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substitute for Kroil oil?
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Just wondering how Marvel Mystery Oil would compare if substituted for Kroil Oil in conjunction with JB compound in bore cleaning?
Posts: 44 | Registered: 06 March 2012Reply With Quote
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If you are looking for a penetrating oil equal volumes of acetone and Dexron III transmission oil make one of the best.
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Since the Kroil and JB is to thin the JB and provide a carrier to the paste, I would think MMO would work fine. I use MMO for a cleaner on my cast bullet rifles and as a carrier with the KG paste on Jacketed rifles. Works fine.
Kroil is a superior penetrating fluid no doubt. It will penetrate it's own sealing on new cans if stored sideways... Yup, lost a couple of cans that way.

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Kroil is hard to beat but in regard to furys comment,I personally have had to throw away 1/2 full cans because they bugger up the joint between the spray nozzle + the the can. That is only a problem with the aerasol.When using it in the old "oil can design" there are no problems.The Kroil will break down to 1/millioned of a particle. I use it to free fan blades from motor shafts,etc. in the profession that makes money.

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Ed's Red might come close, sorta.
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The reason I ask, is Precision Shooting Mag. had an article of a bench rest rifles bedding go bad because of solvent penetrating barrel threads and getting under action. With Kroils ability to "creep" I was just wondering if this is a concern?
Posts: 44 | Registered: 06 March 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by .22-10-45:
Just wondering how Marvel Mystery Oil would compare if substituted for Kroil Oil in conjunction with JB compound in bore cleaning?

I have found MMO to be an excellent bore cleaner, great for carbon but not much on copper. However the JB would take care of that. It certainly smells better than Kroil.
Posts: 3960 | Location: SC,USA | Registered: 07 March 2002Reply With Quote
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side note: My Kroil losses were in the old Oil cans stored sideways as that is how midway shipped them to me in the box. Kroil creeped right out after a couple of years. Bulk buy gone wrong...

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
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Picture of prof242
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I started using Marvel Mystery Oil (MMO) years ago because I didn't know any better. It worked on farm and home items, I didn't have much money so used what my step-father bought for use. Worked great so I've continued to use it. Tried the mixture of Kroil and Butch's Bore Shine and a mixture of MMO and BBO. Didn't see any difference between the two mixtures. Found MMO in every auto supply place and back country hardware store. Kroil may be better, I'm a psychologist, not a chemist. But, I use my MMO/BBO mixture a lot.

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I found out the scary way, be careful not to get kroil in the trigger assembly, especially in good weather hunting rifle....very dangerous...ran a can of lighter fluid through it to clean it all issue since,
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So the Kroil dissolved the old lubricant in your 700 trigger and created a classic bang when the safety was flipped off? Just guessing.

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
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700s can create a classic bang even lubricated with adobe mud or nothing at all..the little buggers just like to go bang all by themselves..

There are so many really good bore cleaners that I have not used Kroil or JB for many years, and since Im not a chemist I don't try to fix things that ain't broke,..I keep a can of Kroil and I keep some JB on hand, both for different purposes, for bore cleaning I prefer Wipe Out then some kind of crud cleaner, so much stuff out there today that works. not to mention the queen of bore cleaners Hoppes, if anyone recalls that stuff..the smell of Hoppes bespeaks a good hunting camp in the high country of Idaho. who cares if it works or not! tu2

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Ray Atkinson
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I would not recommend anything other than Kroil. I don't have any skin in the game, not selling Kroil at retail, etc.

Seen it clear leading out of the barrel of a revolver. I use it as a general bore cleaner, but use Sweet's for copper fouling. Kroil gets used to flush the brass brushes of Sweet's.

In the aviation industry, I have seen Kroil free a steel bolt corroded in magnesium housings. I have seen it creep UP inside a press fit tube.

It is amazing stuff- why seek a lesser substitute?

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I have one and only one experience with Kroil; whilst on a bear hunt one spring, the last spring hunt in Ontario, I smelled something very strong, oilly, chemically, pungent odor. I asked what in the hell that was; my buddy said," Kroil" on his rifle. I told him that no bear would get within 300 yards of that smell and guess what; none did. Even though the place was crawling with bears.
I have no use for it and would never consider it.
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I have no use for it and would never consider it.

I would not put gasoline on a sunburn either but, I still have a use for it!

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Maybe that's why it's best to hunt upwind. Smiler

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Originally posted by dpcd:
I have one and only one experience with Kroil; whilst on a bear hunt one spring, the last spring hunt in Ontario, I smelled something very strong, oilly, chemically, pungent odor. I asked what in the hell that was; my buddy said," Kroil" on his rifle. I told him that no bear would get within 300 yards of that smell and guess what; none did. Even though the place was crawling with bears.
I have no use for it and would never consider it.

I was reminded that KROIL is for cleaning -- not a lubricant. Your friend was confused??


Posts: 4917 | Location: Bryan, Texas | Registered: 12 January 2005Reply With Quote
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It smelled terribly after he cleaned it; I guess you have to re-clean your rifle after cleaning with Kroil.
Maybe for target rifles but from what I saw it is not for hunting rifles. But as I said, I wouldn't use it regardless/
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Marvel Mystery Oil.

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Originally posted by dpcd:
It smelled terribly after he cleaned it; I guess you have to re-clean your rifle after cleaning with Kroil.
Maybe for target rifles but from what I saw it is not for hunting rifles. But as I said, I wouldn't use it regardless/

Just have to patch it out, and KROIL is never the last thing for me. Hoppe's oil patch (wet) then one to dry is my endpoint. Often there's a K-G routine including a solvent sweep after KROIL.

