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Let's hear your opinions on this caliber.
May not be as steeped in tradition as the H&H but looks like a performer with 300 gr bullets @ 2700 FPS isn't that knocking right on 416 RM's back door?
Posts: 100 | Location: Thompkin Corners, Sullivan Co. Penna | Registered: 12 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of vapodog
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For those that can handle it it's a fine round.

Personally I don't understand the term "deader".

I have all I can handle in the .375 H&H and a lot of folks (if they have the guts to admit it) will also say the same.

The .375 H&H is an awesome round....if one wants more he should step up in caliber.

just my .02.....

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I guess it would depend on your use/application and your definition of "performer".

I agree with Vapodog as to going up in caliber.

For a DGR, if your were looking for more performance than a 375 H&H, you may be better off going to a big bore.

For PG and a backup DGR, the 375 H&H is about perfect to me. For a primary DGR only, I would go to a bigger bore.
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I am having one built right now. Before the build I narrowed my caliber choices down to the .375 diameter rounds. I viewed all of them collectively and chose the one that I felt would be a reasonable compromise, and most useful to me.

It is hard to argue with years of flawless performance from the H&H but for some reason I didn't want one. The 378 WBY is an interesting cartridge but I have never been much of a WBY fan and it hovers on the line of excessive in almost every category. I felt that the RUM offered compelling ballistics for the 375 category with a slight compromise on recoil over the WBY round, and the ability to handload down to H&H velocities if I was so compelled.
Posts: 438 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 27 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I have a 375 RUM in an 01 Rem custom shop ABG. If I were to do it again, I would get the 375(NOT 378) Weatherby on something other than a Rem 700 action. I pick the 375 Weatherby cause if you lose your ammo, you can shoot 375 H&H's with no mods in a pinch. The 375 Wby is close to the RUM in speed too. And why not a Rem 700 action? Cause the extractor is pretty tiny. I have shot less than 500 rounds through my weapon, and my extractor is shot. I am in the process of having a Sako extractor installed. I am not saying all Rem 700's have unreliable extraction, but mine sure did wear out fast.

Wby brass is more expensive, but I guess you would have to examine the law of averages on what you want to spend your money on. Just dont get a high end Wby rifle, their idea of good looking rifles is like having a shop full of gunsmiths that have the nickname "Shallow Hal". Some of their stocks look more like pool cues more than anything with all the inlays.

I do enjoy shooting my 375, I find it more fun than shooting 12ga slugs. The shotty has a sharper recoil(lighter weapon). I had brought the 870 to the range with me with the 375 to test out some different slugs, and I had picked up the shotty to shoot right after I put down the 375, and it felt like a hard punch more than the kick and push of the 375. Ugh.

But you did not specify if you had shot big bores before, so that might be a factor if you decide to go with the 375, or the 458 Lott. Of course if you wanted to throw all caution to the wind, by all means get yerself one of THESE!!
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Forgot to add that any 375 might be easier to load down if you want to turn deer inside out.
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I actually bought one of the Remington Custom Shop APR's in .375RUM, put a set of open sights on it and put a HS Precision synthetic stock on it, and lengthened the pull out to 14 1/2 inches (Got long arms) and also put a Pachmeyer Decellerator pad on it. I took a nice Kodiak bear the summer of 2002 with it and I gotta say, I am downright impressed with the performance of this round. I can honestly say the recoil doesn't feel that bad other than the fact that it's pretty fast.
I did manage to shoot a squirrel with it as well, it was a extremely dangerous situation and the highly aggitated creature came running straight at me, the look of pure hatred in it's eyes as it charged me. I'm still living to this day glad that I had my .375RUM in hand!

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My largest big bore is a 338WM but I also hotrod a 45-70 to 400gr@2000FPS. The 338WM is not nearly as significant in recoil as the light Marlin with my hot handloads.Neither matches my 12ga/3"mag slugs off a bench, that SOB does feel like a mule kick.
I'm looking at a Remington 700 LSS 375RUM NIB for $650 trying hard to convince myself I'd rather have that than a XCR 375H&H for the same money. As my tastes run to wood over Rubber stocks. Don't misunderstand my comment rubber stocks have their place just I have no such need for them.
Posts: 100 | Location: Thompkin Corners, Sullivan Co. Penna | Registered: 12 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Well, for the sake of conversation, you could get the LSS(I like laminated stocks too beer), and when you get bored with the 375, you can rechamber for 458 or 470 AR. It uses 375 RUM brass to begin with.

