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Picture of Tim Herald
I am a die hard TC guy, and while I have Encores in .375 HH and .416 Rigby that both shoot great, I wanted multiple shots for my upcoming tuskless and buff hunt.

So...I went to the guys at the TC Custom Shop and asked them about making me a .458 Win on their bolt action ICON platform.

I just got word this morning that they did the initial testing of 2 barrel/action combos in a test stock - and the groups were pretty darn impressive.

The worst group at 100 yards was 1.33". The other four groups measured .27,.52, .41,.42". Now this is in a controlled tube, etc., but I can't imagine much better accuracy from a .458. I guarantee I can't shoot it that well!

I guess they are going to choose the best, fit it into a walnut stock and retest on Monday. I will be on a hunt next week, but will update as I get more info on the project.

BTW...ammo used was Nosler Custom (from factory) loaded with 500 gr Partitions.

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
Posts: 2983 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 13 January 2005Reply With Quote
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An ICON in 458....awesome!
Posts: 20181 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Biebs:
An ICON in 458....awesome!


Roll Eyes


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
Posts: 6844 | Location: Nome, Alaska(formerly SW Wyoming) | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Tim Herald:
I am a die hard TC guy, and while I have Encores in .375 HH and .416 Rigby that both shoot great, I wanted multiple shots for my upcoming tuskless and buff hunt.

So...I went to the guys at the TC Custom Shop and asked them about making me a .458 Win on their bolt action ICON platform.

I don't mean to be an jerk(can't help it I guess), but are you on their payroll? I'm (somewhat) serious, do they sponsor you?

I really like to TC single shot platform. I just can't see going to them for a DG rifle.


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
Posts: 6844 | Location: Nome, Alaska(formerly SW Wyoming) | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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the icon is an amazing platform ..

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of JBrown
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
the icon is an amazing platform ..

I guess I need to do my homework. What is so amazing about it?

I saw the interchangeable bolt handles and discounted it as another gimmicky offering.


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
Posts: 6844 | Location: Nome, Alaska(formerly SW Wyoming) | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of oscar
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Hello Tim,

I noticed your post and took a look at their web page.The walnut classic & ultra are nice looking rifles, I found the integral weaver bases very interesting.

Are they going to put some iron sights on? And which are you looking to get the classic or ultra.

I'd love to see some pic's when it arrives. Oscar.
Posts: 79 | Location: Pittsburgh PA | Registered: 13 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Ah, something new here!

The integral weaver base is interesting. It could have gone farther and extend all way across the action to allow extra long eye relief scopes and greater scope mounting versatility. Too bad Ruger and CZ did not go this route. Imagine that standard rings.

Giving up control feed for the speed and ease of 3 lug, 60 degree bolt operation is an interesting trade off.

Not real tradition looking, but seems like a class act. Guarantee 1 MOA guns.

Interchangeable bolt handles, seems like a waste of effort. Plastic detachable magazines, not too cool.
Posts: 1226 | Location: New England  | Registered: 19 February 2009Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by JBrown:
Originally posted by jeffeosso:
the icon is an amazing platform ..

I guess I need to do my homework. What is so amazing about it?

I saw the interchangeable bolt handles and discounted it as another gimmicky offering.

really? click on their technology link

pretty cool stuff

wanna bet they'd do one in 375 ruger?

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by JBrown:
Originally posted by Biebs:
An ICON in 458....awesome!

Roll Eyes

ah, i get it .. already dead set against it, so, well, there's no point in discussing it, is there?

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Tim Herald
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First, the Icon is one of my favorite bolt guns in .300 Win and many other calibers that I have ever shot. I love the way they handle. Everyone I have had or shot has been very accurate.

The interchangable bolt handle is just for preference I think - not really a gimmick.

The integral base is great- takes one step out in my opinion, and mine will have a floor plate mag- no plastic clip. The guys did say they were going to try to put iron sights in it for me, though I do plan to shoot with a 1.5x6 scope.
I am also going with the classic oil rubbed stock. I have one of the premium stocks on another ICON, but I want this rifle to be a workhorse, and honestly don't like fancy grade stocks to hunt with. I know myself, and I am rough on them. Big Grin

And JBrown...they do sponsor me, but I do truly love shooting their guns, have killed a pile of animals with them, and if I didn't believe in them, I wouldn't shoot them. I quit another gun company many years ago because I just didn't think the quality was there, and I won't use it if I don't like it.

I will certainly post some photos when I get the finished product...

