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Ever owned a gun worth more that your primary vehicle? Login/Join
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Have you ever owned a gun that was worth more that your primary vehicle at the time?

Have you ever owned a gun that was worth more that your primary vehicle at the time?

Yes, and more than one.
It (they) were worth about the same.

Posts: 102 | Registered: 17 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of 458Win
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I have more than a few - but in all honesty I don't have a vehicle worth more than $5000 - if that.
Last spring, when my new 30-06 arrived from Lon Paul, my son and I were out wood cutting and had the rifle in the rack behind the seat. He said something to the effect that you might be a redneck if the rifle in your pickup was worth more that the truck - and you didn't see anything wrong with that.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Picture of Stephen Palos
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Given that I was presented with a .22 at 10 years old and a 20ga shotgun at 16.

We only get to drive at 18 in SA and I probably owned my first car at about 20 so I certainly had more invested in guns than in cars.....

More importantly though, the guns increse in value and the cars decrease.

Also, I've never owned a gun I regretted buying but I did once buy a Land Rover Discovery TDi Mad

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Picture of jeffeosso
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yes .. but i've had some prety sorry cars in the past .. when you pay $400 for a car that seats 6 LEGALLY, its easy to do.

it was a 60 rambler 660, and we drove it for over 1.5 years ... and the money we saved took us, and it, on a couple great vacations and lots of trips to the runge with our kids .. we probably burnt up more 22 ammo, is dollar terms, than the car was worth ..

then someone made me an offer i couldn't refuse on the car .. seems the engine and trans are worth tons to collectors.

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Actually I don't see what is wrong with that! A good gun will appreciate in value while most cars will depreciate in value!

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Well, my ability to purchase guns seem to follow my vehicle acquitions: I seem fated to buy dear and sell cheap!
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Do Houses count also?? Eeker animal

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Picture of tiggertate
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
yes .. but i've had some prety sorry cars in the past .. when you pay $400 for a car that seats 6 LEGALLY, its easy to do.

it was a 60 rambler 660, and we drove it for over 1.5 years ... and the money we saved took us, and it, on a couple great vacations and lots of trips to the runge with our kids .. we probably burnt up more 22 ammo, is dollar terms, than the car was worth ..

then someone made me an offer i couldn't refuse on the car .. seems the engine and trans are worth tons to collectors.

Dude! I had a '64 Studebaker Lark I paid $10 for in '73. I bet the parts would be good for a couple thou today.

Anyway, with my wife's taste in cars, I had to vote "no".

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Picture of jimatcat
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first car that was actually mine was a '59 chrysler new yourker.... push-button transmission, square steering wheel, unibody construction... paid $35 for it....drove it, traded it in my college ride... a '69 pontiac catalina station wagon... paid $550 difference for it, in 1975$$$... it lasted 3 yrs....

go big or go home ........

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you might be a redneck if the rifle in your pickup was worth more that the truck - and you didn't see anything wrong with that.

Guilty as charged. Considering that some of them have increased in value 500 to 1000 fold in that last 120-130 years, while my truck's value has plumetted in the last 10, I don't feel too crazy. beer


"If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"

"PS. To add a bit of Pappasonian philosophy: this single barrel stuff is just a passing fad. Bolt actions and single shots will fade away as did disco, the hula hoop, and bell-bottomed pants. Doubles will rule the world!"
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90 Mustang with 230,000 miles. Any gun at Walmart is worth more.
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Yes, nowadays it's not too difficult.

As someone else has rightly pointed out,
guns appreciate, cars generally don't.
Posts: 3191 | Location: Victoria, Australia | Registered: 01 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Zeke
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When my old 1996 200SX topped 200,000mi, almost everything in the safe was worth more.

Good car too.
Three years ago I gave it to a co-worker who was in a real jam with a fourth child born premature and $100,000 in medical bills.
His SUV got 12mpg. The 200SX got 36mpg.

He's still driving it.
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Zeke exemplifies the type of people we have here. Helping those in need.

God Bless those who help those in need.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Good point.

I gave my beater truck to my nephew for hauling firewood, along with a chainsaw, and now the 30-06 Weatherby Vanguard with the Leupold scope.

They can use it.

But a premature birth and $100 K in medical bills is why we need a national health care program.
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Picture of JBrown
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
Zeke exemplifies the type of people we have here. Helping those in need.

God Bless those who help those in need.


+1 !

There really are some amazing people here.


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
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There is an MD here in Anchorage whose considers his new vehicle, with a PURDEY vanity plate, the case for his shotgun.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Picture of Fjold
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That's like what the old potato farmer in Maine said when the Texan came up to visit him.

The Texan asked the old farmer, "How big is your place?

The Farmer looked at him and said "It's runs North to that creek bed, then right to the bottom of the hill and left to just behind the house."

