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Hand Gun Hunting
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I was looking at some auction Hunts for SCI and a few were in Canada and it said that you could use a Hand Gun also . How is this I was always told that you could not hunt with a hand gun in Canada period.
Posts: 1462 | Location: maryland / Clayton Delaware | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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NO repeat NO, you CANNOT bring ANY handgun into Canada. DO NOT even think about doing this, as they now arrest and charge US citizens for this and confiscate your gun.

Handgun restrictions here are far too rigid and not realistic, but, it is not worth the grief to break them and the Canadian Border Services Agency and RCMP are REALLY NOT "cool" about this.

Just a friendly warning so you do not get into deep doo-doo.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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There is a way to do it but I won't put it on here and I will do it one of these days. It ain't exactly legal by Canadian terms but it would be next to impossible to get caught doing it. It would not bother me one bit either as anti handgun laws against responsible people are just plain stupid, regardless what country said law resides in.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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. It would not bother me one bit either as anti handgun laws against responsible people are just plain stupid, regardless what country said law resides in.

...and you, of course, are above the law - would that be of your country as well, or just in other countries?
Is it therefore acceptable if I come into the U.S. and ignore any law I personally decide is 'stupid'?
Just curious.... Confused
Posts: 6105 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 14 November 2002Reply With Quote
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When you go to a foreign country your a guest and need to obey and respect their laws regardless of how ignorant it is.
Posts: 11636 | Location: Wisconsin  | Registered: 13 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Is it possible to borrow a handgun from a Canadian Guide or Citizen to hunt with.I would not try and bring one with me.Thanks,OB
Posts: 4372 | Location: NE Wisconsin | Registered: 31 March 2007Reply With Quote
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No one is allowed to hunt with a handgun in Canada, Resident or otherwise. All we are allowed to do with a handgun is take it to an approved range to shoot it. With permits (ATT's). Some trappers have been able to cary handguns on their traplines for animal control but it ain't easy. Believe me that there would be lots of people in Canada who would love to be able to hunt with their handguns but it just isn't possible right now sofa

If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness."

- Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick

Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Canuck32:
No one is allowed to hunt with a handgun in Canada, Resident or otherwise. All we are allowed to do with a handgun is take it to an approved range to shoot it. With permits (ATT's). Some trappers have been able to cary handguns on their traplines for animal control but it ain't easy. Believe me that there would be lots of people in Canada who would love to be able to hunt with their handguns but it just isn't possible right now sofa

Thanks for the info.I was not sure on what the regulations are. Big Grin
Posts: 4372 | Location: NE Wisconsin | Registered: 31 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Woodrow S., guys like you who do not respect Canadian laws are NOT welcome to visit and, especially, to hunt here in Canada. So, do not come here as you could be shot by an LEO, or, spend a long time in gaol.

I see NO valid reason for any American to possess ANY firearm on Canadian soil and guys like Woodrow exemplify WHY I and many other Canadians feel this way.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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For f**k sakes Dewey, think you could leave your nationalistic gibberish out of just one topic? F'n moron.

We can hunt with a handgun.........a pellet gun for upland birds and rabbits. Smiler

There are also some guides who have what's called an ATC(authorization to carry) while guiding non-resident hunters, but it's only for protection,not hunting or plinking.
Posts: 99 | Location: SK,Canada | Registered: 25 March 2006Reply With Quote
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So, you accept foreigners breaking Canadian laws and openly advocating doing so on an international forum? I don't.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Woodrow S., guys like you who do not respect Canadian laws are NOT welcome to visit and, especially, to hunt here in Canada. So, do not come here as you could be shot by an LEO, or, spend a long time in gaol.

I see NO valid reason for any American to possess ANY firearm on Canadian soil and guys like Woodrow exemplify WHY I and many other Canadians feel this way.

