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Savage 12BVSS reviews?
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I've done searches on the 12BVSS and saw that a bunch of people have bought them and spoke highly of them. I was just wondering after having it a while how do you like it and how is the accuracy? Any problems with the laminate stock like zero shift with weather changes or compresion from torquing in the receiver? Lastly how do you like the AccuTrigger? Just wondering as I'm going to he getting one in .223 and just wanted to hear some long term reviews. Any info would be great. Thanks.
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I have a 112BVSS in a .25-06. Pre acu-trigger so I had a Canjar installed. It's been fire lapped (carefully) and wears a 6X20 Leupold.I shoot a 100 grain Sierra molied, with enough IMR4831 to chrono 3,350ish. 5 shot 100 yard groups average in the 2's, 3's and 4's.If it shoots a group over .5inch it's my fault. My longest shot on a rock chuck todate is 659yards. The rifle is uglier than homemade sin, but as the Colonel said the only interesting rifle is an accurate rifle. It's kind of like having the ugliest dog on the block but nobody says anything cause if they do you'll have him whip their pretty dogs butt. Lotta rifle for the money, it ain't a 40X but it don't cost $1,400 either. I love mine.---Shoot Safe---montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I've got a one in 22-250. I've done absolutely nothing to it other than mount the scope and turn down the accutrigger to it's lowest setting. If all the holes don't touch in a five shot group at 100 yds then I pulled a shot, it's the most accurate rifle I've ever owned, and I've owned several custom barreled rifles that shot very well. The accutrigger is great, breaks like a glass rod.

Maybe I just got lucky, but so far it's amazed me.

I agree it's not a 40X, it shoots much better than most of them.
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I've got one in .22-250. Great rifle, shoots well. Only complaints I've ever had were with the Accutrigger. (Which came from the factory adjusted to minimum pull, in my case.) It frequently drops the striker before the safety lever's out of the way, which means you have to recock it. I thought at first that was a problem with the safety lever scraping on the trigger, which it did. But I learned that wasn't really the problem. It's a matter of technique. If you let your finger touch the trigger before the safety lever's fully depressed, you get a click, no bang. If you typically touch the trigger near the tip, you won't depress the lever before you touch the trigger. So you have to learn to press the CENTER of the trigger, and hold your finger carefully aligned so the pad of the finger is perfectly parallel to the trigger face. Once you learn how, it works fine. The safety lever is nothing but a nuisance and serves no purpose other than getting the company lawyers to OK sending out a rifle with 1 1/2 lb. trigger pull, but I'm told it's easy to remove it.
Posts: 424 | Location: Bristol, Tennessee, USA | Registered: 28 September 2003Reply With Quote
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boltman, have you ever owned a 40X? I love my Savage, in fact I'm an equal opportunity gun lover I love everything that shoot's well---but get serious.---Shoot Safe---montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Thanks guys for the info. I can't wait to get mine and see what it will do. If anyone else has any info or opinions please let me know. Thanks.
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I have made several posts about mine. My first (and so far only) Savage is the 12BVSS in .223. I have about 150 rounds through it and can't find a good load because they are ALL very good. Whatever I put in it shoots tiny groups.

The overall best so far out of it is the 68 Hornady HPBT match with 26.5 grains of Varget. Shoots 5 shot groups about the size of a dime at 100 yards consistently.

Another great combination has been the Sierra 52 gr HPBT Match King over 25.5 grains of H-322. Looks like one ragged hole at 100 yards.

I'm really impressed with the out of the box accuarcy Savage and may buy another at some point. I've done no tweaking to the stock, bedding, or anything else other than the load and the trigger adjustment.

