one of us
| Take a look at the sights from ERA - Recknagel, they are first quality products, a bit expensive but well worth the money. They have express type rear sights with multiple leafs, and a H&H style front sight (with two diferent size beads) that should look and work real good on your rifle. Check theyr web sight at ERA - Recknagel . I�ve a catalog, if you can�t get one I�ll send you some pictures of the sights I refer to. Cheers, N. Rodrigues |
| Posts: 152 | Location: Portugal | Registered: 07 July 2004 | 

| NECG front sights "can" fit a CZ.. just require a bit of filing and reshaping on the end towards the muzzle.
jeffe |
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one of us
| HI,
WINK,I just got my cz 416 Rigby from MR. Bockman, I have a quick release scope on it and when it comes off I have Brockman pop up ghose ring that comes up . It is really a great set-up. I have not even shot it yet as I moved to AK and will have to build on my land so I can get room to reload. I talk to him and they told me it was one of the most accurate rifles that they shot,which makes me more eager to get room to reload and shoot it. Kev |
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one of us
| I modified my CZ 550 sight base to accept the NECG fluorescent front beads. It works just fine for old eyes. The modification requires remilling the dovetail groove and notching the front on the insert to allow the CZ insert retainer plunger to pop into place. |
| Posts: 219 | Location: Spring, Texas | Registered: 03 October 2003 | 
One Of Us
| What would the advantages/disadvantages be between the "Sourdough" front sight, a normal silver bead, and a regualur black post? And what do you guys prefer? "Sourdough":  Silver bead:  Erik D. |
| Posts: 2662 | Location: Oslo, in the naive land of socialist nepotism and corruption... | Registered: 10 May 2002 | 
one of us
| Wink- save yourself a whole lot of expense. For very few $ my local gunsmith drills out a brass rod and fits it onto a CZ foresight element (a range of heights can be obtained direct from CZ) -result - a matchhead sized brass bead - very traditional and highly visible. You can have the factory express sight trimmed down if you want more elegance there - once again very traditional and highly functional. Just my $0.02 worth. Also the NECG 'Ruger' foresight elements fit with very little filing but imho the bead (white)is not big enough. Charlie |
| Posts: 159 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 30 May 2002 | 
one of us
| If you want a fast sight then go with the Sourdough front sight as pictured combined with a Ghost ring peep sight..I also like the Brockman Peep coordinated with a scope of low power....otherwise I would just use a Receiver sight with the apature screwed out...Redfield, Lyman or Williams..I prefer the Williams as curious hands can't mess it up. Another good option is the Talley peep sight that slides on his rear base..I have several of those..
Also the best bead sight out there today is the Brownells captapiller for the Ruger 77 with a 3/32 ivory bead..Its for a Ruger but I found that a little judicous file work will make them work fine on most catapiller sight ramps..
I distrust the pop up nite sights as the ivory has a habit of falling out in time and its really too big... |
| Posts: 42463 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000 | 
one of us
| HI,
WINK,I will do my best to get a pic,I have to go through my enclosed trailor,to get it out and I will get a pic,This is why I cannot wait to build on my land so I will have room to reload and room for safe,guns,I have little room here now, until I build, I am working on getting a road and pad put in now.I am glad I had MR.Brockman rust-proof it as I have beachfront ,Kev |
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one of us

| Quote:
What would the advantages/disadvantages be between the "Sourdough" front sight, a normal silver bead, and a regualur black post? And what do you guys prefer?
Erik D.
Ah that question takes me back to the gun and hunting writings of the 1940s. The silver bead will have you shooting to the light source as the bead will be brighter toward the light. The sourdough eliminates that problem, and the angled flat catches the light.
Actually you have to match the front sight and the rear sight with irons so they are complementary. I like to use a post with a ghost ring rear because it gives the finest elevation control.
jim |
| Posts: 4166 | Location: San Diego, CA USA | Registered: 14 November 2001 | 