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Roland 1
The rifle is indeed a beauty.
What interested me, with having had some exposure to sampling and statistical analysis, is your claim to 99.99999999% reliability.
That is indeed high.
In the interest of science, I think it would be best if you subjected your rifle to independant testing.
It so happens that I am free to do such a test on your behalf. Here in New Zealand we enjoy a a temporate climate which might help duplicate your results.
However, I think it better, if after exhautive testing the rifle is then taken, and I am more than willing to go with it, to African, where futher testing could take place. I offer this service free of charge without an eye to personal gain. To indicate goodwill on my part I am prepaired to help with UPS costs
Do let me know what you thinking on this proposal. sofa
Posts: 1374 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With Quote
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I would be more than happy to invite you to Texas; I will let you test my entire collection in the name of science. I appreciate your ups contribution; it will be less expensive for you to buy an airplane ticket and fly over than pay for ups, insurance and etc. Other than that, it may be worth the trip. At least you will be able to compare Ritterbush, Johannsen, Hartman & Weiss, Thijs, Dumoulin and other Mausers with some good old Winchesters, made by some good old boys, like Bolliger, Heillman, Crum, Goudy, Wiebe, Waldron, Gunther and others. Wink

Roland Cool
Posts: 654 | Registered: 27 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Please, you must help me here, which suburb of New York is Texas in?
It's been fun
Posts: 1374 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by WaffenfabrikHein:
One of the major reasons that they feed flawlessly is that all quality custom action makers are building the action specificlly for the cartridge. With a mass produced action, they are all built the same and then it is up to a gunsmith to make them work with a different cartridge. With all of the high end action builders, Dakota, GMA, Johannsen and others it is also the attention to detail. Making things fit properly, not too loose and not to tight and all the mechanical interactions working perfectly is not a simple task. We have had many clients who have purchased from us and told us that the cost to get a mass produced action up to there level of expectation cost as much or more that starting with a 'premium' action right out of the shoot.

Classy response from you, sir, as you are a manufacturer of fine actions yourself. thumb

Best wishes,

Mehul Kamdar

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."-- Patrick Henry

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I have handled most of the rifles mentioned on this thread and used even more in their intended role. Just to stir the pot I'll say that no matter how wonderfully crafted they are many, like Breeding's and Gil Van Horn's (and which I admit do work like clockwork) are over built. As good as craftsmen as many of the builders are they are just that, craftsmen, and they don't carry the rifles on a day to day basis. The English and Germans built rifles that were not only reliable and smooth but slim, lively and responsive as well.
I am as big of Mauser fan as there is and I even have an order placed for one of the new carrage trade models but I still maintain that bragging rights is no small part of their allure. I doubt any man alive could ever wear out a D'Arcy Echols M-70 or Lon Paul CZ.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Drooling over those takedown rifles. Razzer


John H.

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Originally posted by oldun:
Please, you must help me here, which suburb of New York is Texas in?
It's been fun

Were you refering to new York County in North Texas?

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
<allen day>
Phil, you make a very solid and interesting point about rifles that are "overbuilt". The overbuilt ones I don't have any use for are the ones that are expensive, but were built for looks, not function. I know of many custom jobs that cost $10,000 or more that don't shoot or feed nearly as well as a $500 Ruger. Some of them were not tested whatsoever for feeding or accuracy before they were sent out the door.

They're pretty, though!

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Posts: 7857 | Registered: 16 August 2000Reply With Quote
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I personally don't consider John Bollinger in the same class with Ritterbush and Johannsen..for one thing they know how to buy wood that is properly laid out..and they do all of their own work...

Ray Atkinson
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I don't think I could lift that 505Hercules! Frowner Oops, I meant Gibbs! Smiler
Posts: 1126 | Registered: 03 June 2005Reply With Quote
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