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BRNO 602 375 H&H Login/Join
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I am considering buying a BRNO ZKK-602 caliber .375 H&H in 95 % to 98 % condition.

What is the approximate value?

If you had the choice, would you prefer the ZKK-602 or the CZ 550 in the same condition and caliber? Why?

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I paid 500.00 for a 602 a couple of years back, and a new 550 in 375 will cost you about 700.00. Except for the direction of the safety, there's really only about 200 differnce between the two.

I do have a friend up in alaska that's looking for a 602 (I think he has a custom stock for one, but is lacking the gun!). So if you pass on the 602, let me know and i'll point him in that direction.

HSC Booth # 306
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For the same money, unless the 602 has the peepsite, then NO, i would not buy the the 602, I would buy the 550. Why? The safety goes the correct way, and that could get you killed.

other than cosmetics, they are the same action from there.

If you decide to pass on it, please PM me the info on it,


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Originally posted by ALF:
Preference? I prefer the old ones to the new CZ's. I dont like the shape of the bolt shrouds, the gawdy lettering on the actions and the front sight covers? ( what is that all about?) As to the stocks on the new ones, not my taste at all.


I'll second that.
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I also prefer the 602 for the same reasons. I have no problem with the safety and they look more like traditional Mauser-type working guns. Thad Scott has one for sale with minor customization, $1250.

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Originally posted by ALF:
Need I say more ?

You just had to go and do that, didn't you? Cool
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i use a cz 602 for culling cebues and for water buffalo since 12 years its wonderful and its open sigths are of firts quality ,a.foerster uses one too as a ph but with shorter barrel and marcos fischer one of my phs uses a 550 they are the same rifle the 550 safari has a croos bolt and a better stock but buy one i have several czs for guiding and they never let me down FULL PROFESSIONAL MEMBER OF IPHA INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL HUNTERS ASOCIATION .
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
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Just a though on the BRNO, and more specifically, purchasing one. I just purchased one this past spring for $700 on consignment from a local shop. (similar to those on Alf's pics, second and third in pic of 3) Talked him down from $725 and he threw in a $40 box of ammo. I inquired on here about it, and the consensus was that I paid too much. Well, I needed one, and frankly there were not a lot of options in my neck of the woods. Most shops had nothing near a 375, the ones that did had the basic Win Mod 70 for $1000, and the CZ 550 for $8-900. Sorry, but the new CZ looks and feels like crap. My BRNO may be old, but it was well taken care of, and looks like a rifle ought to. And for those quoting $700 for one in some far off place, remember to add at least 15% for your local FFL guy. Unless of course, you're well connected or frequent gun shows. And don't listen to what someone paid 2 years ago. My house has gained $200K in that time.

As far as the gun goes, I like it. I'd prefer a modern safety and trigger, but the only real concern is that when I really pull the stock to my shoulder, I find it hard to comfortably reach the trigger. As you can see in the pics, its straight, and located in the middle of the trigger guard. To allow rear access to set the trigger forward I presume. Anyway, I'm not a gun fitting expert, but something may need to be done. Any suggestions?

Just my 2 cents on the BRNO. I'd say go for it.
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There are 602's and then there are 602's. As ALF so cruelly demonstrated, some were beautifully made and finished. The 375 I owned was made right before the current CZ USA came to be. It was rough and gritty, and finished in a dull blue. The wood was nice. The sights were strong and well designed, but their execution was inferior to that of the sights on a typical SKS. Also, the throat was so long that a Sierra 300-gr. boattail barely hanging in the case would not touch the rifling. The safety rotated on a pin that fell out on the range one day.

Jim Cloward cut the barrel to 24", removed the rear sight and ground off the remaining lugs, glass-bedded it, fixed the safety and added a peep sight. $300 later it was reliable and accurate.

I'd take a 550 over a 602 like mine any day. But I'd take a peep-sight 602 (or barreled action) over either of those just as fast.

Okie John

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What is the approximate vintage (date of manufacture)of my above referenced BRNO 602. No pop up peep, Weatherby styled stock, rosewood caps - similar to those in your pictures? It has Bauska with a US city in white lettering on the barrel. Serial No. is 10931.

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Originally posted by btglfer:

What is the approximate vintage (date of manufacture)of my above referenced BRNO 602. No pop up peep, Weatherby styled stock, rosewood caps - similar to those in your pictures? It has Bauska with a US city in white lettering on the barrel. Serial No. is 10931.


Isn't the Bauska the BRNO copy - known as a BBK?

HSC Booth # 306
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Most Bauska Brnos were imported in 1985, the date should be stamped on the receiver and barrel on the left side.

Bauska may have imported some BBKs from Korea but he mainly brought in ZKKs made by CZ. He's also known for barrels.

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FYI - my 602 is from '92 and has Action Arms on it.

