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Scoping my first big bore Login/Join
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Well I finally got my 1st big bore rifle, a Model 70 in 375 H&H. I have an extra Leupold 3X9 and was thinking about the QRW base and ring setup. I was hoping to see if anybody is running such a combination and how it holds up.
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3X9? Not hardly, most use 1.5X6 or something similar.

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The scope will probably hold up just fine. IMO unless your wanting to shoot prairie dogs at long range with your 375 you will be over scoped. I would put a 1.5x5 or a 1.75x6 Leupold on your big bore great combo.

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Well, that's one way. With the limited eye relief of a 3X9 or higher scope, you'll most likely get bit during a careless moment. We've all had a careless moment at one time or other.

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My 375 wears a 1.7 to 10 - Kind of best of both worlds.
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Well, I guess I dance to a beat of a different drummer. I used to use the smaller variables like the 1.5x5's, etc but always felt something was lacking.
My last 375 carried a Leupold 2.5 X 8 and so will my next one.

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My .375 has a Conquest 3-9x40 on it, and I couldn't be happier, but I have never hunted dangerous game, so I can't comment on the setup's suitability for that. That scope has 4" of eye relief, which is probably a good idea.

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I was running a Vari X III 1.5x5 in Leupold QRW rings on mine with no problems. It's enough magnification to head shoot Francolin at 15 yards. BOOM

That said, I'm swapping it out for a Leupold 2x7 to get just a little more top end.


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My Remington 375 has a 2.5x10x42 30mm Swarovski and my CZ 416 Rigby has a 1.5x6x42 30mm Swarovski. I like both of them, however, be careful the Swarovskis don't have as much eye relief as the Leupolds.



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2 x 7 leupy here on my model 70 seems to be just right. Most of my hunting here is in the dark woods in north ID and with a heavey duplex and set on lowest power it works Great! I also like the ability to mount it LOW. If figger if I can't hit my target with it on 6 or 7 power I should try hunting (aka get a little closer).
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I had a Leupold 3x9 Vari-X-II on my first 375, a Browning Stainless Stalker. That rifle was light and I never had an issue with the scope. I then switched to a Leupold 1.75X5 Vari-X III and stuck with that for good. The only time I wanted more was elk hunting, but I made do with the smaller scope.

I had QRW rings on a 338-378 Weatherby and they held just fine. That rifle recoiled hard. Much worse than My 458's.


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Picture of El Deguello
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Originally posted by bigtexeng:
Well I finally got my 1st big bore rifle, a Model 70 in 375 H&H. I have an extra Leupold 3X9 and was thinking about the QRW base and ring setup. I was hoping to see if anybody is running such a combination and how it holds up.

I have a Leupold 2.5X-8X on my Ruger No. 1 in .375 H&H and it works just fine there!

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I run a Zeiss Conquest 3-9x40 MC in QRW mounts on an M70 SS Classic and a Leupold 1.5-5 on QRW rings on a .416 Rigby. Both have never given me the slighted problem.

I like the 3-9x on the .375 and the lower powered scope on the larger rifle.


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PHC used a Bushnell/B&L 3x-9x scope in Pachmayr Lo-Swing tip-off mounts, or so he wrote about his .375 H&H.

I think either the Leupold or Zeiss 3x-9x is fine, and I have both of those on various .395's. They have a long tube that will fit any action with most any mounts you choose that are high enough to clear the occular and objective bells from bottoming out: medium height.

The Leupold QRW makes them just fine if you ever have to get rid of the scope quickly for iron sights. I'd rather have those than PHC's setup.

Best of all is the 2.5x-8x Leupold on any of the .375s, but the scope tube is shorter and may not fit as universally. I make them work most times.

3x-9x in QD mounts is a nice power range for a .375 that can do it all.

I don't claim the QRW's are best for return to zero, but not bad. I would always check zero on any QD mount after removing and replacing a scope, if at all possible.
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I have a swarovski 2.5-10x42 on my WFF Hein 375 H&H. On my Sept 07 trip to Zim, I made shots out to 165 yds (brain shot on croc). I was glad for the higher variable, however the old swaro does not have a very large eye relief. I'm going to upgrade to the swaro z6 1.5-6x24 with extended eye relief.

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I think the 3-9 will be fine if you have enough eye relief. That said if you are ever going to use it for DG one of the 1-4 or 1.5-5 Leupolds would probably be a safer choice.

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Originally posted by mstarling:
I like the 3-9x on the .375 and the lower powered scope on the larger rifle.

I agree with this completely. I have a 3x9 in Leupold QRW mounts on my M70 Stainless .375 and have been very pleased. No issues with scope bite due to recoil because a .375 just doesn't kick all that hard. I was moose hunting in Canada last year and wanted all of the 9x and then some when the shot turned out to be 370 yds. I have a 1.25x4X Leupold in Talleys on my .450 Dakota and wouldn't want anything larger.

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You'll be fine with that particular scope. It might be a bit over kill for a 375 H&H, but as long as you have good eye relief and it doesn't make the gun too heavy, overkill really isn't that bad of a thing.

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I've got a 3.5-10 Leupold on one .375 and a 3-9 Zeiss Diavari C on another. I've never felt the need for less power on a general purpose hunting rifle, and a .375 is about as general purpose as it gets. On the other hand I took a 2.5X fixed power to Africa on my .416 and swapped it out right after I got home for a 1.75-6.
Considering the popularity of the 2.5X Compact and the cult-like following of the discontinued 3X Leupold, plenty of people seem to think the magnification in the 3 ish range isn't a handicap on a DGR. 2 eyed shooters aren't bothered by FOV issues to the extent that 1 eyed shooters are.
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another vote for the 3-9X in QD rings. If the 3X is too much glass, then you need to remove it and use the irons.
JMHO, but I been in enough dense brush to have that opinion.

