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Why is Hornady's big bore ammo significantly cheaper than most other makers? Their 416 Rigby and 458 Lott ammo go somewhere between $70-80 per 20 round box. Last time I checked, Federal for the same calibers went well over $200 per box. Is Hornady ammo that inferior or are the other big bore ammo makers that overpriced?
Posts: 10 | Location: PA | Registered: 04 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Just taking a guess here but, Hornady makes the bullets and cases for their ammo in house. Most other manufactures will have to buy one component or another from an outside source, and that will drive up the price.

That and the fact that Hornady maybe trying to undercut the competition.

Just my opinion.
Posts: 124 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 20 September 2006Reply With Quote
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Well, federal components sell for 50% more than hornady -- this isn't under cutting, more like setting market prices.

cadillac sells for 1.5X (or did) than the same chevy ...

Hornady products inferior? I learned a lesson, the hard way and many times, that PRICE has nothing to do with quality .. cost may, but not price .. price is what you PAY for it, and that is subjective and highly variable -- take SKS rifles TODAY - - 2 years ago, 99 bucks, today, 400 bucks.. same gun -- quality hasn't changed, nor has cost (assuming old inventory) but PRICE has...

Price is the SUBJECTIVE value that a person is willing to sell for AND that a person is will to pay for. This isn't driven by profit ... though often confused with it. Often people interchange price and cost - though they are really really really two very different things, unless sold at ZERO profit, and then there's no point in selling, except for cash flow

Price is a thing
Cost is another
Gross profit is Price - Cost

I doubt it COSTS federal 2x for cases, though the PRICE of rigby cases is 2x of hornady .. If federal can't do it for the same price as hornady AND jamison, then they need to be out of that business and buy cases from those makers.

50-80 bucks a box is steep, and at retail, its "fair" for components, boxes, insurance, and factory loads .. its also a STRONG incentive to reload.

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Picture of chuck375
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I've heard excellent things about Hornaday brass, and their XTP pistol bullets are very good. I've never been overly impressed with their rifle bullets, but these DG bullets are a new design. I'm a reloader, so good cheaper brass is a good thing.





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Hornady stuff is good if not great. Everybody should be beating a path to their door and forcing Norma/Federal/Winchester/Remington/RWS/etal to match or beat their prices.


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A few years back I contacted Weatherby as to why they quit loading 375 H&H? I specifically asked if it was because it was too hot. They said that it was SAAMI, but that they just dropped it. They then offered me the load out of the blue to make it myself. Norma brass with Weatherby headstamp, Norma powder 203, if I remember correctly, and Hornady 300 gn Roundnose bullets.

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The Hornady DGX 375 Ruger and 416 Ruger is outstanding. I have not shot the DGS in either caliber yet, but I have it and I am sure it is fine ammo. Their brass as a whole is 1st rate for sure, from my experiences. Hornady will force the others to play or take their ball and go home. They are about the only ammo and component manufacturer that is expanding their line-up in recent years.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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While Federal factory is some of my most favorite ammo, I can say that recent Remington, Winchester, Norma and Hornady, has been excellent as well.

Hornady is to be commended on the new calibres they have introduced.

In regards to the new Nitro Express cartridges, they have taken a lot of input from some members of the DRSS. They are making every attempt to get it right.

All of their ammo that I have shot in the last several years has been excellent.

They have been very good at holding prices down as well.

They deserve our business.

They are good people.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by N E 450 No2:
They are good people.

Without a Doubt, this is still a "small company" attitude and wants to work with folks the likes of us.

Custom dies, Bullets designed for the hunter, with OUR feedback, correction of anything they might have made an error with, and answer the phone

Great People!

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41256 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I have some DGX bullets, two boxes. Haven't shot any yet.

They for my Rem 416 and I reload.
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Picture of buckeyeshooter
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In the big bore line I believe that it is good quality and they perhaps sell a higher volume and it allows a better (lower) retail price. Also, with some of the more interesting and advasnced medium and small bore cutting edge products (like leverevolution, TAP and expanded offerings), they now can continue to grow the business, make profit goals and keep pricing in check.
Posts: 5735 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 02 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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In my experience, Hornady ammo has always been very accurate.

It has produced the advertised velocities, or very near them.

Hornady brass is very strong and generally excellent.

My only complaint is that, in recent years, Hornady has been all over the map with its dangerous game bullets. They have NOT been as good as the competition's bullets.

The original Hornady steel jacketed solid was an excellent bullet. The Interlock soft was a good bullet - not an excellent bullet, and not my first choice, but okay.

The problems started when, as I understand it, Hornady ran into materials supply issues, and could not get the steel cladding material it needed for its solids.

So, they stopped making them and went to an "encapsulated" solid. No steel jacket. They also went to the Interbond soft in their DG ammo.

These were inferior bullets.

