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500 jeffe-ry and 470 mbogo Login/Join
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yeah.. that's it... EMPERICAL proof...


[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
(i guess I have a cyber stalker now. In case you haven't noticed, axel, you attention is UNWANTED, we'll call that "notice #1)
Posts: 41020 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote

How about that 500 Jeffery's case capacity!

I am not stalking you pussy! You attacked me after I stated Rob was not too correct in his tirade on modern bolt action rifle strengths. A subject that none of you are qualified to discuss I might add.

So I have this bit of advice for you Jeffeosso.

"IF YOU CANNOT TAKE THE HEAT STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN". I will leave you alone after you post the 500 Jeffery data.

For the record I measured the case capacity of a 300 Win mag, Remington brass. It was much larger that what Todd E had posted. I measured 95.7 grains. Scale was calibrated.

See Jeffeosso, I am not necessarily attacking you. I just want first class ammunition for other game!


[ 01-20-2003, 20:37: Message edited by: POSeur. ]
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Originally posted by POSeur.:

How about that 500 Jeffery's case capacity!

I am not stalking you pussy! but you follow me everwhere.. I think you have a dictionary issue. Notice #2 You attacked me after I stated Rob was not too correct in his tirade on modern bolt action rifle strengths. A subject that none of you are qualified to discuss I might add actually, axhole, I asked you to read a little more before jumping into a respected member with your toadE data, to put a fine point on it. I have NEVER claimed I can do the little calculations you seem to spin your world around

I will leave you alone after you post the 500 Jeffery data.


gimme about 20 mins... I'll go over to my shop and frickin weigh a couple UNFIRED ones, as the rifle *I* am making is under weigh.. nothing you would know ANYTHING about...

458 watts? <chortle> that the same gun you posted a pic of, that was a mod 70 that you reworked to a cz550, in 500 ahr?


[ 01-21-2003, 04:33: Message edited by: jeffeosso ]
Posts: 41020 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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3 UNFIRED bertram 500 "jeffries" {sic} chosen at random

I might have been TOO harsh on removing the menisicus (water might have been below case neck)

spent primers set (to simulate primers and not leak out)
(empty/dry wet)
case 1
351gr 504gr

case 2
354gr 506gr
152 gr

case 3
355gr 507gr

average UNFIRED
152.33333 ... expect 5 to 8 more after firing

now, go away.. don't even post a reply
and, like i told your alterego/not you?... 3 cases means exactly NOTHING statisticaly.


[ 01-21-2003, 05:21: Message edited by: jeffeosso ]
Posts: 41020 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by POSeur.:

I published no case volume data; however, I did see the data that was posted. You DID not post anything but BS. Your supporting statements essentially said this; "Quickload says the case volume is this so it is!".

Jeffeosso, software programs are often full of erroneous data. [/b] this is different from ANY datasource how? [/b] These erroneous default data are to be tweaked by the individual practioner of the software. This is done by measuring REAL brass and using these REAL volumes in lieu of the erroneous default settings. 500 Jeffery brass DOES NOT of a case capacity anywhere near 160 grains! The 376 Steyr DOES NOT have a case capacity anywhere near 82 grains, either!

You have not provided any proof that the rifle you posted pictures of was actually a 376 Steyr and not a 270 Win, 257 Roberts, etc. We don't even know for sure that rifle is really yours! You could be pulling a BPBB, or me with those pictures. That would make you the originator of the posting of pictures of rifles that weren't your own!

Regarding my command of the english language, thank you for the compliments. I have lived here in the US for 12 years. I speak without any accent either, when I wish to. Actually, my accent is now American as my German friends tell me when I am home, or speaking to them on the phone.


here ya go, quoted to keep the trolls statements straight.. it infered I was a liar and dishonest, qualities of it's own village people mentality, i assume. BTW, I have measured 376 and 500 jeffe...81.1 grains in the 376 FIRED and 152.33gr in UNFIRED 500 jeffe;f=16;t=002743

(here's a pic of my 376 and my 500 jeffe)

hmmm, and this troll says the guns are "technically" his wifes.....


[ 01-22-2003, 08:00: Message edited by: jeffeosso ]
Posts: 41020 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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