeau raped" justice system is a perfect tool for the lib bastards. Our hunting and outdoor community has enough members
to have a large impact if we pull together. I think that those who reacted so strongly to Kutenays thoughts should wise up and see the overall problem rather than enjoying a good squabble over an issue that is sure to divide and conquer us.
We need to be as smart as the lieberals huh?

Dogs have masters.....cats have "staff"..... but i aint no servant!
Posts: 203 | Location: Vancouver Island BC | Registered: 23 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of PeterPan
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I totally agree with (maybe first time) you we have to be smart. But how you can be strong if guys like Kute start alienating people without any reason. This is call segregation and even in some cases racism. I am 100% to the right and I don't care what like of Kute say about me, I still gonna vote Blue, however not everyone has such strong conviction, especially when is a new comer to this country.
Ask yourself why Italian votes Red, because they were alienated in '60s, simple. They treat them bad, and who was it, White majority. Liberals are way smarter, they want only power, and don't care who is going to vote for them as long as they win.

I want Harper to win; I want PM from Western Canada to melt that Ontario-Quebec pact. And if Quebec wants to go, let them go. If they want to stay; stay but as Canadian, but not distinct group.
It takes time to change people and it is very easy and quick to make them enemy. And that is exactly what Kutenay is doing, at least in my eyes and some other guys.

Let stay united and be smart, that’s right.
Posts: 202 | Location: Bolton | Registered: 21 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Give it up peter pan for chrisakes!You are not making things a damn bit better! If you wanna lead, do it by example!......know what, you arrogant condescending little fag?
Kutenay and i might argue about only one thing.......who would go first to stomp on your nuts! And if none were there we would work our way up pissers

Dogs have masters.....cats have "staff"..... but i aint no servant!
Posts: 203 | Location: Vancouver Island BC | Registered: 23 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of PeterPan
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hound, why I shoud of, having blinded dumbass like you. I see, you show your true colors, good, even better. We need more people like you to make this country liberal.
Posts: 202 | Location: Bolton | Registered: 21 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of moki
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Holy S**t you guys are a bunch of wining idiots.

This Liberal handgun ban problem is totally simple to deal with.

If you are a firearms owner vote for and get everyone you know to vote for the CPC party.

The Liberals will steal you're rights and firearms from you so you can't vote for them.

If you think voting NDP will save your guns I guarantee that they will join with the Liberals and help pass the law to steal our firearms from us.

If you are a Canadian and use firearms of any kind in a crime you should be thrown in jail and the key should also be thrown away.

If you are not a Canadian and you commit any kind of crime here you should be kicked out of the country. Now not later....

Go back to your own country to do your criminal acts. Get out and you shouldn't ever be allowed to come back.......

Simple solution and no racism involved you are a visitor to this country and if you abuse the kindness shown to you, you should not be allowed to be here.
Posts: 451 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 20 November 2003Reply With Quote
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What we really need to do is join the liberal party and start changing some of their retarted policies.
Posts: 82 | Location: Millarville, Alberta | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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Secede from the Union now while the helicopters and submarines are broke!

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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The problem has always been to get people to work together on a common goal-so stop bickering gentlemen or this will come to pass .We all are going to learn something.
I do believe this will be a true test of what Canada has become.Time for somebody other than the Liberals to be in power in Ottawa-we have all seen the result.If we do not vote we will get what we deserve.
We should remember Canadians in the military ect that will not be home these holidays.

Merry Christmas and a HAPPY New Year to all!

Posts: 200 | Location: Calgary- Alberta- Canada | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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We should remember Canadians in the military ect that will not be home these holidays.

These are the Canadians showing the rest of the world what Canada is.

Posts: 200 | Location: Calgary- Alberta- Canada | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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