Moderators: Paul H
OK, you guy's want a new subject?
one of us
posted 19 July 2002 14:07
Your not getting any cherry here though. [Razz] [Big Grin]
Are any of you shooting an air pistol?
I bought an IZH 46M this past winter. The only thing cheap about this "adult" air gun is the ammo, and some of that can get pretty $$$. If you get to a gun show pick one up, they feel some what like a 10" Contender.
As far as what can you do with it? Well when I can't get out and varmint hunt, take this one out in the back yard after grasshoppers, locust, dragonflys, etc. Yes you can splatter a big green grasshopper pretty good at 20 feet. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 655 | Location: Kansas US of A | Registered: 03 March 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 19 July 2002 15:21Hide Post
Well I have a crosman 1377. It is about 13" overall. .177 cal. it is a pump gun.
I use it for the local vermin here in town. It will reach out accuratly to the property line, about 75 ft. and hits hard enough to kill a feral cat.
Posts: 330 | Location: Oregon, U.S. of A. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 19 July 2002 16:20Hide Post
I thought all cats were feral? [Razz] [Razz] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 655 | Location: Kansas US of A | Registered: 03 March 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 19 July 2002 19:05Hide Post
I'm a 4-H Shooting Sports Pistol Coach and we use several of the single stroke air pistols in our matches. My daughter has a Daisey 747 with the Walther rifled barrel and adjustable trigger.

Check out B-Square as they have a scope mount for your pistol, it also will fit the Daisey 7XX series.

It is great fun to make 1 small hole in the targets at 30 feet. One hole accuracy for just over a Hundred dollar bill is a hard deal to pass up on the 747's.
Posts: 140 | Location: MEMPHIS, TN USA | Registered: 16 March 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 20 July 2002 03:22Hide Post
Was at the range the other day shooting my .50x209 Encore when this guy shows up with a thoroughly modified Crossman CO2 air rifle. It had a big external CO2 tank on it, and some sort of silencer. The trigger had been reworked too. He let me shoot the thing, and I punch a hole through the center of a .25 inch bullseye at 25 yds! Couldn't hardly hear the thing go off! Oh yeah, it had a 12x scope on it. What a kick!
Posts: 207 | Location: Sacramento, CA, USA | Registered: 15 February 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 20 July 2002 03:46Hide Post
Air guns, eh?

Then you perhaps have seen old ads, mentions of the Quackenbush air rifles of old?

Dennis Quackenbush is making air guns at least up to .45 cal. that I know of using the old 1840's Leige lock design. Everything I saw in his shop about 45 minutes north of Springfield, MO was rifle length, but I'll just bet he would make something abbreviated.

I don't have his phone number, nor do I remember the town he is near. I helped a friend move a surface grinder from his shop several years ago, and have lost track of his address/phone. I can track it down if you want.

These are SERIOUS power factor air guns.

Posts: 791 | Location: Grants Pass, OR USA | Registered: 30 March 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 20 July 2002 11:11Hide Post
Mike, if you have an idea of the general area let me know. I have heard of Quackenbush, but never new it was this close to home.
I am taking a road trip to Sierra to restock my supply then on to Springfield to eat lunch at "Lamberts". Then make a few stops on the way home.
Posts: 655 | Location: Kansas US of A | Registered: 03 March 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 20 July 2002 11:28Hide Post
Jeff, one of your stops on the way home would not happen to be by the Bushnell Outlet store would it?

Mike (mbk)
Posts: 243 | Location: Kansas, USA | Registered: 12 March 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of Paul H
posted 20 July 2002 12:04Hide Post
I have a Gamo compact, and haven't fired it in years, shame on me. We have a restriction on firing air guns in our subdevision, which isn't enough to stop me, but our back yard is situated such that about 4-5 other folks can easily peer into it.

On the other hand, there was no mention of archery restrictions, so the wintertime project will be self bows for the family, with hay bales at 10, 20 and 30 yds. I'm also looking at making a crossbow or two.

Oh, back to air guns, the little Gamo is very accurate. When I was shooting it frequently, I could point shoot soda cans out to 25 feet, and even managed a few behind the back shots out to 10 feet.

Nothing like trigger time to improve one's shooting.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 20 July 2002 16:14Hide Post
Paul, I am not up to speed on the IHMSA air program. But I think there is a pretty large following in Alaska. If I remember correctly they are shooting year round indoors?
The trigger time was kind of my main reason for getting my air pistol. The bad thing is that I had to get an air rifle to go with it. But the trigger on the air pistol is 12 ounces if my memeory serves me correctly. The craftmanship in this gun is unreal in todays world.
Posts: 655 | Location: Kansas US of A | Registered: 03 March 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 20 July 2002 19:59Hide Post
mr.mike bellm ??? quackinbush ??? boliver missouri ???
air gun's....
interesting .45 caliber..???
Posts: 302 | Location: clinton mo. | Registered: 20 July 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 July 2002 00:03Hide Post
I remember seeing something about those Qaukenbush guns a while back It was the caliber and power that caught my eye. Seems like something was said about taking down deer with them.
Posts: 330 | Location: Oregon, U.S. of A. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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