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I know this is sometimes a touchy break or not to break....I have decided to send my Ruger 77 (.375H&H) off to have a muzzle break installed. Who do you guys recommend? *I have been looking at the Mag-na-break by Mag-Na-port. Thanks.
Posts: 31 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 29 November 2006Reply With Quote
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I don't have any direct experience using breaks but, the 2 that look the most interesting
to me are the Vais & BP-Tec.

Vais muzzle break

bp-tec break

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in san antonio, makes the best.

here try reduced loads to train up to the 375?

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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I have shot several different muzzlebreaks. The KDF is very effective. All of them are LOUD. I have found Magna-Port in my 300 Win Mag and my 375 H&H to be effective enough and they do not seem any louder than a regular bbl.

I would go with Magna-Port.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Shot next to someone with a muzzle brake today at the range. I would encourage you to just work on developing a tolerance for the .375 recoil. It is by all means manageable. Go on a guided hunt with a rifle with a muzzle brake and watch the guide cringe when you pull it out of the case. Hell, today I was darn near deafened even with electronic muffs on. There are so many good recoil reduction options other than a brake available today, LimbSaver pads, Decelerator pads, mercury recoil reducers, Past shoulder harnesses (in the field no one feels recoil), lead sleds, and just putting some lead in the butt of the stock to increase weight. Your call obviously, but I view a brake as a last resort.

Posts: 22250 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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the Vais Original by Ron Bartlett in Texas is G-R-E-A-T!!!!!!!!!!!!
very, very increase in noise level and no blast, side or rear. Awesome design.

Have several George Vais built for me when he was in Boise before selling out to Ron.

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I have a Rem 700 in 338-06AI with a custom RW Hart muzzlebrake. I also have a Rem 7600 in 35 Whelen which is magna-ported. Shall we agree that both of these calibers are very similar? Then I can say without a doubt that the pump gun does not reduce recoil nearly as much as the bolt gun. The magna-port seems to reduce the upward muzzle flip but does not seem to reduce the reward push as much.

If you wish maximum recoil reduction, the magna-porting is a waste of money. You make the call.
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My 416Rigby Ruger is MagnaPorted and performs very well. I haven't noticed an appreciable difference in the noise of it and my CZ550 416Rigby. I don't get any bad looks or comments at the range. I find it particularly effective at reducing muzzle lift. I would reccommend it if you wish a brake.

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Try Bruce McArthur, Flint and Frizzen gunshop. He is in Clarkston, Michigan, off Dixie Hwy if memory serves me correctly. Makes probably one of the best working units I have seen and used. I have one on my 7mmBR XP100 and it is like shooting a 222. He built a 50BR for me awhile back and it had one of his prototype breaks on. It made the recoil very tolerable.

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Are you trying to reduce recoil or muzzle flip?

Before you put a brake on that .375, consider putting a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad on it.

Υοu might find it a sufficient fix.


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Krupp -= on a 18" gun Big Grin
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Are suppresors legal in your area?

I have vry good erfaring with BR from Finland to tame the recoil and quieten things down on my 338 RUM.

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Originally posted by GeorgeS:
Before you put a brake on that .375, consider putting a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad on it.

Υοu might find it a sufficient fix.


Amen. A break isn't necessary on a .375, especially not one as heavy as a M77.
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of JohnHunt
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I had a brake installed on my 375 before taking it to Gunsite (300 rounds in 3 days). It helped the shoulder for certain. I also had my 'smith make a "thread protector" so I can simply unscrew the brake and put on the thread protector for hunting.

Easier to manage 1 hole vs. 40 in the field (for dirt/mud) and my PH sure appreciated my setup when I was able to whip it off after he "cringed" on seeing it come out of the rifle case in Zim.
Posts: 1678 | Registered: 16 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Muzzel Breaks....There GRRREEEAAATTTTTT If for no other reason than running mouthy whimps off the range and keeping the guide or professional hunter behind the client who paid lots of hard earned money to kill some animal.......Muzzel breaks work very well as do electronic hearing protection.......... My 458 Win Mag isn,t any louder than my 2 1/2 " brl 357 mag revolver.......Niether is my 416 Rem or 338 win mag........ The break on my 458 has 12 stagard rows of 2 ports and a large expansion chamber .It was made by Wm. Fowler of Anchorage. It has and does work very good...The 338 has a slim line KDF ,works great .. The 416 has a McGowan Break on it .......It has 20 ports in 4 rows of 5 ports each...It is wonderful... I would like to try a Holland Quick Discharge on my 458 they are short and don,t have any ports on the bottom.............. I was VERY interested to read reports on the VIAS breaks and the difference between MagNa Port and MagNa Break.........I think the Holland Quick discharge looks Cool also........

