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Moderators: jeffeosso
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As of 12/9, they are at 211 actions, of the 400 for the charter...

anyone else?
Posts: 41246 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Jeff- I would put in on a couple if they'd lengthen stroke

and mag to 4.5 in and make action dia a little bigger with a 1.25 in barrel thread.they are going bigger with bolt diameter to .800 in

and we need extra action diameter to match.There is so much stuff us nuts want to do, in the medium range, that needs more size, but not

clear up to bmg size action.Ed.
Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I withdrew my order when it seemed more like a pipe dream than anything. Too bad, because this action if done right could become the mainstream big bore action. Also, they want to use a Sako bolt release, which I disagree with.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Tell us again why we need this thing? Have the final specs been decided upon?
Posts: 1210 | Location: Zurich | Registered: 02 January 2002Reply With Quote
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I've ordered 2 left handed actions. I wish CZ would just do a Rigby in a 550 that was left handed!! I'll wait and save money for my projects.

Posts: 88 | Location: Texas/colorado | Registered: 02 December 2003Reply With Quote
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for that size action, I hear that wells' sports makes em all the way to the BMG... but, even at the size this one is, it's not selling like hotcakes....


replace your order... help it hit 500... the link has the final specs... the sako style release could be changed for a mauser box in probably 2 hours... that's actually a pretty small task, ... mill it flat, slit saw, add/tig release arms, stick on the mauser box... seriously, that's not a huge one.


final specs are near enough for me to put a couple bucks down on... the specs that aren't decided, as yet, aren't "important" unless you are inletting a stock from spec....

why do we need it?

1: HUGE bolt diameter .805

2: HUGE internal mag 4.025

3: it WILL hold and feed even the 505 gibbs and gibbs based rounds. This also means the 600 overkill, the 585 nyati, and the happy 550 mag/express pairs

4: it's even CHEAPER than "action only" cz 550

5: blue or stainless, left or right hand

6: Did i mention you could buy FIVE of these for the price of a vektor/granite arms?

7: Let's run through the list of neato features, even if it was just a mauser action

    3 position safety (200 bucks to do it yourself)

    adjustable trigger that's NOT a timney (150 DIY)

    custom dropbox mag/floorplate (400 MINIMUM diy)

    Squarebridge... (300 MINIMUM for this as an addon)

    .805 bolt... can't be had in a mauser 98 that you would upgrade

    4" interal mag length... again, can't be had with a mauser.. but it can be had with TWO mausers, a plasma tourch, a tig welder, and loads of time

    Why do we need this thung? Hell, it'll be cheaper than a custom shop model 70 in 375, if you plan it right...

    535 action

    150 barrel

    450 stock

    150 sights

    800 bucks in "gusmithing"

and STILL save 1000 off the cheapest model 70 custom shop african or safari

I am hyped about it... i need a couple... heh

Posts: 41246 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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i still have two on order and am willing to wait. for left handed people it is really the only "pending" deal in town at a reasonable cost. my lh customer is still deciding what to build on the short one i got for him.

i still see it here. the people willing to build a hunting rifle still beleive the false economy of converting a worn out military rifle as opposed to buying a newer, almost complete action as a starting platform. they want to alter thes old actions to do things never intended of them.
Posts: 128 | Location: southeastern pa | Registered: 23 July 2003Reply With Quote
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the sako style release could be changed for a mauser box in probably 2 hours... that's actually a pretty small task, ... mill it flat, slit saw, add/tig release arms, stick on the mauser box... seriously, that's not a huge one.

The above applies to the long and short actions as well I guess? The release is a feature I don't like on 3 actions I already have. Never thought about changing it out, just assumed I'd be living with it. Have you done this job or seen any actions so converted?

Thanks on the other details as well.

- Stu
Posts: 1210 | Location: Zurich | Registered: 02 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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There you go, Jeffe. Business just falling out of the sky. If you decide to do some I'll give you a couple too. The bolt release is the only thing I really dislike about the MRC action.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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What's the charter price for left-hand stainless PH ?

Posts: 1003 | Registered: 01 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I am down for 1 chrome moly RH PH with a .505 gibbs bolt face.......I am wrapt that the bolt is .805" if this tuns out to be true I may purchase a second.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Jeff--Do you know the guys there? Is reciever ring really

1.5 inches, which is bigger than mauser and big enough for me? I need bigger thread and would use 1.5 in barrel breech

diameter.If so perhaps you could tell me who to

contact to see if they would do

a couple with a 1.25 bolt thread for me and maybe others.