But Hornady listened to its customers, and the company's personnel did a lot of testing of its bullets - both existing designs as well as prototypes of new designs - in the field and on dangerous game.

The newest Hornady DG bullets, the DGS and the DGX, appear to me to be top drawer. I have used the DGS in my .458 Lott and it delivers 2,280+ fps at the muzzle and will put three rounds into a cloverleaf group at 50 yards.

Although I haven't yet tried them, the DGX bullets appear to be among the strongest of softs on the market.

Plus, with the new Hornady offerings in so many great DG calibers, they have really stepped up to fill OUR needs. I respect and appreciate that.

AND - their prices are unbeatable!

Hornady will definitely get my business.


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Posts: 14054 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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I've been using the 300 gr. Interlock in my .375 as a practice load for three years. It's a very accurate bullet with uniform weights. I must have put at least 1100 of them through the rifle. I have some problem with copper fouling, as I'm driving them at 2550, but I'll be using them from now on out.

They are an innovative company and will continue to get my business.
Posts: 11729 | Location: Florida | Registered: 25 October 2006Reply With Quote
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I've always had good luck with Hornady products. Not always the toughest softs out there but they work and the price is right.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dave Bush
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I have said this before but IMHO the plain old Hornaday "Interlock" is a much better bullet than most people think.


Chapuis 9.3X74
Chapuis "Jungle" .375 FL
Krieghoff 500/.416 NE
Krieghoff 500 NE

"Git as close as y can laddie an then git ten yards closer"

"If the biggest, baddest animals on the planet are on the menu, and you'd rather pay a taxidermist than a mortician, consider the 500 NE as the last word in life insurance." Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading (8th Edition).
Posts: 3728 | Location: Midwest | Registered: 26 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by mrlexma:
In my experience, Hornady ammo has always been very accurate.

It has produced the advertised velocities, or very near them.

Hornady brass is very strong and generally excellent.

My only complaint is that, in recent years, Hornady has been all over the map with its dangerous game bullets. They have NOT been as good as the competition's bullets.

The original Hornady steel jacketed solid was an excellent bullet. The Interlock soft was a good bullet - not an excellent bullet, and not my first choice, but okay.

The problems started when, as I understand it, Hornady ran into materials supply issues, and could not get the steel cladding material it needed for its solids.

So, they stopped making them and went to an "encapsulated" solid. No steel jacket. They also went to the Interbond soft in their DG ammo.

These were inferior bullets.

But Hornady listened to its customers, and the company's personnel did a lot of testing of its bullets - both existing designs as well as prototypes of new designs - in the field and on dangerous game.

The newest Hornady DG bullets, the DGS and the DGX, appear to me to be top drawer. I have used the DGS in my .458 Lott and it delivers 2,280+ fps at the muzzle and will put three rounds into a cloverleaf group at 50 yards.

Although I haven't yet tried them, the DGX bullets appear to be among the strongest of softs on the market.

Plus, with the new Hornady offerings in so many great DG calibers, they have really stepped up to fill OUR needs. I respect and appreciate that.

AND - their prices are unbeatable!

Hornady will definitely get my business.

thumb Well said!
Posts: 5184 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 06 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Is it just me, or do I see a consensus, here?
The only problem with Hornady right now is supply. I've been trying to buy more 416 Rigby brass, and the pipline has been dry.
Posts: 1982 | Location: South Dakota | Registered: 22 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Not Me!
The Hornady 270grn work wonders in my Ruger 375 on paper.. But found on 2ea. 200lb boar last weekend, they are a total failure in performance.. Total bullet grenade.. Didn't even hit shoulder or any other major bones.
Going to stick with Swift A-Frames.

What was the penetration like?..Very poor.. I think these bullets are for blacktail sized deer.. Scratch that, wouldn't even use them for that..
One boar I drilled running @ 160yds, lead him on the snout and hit just behind the head. Upon skinning, just cut circular through the neck hide & twisted the head right off. The whole neck looked as a grenade went off inside, did not exit. Bullet simply fragmented. The other boar was a quatering broad side @ 100yds. Entered just back of the gristle plate forward through the ribs, took out the lungs & heart. Found the jacket along the spine in the neck. Weight retained 102grns. The bullet exploded upon impact with the ribs. I will admit, both droped to the single shot like they were slamed with a sledge hammer never to even twitch. Also have to consider, neither shot was through heavy bone or shoulder. I've had Swifts 300grn Perfect mushroom from my 375 H&H @ 2600fps be picture perfect through Cape buffalo's both shoulders from 12yds to 80yds and you can't tell the recovered bullets from each other. I have one Swift recoved from a 300lb Boar went full length through hip joint all the spine and lodge against the jaw bone.. Perfect mushroom..

Posts: 1112 | Location: Southern California USA | Registered: 21 December 2006Reply With Quote
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