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Who here has used a 416 rem mag in north America? Just looking for stories and whatnot because I'm bored. I have a mod 70 thats currectly waiting for scope rings so i can mount my leupold vx5hd 2-10 and get ready for this upcoming moose season and maybe next elk season if i get time off
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I have carried a 416 Remington a couple of times. But, unfortunately never shot an animal with it.
I have killed a couple of moose with a 416 Ruger and 350 grain TSX bullets. One young bull at appropriately 80 yards, frontal chest shot, slightly angling. At the shot, it was if he immediately rocked back to sit on his butt. Slightly before butt to ground contact, his body shuddered and he tipped over to the side.
This year, the same rifle and load. A much larger bull, 25 yards at the most, forehead shot into the vertebrates. And of course an instant drop.
I am a big fan of the 416 Ruger and Remington. I use the 350 TSX in both. Though do want to try the 350 grain TTSX.

Edited to correct auto-complete mis-wording.
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Using mine alot for many years really like its performance have taken Bighorn Sheep, Deer, Elk and Moose. Not to be under-gunned in big Bear territory. Typically 1 shot DRT. Long range capabilities. You will like how it performs. I stick with TSX bullets want to try 340gr VLD CEBs on game.

Zastava LKM70 416 RM 20" barrel / Nikon Monarch 1.5-4.5x20mm
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I used my .416 Rem one year in CO. Took an elk with it. It went about the same distance as if I had taken it cleanly with a .300 or .375. Only difference was you could eat right up to the bullet hole. Almost zero blood shot meat.

Guns and hunting
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I'm probably going to just use 400gr a frames for everything. My rifle seems to love them
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I used a Merkle double rifle in 416RM for a bit and my 416 Taylor. The animals I shot all died.

It is kind of fun wracking things with big bore.
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Seen spectacular 1 shot DRT kills with 416 300gr TSX at > 2700 fps impact.
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Glad to see this thread.

Although I advocate 416s and still want to get a 416 Ruger, I just purchased a 375 Ruger (Mossberg). I wanted to try out a company that is trying to develop quality entry-level rifles. The 375Ruger will be my back-up large deer rifle in North America and allow load testing of new bullets for my wife's African-based 375Ruger Ruger.

The only downside to the 416 Ruger is that prices have escalated over the past few years. Ruger wants $1000+. With the design of these standard-action heavy hitters, there should be some 416s priced in the $500-$700 range.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
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It would also be nice to know how the 416Ruger might handle the CEB MTH .416s in 340 and 350 grains. The MTH 340gn 1.793" bullet with a .780BC would be a great single-loader. The MTH(V11- 350gn) has a nose projection of .78" and would fit in aa 416Ruger magazine as a back up bullet. The StBall6.5 packs tight and works in rounds like a 270 and 338WM but it might be too slow for the 416Ruger. OTH, Varget and H4895 don't pack quite so tightly and the V11 would project over 3/4" into the case.

Let us know your findings.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Good results on paper with 340gr CEB in my 416 Ruger Alaskan groups as shown at 300 yds. Intend to try these in my 416 RM. Longer throat in my 416 RM CEB seats out further compared to 416 Ruger shown above.

Posts: 897 | Registered: 03 May 2012Reply With Quote
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Having used the 416 REM in Africa for all manor of PG, both large and small..I see no reason not to use it other than recoil, and your a bit over gunned for deer and elk..with a 300 gr. or 350 gr. bullet it shoots as flat as a 30-06 with a 180 or 200 gr. bullet, or a 375 with 250 to 270 gr. bullet..

I have no desire to use it on NA game as I prefer the 06 or 7x57 for instance..

If your expecting instant entertaining one shot kills, think again, what you will see is what you see when you shoot those animals with a 30-06, 270, or whatever, many will rund 40 to 75 yards,and you get good blood trails. This includes most big bore calibers has been my experience and observations, and has a lot to do with tough bullet construction I suppose..I found the same true of the .375 H&H..Ive had elk and deer go 50 or more yards and in one case with a double lung shot and a 300 gr. bullet one elk bull went about 100 yards and laying with head up when I approached him and added the finisher..beware of unexpected expectations..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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Originally posted by 4sixteen:
Good results on paper with 340gr CEB in my 416 Ruger Alaskan groups as shown at 300 yds. Intend to try these in my 416 RM. Longer throat in my 416 RM CEB seats out further compared to 416 Ruger as shown above.

Nice practical rifle package.

What powders were you using?
Did you test higher loads for either maximum or accuracy?
The 416Ruger is rated for a little over 5000 ft# muzzle energy, which would suggest 2600fps with a 340grain bullet. However, your rifle has a 20"-barrel and you may be pretty close to a reasonable max already. It certainly qualifies in accuracy if that is a repeatable result. That's varmint accuracy. Well done. tu2


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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416 Ruger 340gr CEB at 2520 fps mv mild load using Re15. Maybe not necessary loading it to the nutz good accuracy as is plus 0.78 bc high downrange energy.