HSC Booth # 306
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Comparing a Brno ZKK 602 to a CZ 550 is like comparing green grapes to a green watermellon, there is no comparision! The Brno ZKK 600, 601 and 602 series of rifles are some of the finest rifles and best actions ever made by anyone, This is in my opinion and the opinion of people who evualate firearms for a living. May I suggest that you read the chapter in "BOLT ACTIONS RIFLES, written by Frank de Haas and Dr. Wayne van Zwoll" to find out how good the Brno ZKK 600 series of rifles are. If you don't own this book I might suggest you purchase a copyas it has a comparison of almost every bolt action rifles made.

I own several Brno ZKK rifles and am always looking for more to purchase. If you decide that you do not wish to purchase this rifle, I emplore you to contact me as I will purchase the rifle.

The Brno ZKK 602 action is a true magnum action that will handle any length of cartridge, and is one of the few magnum actions one can purchase today, unless you wish to pay around $3000.00 one of the new actions being made today.

What price is being asked for this rifle?

Mauser Rifle

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Well, I have owned and used several 600, 601 and a 602 and examined scores more factory and custom rifles on these actions; frankly, I think that they are not all that great. My first two were in '68 and my last was sold in about '85.

I much prefer the ZG-47 and 21/22 series of Brno actions and some features of the 550 series as well. A good action/rifle can certainly be built from a 600, etc. series, but, it takes a lot of work. However, some of the earlier ones are not too bad, but, not 21s.
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ALF, Charles_Helm,fla3006,btglfer

I'm with you guys. I really like my Brno ZKK rifles and will buy more of them every chance I get. I don't run across that many for some reason, and when you do find one, it sells real fast.


Do you have a listng for date of manufacture for the Brno's by serial number?

Mauser Rifle

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Thanks for all the input fellows.

The BRNO-602 I inquired about was offered to me for $600. He threw in a new set of factory rings and one box of factory ammo. So I took the bait. New Guy and Mauser Rifle, sorry.

Alf and Fla 30-06, I think our taste in rifle style and design run parallel. I really like the "British" look of the BRNO- 602. While the safety is backwards, I dont think I will have any trouble with it. The action is very smooth, it holds 6 rounds in the magazine ( yes I said 6 ). It has very good pointing qualities, the balance is just right at the front guard screw. The barrel is approximately 25 inches and the express rear sight with the banded front aligns perfectly for me.

The single set trigger while being a bit forward is still very much within reach for me. The single stage part adjusted light and crisp. The best I can tell it weighs 8 pounds 15 ounces. It was imported by AAL - Phila PA, S/N 19XXX.

I think the CZ 550 is a fine rifle but I dont like the over polished finish, billboard lettering, gaudy bolt shroud, and strange shaped bolt handle. It just does not have a Mauser look about it.

Alf I like everyone of your rifles but the one I really noticed is the mannlicher, it drips with class.

Reminds me of this quote:

"The most subtle, the strongest and deepest art -- supreme art -- is the one that does not at first allow itself to be recognized."

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Congratulations on your new rifle -- we will look forward to the pictures and range report! Cool
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You did fine... and you'll enjoy the gun.

Still though check the bedding and plan on putting a little money into the feeding (they all seem to scratch the heck out of cases.)

HSC Booth # 306
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Congratulations, I believe that you will be very happy with the Brono rifle, I know I love mine and would not part with any of them for love or money. The Brno ZKK 602 is a true magnum action, not a standard action that ha been opened up to handle the longer cases. All of the Brno ZKK 602's that I own or have handled also have the entended magazine capasity which makes them a lot more desirable in my opinion. You will also note that the front sight blade can be taken of by pushing the button in front of the sight, thus allowing you to change point of impact for whatever load you decide to use. I also like the fact that they have more drop in the stock than the majority of rifles prodeced today allowing the use of teh open sights more readly. Did yours come with both triggers? When purchased new, they come with the set trigger and a regular trigger and a set of factory rings. I have an outlet to buy extra triggers for these rifles and front sight blades.

Some of mine were imported by the same company. There are a few things that I feel need to be changed on the rifles, but other than that in my opinion they are worlds ahead of the rifles being factory produced today. If you have a good gunsmith, for less money than you paid for the rifle you can make these Bron's equavelent to a high dollar custom rifle. I also have an outlet for factory duplication barrels that is very reasonalble in case you want to build a different caliber.

If you run cross any more at that price, let me know. I will jump on them!

Good Luck

Mauser Rifle

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How many Brno ZKK's do you have?

Any for sale????? clap

Mauser Rifle

Mauser Rifle

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I had two of them and they were built like a "brick shithouse". I sold both of mine because every time I mounted each with closed eyes and then looked I was seeing back of bolt shroud. That std. stock had too much drop for me. They did feed, fire, extract and eject with 100% reliablilty.
Does anyone replace those ugly but functional set triggers with spare std one?
Craftsman, I hope you have long fingers.
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Brno's finest, the ZG-47 & 21/22:

And my Tom Burgess modified CZ550:

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Having converted a BRNO ZKK 602 in .375 H&H first to .378 Wby (by rechambering, opening up bolt face, feed work) and then on to .500A2 (by rebarreling, restocking with McMillan, and replacing the Bassackward safety with a PME 3-position wing) ...