I know the custom shop can make a 375 Ruger. We went with the .458 because of standard magnum length. I originaly wanted a .416 Rigby, but under time constraints it was much easier to work up the .458.

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
Posts: 2983 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 13 January 2005Reply With Quote
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What is the price range on these custom shop guns, or for instance MSRP on your project?
Posts: 1226 | Location: New England  | Registered: 19 February 2009Reply With Quote
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2 years ago at the DSC, I chatted for quite a while with Larry Weishuhn at the TC booth. I told him I was more into custom rifles, and he and the TC guy showed me a display they had of their custom shop stuff. I was impressed..high grade wood, casehardening, all sorts of niceties. I bought a special ICON with matte stainless metalwork and nice oiled wood. I've since talked to TC about the rifle, and it was a special edition made with a match chamber and the best of their barrels. I think the MSRP was about $1,225. I've since added a "Gunmetal Gray" Leupold 4.4x14x40 scope, which matches the metalwork quite nicely, with a set of Warne Maxima rings in a like finish. For about $1,500 total, I'd probably match this rifle accuracy-wise against most of my customs.
Posts: 20181 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of JBrown
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by JBrown:
Originally posted by Biebs:
An ICON in 458....awesome!

Roll Eyes

ah, i get it .. already dead set against it, so, well, there's no point in discussing it, is there?

Not dead set against it, just the first thing that came to mind. The rifle seems gimmicky to my ignorant mind.

I am willing to listen though.

Setting the TC single shots aside, I see more in-your-face promotion of TC's products than any other brand. For example the huge stickers on the rifles used on hunting shows. But I rarely see their products in the field, or on the dealer's shelves for that matter.

This may be a function of my location, but is seems that TC's presence on the outdoor shows far outweighs its share of the market. But they must be making some sales to fund all the ads.

But I may be wrong(an all too common occurrence).


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
Posts: 6844 | Location: Nome, Alaska(formerly SW Wyoming) | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
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I am really not sure on a price, but I bet it is a lot less than we would guess since I am not going with th epremium wood, no special finishes, etc. I think each custom shop gun price is an individual project, thus individual price. The guys are happy to give you a quote and are wanting to do a few more projects like this one.

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
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But I rarely see their products in the field, or on the dealer's shelves for that matter.

I see a lot of TC guns on the shelves, at the club and in the field- A LOT.

I own two BP rifles. And had a 3th, flintlock, which I sold. Good solid value firearms. Most of the current TC black powder are too modern for my taste. The older models blended tradition with features like adjustable iron sites and shotgun style butt plates. Effective, yet not too modern.

I have a TC 12ga shotgun (muzzleloader), that handles and shoot beautyfully. No longer available. This single shot TC is much lighter and responsive handling than the Italian doubles.

I do see a big pistol display in any shop big enough to warrant driving out of the way. Not only do I own a couple, but almost every body I know has or has had at least one TC pistol.

I also have this powerhouse Scout BP pistol offered a few years back, puts the howdah to shame.

I never noticed an ICON, but I have earned a respect for TC quality over the years. And, nothing wrong with advertising, which is all needed support for the shooting sports.

This 458 project is interesting to me. I look forward to seeing the results. After the first is done, it maybe easy for others to follow with similar gun Smiler

My only wish, is that Remington does not buy them out, kill the innovation and move the manufacturing to timbucktoo.
Posts: 1226 | Location: New England  | Registered: 19 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Smith and Wesson owns them, so I think we are safe on the Remington front (I hope too).

1/2 the muzzleloaders I see guys with these days at a minimum are TC's. I don't see a ton of ICONs around, but everyone I know who has one loves it.

They do still offer TC Encore muzzleloading shotgun and modern shotgun barrels. My 9 year old killed a big gobbler with mine last Sat, and I killed an Osceola with it 2 weeks ago. Shoots great to 50 yards.

TC also has a new predator line out as well as a great single shot youth .22 for this year. The product line is pretty big if you start looking into it.

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
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I have one of the original TC "Big Bore", or "Big Boar" caplock BP rifles in 58 caliber. What a cool little hammer that is!
Posts: 20181 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Hmmmm... maybe just the nature of the company I keep but I haven't seen many TC's in the game field. Like Jason, most of the ones I have seen are on the Hook & Bullet TV programs. I would probably use one of their muzzleloaders if I had a reason to but their centerfires don't do much for me. But to each his own...

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
- Rudyard Kipling

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Originally posted by bwanamrm:
Hmmmm... maybe just the nature of the company I keep but I haven't seen many TC's in the game field. Like Jason, most of the ones I have seen are on the Hook & Bullet TV programs. I would probably use one of their muzzleloaders if I had a reason to but their centerfires don't do much for me. But to each his own...

