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Chris Dorsey new Coffee Table Book
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I bought this on Black Friday and got it for $75. It came in and is a very nice looking book. I have not read it yet. Also comes with a DVD.
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I'm not a fan of Chris Dorsey. It's a long story and involves a personal interaction I had with him. I'm sure that his book is topnotch, however.
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I have a similar story with Kwai Uwe Denker. He was a dickhead to me.

I haven't thrown his books that I own in the trash though.
Posts: 7782 | Location: Das heimat! | Registered: 10 October 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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He was a dickhead to me.

Here is the story. Both Chris and I were visiting Madeline Kay's jewelry booth at SCI in Reno years ago. I had always watched his shows and thought that he was the cat's meow-especially his shooting. I told him so while we were standing there. No response-nothing. After he had ordered for his wife Amy, I was ready to order with Madeline. We were ordering similar items. In the meantime, Chris had mistakenly walked off leaving his credit card. I volunteered to Madeline to run it to him, as she knew me, and I could still see him, although a ways off. I made my way through the crowd and stopped him and handed him his credit card. He grabbed it and walked off, again never saying a single word to me-not even a grunt, let alone a Thank You. I went back and got in line at Madeline's and ordered my wife's necklace. I have never watched another show of his or read his subsequent articles or books. I have met a lot of famous PHs, writers, hunters, celebrities over the years. All have been professional-most of them totally approachable. None of them ever treated me like he did. Yep, a total condescending, conceited dickhead.
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Sorry to hear that.

If you produce a product, then you have customers. If you are a writer, or a producer or whatever Dorsey's role is, you still have customers. Treating customers like they aren't at least as good as a man or woman as you is rife with stupidity.

Kai Uwe Denker did the same thing to me. I was in his booth at Jagd and Hund 2017, and he spoke very little to me then acted like I was wasting his time. Wanted English versions of his Namibia book, and some information on hunts on their ranch. I never asked one question about his writing or tried to pick his brain about anything. Just customer type stuff. Just treated him as a human should treat another human. There are over 80 Namibian and South African PH's at Jagd and Hund, all of them treated me in accordance with the golden rule. He was a dick.

I put him out of my mind in 2018 and if I saw him, I didn't talk to him.

2019 I had another hunter with me and we were making the rounds and I saw him and told the guy he was a moderately famous African writer. He said oh cool, let's talk to him. Same treatment as 2017. Some people are just dicks.

Many times I have called Midway USA to order something and gotten Larry Porterfield on the phone, as he used to take calls occasionally. I have also got Steve Hornady on the phone when calling Hornady to ask a question about ordering custom dies.

Never once in either occasion did I ask to speak to the boss, but that's how they treat people.
Posts: 7782 | Location: Das heimat! | Registered: 10 October 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Many times I have called Midway USA to order something and gotten Larry Porterfield on the phone, as he used to take calls occasionally. I have also got Steve Hornady on the phone when calling Hornady to ask a question about ordering custom dies.

Never once in either occasion did I ask to speak to the boss, but that's how they treat people.

I've got a positive story to share to offset the one about Dorsey the Dick.

I used to watch Under Wild Skies all of the time and I liked Tony Makris. He stated that he always fully dressed while hunting because he had had a melanoma cancer caused by sun over exposure as a youth lifeguard. I too, have had skin cancer and many on my face, and wanted to find out about the hat that he wore. I knew that he hunted quite a bit with Johan Calitz, so I contacted Johan's company via the internet to see if they could give me any information on Tony's hat. They wrote back and said that they would check and try and get back to me. I had left them my email address and cell phone number to call, and forgot about it.

About a week later I was driving to my law office in my truck and the cell phone rang through the truck radio. I didn't recognize the number, but answered it anyway. Lo and behold, it was Tony Makris himself calling me from his home/office the East Coast to give me all of the information on his hat. Tony talked to me for a good 30 minutes and you would have sworn that we we lifelong friends. I subsequently ordered a hat just like his from Rand's Custom Hats in Montana and love it. That's what real fame is all about.
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I don't know anything about Makris, but that is very cool.

Peter Hofer the famous Austrian gunsmith did something like that for me. I emailed him and asked if he could help connect me to the gunsmith school in Ferlach.

About 2 or 3 days later he called me at 2 AM (I lived in Washington State), and connected me to the school. Spent about an hour on the phone with him talking about the school and how it was set up.

There are good people everywhere.

I thought Boddington was pretty nice when I met him in person. A guy I hunted with in February told me that he had shared a camp with him about 5 years ago, and both were ex-Marines. He didn't care for Boddington. But was business partner of Shockey's and told me that he and Eva were super nice to every fan. Never met either one.

I was friends with Boddington's daughter for years on facebook for a couple of years until I got married. She and I talked quite a bit on the phone but I never met her in person. I had posted something she had liked on a facebook hunting page. She is really charming.

Met Chub Eastman and Chuck Yeager at a Sheep Sheep show 15-20 years ago. Eastman was kind of salty but Chet was great. His secretary's daughter was in my Navy parachute rigger school 27 years ago.

