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458 Win Mag rifle choice Login/Join
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posted 18 July 2017 01:42
I'm looking at buying a 458 Win Mag.(No this is not a "Why not buy a Lott" discussion)

There are 2 rifles I'm considering and I would like your advise.

They are the Winchester Model 70, Safari Express. 24" barrel, rifle weighs 9 lbs.

The other is the Interarms Whitworth. 23" barrel, rifle weighs 8 1/2 lbs.

I've seen mention somewhere a concern about the bottom metal on the Whitworth coming unlatched under this type of recoil. I can't find where I read that. I've had a 375 H&H in this rifle, and that didn't happen.

Give me your opinion.



Hook em Horns
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posted 18 July 2017 02:58Hide Post
I have a Winchester 70, albeit the Super Express model with the 22 inch barrel.
It would be my choice again and the extra 2 inches of barrel would not bother me on the one you are looking at.
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posted 18 July 2017 02:59Hide Post
I'd buy the Winchester between the two, when I decided to buy a 458 WM two rifles were available for a great price, I bought them both.

One is a very cherry old tang safety Ruger African rifle, if you'll sit still with it it'll cut bullet holes at 100 yards with a 1.5-5 Leupold, I would sell the Ruger as I certainly don't need two 458 rifles.

The other is an even older Browning FN Safari rifle, a very light weight rifle you can easily carry 10 miles tracking buffalo, it shoots very well also.

I'll throw in some favorite bullets and powders in case you decide to handload for your new rifle, both of my rifles fire the 500 gr PP Woodleigh Weldcore bullets to an easy 2150 fps with RL-7 or H-322 powder, the 450 gr BBW #13 solids take the same powder charge and shoot just as accurate, albeit a bit faster.

Good luck with your choice, the Great 458 WM is all the cartridge a man could ever need for heavy game hunting.
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posted 18 July 2017 02:59Hide Post
I have a 458WM Whitworth that I have shot a bunch. Never had the floorplate come open, ever. A very accurate rifle as well, probably my most accurate bigbore.
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Picture of SFRanger7GP
posted 18 July 2017 04:39Hide Post
You cannot go wrong with either. I have had both. I still have a Whitworth because it is more "alive" in my hands. I shoot a lot more light .458 loads and cast bullets than full charge big game loads.

Safe shooting.....Larry
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Picture of Charles_Helm
posted 18 July 2017 07:11Hide Post
On my Whitworth .458, the floor plate has been fixed shut, so I would not be surprised if it had a habit of popping open before I got it.

The Whitworth is lighter but I prefer the safety on the Model 70. My Whitworth also had some issues. After one trip with it, I bought some Model 70s instead.

Having said that, my Whitworth is in the hands of AHR for corrective measures. Time will tell if I end up preferring it to the Model 70 (originally a Classic Super Express) Wayne already re-worked for me.

My personal experience with the Mark X's I have is that there were bugs that had to be worked out as well as things I did not like that I changed (like the safety). Many others have reported being happy with theirs.

It may come down to which one feels better in your hands.
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Picture of jimatcat
posted 18 July 2017 07:29Hide Post
I've got both.... prefer the Winchester because of the safety....

go big or go home ........

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posted 18 July 2017 09:29Hide Post
I'll vote for the M70. One of the few rifles that I hunted hard and never changed anything.

Eventually made it into a Lott though. Big Grin
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posted 18 July 2017 09:37Hide Post
About 20 years ago I bought a M70 Super Express in 458. It had a fairly thin 22" barrel. I'm not much for getting beat by recoil, so I took it to CP Donnelly and he replaced the factory barrel with a 24" heavier taper. Total weight with scope was somewhere over 11 pounds. It was a little more to carry but I disliked shooting it less than with that light barrel. If Winchester is making with 24" barrels now, it appears there were more than me that preferred the longer barrel.
Of the two choices, i'd go with the Winchester, just for the sake of similarity in function with the other M70. But if my other rifle had a Whitworth style safety, then I'd choose the whitworth, for the same reason.
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posted 19 July 2017 11:12Hide Post
Had a 458WM Whitworth. Loved it. No complaints. Eventually traded for a Ruger Alaskan 416. The reason was commonality of safety for a small caliber trainer. The Alaskan pairs nicely with the Ruger African in 223 for cheap and fun practice.


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Picture of jeffeosso
posted 19 July 2017 16:18Hide Post
mechanical devices can fail .. i've had both, had more feeding issues with the winchester, though the winchester has a better stock safety

ask me this second, likely the whitworth -- tomorrow, the winnie .. if it was a new one, stainless, the winnie, 9 of 10 times

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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posted 19 July 2017 21:09Hide Post
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply.

Seems like a toss up!

Hook em Horns
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posted 19 July 2017 22:06Hide Post
Not quite the Winchester, but you might consider the Montana V2, if you like stainless for about the same price as the Winne. It has the "old" Winne trigger. I also have a Remington 798, the follow up to the Whitworth in 375. I agree with Jeffe, I like them both. I have never had a floor plate pop open, but I always have a piece of 2" painters tape over the plate. I tear off pieces as required for the muzzle.
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posted 19 July 2017 22:53Hide Post
I have the M70 and a CZ in 458. I much prefer the Winchester (feeds better, better safety, better trigger, dual recoil lugs, more accurate, better fit and finish). But I do like the extra round in the mag with the CZ. The new FN-made M70 safari express is a VERY well made rifle.

But, after buying and working up loads for my M70 in 416 Rem Mag, I much prefer that to the 458 in the same rifle.
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Picture of Duckear
posted 20 July 2017 02:52Hide Post
I like my M70 in 458WM, but I've never owned or shot a Whitworth, so my opinion doesnt really help you that much.


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Picture of Cold Trigger Finger
posted 29 July 2017 09:44Hide Post
Never had the floor plate pop open on any of the 3 or 4 Interarms Mark X or Whitworth Express 458 WMs I've owned and hunted. I used to be insane for the next rifle that caught my fancy. Which is why I no longer have them. Much to my regret. Sucks that I had to get old to get sense.

But, it's kind of a toss up between it and the Model 70.

I vastly prefer my M77 Mk ll SS I had regardless to 458 in 94-95.
Tougher by far than either of the rifles in question.

Phil Shoemaker : "I went to a .30-06 on a fine old Mauser action. That worked successfully for a few years until a wounded, vindictive brown bear taught me that precise bullet placement is not always possible in thick alders, at spitting distances and when time is measured in split seconds. Lucky to come out of that lesson alive, I decided to look for a more suitable rifle."
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posted 01 August 2017 23:55Hide Post
Id probably take the MarkX in the .458 Whiteworth but a mod. 70 wouldn't be a bad choice..I just like Mausers or pre 64 Win. as a rule. As to a straight markX, it lacks the features I like and the whitworth has.

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