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Western Canada BIG BORE shoot - Any interest??
Picture of Canuck

Canuck32 and I have have PM'd on this and are wondering if it would get enough interest to try and organize, so this post is just testing the waters....

Would any of you be interested in attending an AR big bore shoot in Alberta?

Canuck32 and I are thinking that Rocky Mt House might be a good location as it is fairly central to a lot of places that members here call home (Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Prince George, the Peace, me...). There is also good camping, which is apparently not far from a good range.

As for timing, early spring seems like a good time (April?). After the snow, but before bear season and then family vacations, etc are in full swing. The weather can be iffy, but should be decent enough for camping and burning a bit of powder.

So, let's hear what you think. I was going to post a poll, but thought it would be better just to have interested parties post here. That way at least we know who as well as how many! Smiler

Any ideas/suggestions welcome.

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Actually, I'd like to go to such a thing but Canada charges a registration fee of $50 Can for each rifle Americans take across the border to Canada.....and I haven't hunted Canada since that started.....sorry, I'm not sure how many Americans feel that way but I do...maybe you can hold it somewhere in Montana!

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Canuck you have a PM on this.
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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If we can get a date around the 27th to the 29th, It sounds doable.
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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...maybe you can hold it somewhere in Montana!

vapo.. no offence taken or intended by my following commentary... if I tried to organize one in Montana I'd have to leave my guns at home!! Check out a thread called "air canada wins" on this forum if you want to see what I am talking about. In short, it only costs you $50 to come into Canada with your guns, but the restrictions around non-resident aliens taking firearms into the US are MUCH, MUCH worse.

If you wanna come, I am sure we could do a little collection here to cover your registration fees! Smiler


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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If it all comes together I'll bring along my 9.3x64 "Canadian bigbore", just for George. Wink
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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.366T...PM received and all suggestions are welcome. Not sure when will be the best time for this, or how much interest we can generate. Depending on interest, summer may be better???

We thought RMH would be most central as there are a lot of members from AB, and only a few of us from BC. 470 Mbogo and I have talked about doing this in BC, but we are all spread pretty far apart. (note: I am hoping 470 Mbogo could make the long journey east to wouldn't be the same without him!) BUT, if there is little interest in AB, or more interest elsewhere, the location is entirely negotiable (as long as its north of the 49th!)!


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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If no interest in Alta, how about willy's puddle?
Honestly I'm game for a drive. You guys pick, the best for you.
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Willy's puddle is a definite option if there is more interest from BC guys.

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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what, if I may ask, is Willy's puddle?

This might be fun...

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IS, its William's Lake, BC.

I wasn't thinking there'd be much interest from south of the line, but if there is we can definitely take that into consideration before finalizing the location!


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Well I aint got a big bore....but I'd still take a drive if it was in RMH or there abouts. There's also the IHEA range and I bet we could get exclusive use of it at the right time of year. It's just west of Caroline. I'd love to see some of those guns in action!!!

the chef
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Picture of Hog Killer
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clap A Canuck "Bubba" shoot, it's about time y'all got something like this going. thumb

How come you do not want to have it during bear season? Big bores and bears sounds like they go together to me.


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Originally posted by vapodog:
maybe you can hold it somewhere in Montana!

You still seem to think it is more difficult for you to come north than it is for us to come south. It's been explained here time after time: IT IS NOT!

Posts: 1717 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 17 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I'm game, and I'll offer Calgarychef a ride in my old Toyota. Unless it's going to be a waaays away... Williams Lake is already getting to be a drive.

Posts: 1717 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 17 March 2003Reply With Quote
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you know I'm in, great idea!!!!!!!!



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Depending on the dates and location, I am in.

I may be busy with seeding by the last week of April, first week of May.
Posts: 187 | Location: Edmonton, Alberta | Registered: 15 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I'd be interested too. Hopefully by then I'll have the .404J back from the smith, he's only had it for 6 months now Mad


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RMH, it may be. I'm game. It's also closer to those south of the border as well!
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I am interested if it is in WL as I can work it in with fishing Dragon in Quesnel in April!!!

Bob Clark
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Well, don't have a bigbore, nothing over .308 bore actually, but it would be fun to have a shoot and meet some guys with similar interests. Depends on timing and such......... Might have to buy that Marlin GG I've been wanting, cost of admission and all.

Posts: 129 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 11 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Canuck32
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Hey guys,
It doesn't matter if you have a big bore or not. I'm sure willing to let guys try my collection (including the 505) out.

I suggested RMH since the range has a 550 meter range for multiple shooters (covered), Archery range, Skeet range, 3 lane pistol range incluing cowboy action and camping all in one.

Canuck 32

If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness."

- Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick

Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Canuck32:
Hey guys,
It doesn't matter if you have a big bore or not. I'm sure willing to let guys try my collection (including the 505) out.

I suggested RMH since the range has a 550 meter range for multiple shooters (covered), Archery range, Skeet range, 3 lane pistol range incluing cowboy action and camping all in one.