This is what I have a problem with.
Posts: 99 | Location: SK,Canada | Registered: 25 March 2006Reply With Quote
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IF, you would have posted that to begin with, I would not have posted as I did. I will now edit my first response.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I won't get into a pissing match over this but gun control is not about's about control. How can you, as a population in a modern society, put up with this nonsense. A guide can carry a handgun to protect himself from a Grizzly, but he can't hunt the bear(or anything else) with it? A person cannot protect themselves? What's the rational there? Sounds like someone needs to fight for some rights, basic ones at that yet. Heck, even Australia is beginning to open up to handgun hunting in a few territories, using the outfitters gaggle of handguns. I guess I am just a spoiled American with too many God given basic rights my ancestors fought to get and I fight to retain. I really do feel sorry for those that are so unfortunate. When it came right down to it, I probably would respect the law even though it's dumb, but it could easily be done nevertheless. Nuff said.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
I see NO valid reason for any American to possess ANY firearm on Canadian soil and guys like Woodrow exemplify WHY I and many other Canadians feel this way.

You are neglecting competitive shooting, Dewey.

As far as I am concerned, the more Americans and any other foreign nationals that we can get participating in competitive handgun competition up here the better.

We need numbers if we're ever going to get anywhere on this one.


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Woodrow S:
I won't get into a pissing match over this but gun control is not about's about control. How can you, as a population in a modern society, put up with this nonsense. A guide can carry a handgun to protect himself from a Grizzly, but he can't hunt the bear(or anything else) with it? A person cannot protect themselves? What's the rational there? Sounds like someone needs to fight for some rights, basic ones at that yet. Heck, even Australia is beginning to open up to handgun hunting in a few territories, using the outfitters gaggle of handguns. I guess I am just a spoiled American with too many God given basic rights my ancestors fought to get and I fight to retain. I really do feel sorry for those that are so unfortunate. When it came right down to it, I probably would respect the law even though it's dumb, but it could easily be done nevertheless. Nuff said.

We Canadians don't like it anymore than you do, but it is what it is for the time being. I wouldn't suggest that you try to skirt the law...someone turns you in and you are in deeeep doo-doo. Like jail-time doo-doo. Not worth it IMHO.

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Canuck:
Originally posted by Dewey:
I see NO valid reason for any American to possess ANY firearm on Canadian soil and guys like Woodrow exemplify WHY I and many other Canadians feel this way.

You are neglecting competitive shooting, Dewey.

As far as I am concerned, the more Americans and any other foreign nationals that we can get participating in competitive handgun competition up here the better.

We need numbers if we're ever going to get anywhere on this one.


How will these ...numbers...influence OUR political decision making, considering they are largely foreigners?

Like it or not, the Americans ARE foreigners and the LAST thing we need in Canada is ANY more American involvement, influence or interference in our affairs. Ask your dad about how the scumbag JFK tried to interfere in the 1963 Canadian General Election because he disliked "the Chief", bless his memory.

Nope, I do NOT want Yankees carrying guns in Canada and would do anything to prevent this happening.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Originally posted by Canuck:
Originally posted by Dewey:
I see NO valid reason for any American to possess ANY firearm on Canadian soil and guys like Woodrow exemplify WHY I and many other Canadians feel this way.

You are neglecting competitive shooting, Dewey.

As far as I am concerned, the more Americans and any other foreign nationals that we can get participating in competitive handgun competition up here the better.

We need numbers if we're ever going to get anywhere on this one.


How will these ...numbers...influence OUR political decision making, considering they are largely foreigners?

Like it or not, the Americans ARE foreigners and the LAST thing we need in Canada is ANY more American involvement, influence or interference in our affairs. Ask your dad about how the scumbag JFK tried to interfere in the 1963 Canadian General Election because he disliked "the Chief", bless his memory.

Nope, I do NOT want Yankees carrying guns in Canada and would do anything to prevent this happening.

Well, it does happen pretty often (Yankees carrying guns up here).

There are IPSC, IDPA and Cowboy Action Shoots that Americans attend in Canada.

I'm not talking about them influencing our "affairs" or political decision making directly. I'm just talking about them participating up here and letting Canucks participate down there.