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Originally posted by gumboot458:
Muzzel Breaks....There GRRREEEAAATTTTTT

I hate muzzle brakes......they are ugly abominations.

However, I think they are useful for those fellows who carry more rifle than their shoulder can stand. My suggestion is to learn to accurately shoot rifles, which have the level of recoil you can tolerate.

Or perhaps, a recoil absorbing synthetic stock is a good answer.



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Gumboot, my fellow Alaskan, if only "girly men" use petite little 30 cal rifles and those who complain are 'mouthy wimps', what are we to make of those who require brakes to shoot anything bigger than a 30-06?! Wink
Just a good-natured ribbing, I enjoy your posts.

Personally I don't care for their looks or noise, but if the rifle is a working tool (super light weight sheep rifle, for example) rather than work of art, then to each his own. I try to shoot only a few rounds per session but do it very often. If I had to fire 100rds 375 in a day, AND do it again tomorrow, I'd probably want relief too. Plus, if they get you to practice more and you can remove it when hunting, then go for it.

That having been said, a 375 is easy to work up to and far more pleasant to me than some of the super-whiz-bang 30s than beat up up with muzzle blast, which a brake just makes worse in my opinion. I subscribe to the Ray Atkinson school of thought: if you want to learn to shoot your 416 well, pratice with a 505 too, and it will feel wonderful in comparison. I fired up a bunch of 10 bore ammo left over from load testing and 8 rounds of 4-bore yesterday (and have the purple shoulder to prove it). It makes 20rds of 375 from the prone a non-event.

Just for the record, they're call muzzle BRAKES, like the brakes on your car, not muzzle BREAKS, as in "I'd like to BREAK open the skull of the guy next to me using a BRAKE on his 300-378." sofa



"If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"

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Ronald Harrison in Devine, Tx 830-6655234.
I've had work done and it is excellent and he makes his own muzzle brake which everyone raves about...He is a one man shop and backed up at times but the end result is worth the wait.
Posts: 234 | Location: tx | Registered: 30 September 2003Reply With Quote
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First get yourself a past shoulder pad, and put a good Pachmeyr De-cellarator on the rifle. The 375 H&H doesn't need a muzzle brake!

However, if you must have a brake on a heavy rifle like the Ruger, chambered for 375 H&H, then, at least have a thread protector made for it, so it can be removed when hunting. While hunting you don't feel recoil anyway. Come out and shoot ten rounds out of my 470NE double rifle, and your 375 H&H will fell like a 410 shotgun! clap

As to brand, the least offencive is the maga-na-port, but even then you will make no friends on the range, or in a safari camp! beer

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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Well I hope fanofdbls sends his 375 to one of these bussinesses mentioned or some other...And gets a nice muzzel brake on it..One that makes his rifle alot more fun for him to shoot . And that he relly enjoys it...... Since he asked a question about [Who makes muzzel brakes ect.] He did not ask for advice on how to make every one else happy with HIS rifle..........Rifle shooting , isn,t basketball ,or football or soccer ect.......It,s not a team sport........If you have to have a team activity go bowling,[mayby the pins getting smashed out of the way would hurt your ears tho....... If you are on some shooting team and you don,t like muzzel brakes... Then hey , make a rule that if anyone has a muzzel brake on their rifle they can,t play in your sand box..............Lombard and Homlite chainsaws did far more damage to my ears than muzzel brakes or firearms in genral ever have.......And a 185 Cessna,,,,,,There just horrible...........They even hurt my ears talking to someone on the phone in Ketchikan in the summer......Detroit Deisels,,, Swinging a frameing hammer , Hilti Roto hammers,,,Jake brakes.. Etc.... .. If I hadn,t had 3 injuries while falling timber to my head and neck .. Mayby I wouldn,t use muzzel brakes .......At least muzzel brakes reduce recoil........Omnivour ,,, honestly my hats off to you ... I just couldn,t do it.. But I,m real glad you can, and I hope you have fun..........It,s like reading how Ross Seyfreid enjoyed shooting his 585 nYati..Cool . I,m thinking of a 50 B M G style brake for my 500 A-Square.............Gumboot out

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Kevin Knight,(High Performance Gunsmithing) out of Hamilton, Mt. If they're good enough on U.S. military sniper rifles here in the box they're good enough for game animals. Each one is custom made tailored to that particular rifle.
Posts: 101 | Location: Montana | Registered: 31 March 2006Reply With Quote
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JP recoil eliminator is supposed to be the best muzzel brake. The Holland is a good brake as well.I haven't used either only going on what I have read. I did have a300 win mag maga port ed years. It did reduce the recoil but I would not go that way again. The reason is that the holes in your barrel are permant. A muzzel brake you can take off if you don't like it.
I would buy a JP recoil eliminator.
Posts: 47 | Location: Qld. Australia | Registered: 29 September 2006Reply With Quote
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Magna Porting makes the rifle more shootable, the rifle does not jump about as much.

