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Moderators: Paul H
trim off those belts!!!
Picture of jeffeosso
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of my sounder of wildcats (trying to be funny) 1 has a belt, 2 have rims, and 4 don't... that's nearly 1/2 and 1/2... Personally, i don't care one way or the other about the PRESENCE of the belt...

but, when I am designed the max eff. case I can around something, and there's a choice SERIOUS holdback/flaw to fit my design parameters, I got with the correct desgin...

for example, the 470AR is little more than the 470 capstick, true enough...

1: the 470 ar cost avoids $$$$ on custom bottom metal (huge to me - as a cheap aftermarket is 400bucks)

2: fits in a standard length action - double cost avoidance - first that a 7mag doner is usually cheaper the same in a 375 length and/or is "safer" (daly 375 actions are cut under the ramp, and some persons' don't like that)

3: no belt means greater case capacity, assume the same or greater max case diameter... the 458 AR is .05" longer than a 458 winmag, yet has 3.8% more case capacity than the 458 Lott

I couldn't have gotten this performance, in a readliy available and CHEAP action, and avoided LOTS of gunsmithing and customizing $$$, to acheive the same thing with a belt.

But, the 550 flanged, meant for double rifles, is oversized and it doesn't matter how it headspaces... some with the 550 mag and express ... Neal's entire concept was MAX case, MAX bullet, reliable heaspace... and I wanted to see that in an affordable action... Mag and Express... belted, for a REASON..

So, here's my opinion on belts, rims, shoulders, and casemouths..

every round has to headspace, and all of these seem to work in their performance windows. this forum is on wildcating, and there's some belt rounds that have enough shoulder to not REQUIRE a belt to heaspace (except the 458 winmag, lott, and capstick, EVERY american ~2.5" belted case fits that bill) and either you could have gotten "one more" in the mag, or mad a trimmer action without the belt.

but "belt" and "magnum" have cojoined in the shooting publics mind for 90 years... okay, great... works for me.. but if we were designed the 338 winmag TODAY it wouldn't have a belt, as there's no reason, and you could either have a trimmer action and case if you turned it to .511, OR more case capacity if you made it .532 -nobelt, and headspaced off the shoulder.

I believe the new 375 ruger, from 404 down to 7mm, will be the next sire of a neat line.. and it uses a .532 case without a belt.. more case capacity for length.. this is ALWAYS a good thing.

and a 338 ruger is certainly in my future!!



opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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