My experience is much the same...seems like TC has a bunch of folks hype their through it on the hunting shows guess we have it now on AR.....
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My daughter has an Encore rifle with three barrels (243 Win, 307 Win, and 375 JDJ). She loves it I don't. I find it to adequately accurate, but like all two peice stocked rifles it is very sensitive to forearm pressure (vertical stringing). It is also a brass eating SOB, with major head spacing issues. I guess it is alright for what it is. Her other rifles are a Winchester 94 (hand me down from her grandfather) and a reworked Ruger M77 MkII in 458 Win mag. Believe it not she loves the 458 too!

I have no experience with the Icon, but admit it does intrigue me.
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bwana and jjs,

Do you hunt muzzleloader deer season? TC has quite a following. I use them to good effect as do many others. I also do appreciate the more traditional/accurate replicas, but I actually hunt with an older TC muzzle loader (54 Renegade). And, I see a lot more of the newer products in the field. Not on TV, actually in the New England woods.

I use two Contender pistols. I dont care for bbl swapping and I sold my 44mag/22lr combo years ago. But I do have a scoped 30/30 which is murder on off season varmints. I occasionally carry 410 contender chasing the dogs after rabbits in heavy cover. I wont say these are common, but I am far from alone in this.

For single shot rifles, I like the Ruger. For single shotguns the H&R made in Gardner Mass (not the new Remington crap).

Take down guns are easy to transport and I have two friends who own (and hunt) Encore rifles. They have a following, like it or not.

TC has not gone bankrupt of gotten there asses sold off like Winchester, Marlin or H&R. Maybe running ads, sponsoring TV shows or supporting the shooting sports is smart idea?
Posts: 1226 | Location: New England  | Registered: 19 February 2009Reply With Quote
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I would think that the recoil would be unbearable on a TC action.
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I would think that the recoil would be unbearable on a TC action.

Which action is that? My 30/30 contender pistol has pachmayer grips and is very comfortable. My 54 renegade BP rifle has a shotgun butt and it much more comfortable than authentic curve brass butt plates found on some in some 45 and 50s. I also have a BP single shot muzzle loader 54 scout. A real powerhouse pistol, yet very manageable. And good trigger and sights, not like those poorly finished Pedersoli howdah I looked at recently. Quality and well designed.

The 458WM custom build in question is a bolt action. I have no opinion on the TC ICON, I never even saw one. It should not kick any more than another other bolt gun with similar weight and stocked to suit the individual. The bolt design is new, but the general lines of the gun (shown on the web) seems pretty typical classic wood or synthetic.
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They have a following, like it or not.

Maybe you should read my post again slowly and take several deep breaths. I don't care if they have a following or not, I don't see many in the field, period. And I don't just hunt in Texas... but have made trips all over Africa, Canada, South America and Europe I have never seen anyone hunting with one. That is MY experience. If you like them, fine good for you. But the only place I see them is on TV shows where people are PAID to hunt with them. And no I don't muzzleloader hunt but if I did I would consider the TC. Does my experience and opinion count now?

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
- Rudyard Kipling

Life grows grim without senseless indulgence.
Posts: 7579 | Location: Victoria, Texas | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Everyone's opinion counts...

I grew up shooting Rem 700's and a Browning Safari them too, but all my TC's are accurate, and I really like the ICON bolt platform in all I have shot it in over the past 3 years. We'll see on the .458. The guys testing it said recoil was very managable, but you knew you shot it...

I didn't mean to start a TC debate with this thread. Some like them, some don't. Some like CZ and Ruger, some don't. I think they are all pretty good guns. I have been in camps with a lot of guys shooting ENcore rifles and muzzleloaders in the US and Canada. Was in camp with Boddington and he was shooting an ICON on that trip and he killed a heck of an old 150 class whitetail. I just brought it up cause you big bore guys seem sto like things a little out of the ordinary, and I thought this project might be interesting. If the gun doesn't cycle well, or shoot accurately, I won't use it on my hunt. I won't put my life on the line. If it works like I hope and I shoot it well, I will use it. I plan to put a lot of rounds through it in June and July (or earlier), and I will know what it's made of. I really don't understand why the guns get such a bashing just because they are on TV a lot. Isn't that marketing and business? I mean, Ruger sponsors "Tracks", and that seems to be OK?

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
Posts: 2983 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 13 January 2005Reply With Quote
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