I would even pay extra to get larger thread.

Bolt diameter is ok. And long enough with a little work

for the two long cases I want to try.Ed.
Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I haven't played with one, but what's the big issue with the Sako bolt release?
Looks nice, speaking aesthetically, to these eyes. Is it just a matter of "classic styling?"
If I coudl seriously commit to dropping $2k on a gun I'd definitely be scooping up this offer. As to why we need it, I have ideas for at least 40 different guns - completely different guns - which would all but require this sort of action.
Posts: 2000 | Location: Beaverton OR | Registered: 19 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Whats the projected delivery dates on getting one of these? I have a customer that wants a big bore, but I don't think he'll want to wait long. I got in on the short actions early on. I have only finished one in a 22-250 but it finished out slick. I should have bought about 20 of the short actions at the intro price, I would have sold them all by now. I will buy a couple of the PH actions to tuck away, who do I need to contact, I can't remember who I dealt with on the SA's.

Posts: 85 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 14 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Whats the projected delivery dates on getting one of these?

I think it is safe to assume there is no projected delivery date at the moment. MRC almost broke their collective backs trying to get RH SA and LH models to the market during the same period. After they finally succeeded doing that, I think they were prepared to take a breather and figure out what should be next. The charter program for the PH has not come up with the necessary numbers required (yet), although at some point in time, I'm guessing MRC MIGHT decide to go ahead on their own (i.e without the necessary charter numbers). But then again, they have other potential projects - mini action etc.

Once they actually decide to start the process towards manufacturing - finalize CAD, start getting molds right, destruction testing, heat treating, machining etc etc etc, if past history is anything to go by, figure a year or more before the first actions hit the street.


I will buy a couple of the PH actions to tuck away, who do I need to contact, I can't remember who I dealt with on the SA's.


If you are happy to be patient, as you have noted the charter program actions can be great value. In this case, contact Jeff - 406-755-4867. Phone is better than e-mail. He will also be able to give you the low-down on prospects for the PH. I know MRC was planning to show a prototype at some of the trade shows (Shot Show??), presumably to get a feel for the interest in the market for a product like this. Nothing like actually holding a "working" copy in your hand, even a pre-production one, to generate interest... But do be patient.

- mike
Posts: 6653 | Location: Switzerland | Registered: 11 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Hammer, the charter price is $525 for all models. Ed, I tried to get special threads on the short action charter program and it was a no-go. I asked then to leave mine un-threaded and that was a no, too. MCR test-fires each action before shipping so threads were a must.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Ed, why not just recut the threads and retreat?
This action is seriously threatening my budget.
Posts: 2000 | Location: Beaverton OR | Registered: 19 December 2002Reply With Quote
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What's the threaten?

They say they wont be taking any funds until the 400 number is made, and that's then 1/2. Then when finished, the rest.

I am seriously thinking of adding another to my list.. i've got one on the way.... that one will be my 470 mbogo,

Posts: 41246 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Now the number is 377... only 23 to go.

Even me, who is low on cash migh chip in now.
Posts: 615 | Location: a cold place | Registered: 22 June 2005Reply With Quote
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the sako style release could be changed for a mauser box in probably 2 hours... that's actually a pretty small task, ... mill it flat, slit saw, add/tig release arms, stick on the mauser box... seriously, that's not a huge one.


I already have 4 left-hand Montana actions. You saw the 458 Lott at Carter Country several weeks ago. If you can direct me to someone who will replace the sako style release for a reasonable price, I will commit to a left-hand PH action.


Posts: 34 | Registered: 11 October 2002Reply With Quote
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your 458 sure looked sweet!!

I can't imagine that converting on of this would be a big deal, though MRC wouldn't touch it after it was done.

When I get mine, i'll be looking at converting to something more like a mauser!!


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Posts: 41246 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Wow, old thread.
Posts: 986 | Location: Columbia, SC | Registered: 22 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I did not realize this was an old thread, but, I will call Jon and place an order for a left hand PH model with the hope it brings the action closer to reality. I don't mind the bolt release. I just have one with a big gap between the action and the release and would like to get it fixed. All the other actions were fine and I have been very happy with them.

Jeffe, I enjoyed visiting with you for a few minutes at Carter Country (for folks not from Houston-Carter County is a local gun store/gun range).

Since this is the appropriate forum, I will seek advise on a non-related topic. I am getting velocity between 2900 & 2950 with a 300 grains Barnes X (just playing around with different bullets) from my 458 Lott with 84 grains of H4198 with no pressure signs. I suspect this is hot and I plan to back down several grains; however, the Lott is relatively flat shooting utilizing these bullets at this velocity. The barrel is 24" and my chronograph seems to be accurate.


