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Magnum Mauser Action Login/Join
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Does any one know where I can get a magnum Mauser action. I need the action now or sooner.

Posts: 947 | Registered: 24 February 2005Reply With Quote
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FN Commercial 375 ok?

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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You looking for now cheap/military old commercial or now new production high end?

I think Granite Arms, Hartmann and Weiss and one more europe sounding maker have them. I don't know if it is a mauser or not but the one that stuart satterlee makes is frickin' kick ass looking.


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I'm looking for a new production High end. I tried to call and e-mail GA today but the number I had was not working and my e-mail was returned. I would like to talk to Hartman and Weiss, if I had their info.

Don't bother sugesting Empire Rifles it's becuse of their shit actions and work that I need a action. I'll post the whole story latter.

Posts: 947 | Registered: 24 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Stuart is making up a run him-605-578-1943.Best,kim
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another is Golmatic=Prechtl.they have a web site? these are the ones reimar johanssen uses.
Posts: 877 | Location: Louisiana | Registered: 03 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Is the number for GMA you tried 623-434-3404? Prechtl/Golmatic is another Euro maker who makes modern Mauser actions.

From what I've seen of Stuart Satterlee's actions they are true to the Mauser design.

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Originally posted by Dr B:
Don't bother sugesting Empire Rifles it's becuse of their shit actions and work that I need a action. I'll post the whole story latter.


Unfortunately this seems to be a common story. Frowner
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dr B:
Don't bother sugesting Empire Rifles it's becuse of their shit actions and work that I need a action. I'll post the whole story latter.


Would be interested in hearing this story, and which action you had have a problem with. You may be aware that they have left the original maker of their actions and are having them custom US made, from billet, using cnc technologies.

Perhaps your story would dovetail into the reasons they changed actions.

With your story, this will make 2 that I have heard complaints of, and would like to hear if there is a pattern here, or an pair of events.

What about a dakota action? I think I can find you a NIB african


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Link to the Hartman und Weiss Catalogue on the Nitro Express forums

You could also contact Karl-Heinz Ritterbusch or G0ottfried Prechtl who is represented in the USA by New England Custom Gun Service.

Or, if you could wait a little, then check with Waffenfabrik Hein. Greg and Karl both post here and they have their own Mauser action due very soon. They are wonderful people to talk to and should have some really nice when they launch it. You should meet them at the St Louis NRA Convention in April if you attend it. Very, very nice people making very nice guns.

Do post pictures of your action when you finally decide on what you want to buy and when you get the rifle built. Thanks.

Mehul Kamdar

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Dear Dr. B: Would be glad to hear the specifics of your complaint, you may reach me weekdays on 603.469.3152. We take great pride in our rifles, and the actions on which they are built. Our repuation for quality is strong, and I am completely committed to ensuring all of our clients are satisfied --a large percentage of our orders are repeat customers. Please call me this week to discuss, your candid feedback will help us as we steer our course. Thank you,
--George Sandmann, President, Empire Rifles
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Give me a call-308-236-9499 I can help you out
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George, you will have a choice this weekend or Monday morning to resend an action that I know you (can) build. The one I just received will not cut it!I would appreciate you standing behind your product and making it right! Mad It is certainly up to you!
Posts: 214 | Location: Montana | Registered: 31 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by huntnjim:
George, you will have a choice this weekend or Monday morning to resend an action that I know you (can) build. The one I just received will not cut it!I would appreciate you standing behind your product and making it right! Mad It is certainly up to you!

Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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George Sandmann, President, Empire Rifles

From the post, three above yours, by Sandmann.


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Dear Jim: Thank you for your note. Let's plan on talking Monday morning, will be in from 08.15 Eastern. I am committted to your complete satisfaction, and am looking forward to our conversation. Best regards, --George
Posts: 18 | Location: New Hampshire, USA | Registered: 23 May 2005Reply With Quote
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I like Sandmann's response...if there's something wrong...we'll identify it and fix it. You owe the man and his company that much.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
I like Sandmann's response...if there's something wrong...we'll identify it and fix it. You owe the man and his company that much.


Unless you know what Dr B's problem was/is and what he has done to date to address the problem, seems a little presumptuous to me to be taking sides in the matter . . . IMHO.

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Thanks George!I will look forward to it Monday morning. Maybe a conference call. As you know I leave for Mozinbique late June and time is now very very short. Wink
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Jim: I am looking forward to our conversation. Until then, Best, --George
Posts: 18 | Location: New Hampshire, USA | Registered: 23 May 2005Reply With Quote
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you have a very valid point, no argument there. But the man is standing up here and telling the AR forum that he WILL fix the problem. What is left is for the situation to be rectified quickly and the results, good or bad, to be posted here.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I do not know either of these folks. My only thought was that sometimes you need to take someone's offer of assistance or to rectify a problem with a grain of salt -- particularly if made publicly in response to a complaint -- when you do not have all the background. Who knows, that offer may have been made and not delivered on multiple times in the past. The only folks that know for sure are Sandmann and Dr B.

Posts: 22243 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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In this case the 416 Rigby action I received from Empire was returned. George agreed to refund the money and he did just that. Wink
Posts: 214 | Location: Montana | Registered: 31 January 2006Reply With Quote
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