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416 WBY MAG? Login/Join
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I have worked extensively with the 378 WBY mag and know its merits and downfalls.
But what about the 416 WBY Magnum? It has been proven on the african fields and the alaskan fields. Does anyone here use it? I know it is overkill for North American use but hey...look at my signature!
What loads do you guys use for N.A. use? Any 300, or 325 Barnes X loads at super high velocities?
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Have the prairie dogs gotten that much bigger since I left in May?

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No...I have just gotten bored and this sick Greek mind is starting to wonder.....
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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How about a GS Custom 330 gr 416 bullet (bc .545) at 3100 fps. What do you think George...ultimate antelope load?
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I'd pick the Lost River Ballistic J36 (developed by Warren Jensen). 350gr. bullet with .514 BC ought to buck that Wyoming wind pretty well, don't you think?

I might not live long enough to get the bullets delivered from GS Custom.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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I'd pick the Lost River Ballistic J36 (developed by Warren Jensen). 350gr. bullet with .514 BC ought to buck that Wyoming wind pretty well, don't you think?

I might not live long enough to get the bullets delivered from GS Custom.


Two part answer:

Lost river...Yeah baby!!!!

GS remark...Ha ha ha ha
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I have a friend that has been working with the 300gr X bullets out of a .416 rem. He has been able to get them up to 3000fps in a 27" barrel with Varget. We also did a little modification to the X's on the lathe after dissapointing expansion results. The new X's have a larger hollow point yet it is only about .300" deep. This results in the bottom of the hollow point ending in the tapered section of the nose and leaving the walls of the bullet thin. This can cause petal loss at high velocity. What we did was extend the hollow point to the cannelure. At high velocity these things are impressive. It shows over 1.00" expansion with huge petals and plenty of sharp edges.

A higher BC bullet out of a 416 WH would make a excellent long range round for NA.
Posts: 179 | Location: Boise, ID | Registered: 16 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Is that load safe? The 416 WBY with a 26" barrel can bearly break 3000 fps with a 300 X.
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I used 300 grain "X" bullet in a 416 Rigby on a bull elk last year. Took two to bring him down, neither did much damage, basically punching 0.416" diameter holes (number one did take out the bottom of his heart so he was dead just didn't know it). Anyway, I was not impressed with the tissue trauma generated by the 300 grain "X". Neither bullet was recovered, so I do not know if the "pedals" were torn off of simply folded over around the shank. Regardless, the damage to the animal was minimal, very similar to a round nose solid, great penetration NO tissue trauma (relative to a good weld core soft point).

Load was 117.6 grains of IMR4350, Norma case, and CCI250 primer IIRC. Muzzle velocity was ~ 3050 fps IIRC, barrel length 24". Bullets weren't too aweful accurate in my rifle either, grouping around 1.75 MOA. I use 350 gr Speer Mag tips now loaded with 104.5 grains of IMR4350 for ~ 2800 fps out of the 24" tube (same brass and primers). They (the Speers) seem to tear things up considerably better.

Posts: 1673 | Location: MANY DIFFERENT PLACES | Registered: 14 May 2004Reply With Quote
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That is the only problem...Not too many bullet manufacturers make high BC bullets once you pass the 338 mark.
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I used 300 grain "X" bullet in a 416 Rigby on a bull elk last year. Took two to bring him down, neither did much damage, basically punching 0.416" diameter holes (number one did take out the bottom of his heart so he was dead just didn't know it).


Bullshit. More bullshit from AR's resident bullshitter. You've probably never even seen an elk, let alone shot any.
Do you take other people's stories as your own, or do you just make all that shit up out of the blue?

Posts: 32 | Registered: 19 December 2002Reply With Quote
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The 416 Wby will hammer a Cape buffalo with ease..It is a devastating killer of all big game with monolithic H.P. bullets....The 350 Barnes XXX is the bullet I would chose.
Posts: 42454 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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The top two loads in the new Barnes manual show RL15 at 2931fps and H4895 at 2917fps with 300gr X's in a .416 Rem. Mag. They dont even list Varget (the powder he uses). You add 3" of barrel length and the differences between guns and I can see 3000fps. Maybe not all guns will do it but his does. I know the cases extract easily and dont show huge pressure signs. Sure they're warm but not excessive.

BTW I looked up the 416WH and the top load with 300X's is 3059fps with a 26" barrel. 2" more barrel length and 26gr more powder nets less than 130fps. Man talk about the land of dimenishing returns.

