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I am going back to Tanzania in Oct 2006.
On the menu this time is #1 Elephant, #2 Leopard
#3 Buffalo #4 Sable #5 Eland and the incidental other p[lains game that you never plan to shoot but cant turn down at the time.

This will be my third trip to Africa. The first was in Zimbabwe for plains game. I brought my 300 win model 70 and it worked great just like it has in the USA for 9 years.

The last trip was to Tanzania and I brought my 300 and my Rem model 700 in 458.
The 300 took warthog, baboon, kudu, waterbuck, zebra, crocodile, Thopsons and Grants Gazelle and the 458 took 2 buffalo and a hippo.

I love both guns more than any other and they shoot great with my handloaded Barnes X and solids.

HOWEVER Mad I am not looking forward to lugging 2 rifles around again, and paying another $200 import on a second rifle.
I am considering bringing just the 458 on the next hunt (it shoots 1" @ 100 meters)
OR buying a new rifle for the one rifle safari.

375 H&H
416 Rigby
458 WIN
OTHER-please site


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The poster formerly known as Uglystick
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I vote other, 416 remington magnum. I prefer it slightly over the rigby for availability of factory ammo and components. The rigby is still an excellent round but ammo is still sometimes hard to find. The 416 remington can also be built on a model 70 action and will feed very well, the rigby cannot. jmho
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Davy Crockett 1835
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I originally voted for a 470NE, but thought about it for the reply and decided that the 416 Rigby would be a good all-rounder. The 416 is a good enough thumper that Ross Seyfried thought very well of it amongst a whole slew of PH's over the years. For your ele's and buffs, you've got the 400 gr solids and softs. For your leopard and big antelopes, you've got 350 gr softs. I know some will say a 375 is the better all-rounder but I really don't think I'd want to plink at an ele with one.

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Honkey: You might have included the .378 Wby, .375 Wby, or .375RUM...all good choices for an alround powerhouse rifle. I voted for the .416 Wby because you can load it down if you want. It sounds like you have plenty of experience though, so I doubt that you will make a poor choice in weapons to take.

Robert Jobson
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.375 RUM

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HOWEVER I am not looking forward to lugging 2 rifles around again, and paying another $200 import on a second rifle.

I can understand that you don't to haul two rifles around, 200$ extra in expenditures on such safari must be peanuts.

Buy a 416 Rigby, if you like lots of recoil it can be loaded 416 Wby performance.

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I think I put it in the reloading section some time ago(cant remember) But here we go. I'm going with a 3in1 .458 lott.the 350 gr speer shoots out to the mid to upper 200's(barnes probably better) It will also shoot a 458 win mag with a 350 gr hornady for fast moving stuff where bush might be involved out to 100.the scope flips off and I use the iron for 500 grain out to 100
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Tanzanian, elephant, leopard, Kudu, Sable,... And you are worried about an extra $200?


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I would take a .416 Rigby in a gun smith checked cz 550. I would have two a 2-7 leupold in QD's sighted for 340 gr woodleigh protected points pushed as hard as they can go for nice flat trajectory (2"high @ 100 yards for 200 yard zero).

Second I would have a leupold 2.5x compact in QD's sighted for woodleigh 410 gr softs and solids to be zero at 100 yards.

To me that would be theultimate one gun for my dream African hunt.

With your .458 winnie if you want to save $$ just have two scopes one zeroed for the 400 gr woodleigh protected point, it has a reasonably high bc and is point so it would make an awsome plains game bullet, the other low powered scope sighted for woodleigh 500 gr soft & solids.
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.404 Rimless Nitro Express!


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I vote for the .458 WM. You don´t need more than that. It´s a great caliber, easy to shot and lot of power if you load your own ammo or buy ammo loaded by Norma.
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.416 rigby is what I would take.