Case Drawings

A little more info on the 458 and 416

Actually, Jeffe designed these rounds to be shot in guns that used to be chambered for 7mm Rem Mags(I guess some folks hate them for some reason bewildered) But, you would just have more room if you rechambered your RUM gun for them.

I have a 7mm already, but I am torn, its too pretty to tear up. Have to look for a cheaper alternative.

But, I would get the LSS. Laminated stocks rule. If the stock does not fit, you can shave it to make it fit your profile. Cant do that with synth stocks.
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You'll be happier with the LSS. It's a better looking rifle than the XCR. Plus the round is quite amazing, I think it's a great round for almost anything that walks the earth. It definitly deserves more attention than it's given.

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I came to choosing the .375 Ultra from a slightly different direction. In recognition of the fact that the .375 H&H is possibly the best general purpose - do all big game cartridge in the world - I wanted those velocities but from a short barrel. It turns out the ballistics from my 21" Brno 602, .375 Ultra are exactly what I had in mind. A 270 gr X shows 2800 fps, a 300 gr X gives 2600 fps, and the 380 gr. Rhino 2300 fps. I loaded 260 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips/Accubonds for maximum accuracy and got well under MOA at 400 yards for 3 shots when loaded to 2600 fps. If I decide to take on dall sheep some day that will be my load.
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Originally posted by The Metalsmith:

I did manage to shoot a squirrel with it as well, it was a extremely dangerous situation and the highly aggitated creature came running straight at me, the look of pure hatred in it's eyes as it charged me. I'm still living to this day glad that I had my .375RUM in hand!

animal rotflmo lol rotflmo animal

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Picture of jwp475
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Originally posted by Chugach:
Let's hear your opinions on this caliber.
May not be as steeped in tradition as the H&H but looks like a performer with 300 gr bullets @ 2700 FPS isn't that knocking right on 416 RM's back door?

FPE is no substute for a larger diameter projectile on DG. In other words no 375 is a 416


A 9mm may expand to a larger diameter, but a 45 ain't going to shrink

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If you have the shooting skill set and are conditioned to 416 Rem recoil levels, the 375 Ultra would be tough to beat as the ultimate North American long range powerhouse.

The Ultra can either be hotrod'd or Rigby'd. You choose.

If you are going to Africa and feel the need for more power (than the H&H) you need a bigger hole.

Someone mentioned the 45/70...while the lever guns are neat (I both enjoy and occasionally hunt with them) the 375 Ultra is in a completely different world in terms of both recoil and killing power.

Comparing the H&H and the Ultra is like comparing wives.
The H&H is like a good and faithful woman...She wont let you down and stays within her budget range.
The Ultra is like a young mistress....Hot, fast, sexy, and could have you shooting wildly without the appropriate physiological control.

Posts: 322 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 31 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Chugach , JMO get the LSS. I have a 375 RUM in LSS and love it. At first i want sure, I knew I like it but I soon loved the stock. The XCR in my opion is cheap and most of all ugly. I like your self do not like plastic stock and agree they have thier time and place but man do they ruin the looks.

Sad to admit but I own 2 375 RUMS and haven't shot anything except targets.. As for a 375 H&H pushing 2700 fps with 300gr. Maybe handloads or Federals HE's but regular loadings is much less.
Posts: 95 | Location: SOUTH DAKOTA | Registered: 15 January 2006Reply With Quote
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High energy 375 H&h are 2600fps 300gr
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Don't forget Hornady's heavy mags Big Grin

