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aerodynamic .458 bullet Login/Join
<Dr. John>
posted 19 April 2002 09:11
who makes the most aerodynamic bullet for the 458? I am looking to practice longrange with my 458 winmag. (400 yards-600yards)

I know the cartridge was not made for this and that there are better cartridges but I am experimenting.

I am presently shooting BarnesX. tried 300gr, 500gr. will be testing 400, and 450grainers.

would be nice if nosler made a Ballistic tip.

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Picture of Paul H
posted 19 April 2002 10:58Hide Post
Jensen lists a 400 gr bullet in .458", I believe it is the most aerodynamic.

Your best bet may be some of the cast bullets the BP crowd uses for long range target work.

Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
posted 19 April 2002 11:13
The most aerodynamic bullet in the .458" arena is the Lost River Ballistics bullet. It has a BC of .470

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posted 19 April 2002 12:11
Try GS Custom:

...and look under "HV bullets"

According to my Load from a Disk software, the following bullets have good BC's:

Barnes 400 grain X S .457
Barnes 450 grain X S .488


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one of us
Picture of old4x4
posted 19 April 2002 13:11Hide Post
Dr John..not to get off the subject, but how did those 500 Gr Hornady solids shoot out of your rifle?
Posts: 504 | Location: New Hampshire | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
<Dr. John>
posted 20 April 2002 02:23

the hornady bullets are 500gr softpoint round nose.
here is my story.....
I had a rife built out of a rem 1917 action. 26" barrel, gass bedded, mercury recoil reducer, 2-7 leupold varII. shot terrible. I tried the 440gr cast performance hard cast bullets using their load data. 8-12" groups at 100yards. I was EXTREMELY dissapointed. so, I loc-tited all screws holding my scope and free floated the barrel.
shot those 500gr RN bullets. (70gr of Varget). I should be getting somewhere around 2150f/s with the extra barrel lenght.
at 50 yards.....first group....3 shots....1/2" group. I was shocked and very very happy.
then shot 300gr Barnes x. was worried that the short bullet would not perform. 3/4" group at 100 yards. now very happy. I really wanted the 300 grainers to work because I will be using this for deer and also wanted to extend the range.travelling at around 2850 f/s. should shoot flat out to 300 yards. good enough for me.

so I love this rifle.

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<500 AHR>
posted 20 April 2002 13:42
Dr. John,
Your experience with lead bullets matches my own. I know no one that has been able to get decent let alone good groups with lead bullets from a 458 Win Mag.

Have you shot those 300gr X bullets at long range yet? I would be very interested to hear how they group at 400 yards.

Todd E

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one of us
posted 20 April 2002 18:40Hide Post
Woodleigh also make a range of .458 bullets, some with a high B.C.
I've used their 400gn Protected Point that is very spitzer like for a .458. Worked well on camel too.


Posts: 71 | Location: Kununurra, Western Australia | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
posted 20 April 2002 20:28
The 500 gr. Barnes X has a B.C. of .526 and would be at or near the top when it come to aerodynamic 458 bullets.
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<Dr. John>
posted 21 April 2002 07:21
I have not shot the 300 grainers out to 400 yards yet. once the weather gets acceptable I will.
I had contacted Barnes and they were good enough to sell me an assorted package of X bullets (400,450,500, and 600gr originals) I will be trying all of these soon. the 500grainers I tried. same accuracy as the 300 grain bullet. but I am looking for a flatter trajectory so I will be working on the other weights. so far I like the 300gr bullet.
the only way I got the 440gr hard cast bullets to shoot great was to slow down the velocity. I used 30-35gr of alliant 2400. little clover leaf at 50yards. I was just shooting off the rounds with a leupold 2-7. this made the rifle nice to shoot. should be a great 100-150yard cartridge for deer.

the more I play with this cartridge, the more I like it. very versatile.

I used to have a win mod70 safari express in 458 win mag. I got slammed in the forehead (off the bench) more often than I wanted to with that rifle (topped with a leupold 1-4). was not heavy enough. this new rifle shoots more accurately I believe because I never worry about getting slammed.

why don't more rifles come with 26" barrels? especially the 458?

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posted 21 April 2002 08:58
I have been wondering the same question. NEI handtools has a mould for a 600 grain VLD-flat base. For a stainless Ruger #1-H, I have been considering rebarreling to .458 Lott for its extra 0.3" of freebore, when needed with 2.5" brass. I also wonder if 1:14 twist works. I'd like to play with subsonic loads as well as 500 meter targets.
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