I would not buy another 602 unless it had one of the pop-up peeps on it ... that would make it all worthwhile, and that would be on one of the earlier production 602's of better quality from the factory. They came with a decent replacement trigger as spare parts from the factory too.

The CZ 550 Magnum is just fine for this kind of stuff, and the "Billboard" can be ground off for the aesthetically sensitive (the extended pinky finger crowd), but it does not bother me one bit. Wink
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I like the BRNO 602s, and have owned a couple in each chambering! I have a friend who is a PH in Zambia, that shoots an old 602 375 H&H, that he has been shooting since the age of 16, and he is now 40 yrs old. That old rifle has been riding daily in the rack of a Toyota cruser, and dragged through everything African has to offer for 24 yrs, and it will still dot the eye of anything he shoots at! It is still in the origenal stock, still has the safety trigger, and has never had a scope mounted on it. It looks like an old piece of water pipe on the outside, but I assure you it is clean inside! The irons are as tough as granite. The 602s may not be pretty, but they work every time for as long as you want shoot them. I consider the BRNO 602 to be one of the best, and ruggedest bolt rifles on the planet! beer

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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Originally posted by Paolo9,5x73:
I had two of them and they were built like a "brick shithouse". I sold both of mine because every time I mounted each with closed eyes and then looked I was seeing back of bolt shroud. That std. stock had too much drop for me. They did feed, fire, extract and eject with 100% reliablilty.
Does anyone replace those ugly but functional
set triggers with spare std one?
Craftsman, I hope you have long fingers.


The rifles, at least the ones I have bought, come with two triggers from the factory. A standard trigger and the set trigger. The rifles also came with rings from the factory. Two of the rifles I purchased were used, both rated an honest 98% or better, I was lucky enough to get both triggers and rings with the purchase. I do not use the factory rings, as I opt for Tally Quick Release rings. I also have an outlet for the factory original regular triggers.

One of the aspects I like most about my Bron ZKK rifles is the fact that they have more drop in the stock than most factory production rifles, enabling me to use the open sights without any problem. My facial structure needs a rifle with more drop in order to see the iron sights.

Mauser Rifle

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Mauser Rifle

Can you furnish me with details on aquiring a standard trigger? Although right now I like the look of the single set trigger and I do have large hands, it does not seem that difficult to reach the trigger. I have already adjusted the unset portion to a nice light crisp pull.

The drop of the stock is perfect for me to see the iron sights instantly when I throw the gun up.

I may go to the Talley rings for the quick detach feature and the factory rings are much too high.

If I decide it is a keeper I will probably install a model 70 type swing safety.

Glass bedding is a must. Also a barrel band sling stud is a given. I do not want to heat the barrel to remove the front sight for installation of the barrel band so I may design and machine one that is split at the top.

I will try to post some pictures later.

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Send me a PM, I have tried to PM you and ALF, but with no avail. Sor some reason I can not get the PM function to work, in fact I am having trouble getting a post onto this topic. Everytime I ty to post I get booted, and have to keep getting back on line.

Mauser Rifle

Mauser Rifle

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Originally posted by Mauser Rifle:

Send me a PM, I have tried to PM you and ALF, but with no avail. Sor some reason I can not get the PM function to work, in fact I am having trouble getting a post onto this topic. Everytime I ty to post I get booted, and have to keep getting back on line.

Mauser Rifle

Mauser, sounds like you've got a worm crawling around in your computer to me! Especially if you are operating system is Microsoft 2000 profesional!I'd run a check of my computer, with your virus guard system, if I were you! Microsoft is offering a free patch for this right now!

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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Hands of Old Elmer Keith

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Nice group Alf.

After reading this I am starting to get an inferiority complex with my two Model 70s!! Wink

A friend of mine has recently bought 2 Bruno 602s here in Aus for 750 each (australian Dollars!). They both group really well - a 375 and a 458. But the triggers are a bit average.
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I paid $850 just for an action with the pop up peep sight. Pretty steep, but these things are getting hard to find.
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IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
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Around here they bring about $600 to $700 for the 80 models and about $750 to a $1000 for the 70s model...The pop up peep brings the most locally and If I see one with the pop up peep then I will usually pay whatever it takes, at least in a big bore such as a .375...

I don't like the backward safty but I can live with it.

Ray Atkinson
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It seems that the Brno ZKK's are going up in price every year. It wasn't that long ago that you could find them for $500.00 everywhere.

I know that I would like to get my hands on another 7x57 and 375 H&H with the pop up peep sight. thumb

Mauser Rifle

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