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505 Gibbs on the way Login/Join
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I am picking up a "new to me" 505 Gibbs tomorrow. How about brass? Horneber, Jameson, and Norma seem to be available. I imagine Norma is ok, are the others? I have dies and bullets on the way too.
Posts: 429 | Location: Western Montana | Registered: 05 June 2008Reply With Quote
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I have used all three types of brass in my .505 Gibbs and they all have worked fine. Most of what I have used has been Jamison. I do not not load them hot though.

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Congrats! Mine is on order and hopefully here soon as well. I ended up with Jamison.
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Please put it on display for us friend!!!!!! clap

D/R Hunter

Correct bullet placement, combined with the required depth of bullet penetration, results in an anchored animal...

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Originally posted by Dan416:
I am picking up a "new to me" 505 Gibbs tomorrow. How about brass? Horneber, Jameson, and Norma seem to be available. I imagine Norma is ok, are the others? I have dies and bullets on the way too.

Dan416: I've used the Jamison Brass exclusively in my .505. Like Mike, I don't load it overly hot. With the Woodleigh 600 grain projectiles, I use 135 grains of H4831SC...with the 525 grain bullets, I use 140 grains of IMR7828. I am almost 66 years old, and am becoming less and less of a fan of big recoil. A photo of my Gibbs follows:

Posts: 268 | Location: TUCSON, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Chip, That is a NICE looking rifle. Mine isn't quite in that class. What is it? action, bbl length, forearm length? I love the short forearm. Very beautiful and business-like at the same time.
Posts: 429 | Location: Western Montana | Registered: 05 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Chip is that a GMA with Smithson mounts?

Looks great.

Cheers, Chris

Posts: 2023 | Location: Australia | Registered: 25 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dan416:
Chip, That is a NICE looking rifle. Mine isn't quite in that class. What is it? action, bbl length, forearm length? I love the short forearm. Very beautiful and business-like at the same time.

Dan: this is a Ryan Breeding .505 Gibbs built on a Granite Mountain Arms Action. It has a 24" barrel, and a magazine that hold 4 rounds. I had Ryan make it heavy.....naked, (without the scope, ammo, or sling), it is just shy of 12 lbs. With all that stuff on, the gun weighs a tad over 14 lbs. I never measured the forearm, so I don't have that dimension handy. The mounts for the scope are from Joe Smithson, (they are a push button, ball detent, quick release set up). The trigger, trigger guard, floor plate, rear sight island, and front hood are all custom made by Ryan Breeding. I've enjoyed this gun, and my shoulder is happy that is as heavy as it is....having said that, I've never had it on a hunt where I had to carry it 20 miles in 100 degree heat! Smiler . Enjoy your big boy, and be sure to post some pictures when it arrives. Cheers. Chip.
Posts: 268 | Location: TUCSON, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Chip he has done a beautiful job on that rifle.

What scope is that?

Cheers, Chris

Posts: 2023 | Location: Australia | Registered: 25 December 2006Reply With Quote
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That is a very nice rifle, very similar to mine, GMA action, Smithson mounts. Mine has a 2.5 Leupold compact. It weighs 11 lb, and it is a fantastic hunting rifle, I have taken a few pigs and 3 buffalo so far. The 505 is devastating on all game if you do your job! With a good sling, you can carry it all day, as I have. Here is a picture of me with mine. I recently won the Australian Big Game Rifle Championship with my 505 in the last event of the competition.
Here are a few pictures of game I have taken. A pig

and my buffalo,
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Love Breeding's rifles.
Posts: 20183 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Meet too Jon...nice 505 guys!!!

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I helped a guy sell one a couple years ago for $10K. I should have bought it. I talked to Ryan about it, and he felt it was a pretty special buiild, as it was on a real Magnum Mauser action.
Posts: 20183 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Rockdoc:
Chip he has done a beautiful job on that rifle.

What scope is that?

Cheers, Chris[/QUOT

Chris: the scope is a Swarovski Z6 1-6 X 24 EE. So far, it has not smacked my eyebrow! Chip.
Posts: 268 | Location: TUCSON, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2007Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by 338User:
That is a very nice rifle, very similar to mine, GMA action, Smithson mounts. Mine has a 2.5 Leupold compact. It weighs 11 lb, and it is a fantastic hunting rifle, I have taken a few pigs and 3 buffalo so far. The 505 is devastating on all game if you do your job! With a good sling, you can carry it all day, as I have. Here is a picture of me with mine. I recently won the Australian Big Game Rifle Championship with my 505 in the last event of the competition.

