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45 Blaser Login/Join
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Any comment on this new cartridge from Blaser ?, can't believe a new design with a long neck and a rebated rim , it looks like an shortened 11.75 x 68 Mauser , see it at

Saludos Cordiales
Posts: 332 | Location: Cantabria Spain | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Looks like 2015 feet per second velocity for about 3150 ftlbs of energy which while not bad is more than 15% less energy than the factory .450 Marlin plus you've got a rebated rim....a very seriously rebated rim.

Having said that, it looks like the perfect
"Mickey Mouse" cartridge for a "Mickey Mouse" rifle. [Wink]
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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The "design" of the 45 Blaser was to give short to medium range "thumper" power to the Blaser rifle with only a barrel change using the standard size bolt face. The long bottleneck aids feeding. Those of us that have used 350gr. 458 bullets at 2000fps or so know how effective they can be. This round is mainly "designed" for wild boar hunts, and drived moose hunts. If barrels and ammo become avialable in the US I may have to get one for my Blaser. [Big Grin] It may require a forend with a slightly larger bbl channel, or slight enlargement of your existing bbl channel as I think it is of slightly larger diameter than the standard bbls.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Doesn't Blaser come in rounds like the 7mm Rem Mag, the .338 Win Mag, the .375 H&H, the .416 Rem Mag?

I'm not that familar with the Blaser but I don't like either the feeding or extraction characteristics of rebated rims....especially one like that. But.....since I'll never own a Blaser it doesn't make much difference to me.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by DB Bill:
I'm not that familar with the Blaser but I don't like either the feeding or extraction characteristics of rebated rims....especially one like that. But.....since I'll never own a Blaser it doesn't make much difference to me.

Since the Blaser's extraction is by a collet that engages the entire rim, and the feed from the magazine is almost straight into the chamber, I doubt the rebated rim has much effect on feeding or extraction.
Posts: 1079 | Location: San Francisco Bay Area | Registered: 26 May 2002Reply With Quote
Daniel, I think this round is of interest only to Blaser owners who want a special round to flatten wild boars.....there are plenty other more well constructed and versatile cartridges for this purpose..

Do you have any hunting connections in Andalusia or nearby regarding wild boar hunts? I am at Costa del Sol, near Marbella at times and are very interested in hunting in Spain... [Smile]
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I think its pretty clear from the write up what it is intended for. In a Blaser rifle it would probably be just the ticket for that purpose.

But, would it be good for Cape Buffalo?!!? [Wink]

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
posted IMHO it is a lousy round compared with the proven Africa rounds. It seems to have been constucted by desk top engineers....rebated rim in a new round..?? Why repeat yesteryears mistakes... [Embarrassed]
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I think its perfect; a silly looking cartridge for a sillly looking rifle.
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And if a picture of this was posted "Robgunbuilder and jeffeosso had too much time on their hands witha lathe" you would have all believed it LMAO. Really, it looks like on of those things where a couple gunsmiths get together, make WAY fake rounds, like a 45 bullet in a 10mm case, where the round is larger than the case head... or trying to put all the good points of a round... or bad.
It's U G L Y, but i'ld like to have some for my collection... kind of an outer circle thing, royale order of the deformed rounds
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Slingster , I believe the locking sytem it's collect of multi lugs who open and locks directly to the barrel , the extractor it's a standard type like the Sako or push feed Winchester , they don't egages the entire rim .
The cartridges it's not desigend to compete with the African big bores , but a bolt action in 450 Marlin have the same performance and not the drawbacks of the rebated rim .

Maybe Harald Wolf want to improve with a full rim and move forward the shoulder .
Pondoro e-mail me .

Posts: 332 | Location: Cantabria Spain | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
A perfect solution to a non excisting problem [Big Grin]

Double rifles SHALL be camberd in rimmed cartridges. I would suggest a 450 NE, 470 nitro, a 375 flanged or 9,3X74R, for this kind of duty.

Heym has 450 NE on their program for their box lock doubles. It would be much better to camber the silly R93 in 458 mag than this new missfit round [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

However a silly cartridge macthes a even sillier rifle [Big Grin]

I guess it will live for a spring or two..