Posts: 34 | Registered: 11 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Are you following the load manual? If I remember correctly, those are some of the velocities listed in the Barnes manual for the .460 Weatherby.
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Thanks for the note. 84 grains is one grain under the maximum listed in the Barnes Manual for the 458 Lott. I may have a fast lot of powder. I pulled the bullets on the loads with 85 grains. No pressure signs, but velocity at almost 100 FPS over the velocities in the Barnes Manual suggested it was time to stop.


Posts: 34 | Registered: 11 October 2002Reply With Quote
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I just put myself down for 3 more actions, or 4 total. We are so close; let's get this done!
Posts: 177 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 12 March 2005Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by ToddJ.:
I did not realize this was an old thread, but, I will call Jon and place an order for a left hand PH model with the hope it brings the action closer to reality.

I wasn't aware that left hand actions was part of the offer on the PH model. Is that true?
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I am down for one...................possibly two.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Why do we just pay another 50 or 100 bucks to give the the capital they need and make this happen now, even at 650 it is still the cheepest way to go to a true bigbore over 416 dia.


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Posts: 1258 | Registered: 07 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by AfricanHunter:

I wasn't aware that left hand actions was part of the offer on the PH model. Is that true?

As I recall, the original statement was that the right-hand PH run was first and separate from, the left-hand PH run (if there ever was a left-hand PH run).

I would not hold my breath waiting for a run of left-hand PH actions. Of course, MRC could come
on this board and declare otherwise.


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I agree with George. Remember, once the magic 400 number hits and they charge everyone's card, production does not begin; the project begins. Meaning final design work begins. The prototypes have to made, then modifcations, then more prototypes and so on.

If the thing starts tomorrow, I would be surprised to see a finished action before the end of 2007. Probably mid 2008. And it will be right hand. Lefties probably won't show until 2009, if ever.

Remember all crying and moaning last time on the shorty schedules? If you can't stand the uncertainty, don't go there. It is a risk unlike buying a production GMA or other up-and-running design.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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If the thing starts tomorrow, I would be surprised to see a finished action before the end of 2007. Probably mid 2008. And it will be right hand. Lefties probably won't show until 2009, if ever.

I just e-mailed them & expressed interest in a Left Hand action for the 416 Rigby. I said I would like to be added to there list but only upon getting information on projected production time frames of the left hand action. If they reply to my e-mail I will post the information here.
Posts: 813 | Location: Wexford PA, USA | Registered: 18 July 2002Reply With Quote
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I phoned this morning and added my name to the list. The gentleman I spoke with indicated a(hopeful) year end production. Other info: Chrome moly and stainless are treated to the same rockwell hardness and the orders are currently running 60% chrome moly. On a 505 Gibbs, the mag will hold 4 down and one in the pipe. Stainless or chrome? Wood or synthetic? Scope or not? Lots of things to think about between now and then.
In the meantime I'll continue to play with my .375 and .416.

Posts: 53 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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I would like to order one of these. Let me get this straight. At this point in time you don't have to say which cartridge you are going to use it for? All you have to do is tell them you want one? When they start production they bill half to your credit card? The other half is billed when they ship the action?
Posts: 7090 | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I've been in for one stainless and one CM since the beginning of the announcement and I think they'll get made. I'm just warning everyone that these things never go according to the planned schedule and not to let impatience spoil the fun. When they are finally done it will be a hell of an action for $525.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Whoever I spoke with said they would check back with the customer once production began and determine the cartridge selection at that point. When I added my name to the list no credit card info was requested; just my name and address.

Posts: 53 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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If you are left handed buying this action is a no brainer. For the cost were are you going to get a action this size in left hand. I know it is going to be a wait but if you do not sign up it will never happen.
Posts: 1305 | Location: N.J | Registered: 16 October 2004Reply With Quote
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To be clear, they said they will do a run of "handed" actions when there is 400 orders for that HAND... so, 400 lefts, and 400 rights.

I figure the Righty will start end of year... and lefty will start a year later...

or, I expect to see the first ones trickle out in a year/

I don't know what caliber i'll do mine in.. but the serial number is


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Does anyone know the count of lefties?


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I called MRC today and left a message on Jon Frost's recorder asking him to put me on the list for a left-handed PH action. I doubt if the left-handed actions will ever be produced, but you never know.


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