338User: I have watched your posts over the years in reference to that rifle, and some of the loads you have worked up. That rifle is a beautiful piece, and looks like 100% business. Congratulations on your Big Game Rifle Championship. The only losers appear to be the animals that were unfortunate enough to get in your sights. Cheers. Chip.
Posts: 268 | Location: TUCSON, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Mine is just about done, one of a series of rifles to include a 7mm Mauser, 300 H&H, 338 Win Mag, 404 Jeffery, 458 Win Mag, and 505 Gibbs. Here's the 300 H&H:

Posts: 20183 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Biebs:
Mine is just about done, one of a series of rifles to include a 7mm Mauser, 300 H&H, 338 Win Mag, 404 Jeffery, 458 Win Mag, and 505 Gibbs. Here's the 300 H&H:

Jon: who is making those rifles for you? That .300 H&H is VERY nice! Cheers. Chip.
Posts: 268 | Location: TUCSON, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Chip, they're being done my Mike Cuypers at Bijou Creek Customs.
Posts: 20183 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Beautiful guns Biebs

Biebs - you know psycological sciences have advanced to address excessive hoarding behavior Cool

I am just so glad I shoot left handed

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Originally posted by CHIPB:

Dan416: I've used the Jamison Brass exclusively in my .505. Like Mike, I don't load it overly hot. With the Woodleigh 600 grain projectiles, I use 135 grains of H4831SC...with the 525 grain bullets, I use 140 grains of IMR7828. I am almost 66 years old, and am becoming less and less of a fan of big recoil. A photo of my Gibbs follows:

CHIPB: Beautiful rifle!

How do you find the 600gr Woodleigh compared to the 525gr for recoil and accuracy?
Posts: 366 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 13 November 2005Reply With Quote
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My .505 Gibbs, built by Lon Paul on a Granite Mountain Action, Smithson mounts.

Posts: 1748 | Registered: 27 March 2007Reply With Quote
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I hope you all get to shoot them and hunt them as often as
you like to. I am sure they give the very best of service to

dancing clap dancing clap dancing

D/R Hunter

Correct bullet placement, combined with the required depth of bullet penetration, results in an anchored animal...

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xausa, nice looking rifle (with no disrespect intended to the others for sure).

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by xausa:
My .505 Gibbs, built by Lon Paul on a Granite Mountain Action, Smithson mounts.

xausa: that appears to be a peep sight on the rear bridge using the Joe Smithson system. Very nice touch! Cheers. Chip.
Posts: 268 | Location: TUCSON, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2007Reply With Quote
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These rifles on this thread are unbelievable. I love the stock wood and design on these guns.

One day I need to restock my AHR 375 H&H cz with a similar stock design. Classic british bolt rifle look.

This is pure gun porn.

Posts: 13145 | Location: Cocoa Beach, Florida | Registered: 22 July 2010Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by CHIPB:
xausa: that appears to be a peep sight on the rear bridge using the Joe Smithson system.QUOTE]

Posts: 1748 | Registered: 27 March 2007Reply With Quote
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All very nice rifles guys.
I have only used Norma cases for mine.

Wish I could post pics of mine, can't figure out why it won't work off this Samsung tablet, my PC is buggered, so can't use that either.

Posts: 684 | Location: N E Victoria, Australia. | Registered: 26 February 2009Reply With Quote
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I really like the looks of these Smithson mounts.
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My comment prompted some super posts and pics to drool over. Here is my new toy. Rather pedestrian compared to the others but it will get the job done.
Montana Rifle Co., 24", the crime of a forearm sling swivel will be removed tomorrow, and the front bead will be increased to 1/8" or a fiber optic and the rear will become a wide V.
Posts: 429 | Location: Western Montana | Registered: 05 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by CHIPB:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 338User:
That is a very nice rifle, very similar to mine, GMA action, Smithson mounts. Mine has a 2.5 Leupold compact. It weighs 11 lb, and it is a fantastic hunting rifle, I have taken a few pigs and 3 buffalo so far. The 505 is devastating on all game if you do your job! With a good sling, you can carry it all day, as I have. Here is a picture of me with mine. I recently won the Australian Big Game Rifle Championship with my 505 in the last event of the competition.