As Ray has mentioned the 350 triple shocks may be a better bullet due to higher BC (personally I haven't used them) but I dont think much in NA would survive a 300gr X at 3000fps. Especially when you consider the diameter they expand to when drilled. Besides out to 4-500yds a difference of .1-.15 BC isn't that big of a deal. Past that it becomes a big factor.
Posts: 179 | Location: Boise, ID | Registered: 16 February 2004Reply With Quote
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How bad is the recoil of this beast without a break. As bad as my 378 or worst?
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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He wont shoot it without a break . The gun is pretty heavy with a Lilja HV barrel in a heavy wood 40x style stock. I would guess the weight to be around 13lbs. I personally have never shot a 378WH but do have a 375RUM. Both my .416 Rem and .375 RUM are built with Remington SS actions, H-S precision Sendero stocks, and #7 contour barrels but at present I'm using 350gr Speers. I plan to switch to the 300gr X's (provided they shoot as well as the Speers and 400gr X's). At that time I can comment on the recoil. With my present loads (350gr Speers at 2625fps) I would say the recoil velocity is higher with the 375RUM.
Posts: 179 | Location: Boise, ID | Registered: 16 February 2004Reply With Quote
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My 416 Rigby weighs 11.5 pounds with scope and it doesn't kick too bad. I have not shot a 378 Weatherby, so I cannot compare directly. It doesn't kick as hard as a MkV in 460 Weatherby though. It isn't what most people would call a pleasant load to shoot either.

CPS, I have shot many elk, I plan on eating elk for dinner. I will be killing an elk in a few weeks too! I hope that really pisses you off!

As far as I am concerned, Barnes "X" bullets SUCK, unless you are a member of the "OVER PENETRATION NO TISSUE TRAUMA CLUB", that is! I think Ray is their president.

Posts: 1673 | Location: MANY DIFFERENT PLACES | Registered: 14 May 2004Reply With Quote
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CPS, I have shot many elk, I plan on eating elk for dinner. I will be killing an elk in a few weeks too! I hope that really pisses you off!


RIIIIGHT! Like you 'shot' all those "buffaloes", huh? Were they 'taken' in a livestock yard or a game farm? Did you 'shoot' through the fence, or just dream about it?
C'mon, Scott, WHERE'S THE PROOF?

Posts: 32 | Registered: 19 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I sent you a email with the pictures of the drilled 300 X that was shot into wet phone books. I believe it was 1.045" diameter.

Posts: 179 | Location: Boise, ID | Registered: 16 February 2004Reply With Quote
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YUp...they are awesome looking...Maybe Barnes should take notice!
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Here are the drilled X pix

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Sorry, but I just ate the evidence! It was GOOD too!!

Posts: 1673 | Location: MANY DIFFERENT PLACES | Registered: 14 May 2004Reply With Quote
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I have a 416 rem which has a decent recoil but not brutal by any means, I saw an Alaskan hunter film shoot a Moose with a 416 Weatherby and it was tremendous in my opinion, I couldn't tell what kind of stock it had, I have a 300 WM which is an early 70's with what I call a weatherby stye stock and it would muzzlw whip like a mule. Alot depends on what your use to, stock and so on but that caliber if I remember hits with 6,000 pounds energy and that is alot
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Sorry, but I just ate the evidence! It was GOOD too!!


CAn we stick to the subject please
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I have extensive experience with the 416 Wby. Have used it on several african safaris and on moosehunting. It is my favorite caliber for all round biggame use.
I load some 300 grs costommade monolithic HP�s to 3250 f/s and the 330 grs HV from GS Custom is loaded to 3160-3200 f/s.
It is a devastating killer. Succesfully shot 2 buffalo, a big leopard,zebra + some other plains game in May/June with the 300 grs/ 3250 f/s combo. Only recovered bullets from a giraffe. All other bullets went through. Even 2 lengthwise shots on buffalo went through (one through hip, rumen and out shoulder/neck and one went in behind scrotum and went out of the nose).

The GS bullets group .25-.5" - fantastic , but I have not tried them on hunting yet..
Posts: 186 | Location: 9750 Honningsvaag, Norway | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I have extensive experience with the 416 Wby. Have used it on several african safaris and on moosehunting. It is my favorite caliber for all round biggame use.
I load some 300 grs costommade monolithic HP�s to 3250 f/s and the 330 grs HV from GS Custom is loaded to 3160-3200 f/s.
It is a devastating killer. Succesfully shot 2 buffalo, a big leopard,zebra + some other plains game in May/June with the 300 grs/ 3250 f/s combo. Only recovered bullets from a giraffe. All other bullets went through. Even 2 lengthwise shots on buffalo went through (one through hip, rumen and out shoulder/neck and one went in behind scrotum and went out of the nose).

The GS bullets group .25-.5" - fantastic , but I have not tried them on hunting yet..

You have a PM
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Did Barnes discontinue the 325 X in 416 cal?
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Is there a left-handed action capable of holding a .416 Weatherby? I have to admit that I like the idea of a fast .416.

