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Hello all,
I'm new to the big bore rifle game, but not to firearms/hunting/reloading/giant handguns. I was thinking of a big bore rifle to play with, and occationally hunt whitetails in western Kansas. It will be a Ruger #1. I am highly considering the 458 Lott. Yes, I know I don't need it of whitetails, but if not 458 lott, then what caliber and why. I greatly appreciate all suggestions. Thanks. wk
Posts: 63 | Location: Maryville, MO | Registered: 30 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of vapodog
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Welcome to AR.....a lot of fun and gun and hunting talk...

There are big bores just for deer hunting....the 375 Win, 44 Mag, etc...45-70, 444 Marlin.....

If one wants a DG big bore for fun with whitetails then they're all seriously overkill but I'd go for the 375 H&H...or new 375 Ruger simply for the range advantage....slight maybe but real.

You're obviously a you'll fit in here nicely. Big Grin

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If you reload, the lott and a #1 are a great choice. Replace the pad, put a weighting or merc tube in the buttstock, and go shoot.

word of warning, a #1 in a lott kicks pretty strongly, compared to most bolt guns.


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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i have a #1 tropical 458 win mag.... with a millet 1x reddot electronic scope.... i shoot the 350gr premium federal softpoints... i shot an axis thru both shoulders, spine shot....very little damage to any meat....recoil (to me) is about like a 3" mag 12ga....i have a galco slip-on recoil pad, it makes the LOP better for me...if you ever shoot a big bore, you'll be hooked.....

go big or go home ........

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To me it just depends on how big a guy wants to go. I have three "big bores", 375H&H, 45-70, and 11.15x60R Mauser. While the latter two can be defined as "big bore" I don't consider them as such, but they are fun to shoot. I really like the 375H&H, easy to load for inexpensively and accurate. One of these days I might entertain a 458 WinMag, or something larger.
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Originally posted by 375-06JDJ:
Hello all,
I'm new to the big bore rifle game, but not to firearms/hunting/reloading/giant handguns. I was thinking of a big bore rifle to play with, and occationally hunt whitetails in western Kansas. It will be a Ruger #1. I am highly considering the 458 Lott. Yes, I know I don't need it of whitetails, but if not 458 lott, then what caliber and why. I greatly appreciate all suggestions. Thanks. wk

I see you posted in the classifieds a WTB 458 in a #1.....a full two minutes before the first reply to this thread.....

It makes one wonder why you posted for opinions and then before any areissued you post to buy what you already wanted!!

You're off to a nice start.....please enjoy being added to my ignore list!!!

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill
Posts: 28849 | Location: western Nebraska | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Big Bore is a relative term SmilerI would recommend the new Ruger No. 1 chambered in 9.3x74R. I think you would enjoy this rifle Cool

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Posts: 2627 | Location: Where the pine trees touch the sky | Registered: 06 December 2006Reply With Quote
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I see you posted in the classifieds a WTB 458 in a #1.....a full two minutes before the first reply to this thread.....

It makes one wonder why you posted for opinions and then before any areissued you post to buy what you already wanted!!

You're off to a nice start.....please enjoy being added to my ignore list!!!

I'll consider being added to your ignore list as an honor. The used #1 in 458 is so I can rebarrel it to 300 weatherby and keep the extractor and barrel contour the same. My big bore will be a new purchase, but I appreciate your exceptional observations. lol wk
Posts: 63 | Location: Maryville, MO | Registered: 30 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 375-06JDJ:
Hello all,
I'm new to the big bore rifle game, but not to firearms/hunting/reloading/giant handguns. I was thinking of a big bore rifle to play with, and occationally hunt whitetails in western Kansas. It will be a Ruger #1. I am highly considering the 458 Lott. Yes, I know I don't need it of whitetails, but if not 458 lott, then what caliber and why. I greatly appreciate all suggestions. Thanks. wk

Just get the 458 Lott and have fun with it. You can load it with 350 grain bullets for whitetails and the recoil will be mild.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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You will be fine with the .458 lott..........start with some 300 gr sierra HPFN's and shoot some thin skinned stuff with them...............................quite explosive Big Grin
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I'm thinkin' you need a .375/600OK Big Grin

With the right bullets it would make the perfecy whitetail rifle. BOOM

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Ruger No. 1 stainless in 45-70 Govt. will work for any game on the No. American continent. That includes moose, grizzley, and Kodiak bear.

45-70 runs bullets right up to 500 gr. -- which is a bit heavy, but you're not going to need anything more than 350 gr. for most hunting.

We use 350 gr. 45-70, flat point, for Roosevelt Elk. One shot, one kill.
Posts: 825 | Registered: 03 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of El Deguello
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Originally posted by 375-06JDJ:
Hello all,
I'm new to the big bore rifle game, but not to firearms/hunting/reloading/giant handguns. I was thinking of a big bore rifle to play with, and occationally hunt whitetails in western Kansas. It will be a Ruger #1. I am highly considering the 458 Lott. Yes, I know I don't need it of whitetails, but if not 458 lott, then what caliber and why. I greatly appreciate all suggestions. Thanks. wk

I see no disadvantage, and plenty ofd positives, for the .458 Lott.

It is excellent for all African game
It would be great for moose and big bears
Loaded with cast bullets at reasonable velocities, it would be quite the deer/elk round if ranges were not too great
Components cost less than for a number of lesser rounds.

I have a .416 Rigby that I use for similar purposes as you will. But the components cost way too much. For that reason, I would not recommend it over the Lott. But you might take a look at the .416 Remington.....

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Don't rimmed cartridges work best in the Ruger #1?

If so why not a 45 - 120 or 450 NE 3 1/4" or 500/450 or 450 #2?

This rifle is not expensive so ammo cost with reloading should be no concern.


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Posts: 2791 | Location: USA - East Coast | Registered: 10 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I vote for the Lott too. You can load it full patch for kicks or blowing up water jugs, etc, or you can download it for plinking. You can shoot 458 Win Mag ammo in it. If you reload you can make a great whitetail load for it.

Very versatile big bore, and it'll hold its value well if you ever get bored with it and decide to swap it out for something else.


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks to everyone for the replies. I will be ordering a 458 lott when my FFL holding buddy gets back to town. wk
Posts: 63 | Location: Maryville, MO | Registered: 30 July 2005Reply With Quote
<Hunter Formerly Known As Texas Hunter>
I like my Lott lots! You will too. cheers
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It makes no diff what 45 caliber you shoot!!! Just load it for what you want and hunt your heart out, its about fun and enjoying yourself. You will hve the most fun with cast bullets any way you load them, but it is a kick
Just my 2cents
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