Any game I've shot with > 2700 fps impact 416 300gr TSX piles up DRT no running. Seems something about wide & heavy enough TSX bullet coupled with high enough impact speed generates plenty shock. Similar results with high impact speed 458 300gr TSX.
Posts: 897 | Registered: 03 May 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wildcatter
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I once shot a whitetail doe on the run with a 416 Remington loaded with 400 gr Swift A-frame through the liver. 5000 ft/lbs of energy popped the deer open and she ran no more. If you use a bullet that will open on light game, the 416 will kill better than lighter rifles. I was honestly shocked that a Swift bullet would open like that on a deer. It just goes to show that it’s designed well. Opens easily and penetrates well. I have taken 5 deer with the 416, 4 with 375, 10 with 338, 4 with 6mm Remington, 4 with 300 blackout, and 1 with a 60gr nosler partition in a 223. The 6mm was best for deer under 100 lbs but the heavier rifles gave me no problems at all. DRT or within 20 yards max.


Shoot the largest caliber you can shoot well, and practice, practice, practice.
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Picture of Big Wonderful Wyoming
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I don't know what tags I'll have this year, and I bought a 416 Rem Blaser R8 barrel but someone at the USPS decided they needed it more than me.

But I am building a backup 416 Rem on a M70. Hopefully I'll have it done in time for this years hunts.

Going to try a 26 inch magnum contour barrel, and a McMillan Lazeroni thumbhole. Hopefully everything will be here in time to make it work.
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Originally posted by Big Wonderful Wyoming:
I don't know what tags I'll have this year, and I bought a 416 Rem Blaser R8 barrel but someone at the USPS decided they needed it more than me.

But I am building a backup 416 Rem on a M70. Hopefully I'll have it done in time for this years hunts.

Going to try a 26 inch magnum contour barrel, and a McMillan Lazeroni thumbhole. Hopefully everything will be here in time to make it work.

Thats a damn travesty!
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Not entirely on topic, but I have a light 350gr. Speer load using some H4895 running ~1950fps I developed too late in time for last year's season. Been itching to try it on a PA whitetail.

No safe queens!
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416 for North America (case behind it isn't important)..

Sure, I've shot, or was a back up for, everything from rabbits to bison to eland - if you use 350 cup and core, don't drive them too fast ..

once one gets used to it, its a mild heavy medium, a bit longer range than a 45/70 - works great

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
416 for North America (case behind it isn't important)..

Sure, I've shot, or was a back up for, everything from rabbits to bison to eland - if you use 350 cup and core, don't drive them too fast ..

once one gets used to it, its a mild heavy medium, a bit longer range than a 45/70 - works great

And if you have a monolithic bullet you can drive them FAST, back to 308-ranging 0-400 yards with a big thump.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Ran the calc's 416 340gr CEB 4000 ft-lbs at 300 yds. 30-06 180gr VLD comparison 250 yd zero same trajectory.

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Used my 416 Ruger w/400-gr bullet on a non-trophy elephant in Zimbabwe last year. Bullet hit right behind the shoulder - DRT.

Love the rifle and cartridge!

(Might be a tad much for rabbits, though.)
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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No need for a .416 Rem. Mag. in NA.

None whatsoever.

A .338 Win. Mag., or even a .300 Whatever Mag., will do anything needed.

One may credibly argue the case for a .375 H&H or Other Mag., on brown or polar bears. But only as a choice of convenience, as, for example, if one has a .375, but not a .338.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go right ahead and use your .416 if you want to do so.

Bang away!


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
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Had a 416 built on a Rem P-14 action..Only bullets I could find when I started were 350 gr Speers. Thought I would try that on a black bear. One presented himself around 100 yds. Took out both front shoulders and the exit wound was big enough to stick my fist in. Bear went 3 ft.....straight down.Learned a couple things the 416 Rem is more rifle than you need for black bears and using monometal bullets would be a good idea. The 350 gr TSX bullets shoot to the same spot as the Speers do and are cheap for targets. 400 gr Hornadys shoot well also
Posts: 2457 | Location: manitoba canada | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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The Speers are cheap bullets for targets
Posts: 2457 | Location: manitoba canada | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Easily subdued for example 400gr at 1825 fps mv with suitable propellant. 416 RM 300gr start load mv about same as 300gr 375 H&H max load mv.