There isn't a "critical mass" of competitive handgun shooters in Canada...its tough to drum up enough local participation to pull off a real shooting event. Americans willing to come up here to participate help make those shoots a reality.

Its a good thing, IMHO. The more shoots there are, the more likely folks will be drawn to the sport. The more Canadian folks we have involved in handgun shooting sports, the more advocates we have for increasing our rights to carry and use them. If it caught on up here like it has caught on down there, maybe we'd have a chance at winning out against the anti's. Our prospects are pretty poor when responsible firearm ownership and use is not keeping pace with population urbanization.

Just my way of thinking.

I haven't figured out in my head why Yankees carrying guns in Canada is such a bad thing?

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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The attitude shown in the post where the guy from PA. bluntly states that he will ignore our laws is "why" and he is characteristic of American attitudes toward Canada. Think about this very carefully and it should become apparent what the real problem is.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
The attitude shown in the post where the guy from PA. bluntly states that he will ignore our laws is "why" and he is characteristic of American attitudes toward Canada. Think about this very carefully and it should become apparent what the real problem is.

My initial reaction was the same.

But I'm just talking about the guys that come up here, follow the rules and enjoy the company of us Canucks at a pastime we have in common.

I've met way, way more guys from down there that are just like you and me, than the ones that are "stereotypical" (ie the American "arrogance", particulary towards Canada). I can't paint all American sportsmen with the same brush, and would not want to see us ban them from coming here with their firearms...anymore than I'd want to be banned from the US with my firearms! (although they could make it as easy for me to go there as it is for them to come here!!!!)

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
The attitude shown in the post where the guy from PA. bluntly states that he will ignore our laws is "why" and he is characteristic of American attitudes toward Canada. Think about this very carefully and it should become apparent what the real problem is.

I'm glad you don't generalize. Roll Eyes
And if you are characteristic of Canadian attitude toward Americans, we've got a real freakin' mess on our hands, don't we?
Think about this very carefully. Smiler
Posts: 99 | Location: SK,Canada | Registered: 25 March 2006Reply With Quote
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To continue, Chris, I realize that many Americans are fine people and we share certain cultural and other attributes with them. However, the situation concerning American attitudes toward our country is and has always been, only too obvious. The "continentalist" comments by the former POTUS "Dubya" is one recent case in point.

I do NOT want to see Americans allowed to possess firearms while on Canadian territory as this will tend to further the political influence they have here, which is already far too great. Consider the massive eco-disaster of "the Athabaska Tarsands" for one example.......

I am of the "Columbia River Treaty" generation and will NEVER want Americans here as a result of that and some other aspects of our relationship, such as "softwood".

As to "Cowboy Action Shooting", I was spared the mindwarping Hollywood and TV bullshit of "Hiyo Silver" and "Roy Rogers" as a boy because of being fortunate in attending a private school and learning to read. I do not consider firearms as "toys" and games such as that make me laugh at those who play them.

I believe in handgun ownership and carrying rights for Canadians like you and I and others who work in bush conditions and for some who live in urban areas. I do NOT want Americans armed in Canada and would like to see much tighter restrictions on American entry to Canada in general.

We need to expand our cultural, trade and all other relations throughout the entire world and cease from allowing so much Yankee involvement in Canada....them's my thoughts, sorry, bud, but I am an old Canuck curmudgeon and just an ornery sob, what can ya do! Smiler
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Hey Dewey, I found a picture of you online!!! Smiler

Posts: 99 | Location: SK,Canada | Registered: 25 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Yes, the whole world hates Americans.......just like Dewey does, until they are into shit up to their eyeballs and need help fast. Only then are we good enough. But that only lasts until they forget about when they were into shit up to their eyeballs. Dewey, your not an ornery sob canuck...your just a miserable man living a miserable existence......miserable because you are wanting to make a difference but don't know how. I can help you with that....get a needle and thread and start at the left corner of your mouth. There now, I did something good as an American.....I offered you a solution to your miserable existence. Too bad your not as intelligent as CANUCK. I won't be viewing this thread(no pun intended)to see your response because I don't care to see you spewing more NONSENSE.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Dewey/Kutenay you really need to tone it down a bit dude. You catch more flies with honey.......

the chef
Posts: 2763 | Registered: 11 March 2004Reply With Quote
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I think, chef, that the situation here is one you might want to give some careful thought to.