Canuck 32

Sounds GOOD!! I like it and RMH has beautiful scenery as well!
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I'll come to Rocky Mountain House ... BOOM
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I'm in for Rocky. Early April is best. I can bring a few extra nosebleed specials for those that may not have one, Mark

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hey guys, im new here, but i am in red deer, i would definetly drive to rocky for this, i only have a 338 at the top end of my caliber spectrum, but i am wanting to shop my way up. This might be a good way to learn about the toys.
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Picture of PoppaW
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If the dates line up with work then i'm in. The Rigby likes RMH. Keep us updated with dates.

Everyone is allowed an opinion, even if its wrong.
Posts: 419 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 10 May 2004Reply With Quote
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April may not be late enough for us in the North as we have to wait for break-up in order to drive, .....otherwise it's fly only and rent a vehicle. But one way or another, I'm willing and can bring several for those without!

Another location, and we've discussed it locally with the club, would be to get everyone to Yellowknife for some shooting and fishing, plus the bears would be out.


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Posts: 277 | Location: Yellowknife, NWT, Canada | Registered: 13 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Can a non=res Canadian get a tag for bear in the NWT?

the chef
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whether we can get tags or not, Yellowknife sounds like a great place for a spring holiday,
I'd take holidays for that.

ax dancing

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Originally posted by axle:
whether we can get tags or not, Yellowknife sounds like a great place for a spring holiday,
I'd take holidays for that.

ax dancing

The fishing is outstanding!!! When I lived in Pine Point, you had to live there for a year or two in order to qualify for residential hunting.
Then the fun began! We hunted Caribou on the frozen lakes north of Yellowknife. What a sight on the last day, Caribou streaming out of the bush ass to nose. The "rivers" collected in a bay on the lake, it was a HUGE amount of 'Bou. Has to be seen to be believed!!
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I'll still be in Edmonton around then...if its close I'll come...would love to see the rifles and meet you guys.
Posts: 1274 | Location: Alberta (and RSA) | Registered: 16 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by .366torque:
The fishing is outstanding!!! When I lived in Pine Point, you had to live there for a year or two in order to qualify for residential hunting.
Then the fun began! We hunted Caribou on the frozen lakes north of Yellowknife. What a sight on the last day, Caribou streaming out of the bush ass to nose. The "rivers" collected in a bay on the lake, it was a HUGE amount of 'Bou. Has to be seen to be believed!!

OOOOFF!! I'm checking the hunting reg's and residents are down to two Caribou each and select male only. In '86 we were allowed 5 each. What happened? Were the herds decimated?
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of 470 Mbogo
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HI Chris,
Sounds like a lot off fun. I could probably find something to shoot. I could put together a few extras for the shooters that would like to try out some big bores. Williams Lake would be ideal but I'm in need of a road trip. Just got the turbo on my truck you know. Big Grin Big Grin
Take good care my friend,
Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Big Grin It wouldn't be a western canada big bore shoot without you buddy!


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I talked to the VP of the Rocky range. They are going to be booking dates for range use in January. He said it would be no problem to book weeekend for a group in April or May.


If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness."

- Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick

Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004Reply With Quote
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A non-resident Canadian bear tag is no problem as I'm an outfitter and there's no quota, .......need to be accompanied by a guide but that can be arranged as my guides are all shooters.

Yeah, they knocked the resident sport hunter back to 2 animals and cut outfitter quotas back a bit, but it hasn't really hurt anyone nowadays. The local native organizations want to stop all non-native hunting but at the same time refuse to provide their own kill numbers. I've been chasing 'bou for 40 years and I'm not yet convinced that numbers are truly down. .....It's mybelief that the "new generation" biologists just don't understand that caribou can't be "modeled" and will never conform to "patterning"!

The fishing is truly excellent all the ay from the border and May would have little darkness, so round-the-clock activities are possible, (sleep when you get home!)

I'm also the president of the Shooting Club, so know everyone would be welcomed both by the local shooters and the general population. Yellowknife may well have the highest ratio of guns to citizens in Canada, ......I know my street has at least 25 per household on average!

Fishing trips, bears, golf, whatever, can all be easily arranged. Even the Mayor would be a participant in a good portion of the shoot also.
For those that would rather fly, I can arrange some great fares out of Edmonton, Calgary, or Grande Prairie.


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Posts: 277 | Location: Yellowknife, NWT, Canada | Registered: 13 October 2002Reply With Quote
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spring bear and big bores Big Grin what could be better?


meat is murder..... tasty,tasty murder
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Hi Chris
This is my first post on AR.
Count me in on a big bore shoot, any time any

Chris (Sechelt)
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I would be very interested in attending and any weekend in April except the very last will work for me.

Rocky Mountain House as a venue sounds great!

My largest calibre is .338, which is pretty trivial by this groups standards, but perhaps there'll be an opportunity to move up. dancing

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