Posts: 1749 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 17 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Is there a left-handed action capable of holding a .416 Weatherby? I have to admit that I like the idea of a fast .416.


A ha! See, another is starting to think like me!
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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A .416Wby is just gilding the lily. I'd get the .416 Rigby instead, and have all the power you'd need in a .416.

There are LH .378s on the auction sites from time to time, if you must have one. MRC has threatened to make their PH action for some time; that action would handle the .416 Rigby (and all the .338/.378Wby./.378Wby./.416Wby./.460Wby rounds).

As I understand it, the PH action as designed will accomodate more than two rounds in the magazine.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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You think the .416 Rigby is better than the .416 Remington? Because of pressure? Because (as you know) my other thought is to get a .375 Win Model 70 in LH and rebarrel in .416. I've read all the rumours about pressure problems in African heat, though. But the Hodgdon manual shows pressures in the high 40,000 low 50,000 CUP level. Not low, but not like the UltraMags or Weatherbys, either.

Posts: 1749 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 17 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I have been shooting the 416 Rem in Afica for many years and have had no pressure problems, if that were so then the 270, 06 and its ilk would also have problems...

If one has pressure problems with any modern rifle it is simply because he put too much powder in the case, didn't trim his cases, used the wrong primer or brass or some other reloading mistake...

Your a counterfiet, its abundantly obvious...
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I have done some reloading for and shooting of my cousin's .416 Weatherby. His rifle is an A-Square with an unbreaked 25-inch barrel. For light loads and deer loads, I used .416 Rigby data, and the Speer 350-grain spitzer; these loads did not have noticably different recoil from my .375 H&H Model 70. Full loads in his rifle have a little snappier recoil than my .458 Lott, but are still manageable. When we were in Africa a couple of years ago, he shot a Buffalo and an Eland with the rifle using Weatherby factory 400-grain loads. Both shots were broadside through the lungs, and both animals dropped at the shot. He did not recover either bullet. I have no experience with the .378 Weatherby, so can not offer any comparisons, but based on my admittedly limited experience, the .416 Weatherby should do anything a person could reasonably want to with a .416.

Posts: 3887 | Location: Eastern Slope, Colorado, USA | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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If one handloads, the 416 Weatherby is the best of the 416s, IMHO. It is a 416 Rem/Rigby with reduced loads and if you work with 4895, you can still make 2400 fps with a 400 grainer with less recoil than the Rigby, but at full Weatherby pressure. Depends on which way you want to go.
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Your a counterfiet, its abundantly obvious...

You got any proof of that?

Weatherby or Rigby no practical difference outside the belt.

Posts: 1673 | Location: MANY DIFFERENT PLACES | Registered: 14 May 2004Reply With Quote
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You think the .416 Rigby is better than the .416 Remington? Because of pressure? Because (as you know) my other thought is to get a .375 Win Model 70 in LH and rebarrel in .416. I've read all the rumours about pressure problems in African heat, though. But the Hodgdon manual shows pressures in the high 40,000 low 50,000 CUP level. Not low, but not like the UltraMags or Weatherbys, either.



Actually, I was comparing the Weatherby to the Rigby only, since they require similarly-sized actions. The .416 Rigby can be hot-rodded to approximately .416Wby velocities, but at the expense of greater recoil.

As lefties, the .416 Remington is a better choice, since .375H&H-length actions are far more available than Rigby-sized actions.


If one handloads, the 416 Weatherby is the best of the 416s, IMHO. It is a 416 Rem/Rigby with reduced loads and if you work with 4895, you can still make 2400 fps with a 400 grainer with less recoil than the Rigby, but at full Weatherby pressure. Depends on which way you want to go.


The .416Wby. is the .416 Rigby with a belt. The Rigby can be hot-rodded to just about the same velocities as the .416Wby. (at similar pressures).

Considering the .416Wby. has about the same case capacity as the .416 Rigby, how can it generate equivalent velocities at lower pressure?

The .416 Rigby (and .416Wby.) make 2380-2400fps at lower pressures than a .416 Remington. That's not a condemnation of the .416Rem., just a fact.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Just purchase the 416 weatherby and don't bother about super charging the 416 rigby! The weatherby ammo is already waiting for you!
Posts: 297 | Location: california | Registered: 20 January 2004Reply With Quote
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OK guys...Got the gun. Shhould be here in 2 weeks.

FESS up any loads you got. Thanx fellas...Feel free to e-mail them to me.
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Love mine and will be taking it to Colorado for an Elk hunt. I will use either 370g NorthForks or get some 325g NF for the hunt.
Stay well,
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Send me the loads...
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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OK guys...Got the gun. Shhould be here in 2 weeks.

You are FORBIDDEN to sell that gun off before I have a chance to fire it!

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