My only complaint is that I can't get my accutrigger down to the advertised lower limit of 1 1/2 pounds. I have it set as low as possible and it is only 2 3/4 pounds. Not bad, and certainly adequate, but I'd like to go lighter for fine target work. Otherwise, it breaks clean with no creep.
Posts: 164 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 04 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks GLC. Did you know you can just buy different barrels for the rifle and put them on at home? They run about $239 for the barrel and about another $19 for a different bolt head if the round you're going to has a different head size than what you have. All you need for tools is a sized case or headspace go/no go guage, the Savage barrel nut wrench and a vice. Here's a link to online pics of Sharp Shooter Supply's catalog as they don't have a site. If you call them they will send you a catalog fast. Just click on the pics to make them bigger

Again thanks to all for the help.
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
<Armed in Utah>
web page Infopop Homepage Not tryimg to wear out photo.......but this is a 4 shot group from BVSS s/shot 308 Accue trigger @ 105 yds. Trigger set @ 28 oz, rifle is out of the box, scope is Leupold 6-18 Target. Testing loads...only had 4 rds of BLC2....looks like I'll burn BLC2 in it. Click link for pic....shot this 11-15-03....not '02

[ 11-19-2003, 16:25: Message edited by: Armed in Utah ]
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<Armed in Utah>
web page Infopop Homepage Pre Accue trigger BVSS s/shot 223...typical 5 shot group, random selected p/dog loads, SSS trigger only option, Burris 6-20 FF2 Target scope...wanna see more??? Have FP Tactical Savage 7-08...308...300 win mag that targets will scare you. The FP series are the ugly black ones, but are very accurate also. Mine all have been upgraded with Choate Sniper stocks.
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Sure Armed lets see some of the FP targets. I was also debating on the FP but hated the stock as it seemed flimsy. Were your groups shot before or after your switch to the Choates? I guess if they shoot then that's all that matters. I guess I could get another stock but then it would be more than the 12BVSS money wise. Decisions, decisions..
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the info Rob01.

What is the e-mail or web address for Sharpshooter supply?

Im looking at a stainless 16FSS in 7-08 for deer hunting. I don't like the flimsy plastic stock. Should I be concerned about it?

Does anyone make stiffer synthetic stocks or laminated stocks for Savage? They seem hard to find.

Posts: 164 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 04 October 2002Reply With Quote
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The e-mail is and the phone number is 419-695-3179. They don't have a website but that link I posted is thier catalog. Just click on the pics to enlarge. Give them a call or e-mail and they will get you a catalog.

They make a replacement stock for the Savages and I think Boyd Stocks makes a laminate stock for them. I didn't care for the plastic Savage stocks either. That's why I'm going with the 12BVSS. Glad to help.
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Armed in utah, a question for ya. Just this past year i have gotten into shooting and reloading, always have owned guns but never really took to them until now. Since you are in utah I was wondering if you know of any shooting competitions in our area, metallic sillouete sounds pretty fun, of course I would only be interested in rifle shooting.

Also I want one of these bvss rifles really bad, I would prefer a 223 as I alreay have a 22-250, but I thought well what if I ever wanted the gun chambered in something else I would be stuck with the 223 bolt face and by getting a 22-250 I would have the standard bolt face and could rebarrel to any of the 308 family of cartridges, so If I understand what you guys are saying all I would have to do is pay the 19$ extra dollars and I could change out the 223 bolt face If I so desired???
Posts: 1755 | Location: slc Ut | Registered: 22 December 2002Reply With Quote
<Armed in Utah>
Savage LE-1 308 target pic......LE-1 is a 20" 308 Tactical rifle, has Choate sniper stock. web page Infopop Homepage click link.........
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<Armed in Utah>
Savage Tactical FP 7-08 target pic....Choate sniper stock...SSS trigger....p/dog slayer out to 1004 yds. click link for pic.... web page Infopop Homepage
Cummins Cowboy......the 223 Savage rifles are tough to beat. I especially like the BVSS series. You will not be disappointed with the accuracy/performance with it. The 1/9 twist, opposed to the 1/12 twist of the 250, shines with heavier pills. I rely on the Nosler 55 BT for all my varmint shooting, having taken p/dogs out to 900 yds with the 223 and 55 gr BTs. If you look around, you can find a used one, but the new Accue trigger is a nice improvement, not having to spend $90 on a SSS trigger replacement. I'm sure there is more shooting events going on around SLC than here in Price. There is plans to build a multi function gun range near here, soon I hope. A mega dollar project, with a 1000 yd rifle range.

[ 11-20-2003, 05:38: Message edited by: Armed in Utah ]
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Originally posted by cummins cowboy:

so If I understand what you guys are saying all I would have to do is pay the 19$ extra dollars and I could change out the 223 bolt face If I so desired???