When I was in Australia and worked at the Embassy I had to approve foreign travel for active duty military and DOD civilians to Australia. If they were visiting an Australian base I had to do the liasion work with the Australian Defense Force to let them on the base. One year Carlos Hathcock the 3rd (The White Feather's son) was a civil servant at the Marine Corps sniper school and was visiting an Australian sniper school. I did the liason work for him and he was kind of a shitbird to me.

Bad enough that his CDR had to kiss the Senior Defense Official and Ambassador's ass a bit to clear the BS up. He was trying to bully me into a blanket approval, something the Australians didn't like and I was enlisted so he played bullshit games.

Speaking of bein Enlisted, I had a 20 year career of bullshit like that. So my tolerance for it as a retiree is about zero.
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Very Cool stories! And yes, there are good people everywhere for sure. I too, met Craig Boddington, Brittany and her high school best friend years ago in Johannesburg. It was 2003 and we were returning from Africa and they were on the same flight back to the U.S. We talked quite some time in the airport. They were all very down to earth, approachable and easily engaged in talk without any problem. We then found out that they were sitting just one row ahead of us on the flight back in the upper deck of the 747. Craig had taken the two girls on their first African Safari to Namibia as a high school graduation gift, and they were all about sharing their pictures and stories with us. Now she's famous, is married and has a baby daughter. I have never had any attraction to any of the Eastmans. I have met both of the Shockeys and Eva was the most down to earth and approachable of the two. Jim could be, if your were looking to book him to speak at your local SCI banquet for a king's price. Another one that I met a few years back at SCI in Reno was General Chuck Yeager and his wife Victoria. We were staying at the same budget hotel and were down at the hotel's breakfast one morning. I was standing getting some eggs and Yeager was standing next to me literally getting a plateful of sausages. He commented on how great the sausages were and I said that they weren't bad for a budget hotel's breakfast. I didn't realize who he was until some guy nearly fell over trying to salute him. We ended up with them sitting at the breakfast table with my wife and I and we talked for quite a while before leaving for the convention. Very nice folks. I walked out in the parking lot and there noticed a license plate on a red truck that read: Bell X1. Big Grin Damn, I've nearly forgotten about Dorsey the Dick! rotflmo Thanks for the therapy BWW! Big Grin
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I met Guy Eastman in about 2001 or 2002 in Seattle at a Sportsman Show, he was selling the magazine.

He was a young punk kid, who was arrogant. I was about 25 and had been in the Navy for 7 years.

I told him I had met his grandfather Gordon, when I was about 4 or 5 in Riverton ( my home town) when he had released one of his movies. I don't know if it was High Wild and Free or what. This was at the National Guard Armory in Riverton. It had made a big impact on me as a child.

Anyway about 6 or 7 years later, I called their office to tell them that there staff writers had screwed up all the technical parts of an article on a rifle, and he got really irate and nasty.

Not sure if it was Mike or Guy that screwed Hariston of Kuiu before he died.
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Not sure if it was Mike or Guy that screwed Hariston of Kuiu before he died.

Some real assholes, those Eastmans! thumbdown
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Got an email from the 777 Ranch, Jeff Rann and Ted Nugent 130 class whitetail and rub elbows with the likes of the two of them all for the price of $8000.

I'll pass.

Never met either one, and maybe it would be cool to do that. But, $8000 for a 130 whitetail is not a good deal.
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I try not to bother famous people, but my wife and I were in an elevator. We were the only two.

The door stopped and in walked Wayne Van Zoil. I had not seen him in media in years. The elevator starts on up.

“You are Wayne Van Zoll? I give your book on rifles to anyone who ask me about deer rifles.”

“Yes, I am.” He held out his hand. Good guy that day and time.

My Wife loved Boddington and Donna Boddington. Wife bought me a book. Donna unsolicitedly had Boddington autograph it. I know Boddington takes it on the chin, but that day and that time good folks. I would not invest with him, but that is life.

Now, my Wife hated Shockey. Found him to be a complete smart ass. I was not there.

“Sweatheart, he is just Canadian.” His daughter was also in labor that day. Wife does not care. “You will never book with that man.” Was not planning on it, but yes mam.

Everybody says Razor Dobbs is a great guy away from the TV stick. Well, met him at a dinner with some CZ guys. Maybe he was still in gimmick mode, but I know what a 10mm and 1911 are. That Safari was cool, but he gave off the vive of being the World Champion of big game hunters in the vain of Muhammad Ali.
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Never met Wayne, but he is one of my favorite writers.

The guy I shared a camp with in February told me that Jim Shockey's wife was even more charming than Eva. He has nothing but praise for Jim, and told me that Jim had broken up a group of writers at Safari or SHOT to speak to some fans.
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I have my own stories about many mentioned above but right now I will just say Carlos Hathcock spent about 30 minutes with me on the phone - just looked up his number and called out of the blue. I remember stating the Apache woman must have been a real bitch and it must have been good killing her. He just replied, "yeah."

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

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