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which recoil pad/sight/mercury tubes Login/Join
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Hello all,
as mentioned in another post, I am going to order the 458 lott Ruger #1. I never can leave well enough alone, so the lott is going to get the single set trigger, and restocked in some very nice wood. I never had to deal with big bore recoil before, so I always used a steel buttplate. For this project, I will break tradition and use a pad. I'd appreciate votes on which recoil pad to use. Also, does anyone here have experience with any of the aftermarket peep sights or certain brands of mercury tubes they had better luck with. I was planning on one in the forend, and one in the stock.....providing the piece of walnut I have in mind had enough room. Your responces are appreciated. wk
Posts: 63 | Location: Maryville, MO | Registered: 30 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of fla3006
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I have a Ruger #1 Lott restocked in maple. It wears a Pachmayer Decelerator pad and has a half pound extra weight in the butt to improve balance and absorb recoil. It is fairly pleasant to shoot, more so than my Brno ZKK602 Lott IMO.

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Picture of retreever
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My Ruger M77 Lott carries a Decelerator pad...the way to go...

Here is a link to a post I made on recoil management...


Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
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Picture of jimatcat
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i use a galco slip on recoil pad on my #1 458 win makes the LOP just right....

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Another pad to consider would be the Sims Limbsaver. For absorbing recoil, it does a better job (for me, in my experience) than any of my Decelerators do. But the Decelerator is a very nice pad as well, and might suit you perfectly.

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I like the Sims Limbsaver pad. The Decelerator is a good pad (I have them on some of my rifles) but IMHO the Limbsaver is the best for recoil abatement while still being durable.

The Ruger #1 in 458 Lott is a great buy and certainly gets you into "big bore recoil." A SS Lam #1 was my first Lott and got me hooked on the round. However, it does recoil more than a well stocked bolt action. I acquired a RSM Lott after I had shot my #1 quite a bit. The RSM has MUCH less felt recoil than the #1.

From my experience I would buy and shoot the #1 Lott to get a feel for it before you put a ton of money into it. Put a slip on Limbsaver on it and spend some time taking the edges off the trigger and safety a bit (emory cloth works fine). Shoot it a lot (no pun) and decide if this is the rifle for you, before you spend $$$ restocking it.

I found I loved the Lott round but wanted a platform that worked better for me. My RSM Lott is my favorite ground squirel rifle and rock buster. The Lott is extremely versatile and w/405 rems cheap to shoot.

Buy your #1 Lott, put a pad on it and go from there. If you love the rifle go for the full restocking and mods. JMHO.


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Picture of hairbol
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I have used Decelerators since they became available but, Pachmayr has recently introduced a XLT magnum pad that is better in absorbtion. It does not finish as nice as the decelerator but is is a better absorber.
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<Hunter Formerly Known As Texas Hunter>
My RSM Lott sports a limbsaver. The pad makes a big difference. As for peeps, the only peep I use is an Ashley ghost ring. It is a very quick sighting system.
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Picture of gumboot458
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I put a HI Vis pad from Cabela,s on my 416 Rem this fall and I think it is the best pad I,ve used except for the KickEez Magnum pad ...I want to try the sims.. But I will probley replace the pad on my CZ 550 ,458 lott with the KickEez.. For me the jury is still out on the lott.....I have other 458,s and would like a 460...That would justify the 25" barrel.. But I like my custom 416 Rem Mag so much and I am hard pressed to believe there is much Smack Down difference between them...However the 460 should push a 300 gr Barnes XFB ,moly coated to 3100-3200 fps............That should work......I had a NECG peep sight for the Ruger dove tail.....I tried it on a few rifles .......didn,t like it and gave it to a friend........They work well .. but I really prefer shallow v express sights.... They don,t fill up with snow, ice ,rain, ect. and will stand getting pitched into the skiff, and fliped 4 wheelers better......And I shoot better with them........

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Originally posted by hairbol:
I have used Decelerators since they became available but, Pachmayr has recently introduced a XLT magnum pad that is better in absorbtion. It does not finish as nice as the decelerator but is is a better absorber.

Just put 3 XLT's on some of my rifles, far and away better than their previous Limsavers.

Posts: 4011 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 19 June 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of MarkH
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I have a mercury tube in the stock and decelerator pad and as I said in a previous post, she shoots a dream. This is all on a 20" barrel.
As far as sights go it depends on what you want to do with the rifle.
For close up and personal hunting I have safari sights and an fibreoptic bead zeroed for 50 yds with 500gn bullets.
Where you need to adjust POA such as using 350 gn etc etc I am having an aimpoint compact fitted as my right eye does not fucous that well.
If range shooting is all you intend to do then a fine peep sight would be excellent, here in the UK they are hard to access.


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Posts: 537 | Location: Worcestershire, England | Registered: 22 March 2005Reply With Quote
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It may not be to your tastes, but a quality leather lace up recoil pad, using space age gells in the pad, mfg. by Kick Killer, is a real plus on the Ruger RSM 458Lott. No need to alter the original stock/butt and adds about .5" of pull. Cabelas offers them and retail is in the 30.00 range.
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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First off you don't need a mercury recoil tube on a .458 lott even in a number 1 Ruger.. All your adding primarily is weight. Drilling some holes in the stock and adding lead shot and expoxy will give you 98% of the recoil reducing effect. I've tried them all and a F990 pad covered in leather is the best bang for the buck out there. That pad and a good muzzel brake will make your LoTT recoil like a .270 win. When you get to the recoil level of a .600NE then mercury recoil reducers start to make sense. There are only four things that really reduce felt recoil. 1 Stock design, 2 proper recoil pad, three Muzzel brake and most weight.-Rob

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Picture of MarkH
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Though the muzzel break will work fine on reducing recoil there will be two factors you need to consider.
1. You'll become very unpopular at the range.
2. You'll become very unpopular with your hunting buddy.

The plus side is your groupings will be better.


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