We have certain laws in Canada, enacted by a duly elected Parliament and many of us do not agree with them. However, they ARE the laws of Canada and anyone who visits here should obey them and respect our national sovereignity.

We have, in this thread, a foreigner who openly boasts about breaking Canadian laws, because he disagrees with them. This is the type of person we WANT here?

The other aspect of this that seems to escape some here is that we shooters are, at present, closer to changing these onerous laws than at any time since they were enacted. To advocate illegal activity or approve of a foreigner deliberately breaking any of our current laws is the "last word" in stupidity. The various "gun control" groups and the police read these forums and acting like a bunch of rednecked yahoos who break laws as they see fit is EXACTLY how we will lose any support we have among the general public.

So, I have NO bloody intention of mollifying some American azzhole who posts as this bombastic jerk has done. He and his kind DO NOT belong in Canada and I would hasten to report his illegal activities to the nearest RCMP detachment should he attempt to follow through on his boast.

We Canadian shooters MUST be totally law-abiding, avoid ANY advocacy of illegal acts by ANY foreign or native shooter and should NEVER accept comments such as those of "Woodrow" as they will hurt our cause with the majority of people in Canada. You may want to "make nice nice" with loudmouthed Americans and that is your right just as mine is to try to keep such lawbreakers and condescending jerks out of our country.

We are NOT "out of the woods" on our gun issues, yet and, after 40+ years of fighting against gun bans here, I do not want to see us finally lose because other Canucks equate us with lawless braggarts and foreign attitudes. YMMV, no offence intended and I appreciate your opinion.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Big game hunting guides are allowed, with the proper permit, to carry handguns while tracking wounded animals. The minimum calibre is .44 mag. & while a guide might have a handgun in camp or on his hip for said purpose, I cannot imagine one allowing a client to use his handgun for hunting.

Many people have a price, but to see a writeup in a gun mag about how a 'hunter' used his Canadian guide's handgun for his moose hunt would not go over well. I just can't see it happening. Not sure about the particulars, but it could be the guide might have to be using dogs for tracking wounded game while carrying the handgun.

Daryl S.
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Originally posted by blaser93:
I was looking at some auction Hunts for SCI and a few were in Canada and it said that you could use a Hand Gun also . How is this I was always told that you could not hunt with a hand gun in Canada period.

If you are referring to the recent publications by SCI about the 2010 SCI show in Reno, you need to read the ads a bit better.

Every Canadian hunt up for auction I see in the magazine states "weapon of choice EXCLUDING HANDGUNS"
Posts: 99 | Location: SK,Canada | Registered: 25 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Canuck:
I've met way, way more guys from down there that are just like you and me, than the ones that are "stereotypical" (ie the American "arrogance", particulary towards Canada). I can't paint all American sportsmen with the same brush, and would not want to see us ban them from coming here with their firearms...anymore than I'd want to be banned from the US with my firearms! (although they could make it as easy for me to go there as it is for them to come here!!!!)

I don't get your comment about arrogant Americans. After all Canada would make such nice little 51st state.

Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Daryl S.:
Big game hunting guides are allowed, with the proper permit, to carry handguns while tracking wounded animals. The minimum calibre is .44 mag. & while a guide might have a handgun in camp or on his hip for said purpose...

Where on earth have you read this? Having gone through for a carry permit in recent history for work, the list of folks allowed to carry one for work is very short, and didn't include big game guides.
Posts: 38 | Location: Erickson, BC | Registered: 24 August 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BushMonkey:
Originally posted by Daryl S.:
Big game hunting guides are allowed, with the proper permit, to carry handguns while tracking wounded animals. The minimum calibre is .44 mag. & while a guide might have a handgun in camp or on his hip for said purpose...