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Spears are cheap bullets, I'll give you that, but they are excellent cup and core bullets on big game, Ive used them for years in the 30 calibers, 30-06, 308, 30-30 and 7x57, never have I had a complaint or failure, makes one wonder what you base that statement on as it is diametrically opposed to my results on many big game animals, My favorite 7x57 deer load is the 130 gr speer flat base and Ive shot many whitetail, Mule deer adn antelope with it with perfect results going back 60 or more years and there is no better DG bullet than the 285 gr. .375 Grand slam on Cape buffalo..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Originally posted by snowman:
The Speers are cheap bullets for targets

They were when I brought my 416 350s

Work well on targets to when they were the following.

A 500lb plus black bear 39 inches of penetration. DRT at 48 yards.

Deer, hogs, porcupines and a coyote.
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I don't own a 416. But it's always to tote your big bore around. The more you shoot it the better you are with it at crunch time.

With my un-scoped 458 Lott in NA, I've taken a whitetail doe, 2 pigs and a skunk. Happy to report that it IS enough gun for skunks.

With scoped 375, I've shot several coyotes and even a ground squirrel or two.
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I agree with Michael Robinson on just about everything, and I sort of agree with his opinion on this one. You don't need a .416 for anything in North America, but my .416 is my go to rifle that I have the most confidence in. So I've shot a lot of whitetails with it. Even a turkey. Been wanting to hunt a brown bear, and you can guess what rifle I'll carry.

It's been successful on everything from dik dik to elephant across the pond, so why wouldn't I carry it?
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
Spears are cheap bullets, I'll give you that, but they are excellent cup and core bullets on big game,

When I said the 350 gr Speer bullets were cheap I was meaning they were inexpensive compared to other bullets on the market. Check out the price of some Swift A Frames or Barnes TSX. They are double or triple the price of the Speer bullets. I have used a pile of Speer bullets over the years and yes they perform just fine for cup and core bullets.
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Originally posted by lavaca:
I agree with Michael Robinson on just about everything, and I sort of agree with his opinion on this one. You don't need a .416 for anything in North America, but my .416 is my go to rifle that I have the most confidence in. So I've shot a lot of whitetails with it. Even a turkey. Been wanting to hunt a brown bear, and you can guess what rifle I'll carry.
It's been successful on everything from dik dik to elephant across the pond, so why wouldn't I carry it?

Pretty much the same thing as the .404 Jeff fans will say.

A 400gn .423 Jeff bullet @ 2100fps (original velocity) will kill A LOT of critters DRT the world over ... and even right here in the U.S. of A.

All The Best ...
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Sorry Snowman for the hiccups, My wife tells me my English is worse than my Spanish, and I feel like I mastered both, oh well old

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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I think it's a good brown bear choice and of course if you want to it will kill everything else in North America. I'm a big fan of using the same rifle to hunt everything, so when you're hunting something dangerous it comes up naturally and you shoot it well.



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My daughter Tia got her 416 Remington primarily to use while guiding brown bear hunters but likes it enough she uses it for almost everything. She has been happy with it a 300 gr TSX bullets and has used it on everything from caribou and Dall sheep, to moose, brown bear and Cape buffalo.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Maybe I'll keep those 150 new 416Ruger cases I've got in storage.

I recently got a 375Ruger in Mossberg Patriot as a back-up elk-deer rifle to our 338WM and as a potential load-development rifle for my wife's 375Ruger in Africa. I'm impressed and don't mind the "plastic corners" in places to cut costs. It has been shooting promising "ladders." I'm about to try the 248gn Hammer Hunter for groups.

Why mention the 375Ruger in a 416 thread? Well, the 375Ruger is about the current limit for entry-level rifle platforms. Any larger caliber entails a major price jump of 50%-100%.

About a decade ago the 416Ruger was still priced down among high-entry-levels $550-$700, but now are over $1000. In order for the 416 to increase its appeal there will need to be rifles priced down with the entry 338's and 375's. The 416 RM is not a good candidate for this because of the H&H-length action requirement.

But the 416Ruger could take up the banner within entry levels. Maybe Ruger will do a "Ruger American 416?" They like to periodically put out a special caliber for 1-2 years and let them slowly sell out over a decade. (Granted, the RugAmer is a push-feed, but other rifles for dangerous game have included push-feed. Disclaimer: the Mossberg Patriot is also push-feed and I've already short-stroked it a couple of times at the bench. Gotta stay sharp! )


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
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Mine is my favorite gun.

In NA, I have shot bison, gator and countless hogs. I took it on brown bear hunt but got sick and cut things short.
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In this political atmosphere Ruger is not likely to offer either a 375 or 416 in their American series as they would likely have to call it the African/ American !

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Originally posted by 458Win:
In this political atmosphere Ruger is not likely to offer either a 375 or 416 in their American series as they would likely have to call it the African/ American !

No safe queens!
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NOw thats funny I don't care who ya are!

Ray Atkinson
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Yes. Witty and funny.

On a serious note, Ruger could call it an Alaskan American.
So I asked a question on 375Ruger vs. 416Ruger, North America vs. Africa on a different thread.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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