That is how it works. Give Sharp Shooters a call to get the specifics as I haven't done it yet myself but have talked to people who have. It seems too easy but it's just that, easy. Good luck with your rifle.

Armed, very nice groups. Gotta hate those ones that get away like in your 7-08 group. It's always the 5th shot that likes to stray from the heard. Still nice work and now I can't wait to get my Svage and try it out. [Big Grin]
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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That's cool. I never thought of the old "tape the dime over the flyers" trick. Ha Ha. Nice shooting.
Posts: 149 | Location: Oregon Coast | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
Im looking at a stainless 16FSS in 7-08 for deer hunting. I don't like the flimsy plastic stock. Should I be concerned about it?

Does anyone make stiffer synthetic stocks or laminated stocks for Savage? They seem hard to find.

I have one of the Long Range 25-06 versions. I simply filled the synthetic stock with epoxy and now have a rigid one. If you glass bed the action and barrel nut the movement between action and stock can be eliminated. I epoxied a 1 lb. piece of lead in the butt to balance the rifle with the long heavy barrel and adjusted the factory trigger to 3 lbs. I paid $365. for it new (got a good deal) and have a tremendously accurate rifle for long range shooting of varmints and deer. I use the 100 grain Sierra BT at 3460 fps as my all-round load. I prefer the 100 grain Hornady though for deer over the Sierra.
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Well I ordered my 12BVSS today. Can't wait to get it in but I have to wait until after Christmas until I get to shoot it [Frown] Atleast i'll get to fondle it a little bit. I'll let you all know how it works out. I got some Black Hills remanufactured 68 and 75 grainers and some new 69 SMK loads. I'm not sure if the 75 will work with the 1 in 9" twist but I figured i'd give it a try. Thanks all for the info on the rifle.
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
<Armed in Utah>
Rob.....You won't be dissappointed with the BV 223. I only ever tried the 75 A max....not enough powder capacity. My most used bullet is the Nosler 55 BT. These can be bought as 2nds directly from Nosler, 800 285 3701. They fly as good as firsts, but somewhat cheaper. My second choice is the 69 SMK. Reloading the 223 is the way to go. You can tailor load for the rifle. My s/shot BV likes 'em at 2.42" OAL and my repeater likes 'em at 2.32" OAL, with the 55 Nosler. I have a Burris 6-20 FF2 on each one, w/Burris Signature rings. My varmint rigs include 260 AI, 7-08, 308, 6BR, and 300 win mag, but the 223 is used most, about 1000 rds last summer. The 223 will surprise most at long range, especially with the 1/9 twist.
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Thanks for the info Armed. I know the .223 is good to atleast 500 because when I was in the Marine Corps I had no problem hitting at 500 during qualification time with bulk military ammo so I know those 69grn SMKs will work fine. The 69s are probably what I'll be loading the most of when I get set up for loading them. I just need to get some dies. I'll get the same dies I use for my .308 and 300WM, the Redding Type S Comp neck size dies. They are a little expensive but work great. This is going to be fun. I can feel it.
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Rob01, I have a 12bvss-s in 223. You will love this gun it is very accurate. I have tried many loads and have settled on 23.5 h322 nosler 55 gr. bt and cci mag. primer. The 50 gr. nosler bt shoots just as good at 100 yd. Every load I have tried in this rifle has shot sub moa. But the noslers and the h322 have edged out the rest. The 55 gr. nosler bt shoots very good 300 yd. groups.
Posts: 29 | Location: Inpls. Indiana | Registered: 23 February 2003Reply With Quote
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My savage 10fp actually shoots the 75gr. Amax great. I had good luck with 22 and 23gr. of H335. All five shots touching at 100 yds.
Posts: 648 | Location: Huskerville | Registered: 22 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the info guys. I was looking at shooting the heavier bullets so I don't think I'll use the 55s much but will give the 75 AMAX a try. You guys have a good site here. I should have come here sooner. Are there any other sites you guys go to that would have good info on it like this?
Posts: 45 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I'm a long time Remington fan, but own a couple of Savage 110's and have to admit they are indeed accurate rifles. The model 12 or 112BVSS may well be the best out of the box. My only reservation is with the weight, gawd but they're heavy. Savage has come a long way at the same time Remington has been going down. I hope you enjoy yours. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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The 75 A-max is working well out of my 12BVSS. I am using Varget powder. I havn't chrono'd them yet but the accuracy is awesome so far.