I'm what you call your basic famous.
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chugch, I have used mine, 375RUM LSS with both 270 Barnes and 300 Swifts-it is a swift killing round. I reload so obviousy it keeps the ammo cost down substantially. IF I was to build or buy another 375 chambering I would consider as Gixxer mentioned an go with the .375WTHBY. but at the present time I feel no need to do the like. There was one particular item replaced at the start an that was the cockingpiece/firing pin assy.--J-lock, next is gonna be the trigger-had that lightened up-go figure about hindsight being 20/20, trigger gaurd will go from the aluminum crap to steel before too long. Over all this caliber does exactly what I need it to do-down bears with authority. good day.
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Piggyback on the reloading thing. $50 for a box of Rem Premier safari grade with the 300gr swifts is too rich for my blood. Hell, $50 for a box of 50 300gr swift bullets is expensive for me too.

Dont count out the North Fork softs. A hair cheaper than the Swifts. That is all I load for my hunting rounds. For play I load Accubond 2nds, pretty cheap.
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I posted this on another thread, but still holds true to fact.

Anyone interested in shooting heavier bullets into the larger beasts, or that is interested and wants to shoot 375 caliber 260 Nosler Accubonds at over 3000 FPS... the 375 RUM is tough to beat, period!

My now favorite hunting load here in Alaska is the 350 grain Protected Point WOODLEIGH, made in Australia, ahead of 100 grains of H1000, using Federal Gold Medal Match Magnum primers 215, loaded to an O.A.L. of 3.60". I now roam the vast Alaska wilderness armed with the knowledge that whatever opportunity is presented, I am prepared.

It was chronoed at 2500-2600 FPS.

I can tell you this. The load consistently shoots 3 bullets into a sub inch at 100 yards!

If I do my part, three shot groups routinely come in at .345" -1".

Here's my ballsitics for the 350 gr Woodleigh at 2600 FPS:

0 (yds)...2606.7.FPS...5280.4.Foot Pounds....-1.5.Drop in inches

It's as flat as many smaller diameter rifles, with the thump to spare from muzzle to 300 yds.

I have found that my M700 375 RUM, really likes the IMR7828, and H4831(SC) as well as the H1000.

My everything other than a big bear load, is the 260 Nosler Accubond loaded ahead of 102 grains of H4831(SC). It is a real Screamer!

If you can handle the recoil, this gun is a tack driver.

Posts: 197 | Location: alaska | Registered: 06 March 2005Reply With Quote
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impressive shooting. Nice. thumb
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Have you tried RL-25 and 300 grain bullets?
While 7828 and H-4831 seem more accurate, RL-25 gave me plenty of accuracy (right around moa) and an easy 2900 fps with no (zero) indication of excess pressure.

I am willing to bet RL-25 is the powder to beat with 350 grainers. Have you tried Retumbo with this combo, or is it too slow?

Posts: 322 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 31 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I agree with ceg1963 when he says the .375 RUM is hard to beat.

Nosler, in their reloading manual, calls the .375 RUM "the most accurate of all the .375's".

A 260 gr. Accubond or Partition will shoot as flat as a .270.

Great long range elk medicine.

Third rebirth of member #117.
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x-man, That sounds like a great idea. Retumbo does do well in my 338 Ultra Mag, and 7MM STW, but I have not used it in my 375 RUM yet.

As soon as it warms up a bit, I will load and try experimenting with both the RE-25 and Retumbo and 350 Woodleighs. Thanks

Herb D.

I do a remote Alaskan float hunt for moose and caribou, with an off chance contact with a grizzly this coming September. I will post the .375 R.U.M. results in the field on this thread.

I've got my money riding on the 260 grain Nosler Accubond loads for (Moose & caribou), and my 350 Woodleigh loads on (Big bear). Both loads scream, and are extremely accurate!

Thanks. I will post the results.
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Saeed uses it's ballistic twin, the 375/404 I believe on a Dakota action and Barnes bullets. If you've seen any of his videos, it's an awesome killer on Cape Buffalo, so that is certainly a good endorsement. Pretty close to a 378 Weatherby also I would think and certainly capable of taking anything that suits one's fancy. jorge

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C'mon Chugach, get the LSS, roll some, and take pics of targets and post em!!
Posts: 986 | Location: Columbia, SC | Registered: 22 January 2005Reply With Quote
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