BTW, haven't been able to duplicate that 4-shot group after last cleaning of the .300 H&H.


Posts: 4917 | Location: Bryan, Texas | Registered: 12 January 2005Reply With Quote
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From what I've seen, there is no substitute for Kroil. Stuff is freaking magic.

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Originally posted by Clayman:
From what I've seen, there is no substitute for Kroil. Stuff is freaking magic.


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Originally posted by BNagel:
Originally posted by dpcd:
It smelled terribly after he cleaned it; I guess you have to re-clean your rifle after cleaning with Kroil.
Maybe for target rifles but from what I saw it is not for hunting rifles. But as I said, I wouldn't use it regardless/

Just have to patch it out, and KROIL is never the last thing for me. Hoppe's oil patch (wet) then one to dry is my endpoint. Often there's a K-G routine including a solvent sweep after KROIL.

BTW, haven't been able to duplicate that 4-shot group after last cleaning of the .300 H&H.

I "Once" made the mistake of hosing down a rifle for long term storage with Kroil, three months later came back to a brown crusty sticky mess of shit, that was worse than cosmoline to remove.
No Rust but will never use Kroil on a gun again!

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The smell of a stinking hunter will scare a bear, Ive smelled some mighty rank hunters in my lifetime, so I doubt that Kroil is any different than any other strange smell to a bear. I know apple scent will spook a Mule deer, cuz he ain't never seen or smelled an apple in many parts of the West or South West. Kinda like some of the bear bait Ive smelled, and it keeps me away from bears!

Its not the stink, its smells he ain't used to smelling..or perhaps your friend stunk as opposed to the Kroil ! rotflmo

Kroil works on fish bait btw..

Ray Atkinson
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I've started using this new Pro-Ferrum stuff - only on shotguns so far - but it might work as a kroil substitute.
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Knew a fellow in Ohio years ago who was told to fill the crankcase in his "old" car with Marvel Mystery to clean out the sludge. He said the interior of the motor was very clean but you should have heard the the racket when he first started it up. rotflmo

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I use only CLP; bears like the smell and it is Army Approved; perfect, for me.
Engines? Remove the oil pan first and clean out the sludge; never try to dislodge it with any solvent, even that nasty kroil..
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as a straight penetrant ? Brake fluid. Dont get it on your vehicle paintwork though


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Originally posted by dpcd:
I use only CLP; bears like the smell and it is Army Approved; perfect, for me.
Engines? Remove the oil pan first and clean out the sludge; never try to dislodge it with any solvent, even that nasty kroil..

Reminded me to follow the KROIL soak of .257 Rbts bolt with some Break Free CLP left by my f-i-l. Thanks!


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JabaliHunter, That Pro-Ferrum stuff looks good. I am going to try it. Thanks for posting. Brian

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short answer..
for penetrating oil, brake fluid works wonders
for gun preservative, ATF .. and it smells nice

for general use, 2 parts brake fluid, ATF, and kerosene, 0.5 parts wd40 -- i uses royal purple ATF can call it jeffe's purple nurple

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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And you passed up on the greatest bore cleaner in history, hot soapy water with a hot scald..Dry thoroughly which with hot water is quick and easy an oil cheap and it works.

Ray Atkinson
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Ballistol works on the inside and outside of the gun. I don’t like the smell however.

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Any light oil will do with JB. I used to mix 3-in-one oil with polishing stick compound and lap/polish/clean bores. Tranny fluid would work great too. You are just making a polishing slurry. Does a great job of removing copper fouling. Ain't rocket science. MMO would not be my first choice but I still use it to clean carbon and powder fouling with a brush.

Originally posted by .22-10-45:
Just wondering how Marvel Mystery Oil would compare if substituted for Kroil Oil in conjunction with JB compound in bore cleaning?
Posts: 3960 | Location: SC,USA | Registered: 07 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Jerry Liles:
If you are looking for a penetrating oil equal volumes of acetone and Dexron III transmission oil make one of the best.

I use the same stuff for loosening seized or rusted metal parts. Works as well or better than commercial penetrating oil. Cheaper, too.
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Originally posted by 3584ELK:
I would not recommend anything other than Kroil. I don't have any skin in the game, not selling Kroil at retail, etc.

Seen it clear leading out of the barrel of a revolver. I use it as a general bore cleaner, but use Sweet's for copper fouling. Kroil gets used to flush the brass brushes of Sweet's.

In the aviation industry, I have seen Kroil free a steel bolt corroded in magnesium housings. I have seen it creep UP inside a press fit tube.

It is amazing stuff- why seek a lesser substitute?

I would agree. Plus its cheap enough that screwing around with home-made concoctions just isn't worth my time. I'm sure the mixture worked for Uncle Enoch when he mised it up n the barn, but I prefer the science behind the store bought stuff.

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My answer is Marvel Mystery Oil.

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kroil has exactly ONE use - penetrating oil .. and, frankly, ATF + brake fluid does the job just as well for 1/5th the price

and, as Tom says, it does smell to high heaven.

not a fan for using kroil, wd40, or naptha (lighter fluid) for gun cleaning/lube

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Regardless, just remember that about 250 years ago when we were still using flintlocks, the standard cleaning practice was pissing down the bbl to remove the black powder residue. All things considered, I think we have made progress.

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"All things considered, I think we have made progress"

Except now we have a guy from Austin pissing in our shoes and telling us it's raining! LOL!

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