Hi all, I made my copper tubeing/ cast bullets and loaded one for my proof load. While seating the bullet, the core got pushed out of the jacket tubeing. I guess I didn't flux or pre-heat enough. I went back to the lathe and turned out a 550gn bullet from Aluminum Bronze. It looks pretty good, I think I'll use it for my proof load. I hope to get to the range tomorrow and shoot this thing for the first time. I'll have to build a quick jig to bolt it to the bench for remote fireing on the proof load. I'm thinking that this bullet shouldn't deform on anything.
Posts: 2924 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: 23 December 2002
Sorry, my wimpy digital camera doesn't give the clearest pictures on closeups. Loaded round with Barnes 500 XLC, loaded tubing/cast, you can see the lead comeing out of the top, I'll pull this one, 550gn turned, 500 Barnes XLC.
Posts: 2924 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: 23 December 2002
Lar45, I was on the www.MidwayUSA.com site the other day was noticed that they had an RCBS .470 NE bullet mold on markdown - something like $75. Sounds like you already have something to fill the bill though, but just thought I'd pass it along anyway...just in case.
Thanks, I have a 400gn mold, but need to get a 500gn mold also. I was thinking about going with www.mountainmolds.com and haveing him cut two different styles on the same block, maybe one with a 70% nose and the other with a 90% nose.
Posts: 2924 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: 23 December 2002
About the 90% nose, that is basically a full wadcutter design. I like the idea too, but I have wondered if it would be stable as it passes through flesh and bone.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002
I have a .452 350gn 90% nose mold from www.mountainmolds.com. It shoot really accurate on paper out of my 454 Taurus. I only got the mold and tested this winter, so I haven't shot anything live with it. I could probably do a wet newsprint test sometime though. The 470 will have much higher velocity though. What do you think would be a resonable band width and groove depth? I just guessed at the bullet, it has over 50% of the driveing surface removed. The smaller steps would probably help though.
Posts: 2924 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: 23 December 2002
I picked up my Mountain mold yesterday. It's made on the large Aluminum block with the tool steel sprue plate. I got one cavity with a 70% nose and the other with a 90% nose, both gaschecked and 500gns. The test bullets that he cast looked perfect. Life's been busy so I haven't had a chance to cast or load any yet, but I'm hopeing to do so this comeing week. Once I get some cast, I'll send samples to anyone that's interested.
Posts: 2924 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: 23 December 2002