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Hi All, I received another call fromt he firearms officer today, and the permits have been issued and are ready to go. I should have them back by early next week and will get them back to you all in the post next week, with youe EFP's if you sent them to me. Not a bad turnaround to get them issued within the week I thought. I must admit to being marginally surprised. Either way it looks like we are set so just a case of getting the menu sorted!! Rgds, FB | |||
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Not that I would try and worry you fine folks - however, I was up at the hunt club prior to the weekend. Weather was atrocious - but I spent a morning on stand and saw three Muntjac as well as seven Fallow . Successfully rolled over a Doe for the chiller. ![]() Meanwhile - your host was observed and recorded, after being caught slipping into 'something more comfortable'!!! ![]() Be scared........... Rgds IanF ![]() Just taking my rifle for a walk!........ | |||
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Looks like our Hunt Master is in need for new foul weather gear, or is he into plastic and latex ? ![]() Arild Iversen. | |||
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Arild, When the dancing starts the fleece comes off and it's just the little black number!! ![]() FB | |||
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Ian, Now wasn't it Paul (pictured above in the little black number) who said "If you guys don't get deer today, I'll wear a dress and call myself Susan"? Strangely, you did actually get said deer... but Paul felt the need to slip into something more comfortable anyway!!! Hmmmm, I don't think he was really there for the hunting!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() _______________________________________ Affordable Holiday Accommodation in Devon, UK - Self catering (with shooting if required) PM for details. | |||
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Guys, I have the Entry visas in hand now, so I'll get those sent to you ASAP. However, I have sent off the information sheets which had your addresses on them and I have not opened each sealed envelope I have been given, so could you each send me a PM with your address on it and I will get the documents into the post. Best regards, Kiri | |||
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Hi guys, any updates? I have decided to fly in on thursday, will be on the grounds in thursday evening. Best regards Chris | |||
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Hi Guys, As we draw closer it seems that many of the big organisational issues have been pretty much sorted (I did say pretty Much.... ![]() First I asked before but to be safe. Is there anyone present that has any special dietry needs? That includes allergies, lactose intollerance or a rabid dislike of brussel sprouts... ![]() A few pwople have mentioned photographs. As such I will be bringing a laptop with me and I should think Ian or Artemis will do the same. I would like to download all the photo's that everyone takes onto my Machine, and then if you all bring a flashdrive on your keyrings, you will be able to take the full contingent of images home with you. I did something like this at my wedding this year and the photo's ended up being better than the ones I paid the photographer for!! It also saves us having a load of computers left in the rooms unnattended. If anyone needs a taxi from the airport I would suggest you don't take a black cab unless you have recently won the lottery!! Especially if you are coming into Gatwick or Heathrow. If you google for a minicab firm in Baldock you will be able to prebook a driver and will save a lot of money. If you have any trouble with this then let me know and I'll try to help. Ammount of ammunition. I have requested for the import permits to allow 40rounds of ammo each. To be honest I have not opened the envelopes before sending them on (perhaps I should!! ) but this means you are allowed to carry a maximum of 40 rounds with you. Don't bring any more as it will be taken from you at the airport. Those of you with UK FAC's know the form anyway. In addition, to clarify, the permit that has been issued is only for that rifle you sent me info on. Please don't have a last minute change of heart and bring a different rifle as you will end up being sent home and we'll all laught & point at you and stuff!! Wel I will... ![]() Now lastly at the risk of sounding anal, but due to some of the estate owners having a slightly more nervous disposition than myself I just wanted to clarify a few points on the shooting itself. We have already said that everyone will be required to shoot a 3" group out of a high seat on the range before being allowed to go out hunting. I doubt this will be too much of a problem for anyone, but if you don't shoot the group they will not let you out, (out shooting that is.... You won't be incacerated!! ![]() As you know this is a cull, and as such you will be shooting predominantly does and spikes etc. Anyone that want's to shoot a big buck can by all means should the opportunity arise, but make sure you are aware of what constitutes a bick buck and what it will cost you. I simply say this because what I have seen on the ground described as a good buck is significantly smaller than what I call a Cull buck on my own ground. As such I will personally not be shooting any antlered Fallow as I don't feel the desire to pay for them. So get this cleared up before hand in your mind to avoid anyone feeing hard done by on the trophy fees. Ian and I have no involvement on that score, so you will deal with the estate directly in this regard. I will bring a selection of fallow heads along if possible to give some indication of what costs will be involved, but if anyone has any concerns specifically then feel free to PM Ian and I and we'll try to answer your questions to the best of our ability. There will be a safety/orientation briefing on the Friday prior to going out hunting. We will be meeting at Midday to do the shooting test and to give everyone a chance to ask questions and get aquainted. The last thing I have been asked to mention is the shooting itself. Whatever your shooting