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Anyone using the Caldwell lead sled? How well does it work?

Posts: 1739 | Location: alabama | Registered: 13 November 2001Reply With Quote
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I've tried one and they work very well - I intend to get one for myself.

I was advised, though, never to use more than 50lbs of lead as it may damage the stock.
Posts: 1292 | Location: I'm right here! | Registered: 01 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Outstanding! I nearly tossed my .416 due to recoil while sighting in. I bought the lead sled and find it to be the best deal I have used to shoot the big bores.
Posts: 10570 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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No complaint here either except when yu get up into the big fifties you might want to get a higher grade bolt for the rear elevation screw. Mine sheared off.

Clem, if a stock won't take it is probably headed for a crack sooner or later anyway. The action accordians way faster than the recoil impulse into the rest. A totally fixed rest could be another story but even with 100 lbs there is quite a bit of give in the structure of the Caldwell.

maybe a better way to put is if I can bench shoot a gun at 230 lbs OK, a 330 lb man isn't goint to make the stock crack. Or a 430 pounder or 530 pounder.

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Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Thanks guys, I should have one here by Monday.

Posts: 1739 | Location: alabama | Registered: 13 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of MJines
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Anyone have any experience using the lead sled with a double? Any issues or concerns about using with a double? Is there enough give to avoid the potential to crack a stock on a really big bore? Thanks.

Posts: 22250 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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I have been using rests similiar to the lead sled for a couple of years with steel pipes full of shot strapped on them. I will take some exception to tiggertate's comments though. It sounds true enough but how much weight can you reach before something finally does cause the stock to break. If weight behind the butt doesn't matter try firing a heavy rifle with the butt against the ground, or tree, or automobile and you will crack the stock. On one rest I had a 458 Lott collapsed the steel tube holding the buttplate in the first six rounds!! Something has to give.
I prefer hanging a ten pound bag of lead shot over my shoulder when firing big rifles from the bench as I believe it is easier on the rifle and me as well.

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Picture of tiggertate
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All I'm saying is that if your stock is at risk on a Lead Sled then it has a flaw waiting to happen. A properly inletted and bedded rifle with cross bolts in the right places won't do it.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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I was only 'advised' that the potential exists for stock damage. I should have been more clear on that as it is a good rest and I don't mean to denegrate it. I suspect that if stocks have broken in the past they were probably questionable to start with. It would be something to keep in mind with an older rifle or one with a highly figured wood stock.

In any regard, 50 lbs of lead is sufficient. Why lug any more than that around anyway?
Posts: 1292 | Location: I'm right here! | Registered: 01 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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Truth be told, the only reason for a Lead Sled with a big bore is for initial sight adjustments and/or load work-up. Once you get close, you have to start shooting standing up to "dial-in" because the recoil impulse is so different, you'll shoot to a different point of impact otherwise.

Same thing is somewhat true for lesser calibers; just like shooting offhand with and without a muzzle brake can change point of impact.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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I made my own years ago, guess I should have patented it. I don't use bags of shot, just left the front adjusting bolts long and mounted a 10 pound weight from a barbell set on each side. I sure don't think you need 50 pounds of weight on one, you have to have some recoil to enjoy a big bore.

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Posts: 2788 | Location: gallatin, mo usa | Registered: 10 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I think adding 100lbs to a lead sled is far different than having a shooter that weighs 100lbs more (shooting from a bench). The shooters entire mass is not directly behind the rifle and the shooter will give like a shock absorber. Put 100lbs in the sled and dramatically reduce your felt recoil. Now place the 100lbs directly inline behind the shooter and dramatically increase your felt recoil over and above the amount w/out any weight.

The amount of force the led sled takes off you is added to the recoil force going through your rifle. This is not just to the stock but to the scope as well. I'd only add enough weight to get by.
Posts: 1190 | Registered: 11 April 2004Reply With Quote
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How much weight would one need to add to tame a .585 Nyati ??
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What Triggertate said.
Posts: 1332 | Location: Western NC | Registered: 08 January 2005Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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50# would make it feel more or less like a rigby

Harry's right.. leadsled to get darn close, sticks to finish the job


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Great product. A must for load development with big bores. I personally don't like shooting 50 rounds of 375 RUM off a bench without one.
Posts: 1982 | Location: South Dakota | Registered: 22 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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Originally posted by MJines:
Anyone have any experience using the lead sled with a double? Any issues or concerns about using with a double? Is there enough give to avoid the potential to crack a stock on a really big bore? Thanks.

The Lead sled is fine with bolt, and single shots, but they do not work with double rifles!
A double rifle should never touch anything other that the shooter's hands, shoulder, and face. A double rifle recoils up, and away from the other barrel when fired. It doesn't recoil "UP", and "back" only, the the recoil arch is what determins POI in the target with a double rifle.

The Idea is not a total loss with a double rile, however! A large cordura carry-on bag, with a long shoulder strap can be used the same way to dampen felt recoil. The bag is filled with bags of shot, and the strap is placed between your shoulder, and the butt of the rifle. With the bag on the shooting bench, when the rifle is fired, it drags the bag back as it recoils, but allows the rifle's recoil arch to be uneffected! I've used this for years, long before anyone decided they could get $129 for the lead sled! The bag only cost me $15 bucks at a luggage department, and is 30 yrs old! beer

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You can get the same effect that Mac gets with his luggage bag and bags of shot by taking an old pair of blue jeans and knotting each leg. Stuff a bag of shot or so in each leg and srtetch them out on the bench. Put the butt in the crotch and snug up the tension between the crotch and the legs; go from there.


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