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Picture of keithv35
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Another vote from me. I have of all things a Tasco Titan 1.5-6 scope on my 375. I have a Leupy 3-9 on both my 460 and 378 wby. I haven't had an issue with eye relief on either Wby. When I got the 378 it had a 1.5-4 or 5 Weaver on it......not near enough eye relief so the vx II went on it. No issues yet, and truth be told I wish Tasco still made the Titans.....I'd probably have one on my 460.

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I like the Leupold 1x4, 1.5x5 and the discontinued 3X fixed on all my hunting rifles, however I do have a 2x7x33 on my 300 H&H and .338...

I see no reason for any big game scope to be over 3X. you gain nothing but problems beyond that...the big scopes can be knocked off zero too easy in my opinnion.

I have never seen a situation wherein a 3x wouldn't get the job done on big game as well as the big powers would. all you do is put the cross hairs on the animal and pull the trigger. I can do that at 1000 yards with about any power scope, the power thing is in the mind of the shooter IMO.

On varmints I like the 8X and the 4x12 or 3x9. they are handy for those chucks that stick their head up at 25 yards or so.

I think the big scopes are a product of very successful advertisment, but that is what makes a horse race.

Ray Atkinson
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My 375 has a 1.5-6x42 30mm Swarovski PV II illuminated Circle dot (with EAW mounts) and that's fine.
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What do you plan on using your 375 for?

The "problem" with the 375 is that it is so versatile. I have shot coyotes at a couple hundred yards and even shot a kudu at something over 300 yards. Others have used it on buff, big bears and even elephant at spitting distance.

If the 3-9x will work for whatever chore you are going to use that 375 on, it will be fine.

BTW, I have a 1.75-6x Leupold on mine now.

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I mounted a Leupold VX III 2.5-8x36 on my RSM 375 H&H for my recent plainsgame hunt in Namibia. As most of my hunting was done in fairly open country and shots were longish, I felt the combo was just right. A word of warning, however. The tube is fairly short, and I required an offset mount to reach the front mounting groove on the receiver.

If I ever go back, it will be for Cape Buffalo, and I may consider swapping the scope for a Leupold VariX III 1.5-5x20 that I already have. The 2.5-8 works so well, however, that I may just leave it on the gun.

I would not be concerned about the 3X to 9X magnification range, if that is your only concern. The exception would be if you plan to do a lot of hunting in a dark, gloomy forest.

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Wanna buy a Kahles 1.75-6 circle dot illuminated? PM me.

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I got a Leupold VX3 1.75-6 on my 375 H&H and a Leupold Vari-X II 4x on my 375 Ruger. I still need to shoot my 375 Ruger more before I can really comment on the Leupold 4x since this is the first one that I've owned.
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I've got a 2.5 x 8 Leupold on my Rigby in Talleys. No DG my me but with the 350 TSXs at 2700+ those Mulies better keep their heads down. Took my first one this year with my STW now its Rigby time. Cool
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I am satisfied with my Leupold 2-7x33 with QR bases on my m70 in 375.
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A question for wooly, what brand of rings are you using and where did you get them from? Height?
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Picture of Wooly ESS
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Originally posted by cazador2:
A question for wooly, what brand of rings are you using and where did you get them from? Height?

I am using Ruger rings. The RSM came with rings, but I needed to purchase a Ruger offset ring to accomodate the short tube Leupold. The rings are medium height as that is the only size the offset ring came in.

Medium or low rings - I don't think it makes much difference with the 375 H&H, and it's nice to have the extra fumble room when reloading under stress. nilly

Here is a photo:

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Wooly ESS,
That is a winner. Pretty neat. thumb
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bigtexeng ----- I put a 3X9 Ziess Conquest on a .416 Remington in Model 70 Winchester Safari Classic. I then put the same scope on .416 Rigby in # 1 Ruger. I couldn't be more pleased with both setups, the Model 70 served me well on Buffalo in the Selous and I hope to go back someday. Good shooting.

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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
another vote for the 3-9X in QD rings. If the 3X is too much glass, then you need to remove it and use the irons.

Ditto. An ideal suggestion would be to trade the Leupy in on a Zeiss Conquest 3-9. It's got 4" of eye relief, which is plenty on a larger rifle like a 375.

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i pulled a 2-7x20 redfield off of my .375 m70 and put in on my chapuis DR... the m70 now wears an older 3x9 weaver wideview...

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I run the 3x9 leupy and it has worked great never felt 3 was too much

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I have a Whitworth .375 and I scoped it with a Zeiss Diavari C 3-9x. I hunted with it in Zimbabwe a year ago. I took 24 animals in 15 days with it and found it to be a wonderful combination. It's one I will keep forever.
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Have a Leupold 1.5-5x20 on my Mod. 70 .375. Worked for me from 40 to 300 yards, so Atkinson makes sense. You might want a larger objective for low light, but as someone mentioned, you didn't say what you'd be using it for.
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Leupold 1.75x6 with leupold qd mounts on my mod. 70 375 H&H. 1.5x5 leupold vx III on remington 416 remy, and 1.5x5 leupold vxIII on mod 70 458 Watts.

I think the 1.75x6 is perfect for the 375. In my opinion, you really don't need more magnification that 6x on anything other than varmints...caertainly won't need more than 6x with anything you'll shoot w/ the 375 H&H. thumb

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I had a very well known PH tell me one time that he could tell how much hunting experience a hunter had by the power of his scope..He said the less experience the higher the scope power would be..claimed to be about 95% correct based on his hunting clients over a 40 year period...

I think he may be correct but wouldn't swear to it, and don't really care who uses what scope or what make of rifle or what caliber, that is the individuals choice..

Ray Atkinson
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