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I would take 2 guns.
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Picture of bwanajcj
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I'll also side with 500grains on this,

"lugging" 2 guns and the extra 200$ cost should be the least of your concern, "lugging" one broken gun around and saving 200$ should be something of concern however.
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Davy Crockett 1835
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<allen day>
I'll side with 500 grs. as well. Take two rifles, your 300 Win. Mag. and, if you'd like to trying something different, a 416 Rem. Mag., 416 Rigby, or 458 Lott.

For a one-rifle safari such as the one you have on the table, I suggest the 416 Rem. Mag. You'll end up with a lighter rifle that weighs about the same as a 375 H&H, but with a lot more punch -- the same as a 416 Rigby.

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I agree with 500grains and Allen Day.
There is no way I would go to Africa with only one rifle. Even If I was only going to shoot one elephant I would take two rifles.

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I agree with Allen Day.

If forced to do it, I'd go with only a 416 Remington, but think it would be false economy to do so.

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I agree with 500 Gr, Why would you attempt a wide variety of game on an expensive hunt and not take two rifles and at least one extra scope. Put two rifles in your lockable gun case (Tuff Pack) hopefully, and get on. If your one rifle breaks you are left with a loaner gun of possible dubious quality. Will it fit your length of pull? The penalty for two rifles ia about 15 lbs including ammunition.

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Thanks for all the opinions. I realy like in this forum how I can bounce ideas off like minded individuals.
I realize that not wanting to pay $200 is false economy as a new rifle with a scope will cost at least 1K. I think I just have a hankering for a new gun and it would be nice to have just one on the hunt so when you jump out of the truck to follow buffalo sign but end up with a beautifull Sable at 150 yards and cant get closer you feel comfortable taking the shoot.

That is why I would like a longer range heavy rifle. I am leaning toward bringing both rifles again....or getting a GOOD gunsmith to rechamber my Rem model 700 to 458 LOTT to get more flat shooting range out of the gun.

Thanks for all the info and insight. clap

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The poster formerly known as Uglystick
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Easy with the Remington Comments, you may open a whole new can of worms! Smiler

Save the money for trophy fees and take what you have. It sounds like it has worked for you in the past eh?

R. Lee Ermey: "The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle."
We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!! 'What the hell could possibly go wrong?'
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I VOTED OTHER! First off I agree with those who say take two rifles! Hell if you are spending the money to tkae all the animals you list, what the hell is another $200 US?

I would dump the pushfeed Rem 700, in any case, and pick up either a Ruger express chambered for 416 Rigby, or a CZ 550 chambered for the 416 Rigby, or a 404 NE. and take your 300 win mag along for back-up rifle in case something happens to your big rifle, and for the plains game. I certainly wouldn't spend any money trying to upgrade the Mod 700!

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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I voted other...

I would opt for a 416 Remington or a 404 Jefferys for a one gun Safari and have done that many times...

However, I prefer one of the above in coordination with a .470 double, just for the fun of hunting with a double...

Ray Atkinson
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Too much is on the line for a one gun safari. Your light rifle should be able to handle the assigned chores of your heavy in a pinch. With elephant on the list, I'd take a 375 and a 416, or a 375 and a 458. The exact flavor is unimportant.

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Francis Bacon
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PMP offers 3 different loads in .375 Holland. Wink Wink
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It occassionaly does happen, and this is one of those times: I agree with 500grains. Take two rifles..a .300 or .338 class and one .416 or larger.

Robert Jobson
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416 Weatherby:

Take the best - forget the rest Cool !

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375 H&H in model 70 with a spare scope and firing pin.
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Spare firing pin Confused Are they prone to breaking? I had the extractor break on my Model 70, but I haven't heard of the firing pin ever going bad.

I am realy leaning toward leaving well enough alone and taking both rifles again.

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The poster formerly known as Uglystick
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Picture of BusMaster007
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Since your Remington 700's ( my choice, too ) aren't the favored gun in Big Bore, yet they've worked for you before, why not get the .375 RUM?

It'll work for everything you've taken before and gives you the '1 GUN' in a platform you're familiar with.
Plus, it gives you an excuse to buy a new gun! thumb

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