I see one on gun broker. I'm not a stranger to hard kickers but I'm curious......has anyone shot a New ultra light arms in any of the bigger calibers? Melvins stock handles recoil very well and if I had to guess the rifles about 7ish pounds.
I'm what you call your basic famous.
Posts: 1260 | Location: Colusa CA U.S.A. | Registered: 27 June 2001
That's been on there quite a while. Not sure why someone would want an NULA in 416 Rigby. No matter how effective the stock is in attenuating recoil, pure physics will come into play here :-)
Posts: 20183 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009
Absolutely true! You can take any amount of recoil once or twice. Carrying a heavy rifle wears you down after 10-15 miles. The lighter the better! Every pound you shed means you can go just that much further!
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012 Nothing Up my sleeves but never without a plan and never ever without a surprise!
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
if it's in one's price range,jump on it .. the rigby doesn't kick all that much .. 70-75lbs with full house loads in a 9# rifle .. and 8# 13oz isn't much off that ...
weight, i thought we were talking about ULTRA light rifles .. not water buffalos -- the CZ 416 rigby only weigh 9 or 10 oz more ...
a LIGHT 416 rigby would be 7.5 without scope .. and ultralight should be around 6 ... 6 would be brisk
I have a rebuilt CLR just like a NULA in 375 ruger with hot 300gr loads it hurts that's all I can say. I have shot many big bores up to 600NE and the ruger is the most brutal. That being said I didn't build it to shoot all day with its a 1/2" gun but its meant to be carried alot and shot a little.
I was in communication with the guy and he said it was about 8lbs. Given the good stock design I'm thinking it might not be that bad. He has a .375 too but is on the fence about selling it.
I'm what you call your basic famous.
Posts: 1260 | Location: Colusa CA U.S.A. | Registered: 27 June 2001
My wildcat .505 weighs 8 3/4 pounds, but I only fire full loads at game. All my practicing was done with cast bullet reduced loads, but when I actually used it on rhino, elephant and buffalo, I never noticed the recoil. Recoil energy 88 foot pounds, recoil velocity 25 feet per second.
Thanks I think they will make a nice pair to carry to SA in 18 as I believe it's a place you can never have to much gun. If all goes as planned will spend around 30 days over there. I have all the confidence in Melvin's guns ever for DG shot a lioness a few years ago with a 375 ruger he built and never worried they feed so flawless every time.