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Originally posted by Daniel M:
Slingster , I believe the locking sytem it's collect of multi lugs who open and locks directly to the barrel , the extractor it's a standard type like the Sako or push feed Winchester , they don't egages the entire rim .
The cartridges it's not desigend to compete with the African big bores , but a bolt action in 450 Marlin have the same performance and not the drawbacks of the rebated rim .

My mistake, and thanks for the correction on the extraction. However, I still don't think that the rebated rim would cause the same problems in the Blaser that it would in a more traditional action.
Posts: 1079 | Location: San Francisco Bay Area | Registered: 26 May 2002Reply With Quote
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[Big Grin] The 45 Blaser is [Big Grin] FUNNIER [Big Grin] than the 450 Marlin. [Big Grin]
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Kind of looks like a bastarded 557/450 round
Posts: 1529 | Location: Tidewater,Virginia | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dave James:
Kind of looks like a bastarded 557/450 round


You stole my thunder [Big Grin] I guess if Marlin can "modernise" the 45-70 by adding a belt to it, then Blaser can modernize the 577/450 by making it a rebated rimless redhaired bastard child. Just proves that the US isn't the only place that silly new cartridges are produced.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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It looks like a 11.2x60mm Schuler/Mauser that has been necked up to .458". An 83 year old reincarnation.
Posts: 694 | Location: Des Moines, Iowa, USA | Registered: 09 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Paul H....Hornady didn't modernize the .45/70, they made a safe & sound factory round out of the old .458x2 wildcat aka the .458 American....the difference is in the width of the belt.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
.450 Marlin's reason to be is that it equals HOT 45-70 loads in factory ammo. Tho it is probbly safer aswell, since I suspect the brass is of a stronger design then 45-70.

Hey Jeffe, you think if we straiten out the 45Blazer case, we might jamm some .510"s into it??

[ 10-10-2002, 04:21: Message edited by: KBGuns ]
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Last week end at the Hound & Jagd in Germany at least I can saw the new round , and it's not like the photo of the Blaser catalogue ,( BFawcett post it) , on the Blaser page it's something like or exaggerated for advertisement purposes , as you see the severe rebated rim and the long neck , I check measures from catalog and the real round , and rim it�s 12.00 mm ( .473�) body 15.00 mm (.590 �) as a 416 Rigby , real 13.00 mm ( .511�) neck on photo 17 mm (. .669 �) real 12.10 mm (.472� ) body 35 mm ( .1.37� ) real 43 mm (.1.69 �) ,the real round it's a rebated cartridges like a 284 W witha minimum shoulder , compare with the following photo of the real one :

Now it have more sense , but a 20 rounds pack cost �73 [Eek!] , a real nonsense .



[ 02-08-2003, 12:49: Message edited by: Daniel M ]
Posts: 332 | Location: Cantabria Spain | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Key KB,
I just saw your post...
I think it's too small for any 50's.. but i bet you could do a 475!!!!
and be 50fps behind the 480 ruger!!! LMAO
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Dang I got to this thread too late, everybody beat me to my points and I can't stand missing a chance to ridicule the Blaser.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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One other point and I'll stop beating on the Blaser. I'll bet you can buy a Marlin or Browning in 450 Marlin for the price of a Blaser barrel in this new rediculous cartidge.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Daniel M:
compare with the following photo of the real one :

Por l�stima, no puedo ver nada all�. Qu� pas� ?


[ 02-08-2003, 02:27: Message edited by: carcano91 ]
Posts: 2452 | Location: Old Europe | Registered: 23 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Hola Carcano , no lo se alguien cambio el enlace ahora es :

New link to photo


Posts: 332 | Location: Cantabria Spain | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Gracias !
Me quedo con la vieja y buena 10,75 x 57. [Big Grin]

Posts: 2452 | Location: Old Europe | Registered: 23 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Carcano , then you'll be out of fashion [Frown] , where do you learn so good Spanish [Smile] .


Posts: 332 | Location: Cantabria Spain | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
Who needs a cartridge for fast boar like that?
Long neck and rebated rim inclusive?
But Blaser is able to sell new barrels... for the R93!
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For those still interested, the eminent German gunwriter and wildcatter (besides being a forester and game manager in RL) Werner Reb has now written a fairly extensive and thorough, indeed scientific test report on the .45 Blaser in "Die Pirsch", issue 12/2003, pp. 38-41.