I have used several rifles with Magna Porting side by side with an identical rifle that has not been Magna Ported. In my opinion they create an illusion of reduced recoil for a couple of shots, which I think is due to reduced muzzle jump. However, when several shots are fired I think Magna Porting makes the rifle seem to recoil more. My is guess that the Magna Porting stops the rifle from rising and thus some of the recoil energy is not disipated by the rifle rising. HOWEVER, I like Wby style stocks for recoil.

I would only have a muzzle brake that can be removed and this doubly the case if you like to play about with reduced loads. In my opinion there is nothing worse than a rifle producing low recoil with reduced loads but is still "cracking the ears".

For whatever it is worth, a mate of mine about 4 rifles Magna Ported and also done with the extra slot. Today, all his rifles have removable muzzle brakes.

As a side note, I do not agree with those who say that Magna Porting does not increase the blast. However, that might be because I have only used the Magna Porting with the extra slot.

You might also want to check this site

That site is full of shooters with every type of muzzle brake known to man on their rifles.

Leaving the clam shell type brakes to one side, I think the KDF style (like Wby Accubrake) gives the best recoil reduction and Vais less recoil reduction but less blast increase. Vais is the type of brake fitted to Lazzeroni rifles.

Having said all of the above, I tend to agree with the other posters who have said a 375 H&H does not really need a muzzle brake of any type.

Posts: 577 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 24 November 2006Reply With Quote
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If you want to "break" your rifle, travel with it in a TuffPak or a Pelican ...

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Pachmayr have come out with a new 50% improved version of the Decelerator, the XLT? Brownells stock them.

Has anyone tried the new Gra-Coil unit for RIFLES? The maximum compression stroke is only 5/16" you shouldn't end up with the bloody scope in your head Big Grin

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I've just placed an order with BP-Tech for one of there VA Comp breaks for my 375HH. They claim no increase in noise and no muzzlejump. The video footage on their websites show the difference from unbraked to braked very dramatically. As far as the noise level I'm going to find out by taking it out and shooting it. I'm not really braking the rifle for recoil reduction but more to keep the muzzle jump in check.
Posts: 133 | Registered: 25 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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Originally posted by Mike McGuire:

As a side note, I do not agree with those who say that Magna Porting does not increase the blast. However, that might be because I have only used the Magna Porting with the extra slot.


Having said all of the above, I tend to agree with the other posters who have said a 375 H&H does not really need a muzzle brake of any type.


Mike what I said about the magnaport below:

As to brand, the least offencive is the maga-na-port, but even then you will make no friends on the range, or in a safari camp!

Was not made clear as to my meaning! All brakes are noisy! What I meant was the MAG-NA-PORT is far less obtrusive to the EYE. The rest are ugly as sin! I also agree the 375 H&H doesn't need a brake at all! beer

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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Sheer wait of posting meams we will have some agreement.

And no.....I am not going to introduce you the the Wby Custom Shop Big Grin

Posts: 577 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 24 November 2006Reply With Quote
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The BP-Tec looks very interesting. Some years ago, they posted video of a .458 Lott class gun, where the barrel actually went DOWN upon firing. No joke. They can tweak it any way you want.
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first add weight. My 375 is weighting 9.5 lbs and doesn't kick. My 10 years old nephew used it in Zim and shot an impala and a wildbeest on the spot.2 cartridges, 2 games and without any aprehension or bruise. I doubt You'll need a muzzle break with a 10 lbs 375.
This 375HH is my working horse, I am using it for highstand shooting and for driven hunts.

J B de Runz
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I agree the BP-Tec looks very promising but I am awaiting some real world feedback on the noise/blast issue. A 375 H&H really doesn't "need" a brake if set up right IMO. I have a Pre-64 M70 in 375 H&H that I bought w/ the Magnaport 4 slot porting already done. It does help in reducing muzzle rise, not in recoil that I notice, and IS noisier than my non ported rifles including 2 other 375s.


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