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My .458WM Login/Join
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Some time ago I threatened to post about my 458WM M70 whether anyone was interested or not.
Yes yes it's a PF and not a Lott, so wott.

With that out of the way, I've just had safari open sights installed. The factory didn't bother.
The stock was scope height and I thought I'd get kicked in the cheakbone something orful.

Started out with some tiddler loads, and spot on just after bore-sighting. Nothing ventured nothing gained I thought I'd try a full load while at the bench, forgetting in the excitement that the weighty steel scope wasn't there to help.

Well the thing went off, the back rests came off, I went back on my little stool which balanced on the edge for a moment then over I went. Flat on my back, rifle pointed up, feet pointed up, & shocked expression on my face.
Resolved not to do that again.

Later I got carried away again and shot a full load standing up. That was OK except the shock within the rifle had me looking for cracks/splits around the action. Resolved not to do that again either.

I think I'll shoot the "pig loads" with the open sights and weigh her down with the scope for threatening trees/pumpkins and the like.
I'm glad I took no notice of Ray to get it made into a Lott. Smiler
Posts: 2355 | Location: Australia | Registered: 14 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Movie at ten?????

Semper Fi
STC Hunting Club
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In case your interested, I've been experimenting with some 458 WM reduced loads, using IMR SR4759 and 350gr. cast silver bearing alloy (Oregon Trails Laser-Cast) bullets.

I just have to get time to post my results on the reloading forum, possibly by this weekend.
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Sounds a bit flash for me, but I'm sure a lot of us are interested in your method and results.
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thanks for sharing..

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Knocked off your chair and on your back by a .458 Win. Mag.?

Come on, now . . . you're kidding, right? I can't imagine what you must be doing to get that result. bewildered


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No matter what anyone says we all started with that same dazed look on our face after shooting our first one. I got lucky and had my moment before the internet was around so I didn't have to tell anyone about it and my brother who was there only told relative who only kept bringing it up for around 10 years.
You will survive and I would venture the thought of the Lott will grow.
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If I read right, the back rest came off which
would leave a gap between butt and shooter
and that would smart. My 1st was a Lott in #1
Ruger, factory pad held it like an 06 and shi*
Jeffeosso has a movie of me bent WAY back after
his 550 slammed into me. It do happen. Big Grin

Semper Fi
STC Hunting Club
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I haven't had much luck with reduced loads in my 458 wm. I tried some 350 gr. rn at around 1700 fps. (think 45-70) but the accuracy wasn't too good. Groups were about twice the size of full-tilt 500 gr loads. Twist rates are different for a 45-70 and I guess the 458 twist rate needs faster pills, bigger pills or both to work right.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
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I've had real good luck with 500-550gr cast bullets at about 1500-1800 fps. I use 4895 and 3031.

Groups at 100yds have been around 1.5" for 5 shots.

The lighter cast bullets are not nearly as accurate. I have one 375grGC bullet that will do OK up to about 1600 or 1700 fps, but most of the lighter bullets shoot into 3" at 50yds and 5-6" at 100yds.

The longer bullets bridge the huge throat better, and they grip the tight rifling twist better.
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I was using 350 gr jacketed bullets when I got the less than desirable results. I've been meaning to try heavier bullets at around 1700 to see what happens. RangerBob's results seem to indicate that velocity isn't my problem. I guess size does matter.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
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458's can be unpleasant but aren't bad. My first
"Damn, I don't want to shoot that again" came when
I fired my Ruger No.1 in 416 Rigby from the bench.

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Originally posted by mrlexma:
Knocked off your chair and on your back by a .458 Win. Mag.?

Come on, now . . . you're kidding, right? I can't imagine what you must be doing to get that result. bewildered

I've fired this beast over 100 shots now, and wasn't "knocked off my chair", rather just over balanced off my little stool. I have slipped off a couple of times or over balenced before while just getting settled, But the combined effect was much more spectactular, I'm thinking.
Posts: 2355 | Location: Australia | Registered: 14 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by billhilly66:
I haven't had much luck with reduced loads in my 458 wm. .

I know the feeling. I bought heaps of Rem 405gr 45-70. Some seem to go good, and others fly off about a foot at 50 yds. The last lot with 41gr. of ADI 2205 (H.4227) seemed good and fluked alignment with the iron sights, so I've done 10 more to try soon.

Full loads standing with or without sticks with the heavy Pecar scope on is just terrific. Smiler
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When I got my .458WM, the previous owner included some of his own reloads. About 50 were the Remington 405gr at pretty high velocity (about 2300-2400fps).

These were VERY accurate . . . one-hole at 50yds accurate.

Recoil was . . . noticable
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Even from the bench with 500gr @ 2125fps my 9.5 pound M77 isn't that bad to shoot. The key is to suck that butt pad into your shoulder snuggly, get your cheek down snug onto that stock and grip it firmly (not a death grip, just firm) so you roll with the rifle and don't get slugged by it.

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Yeah, my supprise was due to being blase' from past use with scope and 4rounds at 10Lb.6ozs.
Without the scope she weighed only 8Lb.12ozs. empty, and the difference was quite noticable to me. Especially after the light loads.
Apparently I can shoot faster than I can think.

With a 22" barrel I only get around 2060 with the 500gr.
Posts: 2355 | Location: Australia | Registered: 14 November 2004Reply With Quote
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