prowess is at home etc, we are looking for safe sensible shooting. This means that we would like all guns to shoot for the heart lungs at stationary animals, preferably broadside. Neck shooting and fancy stuff pls save for your own ground. Excessively long shots are also to be avoided, unless the animal is already wounded. I'm sure you can imagine we are looking to host nearly 20 people on this weekend, and if we have to go out tracking a wounded beast then it leaves the rest of the party hanging for any activities we might be looking to do. As such I have cunningly devised a penalty for any member of the team that Ian or I feel has commited a punishable offence, (that includes not making sure we have a cold beer available when needed...). And here is where our American cousins come in. Anyone found guilty of anything will have to wear a pair of these on his head for the rest of the hunt and will have the incident published on the site!!! So if there are any questions please ask. We're all really looking forward to this and if there is anything else you need to make it more enjoyable for you then please ask. Best regards, FB | |||
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Kiri What really scares me is the fact that you actually own a set of those things!! ![]() Rgds Ian Just taking my rifle for a walk!........ | |||
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Ian, I don't own them yet but BassPro here I come!!! Only 10 days to go!!! Rgds, FB | |||
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Kiri / Ian. In case one should nail a decent buck, eighter fallow or muntjac, and want it mounted (scull on shield or shoulder), what will the prosess be? Any of you, or any of the hunting club members who can arrange delivery to a taxidermist? Then there is the willingness from the Hunt master for us to take trophy bucks on a cull hunt...I dont know. A muntajc skull could easely be skinned and salted in a plastic bag and taken home in the baggage, but a fallow head is another story. Arild Iversen. | |||
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Is there any of you trawelling on a simular scedual ![]() Skype username solvijoh | |||
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solvi, Sorry can't say at the moment since I need to have the dates off the Firearms Certificate to see how much flexibility there will be in making travel arrangements. Cheers, Number 10 | |||
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Gerry, All the FAC's are valid from the 15th Jan 2008 to 14th Jan 2009 So you could come over tomorrow if you wanted to. Guys. On te FAC's, when you recieve them, (sorry I've been a bit lax...) please read the conditions and sign them in ink. As for taxidermy, I think it is highly unlikely that we will shoot any Fallow that are worth mounting. Ian may correct me on this though. On the Muntjac, I will bring a Vacuum packer with me to package the skulls and you may take them home with you at your own risk. There won't be anyone to cape deer off, but if you want to package the whole head and cape to take it home then that might be possible. I have a taxidermist that I use in Norwich and I could get heads upto him for shoulder mounts but obviously this will cost more. I dont have prices but we can speak to him if we get a deer on the ground. Rgds, FB | |||
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Kiri, Those FAC dates are very good news indeed! Outstanding! Cheers, Number 10 | |||
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Solvi Both Chris and I will be at the Travelodge motel the 27. I´ll be there approx noon time, Chris later in the evening via London. I plan to take a taxi from Stanstead. I have tried to make an internet search for local Baldoc / Hinxworth taxis and order a pick up, but found none so far. If no such luck I guess I take a cab from the airport. Guess we can sheare a taxi back to Stanstead on sunday afternoon, my plane is leaving 17.40 Arild Iversen. | |||
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HI guys, Try This You should be able to book a minicab pick up from one of these numbers. If you still don't have any luck then let me know and I'll try something different. Chris, The pants will be in my possession next week, what's your at size?? ![]() Rgds, FB | |||
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FB- I am a size medium, I hope you didn´t order large?! As Arild mentions we both and Solvi as well arrives thursday eve. We should try to have dinner together. Btw Arild is bringing Aquavit and I am bringing Bäsk, my mother taught me not go aways with out it. Best regards Chris
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"Bäsk, besk, typ av brännvin kryddat med malört. Det mest populära märket är Bäska droppar" Arild is bringing Aquavit. Husqvarna M98 got Bäsk. And I am bringing BrennivÃn (Black death) I dont thing we will do any hunting ![]() Skype username solvijoh | |||
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Ahh but I´ll only bring a sipper sized bottle, malört is the same as absinth, for the rest of the world. Solvi, you get a gold star for that one. /C
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Hi guys, FYI, I put the Temproary permits in the post yesterday so they should be with you midlle of next week. Best regards, K | |||
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Kiri, what is the final head count for this shindig? Names etc? Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean they are not out to get you.... | |||
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FB is currently sabotaging the US economy - and will not be back on this side of the pond for ten days or so. Rgds Ian Just taking my rifle for a walk!........ | |||
