Moderators: jeffeosso
New 458 Lott project Login/Join
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I am a benchrest shooter and small game person. You guys are responsible for this. My ideas are a CZ550 receiver in the white, CM Shilen barrel, and a piece of my southern black walnut for Jeffe to nibble on. I will need a lot of help as this is unknown territory for me. A gunsmith friend of many yrs. will loan me his new reamer and headspace gage. Do I want a #5 or #5.5 contour? Is 22" finished length OK? Can I make my loaded rds from Norma Basic Mag. Brass? The dimensions look ok. What brand of dies do you reccomend? I will be in touch as the parts get here. Thanks in advance. Butch
Posts: 8964 | Location: Poetry, Texas | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Hog Killer
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Welcome to big bores. Sounds like you are well on your way with this project. First off, what weight rifle are you wanting. My Lott weighs 9# 12oz with a 24" No.5 barrel. As for brass, the Hornady Lott brass works just fine fo me and most other Lott shooters. No need to start with a basic case. Also it will be properly headstamped, if you ever went out of the country with it and had to deal with local inspectors the KISS princaple applys here in spades. Die brand gets back into personal choice again, I have had good results with my Hornady dies, others say that they do not work well in their press.

Keep us posted on your progess.

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Picture of tiggertate
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Hogkiller's #5 barrel looks just about right for a Lott but the 5.5 would probably be fine too. Maybe a little more weight further out for offhand shooting will help if you currently shoot primarily off a bench. If you want to shoot a Lott off the bench very much, add a Caldwell Lead Sled and at least (2) 25lb bags of shot to your parts list.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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Picture of mix3006
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I'd vote for a #5 at 24" also,this combination just looks balanced to me.
I really like the RCBS dies that I have and would recommend them.

What about a picture of your timber?
Posts: 191 | Location: Wollongong NSW Australia | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Hello Mate, My wood came from a gunshop in Okla. City, Okla. in 1954. What I have left is cut right,but not much figure. I have 8 blanks left. I sold 30 to a local gunshop about 2 weeks ago. I was going to give Jeffe a couple to play with and he never called me back. Busy I guess. Butch
Posts: 8964 | Location: Poetry, Texas | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of mix3006
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Good on ya mate, a bit of spending money for ya there eh!?
I think jeffe's busy with his band of bubbas.
Didn't know he played an instrument,I wonder if they play "Blue moon of Kentucky", I love that song!!
Don't forget some WIP's Butch.
Have fun.....
Posts: 191 | Location: Wollongong NSW Australia | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Sent you a PM..

Your project sounds pretty dang cool, and ifin you send me your number, we'll talk about that part, too!!!

myself, if i had a cz action handy, would go with a pacnor barrel, and have them leave a "washer" on it to make the sight bases and recoil lug... might even have then mount the barrel, as the cz threads are an interesting metric, and pacnor has that down cold...

my only advice is that the CZ 458 lott comes blued, stocked, nice sights, and ready to fit the stock to you, with SOMETHING like a recoil lug on the barrel.. and all that for around 750 delivered.

a #5 would mean you can fit a dakota quarterrib from brownells, though

Keith's 458 is, in my mind, a near perfect 458, except the stock is about 3" too short... Razzer

since you'll be reloading (89 bucks a box gets spendy) you can start with 405s loaded soft, and that is a GREAT pig load...

i would target 10# (+/- 1/2), use NECG sights up front, cut the rear for 1 standing, 1 folding, and put a barrel band on it.. i like the london guns band today.. but that's just today.


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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