338User: I have watched your posts over the years in reference to that rifle, and some of the loads you have worked up. That rifle is a beautiful piece, and looks like 100% business. Congratulations on your Big Game Rifle Championship. The only losers appear to be the animals that were unfortunate enough to get in your sights. Cheers. Chip.

Thanks Chip
Posts: 424 | Location: Australia | Registered: 11 August 2007Reply With Quote
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Nice rifle Xausa! Lon Paul is tops in my book.BTW,just curious at to what that rifle weighs?
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by xausa:
My .505 Gibbs, built by Lon Paul on a Granite Mountain Action, Smithson mounts.

Very nice rifle Xausa. I see you also have a Smithson peep. Mine is set up so I can change from express sights to peep to scope fairly quickly. I normally hunt with scope.
Posts: 424 | Location: Australia | Registered: 11 August 2007Reply With Quote
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338User who built your rifle?

Cheers, Chris

Posts: 2023 | Location: Australia | Registered: 25 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dan416:
My comment prompted some super posts and pics to drool over. Here is my new toy. Rather pedestrian compared to the others but it will get the job done.
Montana Rifle Co., 24", the crime of a forearm sling swivel will be removed tomorrow, and the front bead will be increased to 1/8" or a fiber optic and the rear will become a wide V.

Dan416: that rifle has the appearance of one that will certainly do the trick. It looks like it may hold 4 in the I right? Congratulations on it, and enjoy. Chip.
Posts: 268 | Location: TUCSON, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2007Reply With Quote
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CHIPB: Beautiful rifle!

How do you find the 600gr Woodleigh compared to the 525gr for recoil and accuracy?[/QUOTE]

IanD: The "heavy lifting" of sighting in this rifle was done by Ryan Breeding before I even received it. Consequently, I spent no time using it with a lead sled, and little time off the bench. Most of my shooting with it has been either off sticks or off hand. Thus, I could not definitively say which weight of bullet was more accurate. Suffice to say that they are both very accurate....more so than I am! I have shot at nothing past 100 yards.

On the recoil, here there is a difference, (in my opinion). When shooting the 600 grain Woodleighs, the recoil is noticeably more than with the 525 grain bullets. In fact,it is greater than the recoil I have experienced with my braked 13.5 lb. 600 Overkill rifle. When loaded up with the 600 grain bullets, I call my Gibbs the "Smacker". I have never shot more than 10 rounds at a single range session with the 600 grainers. Cheers. Chip.
Posts: 268 | Location: TUCSON, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Chip, my brass hasn't arrived yet so I don't know how many the mag holds.
Posts: 429 | Location: Western Montana | Registered: 05 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally by Dan416

forearm sling swivel will be removed tomorrow...

Good decision there Dan, and the rifle looks
fantastic, and I am SURE it WILL DO it's job
most adeptly...

D/R Hunter

Correct bullet placement, combined with the required depth of bullet penetration, results in an anchored animal...

Posts: 997 | Location: Florida - A Little North of Tampa  | Registered: 07 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Rockdoc:
338User who built your rifle?

Cheers, Chris

My rifle was originally built by Fred Wells. Since I got it the Smithson mounts have been fitted by Rob Blomfield
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These are some very fine 505 rifles pictured here.

I acquired my 505 Gibbs last fall at a local shop in Green Bay, Wisconsin. It has a Brevex action and was built in South Africa by MJ Bundock in the 1960's.

It was sold to SA Professional Hunter Carl Labuschagne in 1980. Some time later, Carl personally customized the rifle by making a stock from scratch, having Armin Winkler engrave it, and having Danie Joubert perform the metal work.

I used it last fall to harvest a nice whitetail deer.

When the rifle was in Carl's hands, he harvested 2 buffalo, 2 elephants, a hippo, a lion, and a warthog.

Some time in the future, I'll post the rifle's complete story.

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"Mate" at another site was asking for load info on his Gibbs. Said he could only get 3 powder types and none listed for the Gibbs
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