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Is 600 Ok the end of the road Login/Join
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Is 600 OK the end of the road as far as "bolt action sporting type/size actions" are concerned.

I don't think anything bigger would fit would fit the various Magnum Mausers or Wbys etc.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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It is getting close. There is a version of the 600 OK that is .300 longer. These will fit in the GMA action but it's not really practical. The torque starts to get uncontrollable at around 2400fps. Going faster is possible but holding on to the rifle gets hard.

I've got a bunch of 600 OK -3 brass that I was going to use to make the longer version but I have changed my thinking and will most likely trim to the regular 600 OK length and go shooting.

I think Saeed has a 700 NE on a bolt action. Not to sure what the details are but you might try a search.

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not quite...

since wells makes a 50 bmg scaled up mauser, it would just be possible to to a 700/bmg and that's the biggest thing that would fit in a conventional sized (if you can call it that) gun....

as far as say a cz is concerned, yeah, the 600 is it... the 577 trex is a freakshow if you ever looking at the gunsmithing involved to get it to work, the 585 nyati is rebated.. and what a pain in the arse to get to feed...

then you hit the 550 magnums and express.....


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Mauser action rifle in .700 NE:

Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Nah, there is one thing just a hair bigger ... called a Lahti ... shoulder fired in the prone position .... but ya can't get them without a special license. I really liked the guy who tried to build a 20 mm VULCAN rifle ... used 50# concrete as a rifle stop ... not the bullet trap, the rifle stop.

We are working on something big but again, special licensing will be required

Not something to take to Africa ... unless you're with some no name agency going to a country that doesn'te exist where we aren't sending people

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500, That looks like a monster rifle!! Any details-builder, mag. capacity, ect. Thanks

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.700 N.E. bolt action

Gun weight: 9,0 kg -
Barrellenght: 660mm Lenght of weapon: 1250mm
Boltdiameter: 26,60mm - Actionwidth: 52mm Bulletdiameter: 17.80mm
Bulletweight: 64,80g/1000 grain
Eo: 11.278 J -
V0: 590m/s

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I built a .600 RLG improved and a .700 RLG improved on .5O BMG cases years ago, well before the .600OK. Both were built on .50BMG Mcmillan repeater actions and both weighed 16 lbs. The .700 RLG improved easily launched 1000 gr bullets in excess of 3000 fps. A .700NE is like a .22LR in comparison. The .600OK-1 and -2 are just the most horsepower you can get out of a Magnum Mauser based action.
The 12Ga FH will exceed the .700RLG IMP by a fair margin. -Rob

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So the 600 OK is the most from what might be classed as a normal size conventional sporting rifle.

Athough a 700 Nitro shortened, fireformed and rebated rim might go in a Granite.....sort of a scaled up 585 Nyati??

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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This thread helps give meaning to the John Barsness terminology "rifle looney." thumb
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Originally posted by Robgunbuilder:
I built a .600 RLG improved and a .700 RLG improved on .5O BMG cases years ago, well before the .600OK. Both were built on .50BMG Mcmillan repeater actions and both weighed 16 lbs. The .700 RLG improved easily launched 1000 gr bullets in excess of 3000 fps. A .700NE is like a .22LR in comparison. The .600OK-1 and -2 are just the most horsepower you can get out of a Magnum Mauser based action.
The 12Ga FH will exceed the .700RLG IMP by a fair margin. -Rob

GREAT GOOGAMOOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did a quick look at Normas ballistac table and a 1000 grn. bullet at 3003 fps. is 20027 ft. lbs. at the bloomin' muzzle. That is scary wild. I think Saeed should make some new videos starring your .700
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I think so Mike, for me I will never get bigger than .585 Nyati. That is plenty big enough for me !!
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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PC, my only hope is that I can accurately shoot an 11 pound .585 nyati pushing a 750 grain bullet at 2000 fps. If not, I will get a tatoo on my forearm that says "wimp" and sell the rifle. Smiler
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500 grains and PC,

A 460 with brake is the end of the road for me. I could shoot bigger offhand etc but the 460 with brake is the limit for resting across a bag and belting roos etc.

As a side note, stuff like the 378, 416 and 460 when loaded back with powders like Varget to 375 H&H, 416 Rem and the 458 Win area are much easier on my ears when wearing muffs than is the case with stuff like a 300 Wby at full power. Of course with no muffs it would be a different story.

PC There is a bloke called Wildcat bullets in Canada making just about all calibres with Butch Harefield jackets including thing jackets. Being in Canada means no export licence bullshit. Quote a bit of stuff on these bullets at

In addition he makes some real heavyweights in the small calibres like about 150 grains in 25 calibre etc.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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9.3 nut- Believe me, properly constructed even the .700 RLG improved isn't that hard to shoot. Paul Zorn ( African PH and Ray Atkinson's buddy) and I shot it offhand at ground squirrels one day and everyone who shot it could not believe how controllable it was. The squirrels dislike it! However, we endevored to persevere! The secret is weight distribution, muzzel brakes, mercury recoil reducers and knowing how to roll with the recoil and heavy doses of ibuprofen.-Rob

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I am really keen to hear how your new Nyati goes as I want to oneday have a second shot at building one....................have placed an order for a Montana PH action if they ever eventuate with the big bolt face, will sell my current one I think to finance this one.

Mike I will ckeck that site out, I would have said for myself a .375 H&H is about as much as I would want for benching etc. I can shoot the other stuff off hand no worries minus breaks and have shot the .416 a bit from improvised rests minus a break, but I just hate the noise breaks make.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Here is the website for those bullets. The prices are Canadian dollars.
Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Mike prices are fine and similar to that of Taipan, the thing that kills it is shipping !!
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Mike 375 & PC try looking here, to make the bullets you are talking about.
Posts: 33 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 16 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I am already well down that track but with Richard Corbin.

Where I am fortunate compared to PC my interest only extends to small calibres like the 378 and 460 Big Grin

Richard Corbin is limited to 50 calibre on the hand press and I think Dave Corbin is 45 calibre.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I wonder how the shipping costs would be if done as surface mail.

I am not sure but there is some formula that takes into account both size and weight of article.

I think you need to convert your 585 Nyati to 600 OK necked to 50 and then varmint style bullets in 50 cal could be made and at whatever weight Big Grin

I think Butch Harefield does jackets down to about .015 so a nice 600 grain flat nose hollow point should do the job. A 600 OK/50 should drive 600 grainers at a very casual 2500 f/s

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Mike, I think the De'Vries Waghorn .404 will dry me up for a while, but great idea never the less Big Grin
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My other 2 378s should come about September and the 4 of them have cost $21000 so things are quite dry over here at the moment. I have to buy cases etc yet which are real cheap Big Grin

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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yes but i's all relative I have a feeling your a fair bit more successful in life than myself Big Grin
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I don't know about that.

I have just be talking to SSAA and it appears (at least in NSW) there will be no problem with lots of rifles all in the same calibre.

I am tossing up between 4 Deluxe upgrades in 460 or doing the Crown and Royal Customs with upgrade wood in 378. That would be a lot of 378s Big Grin Although they are up to a two year wait I think I can get serial numbers allocated and in that way it would be similar to getting PTAs for a rifle that you might get De Vries/Waghorn to do.

How far out do reckon you are with the 404.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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to the nest of my knowledge (I haven't spoke with Bob for a few weeks) there was a tiny bit more engraving and some gold inlay to go and then it was Ross's to do the stock. Then back to Bob's for a Rust Blue, then thats it !!

I am in no hurry at the moment and would not care if I had to wait twelve more months.
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