The Texan snorted and said, "Why that's nothing! On my place in Texas I can get in my truck at dawn, drive all day and not make it home by nightfall."

The Old Farmer looked at the Texan and said "Ayuh, had a truck like that once myself."


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

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Picture of JudgeG
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Vehicles are to get from one place to another. Fine guns are to cherish. I am awaiting delivery of an Al Biesen .25/06 next week for which I paid more than the used car I bought last week. Unless I get to know folks with names like Enzo, my rifles and shotguns will always cost more than my rides.

JudgeG ... just counting time 'til I am again finding balm in Gilead chilled out somewhere in the Selous.
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Considering I drive my truck until it is falling apart around me the answer to the question would be a solid YES.

William Berger

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Posts: 3156 | Location: Rigby, ID | Registered: 20 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by M1Tanker:
Considering I drive my truck until it is falling apart around me the answer to the question would be a solid YES.

Yeah, me, too. I have a Dakota that, with the glass, is worth quite a bit more han my great old 97 F-150, and a couple other guns are close. It ain't the first time, either, but it hasn't always been that way. I'll keep the truck until the wheels fall off because it's a great ride, and nobody could talk me out of the rifles, either.
Posts: 11729 | Location: Florida | Registered: 25 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Tyler Kemp
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I drive a '99 Cavalier with kustom Kemp dents. It's not worth so much Frowner

Love shooting precision and long range. Big bores too!

Recent college grad, started a company called MK Machining where I'm developing a bullpup rifle chassis system.

Posts: 2598 | Location: Missouri | Registered: 29 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Yep, first car 1955 Ford, bought it from a school teacher at the high school that I went to. The next few cars were not much better. But the guns that I bought are worth much more and the cars are now probably beer cans somewhere.
Posts: 428 | Location: Michigan USA | Registered: 14 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Yes I have three that are worth more then my truck. But I wouldn't change any thing.
Posts: 2209 | Location: Delaware | Registered: 20 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Yup ... but not when I bought them. Time and ever increasing prices have given me a couple that are now worth more than the cost of any car I've ever bought. Kinda sobering really!


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1983 Buick LeSabre I inherited from my in-laws in 1995. Called it BattleStar Galaxia and had to turn the wheel about 1/4 block before I wanted to make a turn to get it to go where I wanted. I think it had been maroon originally but was faded to brown/rust by the time I had her.

The beauty of BattleStar was that I welcomed the idiocy of other drivers (plenty in Rhode Island and of course the Massholes from MA) as there simply wasnt much damage that could be done to make her look worse!

Got me back and forth to the hospital every day though and to the range three times each week. I was in fact voted Doctor with the Worst Car for two years running!

NRA Lifer; DSC Lifer; SCI member; DRSS; AR member since November 9 2003

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I seem to collect vehicles as well as guns. Maybe you should ask if the contents of your gun safe is worth more than your fleet. Big Grin

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The value of a trophy is computed directly in terms of personal investment in its acquisition. Robert Ruark
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I drove $250 '86 Celebrity and upgraded to a $500 International Scout for several years. So Yes.


The best part of hunting and fishing was the thinking about going and the talking about it after you got back - Robert Ruark
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For a while there I may have had several cars worth less than the cost of a tank of gas.
Especially the old 4X4 Suburban with the 40 gallon gas tank or the old 77 Ford with 3 tanks that held 51 gallons total.
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My truck has 355,000 miles on it and therefore is worth about what it would cost to tow it away. Given that, pretty much all my guns are worth more than it. Heck, pretty much any one of the scopes on my rifles are worth more than the truck.
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Until last year my 79 Toyota Landcruiser (my daily driver) was worth far less than my Heym 500 and a Dakota I have in 416 Rigby, until I put a new cummins 3.3 diesel in the thing. I've always told my kids never put much money in things that depreciate, not so with most firearms, I've even got my wife on board with such reasoning, beautiful thing. Smiler

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Picture of fla3006
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Most of my guns are worth more than my primary vehicle, a 95 Jeep Cherokee with 240K miles.

dirklawyer: "never put much money in things that depreciate"

good advice.

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what Dirk said, plus one!

Although, there is something wonderful to be said about just going out to the garage and sitting in my wife's Jaguar XK-8 convertible.

It is especially nice, considering today's economy; to be able to have a nice car and all those rifles out in the vault. My wife cuts me a tremendous amount of slack since I paid our house off a couple years back.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Strut10
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Originally posted by fla3006:
Most of my guns are worth more than my primary vehicle, a 95 Jeep Cherokee with 240K miles.

Same exact boat as you.

Up until about a year ago, my primary was a '96 Cherokee with 178K miles. Almost every gun I own was worth more. hilbily

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Its good to keep our Priorities straight on where to spend our money
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