Where on earth have you read this? Having gone through for a carry permit in recent history for work, the list of folks allowed to carry one for work is very short, and didn't include big game guides.

This is also the information I have and several of my friends have these permits. I have a job situation, if I want it, that will allow me to obtain one, but, am not interested as it is more hassle for me now than I want in my life.

Who specifically CAN obtain the ATC for employment?
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by surestrike:
I don't get your comment about arrogant Americans. After all Canada would make such nice little 51st state.


FYI...its hard to read anything serious into your posts since seeing that fuzzy bunny slipper picture. Razzer

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Who specifically CAN obtain the ATC for employment?

Back when I had one, the only two jobs specifically named were "Timber Cruisers" and "Prospectors".

That said, I know a number of guides that recieved ATCs. How they applied for it though I don't know...lots of folks get their "free miners licence" and apply as a Prospector.

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
As to "Cowboy Action Shooting", I was spared the mindwarping Hollywood and TV bullshit of "Hiyo Silver" and "Roy Rogers" as a boy because of being fortunate in attending a private school and learning to read. I do not consider firearms as "toys" and games such as that make me laugh at those who play them.


I kin read purty gud Dewey. An I luv western mooovys!!!

CAS is a lot of fun...can't see how folks having good clean fun with firearms is a bad thing. I've never participated in an event, but to me its a great example of safe, fun and legitimate use of firearms (esp handguns). The folks that do this kind of stuff may be funny in your eyes, but for the most part they are "salt of the earth" people...and maybe you'd have to see it but they certainly don't treat guns as toys! Having more folks engaged in this kind of stuff can't help but bolster the cause of reclaiming some of our freedoms. Even moreso than other kinds of "target practice", since they usually mimic self defence, policing or military skills (which in some folks eyes would just re-affirm that only police and soldiers should have them). CAS sure helps your hone your marksmanship too!

JMHO, as usual,

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Canuck:
Originally posted by surestrike:
I don't get your comment about arrogant Americans. After all Canada would make such nice little 51st state.


FYI...its hard to read anything serious into your posts since seeing that fuzzy bunny slipper picture. Razzer

Admit it you're jealous. Wink

Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Canuck:
Originally posted by Dewey:
Who specifically CAN obtain the ATC for employment?

Back when I had one, the only two jobs specifically named were "Timber Cruisers" and "Prospectors".

That said, I know a number of guides that recieved ATCs. How they applied for it though I don't know...lots of folks get their "free miners licence" and apply as a Prospector.

The Free Miner thing has been cracked down on pretty hard now, you have to spend "X" number of days doing it and it has to be your primary source of income, etc...Foresters and registered trapline holders are now the 3 job "titles" that are "acceptable" to the CFC.

Guides definately aren't one of them, for the specific reasons listed here. When you apply, you have to have justification of why you can't carry a long gun in your profession. And then a few weeks after your application is received you get a phone call where someone grills you why you can't carry a long gun, etc....

Not difficult to obtain paper-work wise, just difficult to justify acceptably (in their eyes).
Posts: 38 | Location: Erickson, BC | Registered: 24 August 2009Reply With Quote
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MY theory and BELEIF is, if a Citizen cannot go into a gun store and buy a handgun in his country, then that Citizen is NOT FREE.

Now I have hunted once in Canada... And I found all the Canadians I met to be very nice people...

And the Canadian police, and Militry people I have trained, and associated with, including the Mounties from the "Musical Ride" were all fine folk.

But Canadians are NOT FREE...

They suffer under repressive gun laws...

If we in the US, are not careful we will suffer the same fate...

Revolutions have been fought for less...

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NE450, your post is the best in this thread and your assumption about possibly suffering the same fate as us is all too correct.
I do thank you for a common sense opinion...
Posts: 98 | Location: Fraser Valley B.C. | Registered: 07 December 2005Reply With Quote
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just to clarify the ATC thing, in BC/YT/AB, there is no "short list" or "# of days in field" to be issued a Wilderness ATC.