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Ian, Thx for the update on FB's whereabouts.....hopefully his arrival & departure in America will be as uneventful as our impending arrival in the UK. Kiri, FAC arrived today in the Post - Many, Many Thanks. The largest hurdle (administrative) apparently already overcome - let's see what the remaining obstacle; actually entering the UK with the prescribed Firearm & Paperwork brings - I'm sure (hopefully) nothing worth mentioning. Don't misinterpret my Cynism - I'm just one of Life's "Unfortunates" who seem to get singled out to be preyed upon by Civil Servants having a "Bad Hair Day" around the Globe (happens to me in the States, too). I'll breathe a sigh of relief when actualy physically present in Baldock. Please remember to sign your FAC in the apporpriate space marked "usual signature of holder". A question, though. When visiting the UK in the past the particulars of the shotgun/rifle pertaining to a Shotgun Certificate or Vistor's Firearm Permit were also noted & stamped in the approrpiate section of the European Firearms Pass? Not this time. Cheers, Number 10 | |||
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Sounds like you guys will have a blast, I am jealous! The only reason I am not coming is because I would get both fired and dumped... ![]() I want to see a blow-by-blow report! | |||
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bos, Hopefully there WILL be many Blasts - Muzzle Blasts. We'll toast your (non)attendance in abstentia.....getting Fired isn't the end of the World. You can always Word-Smith the reason as a Downsizing on your Resumé but getting Dumped simultaneously.....that's anonther Kettle of Fish altogether. A Bang-by-Bang report; you know the Drill, a common language separated by..... Cheers, Number 10 | |||
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Gerry For what it's worth, many thanks for acting as our 'sacrificial hunter'. If you tie up the Customs & Excise ogres - so much the easier for the other members! ![]() Regarding the EFP - mine has detail of every firearm I might ever wish to take through the EU. I would strongly suggest that you bring your German authority to possess - as well as the visitors permit. Jagdschein is probably not going to be of interest - but can it harm to have it along in your paperwork bundle? I will ensure that FB confirms this item on his return. Rgds Ian Just taking my rifle for a walk!........ | |||
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Ian, O.K. - appreciate the attention to detail whne Kiri's back. One of us has to be the "Fall Guy". Correct - wait'll you see my "wallet" - it is a "bundle". I always travel with it. Cheers, Number 10 | |||
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i guys I'm back having done my best to bolster the US economy!! Luckily I did manage to pick up a couple of goodies includig a new scope for the 260Rem and some fly kit. The #9 Sage Xi2 had to be put back into the rack though and very sad it was too... Anyway, I'm assuming the permits were all good apart from Chris who I think has things sorted.Basically when you come through to Baggage reclaim if you find the baggage information desk and tell them you are expecting firearms to come through they may need to send a courrier to find your guns and bring them to you. They may then check them there or they may ask you to go to the red Channel or both. All you should need is the permit I sent you although as Ian states it can't harm to have both. You will probably need your home permit to clear your guns on the way back. Those with European apsses will need to bring them along for when hey clear the guns this end. Chris you will be glad to know I couldn't find the pants!!! ![]() Rgds, K | |||
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Gerry, Ian just gave me a heads up on your question. Does the Temporary permit have the correct gun details on it and do they correspond to your EFP? As I understand you have not got a stamp on the EFP? Thanks, Kiri | |||
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Hi all, sort of bummed about then shorts, now I´ll have to go out and get myself a new face mask for fox calling, I was betting on getting them pants so that I wouldn´t have to... regarding my TFP- I was aged a bit, born 1975, in the permitt I was set out to be born 1952, they should have looked at the pic in the EUFP- and they would have found perhaps the youngest looking 56 year old in the world. Any ways, TFP is enroute back and I hope it will all be sorted soon. FB- couldn´t manage the Sage, to bad they make som really good stuff. That reminds me, I should tie up some pike flies now, ice is coming off here in Sweden. /C | |||
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Kiri, FAC is perfect - matches the correct rifle and my EFP. No issues there. I was just curious as to whether or not there is supposed to be a correpsonding stamp and annotaion in the European Firearms Pass also? Cheers, Number 10 | |||
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Husq, glad to hear that it is all on the way to being sorted. Let me know if you need me to do anything else. As for the rod I was using a borowed #8 out there and was really tempted but the old "it's half price so I'd be saving money" line didn't really convince me!! Of coure when I go back for the Tarpon I will really be able to justify the #12 weight!! ![]() Rgds, FB | |||
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Kiri, could you tell the name, address of the nerest travel lodge so I can book it, as I don't think 3 armed men from N.Ireland sleeping in a car together would go down to well! ![]() | |||
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308Mate You have PM.......or did you wish to borrow the AR two man tent? ![]() I know there are three of you - but you are good friends, no? Rgds Ian Just taking my rifle for a walk!........ | |||
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Thanks Ian ![]() | |||
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Kiri. Finally home from the high seas, Visitors Firearms Permit recived, everything is ok. A bottle of Cabernet Syrah is opened, life is good ![]() Arild Iversen. | |||
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Short update, FB- my new and correct TFP is inbound to you, I am now at current age in the permit, not the previous 55, not that that´s a bad age, just that I still have some 22 years to get there. Second I set the herbs to the besk this passed weekend, It will be strong and good. Best regards Chris, | |||
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Chris, I have tour Permit in front of me now ![]() Rgds, FB | |||
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