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Reboring vs rebarreling Login/Join
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Picture of chuck375
I'm close to having my CZ 550 in 375 H&H rebored to 475 by Clearwater (formerly LaBounty) reboring. Does anyone have any postive/negative experiences with either Clearwater or LaBounty reboring?





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Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
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Picture of fredj338
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I think you are more likely to get better results w/ a new bbl. than reboring, especially going all the qay to .475, JMO.

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LaBounty was amoung the best in the business. He and Jim DuBell (Clearwater) worked together closely after Jim bought LaBounty's business. I wouldn't hesitate to use Clearwater.

I think fredj338 has a good technical argument; the very best aftermarket barrels are better than what CZ makes but (and a BIG "but") the CZ barrels are very good quality production barrels and a good rebore will be as good as the original barrel or better.

The only problem may be that some hammer-forged barrels are work hardened and may not lend themselves to the process. Some do, some don't. You'll have to ask the person doing the work.

LaBounty would not take a Sako hammer-forged barrel for that reason but he said my Sauer hammer-forged barrel "cut like butter" when he did it.

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Cut and Reboring is a great way to go, weight and ballance are going to be the issues you should consider before jumping from a 375 to 475. I have had Danny Pederson of Classic Barrel and Gun works re-bore five rifle barrels they all shot extremely well, sub MOA with three of them sub .5MOA.


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Thanks all, my CZ 550 is both muzzle heavy and on the heavy side (11 lbs with scope and mounts). I plan to have the barrel cut to between 22" and 24" depending on what Jim Dubell recommends so hopefully it will fix both the balance and weight issues.





"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
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Picture of tiggertate
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I would NOT cut the barrel until after you do the rebore. Measure twice, cut once!

The rebore will alter the balance in ways you cannot judge until you hold the rifle again!

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Re-boring is best for collector Winchester etc. I would always opt for a new barrel as I have not had much luck with rebores therefore I prefer new barrels like Lother Walther, cost isn't much different and it does not take two lifetimes to get the work done which is my best arguement for a new barrel...Just my opine.

Ray Atkinson
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CZ uses 2 profiles for their MAGNUM action, one for the 300, 375, 416, and 458, and another for the .505 and .500 ...

Since the cz barrels are pretty darn good, I would certainly consider having one rebored to .475.. it's not going to be much lighter than a 458 barrel...

call dubell, and then call cutrifle and see what they think about the project


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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I've already emailed Jim Dubell, they're hard to get on the phone. My plan is to send it to him in late October, just making a last minute sanity check to make sure I wasn't doing anything dumb.





"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
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Cliff La Bounty rebored by 416 Rigby to .475 on my first 470 Mbogo rifle and did a great job. It was a Ruger rifle and it shoots very well. the turn around time was very good also.
Take good care,
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Thanks Dave,




"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
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I currently have a Ruger No. 1 in .458 Win Mag out to be rebored and rechambered to .470 Capstick.

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Picture of mr.pepper
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I've been thinking of doing something to my 300WSM up to something similar to the 50AK.
Just deciding which caliber to choose.

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