You need to fulfill three requirements;

1) be in the wilderness with the purpose of making income (i.e., not recreationally)
2) as stated above, be able to justify why a long-gun is not an appropriate weapon
3) demonstrate reasonable proficiency with the handgun to be carried

I've held one since 1987. I work with biologists, archaeologists, drillers, and others who have them. I know hunting/fishing guides who have received them, though not that recently.

They have cracked down on the guys who buy a $25 free miners cert over the internet and then send in an application, with no background or demonstratable intent to actually prospect.

The "# of days in-field" thing is a red-herring they use to deter phonies. They actually don;t care, since the permit is only valid while you are actually carrying out your duties anyway, whether for 2 or 365 days in a year.
Posts: 344 | Registered: 28 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Chris, my comments vis-a-vis the Hollywood costumes and utterly unreal games of the "Cowboy Action Shooters" were not intended as a "dig" at you, as I think you would know. As a former shooting buddy of mine,a serving "Queen's Cowboy" used to snicker about, this activity and IPSC are both, in his words, "games that they play" and, I agree.

He had been a "weapons tech." in Canforce and then became a Mountie, your dad may have known him. He was more "pro gun" than most cops I have known and worked with over the years, but, had little time for posturing with weapons and I am of much the same opinion.

I actually think that, we have a far better chance of maintaining ownership and use of realitistic and genuinely useful handguns by lobbying to advance and increase the use of such as "protection" against Grizzlies, etc. in various bush activities. This has happened, to a slight extent and could probably be substantially increased by consistent political pressure upon both the "feds" and the various provinces.

The highly modded and essentially impractical handguns used by CA and IPSC and "bullseye" shooters very likely will be allowed as sporting implements and with strictly regulated ammo types which are not suitable for serious defensive use. I want my few handguns for that purpose and believe that the "wilderness carry" issue is the most realistic pathway to legislative protection for this to happen.

I may be wrong, but, I have been at this for a long time and have seen various gun-related laws and policies change over that time.

I also know, as do you, from family background, what pioneer western Canada was actually like; the elderly gentleman who helped me catch my first trout, almost 60 years ago, came to the Kootenays in 1898, not long after my great grandfather built the brewery that still is working in Nelson.

As an avid and active student of serious history, I find the portrayals of supposed "old West" types by these CA shooters to be utterly ludicrous and derived from Hollyweird portrayals of the '50s and '60s, hence my comment. I dislike the pernicious influence of vulgar American "culture" in Canadian life and find this type of "target practice" to be ridiculous.

My info., so far, shows that Bushmonkey is correct on the ATC issue and some guys I know who had/have "Free Miner's" permits do not now qualify.

We were NEVER allowed to possess ANY firearm while on duty when I was with the BCFS or the AFS,a policy I very much agreed with and still support. I also strongly support the granting of ATCs under current law, to private forestry workers, such as BM and yourself and to quite a number of others employed in the Canadian bush and to citizens like you and I, whose backgrounds are suitable...most here would qualify I am sure.

The comments concerning ...freedom... hereon, by a foreigner are impertinent and based upon a subjective and rather questionable concept of "freedom". This is SO commonplace on this type of forum that I can only chuckle and shake my elderly head in amused consternation.

The very idea that Americans are more "free" than we Canucks.......gun laws in NYC, District of Columbia, huge and frequent deadly race riots, armed and violent military and police at their borders and "The Home Security" goonsquads......enough, the Yankees HAVE gun registration and just do not realize it.

I have never known that the RCMP WERE ...trained... by Americans, what next, perhaps Wayne Gretsky was actually from Pennsylvania or Shania came from Texas?

What we DO NOT need and I DO NOT want in Canada is ANY further creeping "Americanism" and we can quite easily develop and maintain an appropriate "gun control" system by ourselves, without their condescending interference.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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