Moderators: Paul H
Fire near my place in Kernville
posted 31 July 2002 15:13
I only hope that they close the deer season this year here so the deer do not get over harvested in the unburned areas...Here is the latest report!

Fire Meeting - Kernville - 7:00 PM 7/29


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Posted by Webmaster from on July 30, 2002 at 00:35:20:

Conducted by Jim Paxon - McNally Fire Management Commander & Judy Shutza - Kernville Office
McNally Fire Information Center open from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM PDT. (760) 376-1408

Estimated acres burned: 76,000 by this evening.
Containment: 35%
Expected Control: Unknown
Giant Sequoia Groves Threatened: 11
Estimated Cost to Date: $11 million
Fire Equipment and Personnel Assigned: 13 helicopters, 9 air tankers, 19 dozers, 23 water tenders, 125 fire engines, 51 handcrews and 550 support personnel. Total peronnel: 2,208

Evacuations: Johnsondale, Camp Whitsett, Pyles Boys Camp, Lloyd Meadow Road, Parker Pass, Troy and Fish Creek campgrounds, Quaker Meadow Camp, Camp Codyak and Horse Meadow are all mandatory evacuations. Monache Meadows, Black Rock Ranger Station and the southern portion of Golden Trout Wilderness are voluntary evacuations. As of today, Ponderosa residents (with proof of residency) can return to the area from Highway 190 through Cedar Slope. They are subject to evacuation orders should fire change path.

Road Closures:
Mtn. 99 north from Riverkern; Sherman Pass/Cherry Hill Road leading east off Mtn. 99; Parker Pass closed at Peppermint Work Center south of Ponderosa. Sugar Loaf Road at Portuguese Pass; Crawford Road at Tule Indian Reservation boundry; Nine Mile Canyon Road at Kennedy Meadows/South Fork Kern River; Pacific Crest Trail from Domeland Wilderness through the South Sierra Wilderness at Beck Meadows; Portions of Golden Trout Wilderness are now closed - east of the Kern River; south of the trail from Soda Springs to Tunnel Meadow and southeast of the Ramshaw Meadow trail to Strawberry Meadow; west of Kingfisher Ridge and west of the trail through Fat Cow Meadow and Schaeffer Stringer; and north of the Sequoia Nation Forest.

McNally, the 2nd biggest forest fire in the nation is burning on both sides of the river in the Cannel Meadow and Hot Springs Districts. Fire primarily advanced north, west and east from Roads End. Inversion layer is causing the morning smoke to hold over but layer also helping fire fighting efforts. The fire is now mainly burning north and east, west has been held at this time. Closed roads will open only when considered safe from emergency and repair vehicles and crews. Edison is replacing power poles to re-establish power to Johnsondale. Phone lines are still down at this time in that area.

Most notable quote from Jim Paxson of the evening: "YOU WILL SEE THIS FIRE TILL SNOW FALLS"

I guess you can safely say in our lifetime anyway.

We will place notice here when Mtn. 99 opens. Till then the lake and lower Kern is available. Riverkern is not a camping area, it is day use only. Please report any campfires outside of "Fire Safe Areas" to 911 immediately. Mike Ludiker - Webmaster


Follow Ups:

Re: Fire Meeting - Kernville - 7:00 PM 7/29 Val 09:34:13 7/30/2002 (1)
Re: Fire Meeting - Kernville - 7:00 PM 7/29 Webmaster 13:30:25 7/30/2002 (0)
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one of us
posted 01 August 2002 09:10Hide Post
Looks like you are getting hammered hard down there.

Fire burning over by Selma and Cave Junction is a dandy also with a 25 mile wide front. Evacuation orders have been given for the area I understand. This is about 40 miles or so west of Grants Pass. It is quite some distance from us, but we are getting the smoke from it coming up the valley.

Other fires closer to us have left ashes on the deck.

We can't even run weed eaters or mow the lawn now without getting fined. Nor can we drive on unimproved roads.

Hey, Fireball..... it just dawned on me. Did you set that fire with the .358 Norma Mag. and blame it on that gal burning hot dogs?

Posts: 791 | Location: Grants Pass, OR USA | Registered: 30 March 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 01 August 2002 03:21Hide Post
any way you could just pack up n' move ???
from some of your posts,california just dont seem to be agreeable with you,
the gun law's strap you down,
and now the fires are trying too kill you,
and your ex-congress man is a murderer ???
and your ex-wife hates you,lol
buckweet [Wink]
Posts: 302 | Location: clinton mo. | Registered: 20 July 2002Reply With Quote
posted 01 August 2002 12:03
MIKE....YES the Norma mag is a Huge Fireball.....just waiting for you to pull the trigger!! you were right

Buckweat!!! you are right on most accounts(no Ex Wife yet).........But all this BS we have for gun laws????,,,,,,COMMIN to a TOWN near you ..SOON Enough!!......Yes I will move out,,,4 more years with kids and school..One going off to be a fly boy and my daughter I just have to wait till she is done with school.

I am sure by the time I get to move the same gun laws will be Lurking other places.
I have a freind in montana and he is having fits over the TREE them All bears or Yogi!!

Fireball [Eek!]

Reply With Quote
posted 01 August 2002 12:06
[QUOTE]Originally posted by buckweet:
any way you could just pack up n' move ???
from some of your posts,california just dont seem to be agreeable with you,
the gun law's strap you down,
and now the fires are trying too kill you,
and your ex-congress man is a murderer ???
and your ex-wife hates you,lol
buckweet [Wink]

Hey Buckwheat!! does the guy that posts in the pond live near you??? The one that cut his Private part off in a 4x4 accident?? the same one who blew his finger off last week???....Just a fun post at the pond

fireball [Wink]
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one of us
posted 01 August 2002 12:47Hide Post
i dont know of anyone close to me,,im waaaayyyy out here in the stick's...
my address is ''clinton'' mo..but im over 10 miles away,bet ya caint find [thrush] missouri on yer map !! me down in hill's n' tall timber,,
with a swamp fer a next door neighbor,
nobody but me n' the cow's...

on the other hand theres a house fer sale over in windsor mo,,nice,three bedroom,big yard,,under 10.000....
sad part about where i live,,we all is truck drivers,,no other job's..unless you call farming n' raising cow's making a living,...
good way too go broke quick...
trust me on that !!!
Posts: 302 | Location: clinton mo. | Registered: 20 July 2002Reply With Quote
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