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Carcano, what did he say about it? Give us the lowdown. [Big Grin]
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the .45 blaser is a caliber for german boar hunting on close range. i'm a german boar hunter and believe this caliber to be a good tool for our demands.

i often use .375 h+h and .416 rigby on wild boars. within the next month i'll try a .458 lott. the .45 blaser has the advantage of lower recoil and a smaller rifle without a loss of bullet diameter.
Posts: 12 | Location: Bonn, Germany | Registered: 29 May 2003Reply With Quote
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The 45 blaser might be good for pigs, and it is probably good for getting cape buffalo to charge. But for people who like to return from dangerous game hunting unharmed, I would suggest another round.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by bigborerifleman:
the .45 blaser is a caliber for german boar hunting on close range. i'm a german boar hunter and believe this caliber to be a good tool for our demands.

This is an undue shortening of the original proposition. The cartridge (an offspring of a failed military subsonic rifle project, according to Reb) was intended *generally* for drive hunts. This includes boar as well as red deer and roe deer, and indeed the cartridge performs well enough on all.

Whether the funny-looking round be at all necessary besides such fine existing choices as the all-purpose and extremely accurate Swiss 10,3 x 60 R, the unduly forgotten 10,75 x 57, its own ancestor the 11,2 x 60 Sch�ler, or the US .45-70 and .450 Marlin, is an altogether different question... [Smile]

Posts: 2452 | Location: Old Europe | Registered: 23 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Actually if you study the "need" and the "solution" I think the people at Blaser came up with an excellent "solution".

A cartridge that will;
Fit the Blaser R-93, provide maximum stopping/killing power for driven game. [Game shot fairly close up, while running, excited, and may be near property boundaries.

Not require a magnum bolt face. Must feed and have enough of a shoulder to headspace.

Not have too much recoil. Recoil needs to be below African cartridge levels.

Bullets [the projectile] need to be available that will perform on the game to be hunted at the velocities desired. [This includes the diameter, weight, and construction of the bullet].

A 458 diameter 350grain roundnose at a velocity around 1900fps to 2000fps is ideal. [Anyone who has ever used this combo in a 45/70 or down loaded 458Win knows how effective it is].

Case must be big enough around to hold enough powder, with a big enough shoulder to provide headspace, thus rebated rim to work in standard bolt face. Blaser has straight line feed with a dedicated magazine, this design should not give feeding problems in the R-93.

Voila!!! the 45 Blaser
A modern 11.2x60 Mauser, 11.2x60 Schuler, 11.15x59.8 Schuler, [they are all the same]

The design is pure genius. No other cartridge would fufill the need.
Whether or not YA'LL feel the "need" is there or not is a different story.
I think it is a neat idea and not half as crazy as some of the stuff others have come up with.

The 45 Blaser is not designed for African DGR and does not belong in that arena. But it just might be perfect for what it was designed for. [Wink]

If they do not market it here in the US they need to get some new people in "marketing and sales".

[ 06-19-2003, 04:36: Message edited by: N E 450 No2 ]
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Originally posted by N E 450 No2:
The design is pure genius. No other cartridge would fulfill the need.

I'm sorry, the couple of other cartridges doing the same have already been named - one by yourself.
The genial thing about is - if anything - the "proprietary" feature: to carve a cartridge that will work well in a R 93, but cannot easily be used in other (CRF) repeaters :-).

Posts: 2452 | Location: Old Europe | Registered: 23 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I think this is a cartridge that Walter should take to Africa and report on.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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No doubt the 11.2x60 Mauser/Schuler would be a good catrtridge, 330gr at @2150to2250fps, the 440 bore is not widely used and Blaser probably wanted to duplicate hot 45/70 loads, which are very popular now.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
Originally posted by DB Bill:
I think this is a cartridge that Walter should take to Africa and report on.

DB Bill

Saeed has given his word on that there will be no over complicated over engineered, junky, silly kraut rifle on this years safari [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

I guess walther has to wait with his reports and who knows about the quality of the ammo. I hope it got benchrest primers [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

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Have you completed your thesis yet.
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