The 68 BTHP Hornady is shooting good also, suprisingly beating the 69 Sierra which doesn't seem to shoot as well. Again, I'm using Varget which seems to work great with the heavy bullets.
Posts: 164 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 04 October 2002Reply With Quote
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I don't own one of the Savages, but a good friend of mine does. I shoot with him often and have shot his 12BVSS many times. It absolutely LOVES a Sierra 69 BTHP (1380) over 23.5/24 g. of AA 2230. It's the only load he's worked up for the gun. The first time I shot it I put 5 shots inside .25 inches. And this was the first time I had ever shot the gun! Give this load a try. I think you'll be quite happy with it.

Posts: 286 | Location: Capitol City TX | Registered: 06 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I don't own a Savage, so this post is mostly out of curiosity. Have any of you Savage owners ever got a lemon from them? Other than the POS stocks they use, any problems with the action, crown, accuracy, etc.? Everyone talks so great about them, just wondering if there is a flip side.
Posts: 445 | Location: Connellsville, PA | Registered: 25 April 2002Reply With Quote
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POS stock? Nothing's wrong with the laminated stock on mine.
Posts: 424 | Location: Bristol, Tennessee, USA | Registered: 28 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Mine neither, it looks like a 4X4 with lines in it.---Shoot Safe---montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
<Armed in Utah>
POS Savage stocks......the earlier Tupperware stocks were flimsey. They did make an improvement, I bought an LE1 FP 308 (20") and the stock was more rigid. I still dropped it in a Choate Sniper stock, and it shot very well. Even after putting it back in the 'stock' stock, it shot very well. My BV laminated series rifles all shoot well. You may get one once in awhile the bedding pillars are high or low, but normally, they are good. Still a good bang for the buck.......
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If you want to replace the tupperware stock with something stiffer, but still looking at economy, try a Cabela's Bell and Carlson heavy bbl Savage stock. I've replace two factory stocks with the B&C and it's a great improvement for less than a $100.
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I'm not cutting down Savage for their stocks, but just notice many folks on here criticising them. I'm sure the upper end ones, like the one the 12BVSS, are better, but I really never handled one. My curiosity though isn't with the stocks. I'm interested in whether Savage owners ever see any of the same problems associated with other mass producers of rifles (i.e. Remington, Ruger, etc.).
Posts: 445 | Location: Connellsville, PA | Registered: 25 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I have a 12 BVSS and the stock is actually pretty good, I wouldn't replace it. The rifle is a little on the heavy side but for the shooting I do I like the extra weight. Remington better wake up soon!

Frank d
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jethro, everything made by man has problems ocasionally. My experience is that the majority of the Savage's especially 112 BVSS's shoot well without much tweaking. As I've stated frequently I'm an equal opportunity gun lover, I love em all. I don't have time for folish brand loyality arguments, as the good Colonel said, "The only interesting rifle is an accurate rifle". I think Savages are interesting!--And ugly. Sorry guy's I own a couple and that earns me the right to say that [Wink] .---Shoot Safe---montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Here is a couple 3-shot 100 yd groups from my 12FLVSS 223. I have a Sharpshooter stock installed on it and the accu-trigger at minimum.

good luck,
Posts: 294 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: 09 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Oh yeah, ugly for sure! But ugly is as ugly does!
Posts: 424 | Location: Bristol, Tennessee, USA | Registered: 28 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Nice groups there 12FLVSS, now that's an interesting rifle. I had a terrible ugly airedale once, best dog I ever had. Longest shot on a varmint I've made in 40 some odd years of hunting them was with that ugly old Savage .25-06, 659 laser ranged yards on a rock chuck, I wouldn't sell that rifle for a $1,000.00. Come to think of it I ain't too good lookin myself.---Shoot Safe---montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Here is a 5 shot-5 groups agg. I shot today with my 12fvss. These five groups were shot with two different powders.
There is no such thing as a three shot group.


[ 12-01-2003, 07:04: Message edited by: Mad ]
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